Contributing Editor
After a year of impatient waiting, Michigan gets
its chance this afternoon to untrack the Ohio State
express which seeks to make the Wolverines a record
18th consecutive Big Ten victim. Kickoff time for
the Michigan Stadium battle, which will be witnessed
by 103,000 screaming partisans and a regional tele-
vion audience, has been moved up to 1:15 because of
the early onset of darkness.
The Rose Bowl bid will be decided officially by
the Big Ten athletic directors shortly after today's
game. After reaching their individual decisions as to
which team would best represent the Big Ten, the
athletic directors will phone in their nomination to
Commissioner Bill Reed in Chicago.
Despite Ohio State's ineligibility for the bid, the
incentives are stronger than usual for both teams in
this 66th renewal of the conference's most bitter feud.
Besides the satisfaction of beating its arch-rival, Ohio
State can become only the fifth team to ever win con-
secutive national championships and can extend its
winning streak to 23 games.
Michigan, however, has burning memories of last
year's 50-14 humiliation at Columbus for inspiration.
As if that weren't enough, the Wolverines can grab
a share of the Big Ten championship to go with their
Rose Bowl trip if they can subdue the Buckeyes.
As phrased succinctly by Michigan Coach Bo
Schembechler, "Everything is available in this game,
the title, Rose Bowl, and a national ranking. It's for
all the marbles, and we're going into the game like
we can win it."
The primary difference between this year's and
last year's showdowns is that the Bucks do not have
the benefit of playing at their Columbus madhouse,
where they are invincible. However, a sizable con-
tingent of rooters from Columbus will considerably
reduce any home field advantages in this respect.
The artificial turf shouldn't effect the Buckeyes'
performance, as they have already played games on
the synthetic grass at Washington and Wisconsin, as
well as having practiced on the Michigan Stadium turf
With both teams entering today's contest at full
strength, Michigan's chances of upsetting the Bucks
rest on the team alone and should not be affected
by so-called "external factors." The task is a gigantic
one, as Ohio State has not fashioned its 22-game
winning streak on the strength of magic, although the
ballhandling of quarterback Rex Kern often makes
it appear that way.
Kern is flanked by an offensive entourage which is
virtually identical to last year's championship team
with the exception of graduated all-American tackles
Rufus Mayes and Tom Foley. However, their vacated
positions have been filled more than adequately by
Dave Cheney and Chuck Hutchinson.
Bull-like fullback Jim Otis is the awesome rushing
threat whom the Wolverines must stop with some
degree of success if they are to win. Otis has
gained 2398 yards in an illustrious career, and his
plunges into the line in last year's encounter, resulting
See MICHIGAN, Page 7
r O-WW,
-Daily--Eric Pergeaux
WOLVERINE HALFBACK RON JOHNSON (40) busts into the Buckeye line during Michigan's 50-14
loss to OSU last year.
See Editorial Page4
Vol. LXXX, No. 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 22, 1969 Ten Cents
Slightly warmer
with overcast skies
Eight Pages
Hay nsworth
Nixon vows
to nominate
Senate dealt President Nixon
his most severe congressional
rebuff yesterday, rejecting his
nomination of Judge Clement
F. Haynsworth Jr. to the Su-
preme Court.
Coming as the climax to a
three-month dispute, the rejec-
tion on a 55-45 roll call surprised
even those opposing the 57-year-
old nominee.
Nixon's defeat was due in large
part to refusal of many Republi-
can senators to follow the Presi-
dent's wishes. Seventeen Republi-
cans joined with 38 Democrats to
deny confirmation. Twenty - six
Republicans and 19 Democrats-
all but one from Southern or bor-
der states-supported Haynsworth.
It took only 11 minutes to com-
plete the tally in a hushed Senate
chamber where the only sounds
were muted "oohs" and "aahs"
from the crowded galleries as one
after another of the dozen pre-
viously uncommitted s e n a t o r s
voted against confirmation.
The biggest response came when
Republican Leader Hugh Scott of
Pennsylvania, symbol of Republi-
can fragmentation, cast a "nay"
vote, disclosing his standafor the
first time.
It was only the 10th Supreme
Court nomination in history to be ;
rejected in the Senate.-
President Nixon responded L
quickly with a statement that he -
regretted the Senate action-and
thinks the nation regretted it, too.
Then he made clear that he will
nominate someone else who will be
cast in the same conservative mold
as Haynsworth because "the Su-
preme Court needs men of his le-
gal philosophy to restore the
proper balance to that great in-
Nixon said he would submit the i
new nomination when Congressw
reconvenes in January.
Although the President spoke of
Haynsworth's continued service on ci
the appellate court, the judge in k
a statement issued from his office N
in Greenville, S.C., said:
"I must now consider whether
my usefulness has been so impair- h
ed that I should leave the court se
and return to private life. I do not pi
think I should attempt to decide di
that question in the emotion ofL
the moment."L
rued VP,
The University's Dearborn -
campus will be expanded to a
four-year institution u n d e r
guidelines approved by the
Regents yesterday. The guide-
lines also give increased au-
tonomy to both the Dearborn
campus and Flint College.
The Regents' action specified no l
timetable for transition of the
S Press Dearborn campus into a four-year
ars for photographs school. At present Dearborn offers
Senate vote against only junior and senior courses
preme Court. At right along with some graduate pro-
Expansion will include the addi- -Daiy-Sara Kruiwich
tion of freshman and sophomore THE REGENTS discuss University issues with students and faculty members at Thursday's open
courses and further development meeting.
of graduate programs. Enrollment,
on both campuses is expected to
grow along with academic pro- EFFECTIVE JAN. 31:
t-IiisatL1 11 grams, although no specific fig-
ures were given.7
yesterday in his office preceding the 55-45
confirmation of his appointment to the Sup
is one of the jurist's aides.
Women's Lib
styas head of
The Regents y e s t e r d a y
named Dean Stephen H. Spurr
of the graduate school to fill
a newly-created vice presiden-
tial post. Spurr will be heavily
involved in development of
Flint College and the Dear-
born campus, as well as taking
on other administrative re-
Spurr will continue in his posi-
tion as head of the graduate school
during his term as vice president.
Besides acting as Pa focal point
for development at the Dearborn
and Flint branches, Spurr will
take over some responsibilities
from the vice president for aca-
demic affairs, including admis-
sions, financial aids, registration
and records.
The Regents provided for review
of the new vice presidential posi-
tion after five years.
Within that period, said Presi-
dent Robben Fleming, the Flint
and Dearborn branches are ex-
pected to have developed to the
point where they will not need
special vice presidential attention.
Fleming expressed great pleasure
at Spurr's willingness to accept
the assignment, describing him as
one of the most innovative and
original minds we have within the
academic community."
Vice President for State Rela-
tions Arthur Ross commented on
the appointment saying, "Dr.
Spurr will be able to give more
help to the two campuses than any
of the present executive officers
would have had time for."
Spurr was born in 1918 in Wash-
ington, D.C. and reared in Mas-
sachusetts. At the age of 20 he
received his B.S. from the Univer-
sity of Florida and got his M.A. in
forestry two years later at Yale
University in 1940.
See DEAN, Page 3
toralyin ew Haven
At least 3,000 women's liberation activists from the east-
rn half of the country are expected to demonstrate today
n New Haven, Conn. for the release of seven Black Panther
vomen currently being held without bond on murder charges.
The women were among 14 Black Panthers, including
Lairman Bobby Seale, arrested last August and charged with
illing an alleged Panther turncoat. All have been denied
ond but are currently appealing that decision.
Today's demonstrators will march on the state court-
ouse and hold a rally nearby with several speakers repre-
enting Women's Liberation and Black Panther women. The
rotesters may then post their demands on the courthouse
oor, Suzanne Lemann, a spokesman for national Women's
iberation, said yesterday.
The Regents' resolution empha-
sized development of "innovative
programs particularly related to
area and community problems."
The statement suggested that tra- T
ditional departmental boundaries i u 1m- an R
might be ignored to achieve such
problem-oriented education. By ALEXA CANARY
Increased autonomy for both,
branch campuses was approved David C. Cowley, director of
with the suggestion that a chan- the Ann Arbor Human Relations
cellor system be instituted "as Commission, yesterday confirmed
developments warrant." Presently he will resign effective Jan. 31.
both campuses are headed by Although Cowley declined to
deans who report to the vice pres- comment specifically on his fu-
ident for academic affairs. ture plans until he has informed
Vice President for State Rela- the commission, he did say that
tions and Planning Arthur Ross he will be leaving Ann Arbor. It is
pointed out that before chancel- believed he will accept a teaching
lors could be named, a selection position in Canada.
See REGENTS, Page 2 "I will decide at a later d a t eC
resign as director of
elations 1Commission
whether I want to detail my rea-
sons for leaving," Cowley said. "It,
will depend on whether or not my
detailing my reasons would help
human relations in Ann Arbor."
Mayor Robert Harris said yes-
terday he had not yet had time
to consider possible replacements
for Cowley.
Cowley has been involved in sev-
eral heated cointroversies in the
last several months.
The most serious dispute cent-
Backrs f te noinaionat- In addition, a delegation of rep-
Backers of the nomination at- resentatives from Women's Libera-
tributed the defeat in large part Lion and the Panthers along with
the opposition of organizeda group of lawyers and doctors
labor and civil rights groups who will go directly to the prison where
ante that anorth's rulings the seven women are being held
in thelaCrcuitCourtmoften were to demand that the doctors be
gregation in the South. allowed to treat two of the women,,
greatiofthesnaothov who are pregnant. A third woman
Many of the senators who voted gave birth last week.
nay said Haynsworth had shown The Panthers charge that the
lack of sensitivity to the canons wmnhv endne hi
of udiia eticsbyactngon women have been denied their
of judicial ethics by actingom right to a choice of doctors and
cases in which he had had some lawyers and to exercise, proper
direct or indirect financial inter- cohnnpreher
est in one of the litigant com-
panies. However, a spokesman for the
The outcome remained in doubt Niantic State Farm said the
women nae receiin m medialI
ered on Cowley's handling of an
incident this summer in which an
HRC staff member was arrested
and allegedly hit by an Ann Arbor
The incident resulted in a num-
ber of public charges and counter-
charges between the police depart-
ment and HRC.
The exchanges ended only af-
ter the city administrator placed a
ban on news releases by depart-
ment heads.
Last week another controversy
involving Cowley began over the
apparent appointment of Jimmie
L. Sumpter, an employment spec-
ialist for HRC, to the job of police
Although it was later learned
that Sumpter has not been select-
ed for the job but is only the lead-
ing contender, the possibility of
his appointment and Cowley's
strong endorsement of Sumpter
drew strong criticism from the
black community.
Until the Sumpter incident
arose last Monday, Cowley had a
very good working relationship
nrt +hn oan n mmin .. tnt.
Law school responds to
The law school faculty yesterday re-
leased a long-awaited report on admission
of minority group students, and immed-
iately drew adverse reaction from the
Black Law Students' Alliance (BLSA).
The report, which was approved at the
Nov. 14 faculty meeting, calls on D e a n
-. .. , . . l . . ... .In e... 3.
the report, said BLSA spokesman Ed
"It doesn't address itself to any of the
demands or come up with any specific pro-
posals," said Fabre. "At best it's a state-
ment of recognition that there is a prob-
lem and that attempts should be made to
correct it."
Allen indicated yesterday that the facul-
The law school currently has no black fac-
ulty members.
Associate Dean Roy Proffitt said the
amount of financial aid required by black
law students ranged from "very high to
very low." He cited a range from $200 to
$5,000 and said it was difficult to calcu-
late a meaningful average for financial
w amu