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June 16, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-16

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FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1967



_____________________________________ I I

Soviet Head
To Present
Case at UN

Kosygin To
Arab Cause,
Confer with


1, Premier Alexei N. Kosygin will
leave Moscow for the United
States today to plead the Arab
cause before the United Nations
and possibly meet President John-
son in summit talks that could in-
clude Vietnam.
En route, the Soviet leader will
stop in Paris to confer with Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle.
Soviet and U.S spokesmen in
Moscow said Kosygin is heading
a 50-man delegation to an ex-
pected special United Nations
General Assembly session on the
six-day Israel conquest of the
'i. armies of Egypt, Jordan and
Talk with De Gaulle
In Paris, official sources at the
presidential Elysee Palace said
Kosygin is expected to talk with
De Gaulle this afternoon on the
Mideast crisis before flying on to
New York.
Kosygin's plans were made
known in Moscow before a neces-
sary poll of U.N. delegations. was
completed. Sixty-two affirmative
votes out of 122 are need to call
an emergency session.
At last report, 59 affirmative
replies had been received as the
count continued.
Invitation Open
At the White House, press sec-
retary George Christian said an
old invitation still stands for Ko-
sygin to visit Johnson and that
the President would be glad to
see him. Johnson planned to be
in Texas over the weekend, how-
ever, Christian said,
Christian did not rule out a
possibility that Johnson might at-
tend the proposed special UN
meeting but said there were no
plans now for him to do so.
Whether De Gaulle attends
might depend on his talks with
Kosygin. That the Russians were
giving urgency to the Paris talks
was seen in a French disclosure
that Kosygin rang up De Gaulle
on the Moscow-Paris "green line"
yesterday to arrange the meeting.
The "green line" is similar to the
Washington-Moscow "hot line."
Wilson Cinsidering
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
of Britain was considering ~wheth-
er to attend the assembly session,
a London spokesman said.
Israel's war hero-defense min-
ister, Maj. Gen. Moshe Dayan,
may come to the United Nations
to bolster Israel's cause, it was
said in Tel Aviv.
There was no indication as to
whether any Arab heads of state
or government planned to attend
the special session.
U.S. Against Session
The United States announced it
could not concur with the Soviet
demand for the emergency ses-
sion and challenged the way Sec-
retary-General U Thant went
about arranging for it. But the
United States also appeared to
concede that it could not prevent
the assembly from convening.
In his letter to Thant, U.S.
Ambassador Arthur Goldberg
challenged the legal grounds on
which Thant acceded to the So-
viet request for the emergency
Goldberg asserted that the only
sources of authority for calling
the emergency session was under
the 1950 'uniting for peace" reso-
lution of the General Assembly,
and assembly rules pertaining to
that resolution.
The Russians called for an
emergency session of the assem-
bly after they failed to push a
resolution through the Security
Council demanding immediate
withdrawal of Israeli troops from
Arab territory.
Kosygin will press the Arab
cause in the 122-nation assembly,
seeking condemnation of Israel as
an aggressor and an order to
Israel to surrender Arab territory
gained in the war.

-Associated Press
Ohio National Guardsmen change shifts at their command post in Sears' Department Store park-
ing lot near Avondale where racial disturbances f lared up during the last three nights. Some 804
troopers have been on hand since early Wednesday to help Cincinnati police control the disturb-
ances. Officials tried to make a "cease fire" agreement that would lead to talks ending the racial
PT*eace-Time- Problems Follow
In 'Wake of Israeli Triumph

House Kills
Johnson Rail
Strike Plan
Votes for Another
90 Day Extension
Of No Strike Period
rejected last night President
Johnson's proposal for a compul-
sory settlement of the rail shop-
craft dispute and voted instead
for another 90-day extension of
the no-strike period.
Strenuous lobbying efforts by
the administration over atwo-
day period collapsed as the House
voted 189 to 105 in favor of an
amendment by Rep. Claude D.
Pepper (D-Fla), eliminating the
compulsory settlement feature of
the bill.
Then it passed the bill by a1
voice vote and sent it back to the
Senate. If accepted there, the
measure would block the national
rail strike scheduled for Monday
and put off any crisis for at least
90 days.
Maybe Future Crisis
But floor leaders of both parties
warned that the action might pre-
cipitate a new crisis in 90 days and
that the Congress might again be
called to act in the lingering dis-
House members who have com-
plained both publicly and private-
ly that they were being put on the
spot by the President's proposal
seized on the Pepper amendment
as a way to avoid both a rail strike
and any compulsory settlement.
Efforts to get roll call votes on
the Pepper amendment and on
pasage of the bill failed when an
insufficient number of members
supported the requests.
Second Rejection
The House revolt against an ad-
ministration proposal was its sec-
ond- major one in a little over a
week. Eight days ago, it rejected
President Johnson's proposal to
increase the national debt ceiling
to $365 billion.
The Pepper amendment was ap-
proved after House Democratic
leaders, Southern Democrats and
Republicans had succeeded in
beating back a number of amend-
ments to the administration pro-
posal. All were backed by Northern
Democrats who contended the
White House plan puts no pressure
on management to reach a volun-
tary settlement.
The action could lead to a con-
flict with the Senate, which last
week approved the President's bill.
Union Assurances
But Chairman Harley O. Stag-
gers (D-WVa), of the House Com-
merce Committee, said the six shop
craft unions have given assurances
no strike will be called even if
Senate-House compromise efforts
extend beyond Monday's headline.
The Pepper proposal would
mark the third extension of the
strike deadline dispute since April
and would delay any walkout by
the 137,000 shopcraft workers un-
til mid-September.
The major dispute between the
six unions and the nation's rail-
roads is money, and the two sides
have had no bargaining since
April except for one brief meeting
last week.

TAMPA, Fla. (A")-After three
nights of racial violence and 24
hours of peace, the National
Guard's 500-man force was de-
mobilized yesterday, leaving nor-
mal police patrols to watch Tam-
pa's riot-torn streets.
Calm prevailed over the riot-
scarred city of 300,000 as Gov.
Claude Kirk accepted the recom-
mendation of Maj. Gen. Henry
McMillan, Florida National Guard
commander, and ordered the
armed force disbanded.
But McMillan instructed all
guardsmen to keep in close touch
with their units, in the event that
a recall became necessary.
Remove Negro Patrol
Also pulled off the streets were
the squads of courageous young
Negroes credited with helping to
end the violence. The 150 white-
helmeted members of the "City
Youth Patrol" roamed the hot,
humid streets of Negro slums all
Wednesday night, telling potential
troublemakers to stay cool, "We
don't need no more trouble."
Authorities were buick to praise
the youngsters and said Gov.
Claude Kirk would fly to Tampa
on Monday to congratulate the
boys personally,
Robert Gilder, president of the
Tampa branch of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, said the peace
patrol would remain organized as
long as needed.
And he said Negroes would
plan now an increased campaign
to get at th roots of the trouble
that caused Negro slums to erupt
in a shooting, looting and burn-
ing nightmare.
"Our complaints had fallen on
deaf ears," Gilder said. "Maybe
now the city officials will listen."

Patrolman James R. Calvert,
the policeman whose bullet killed
a 19-year-old Negro, Martin
Chambers, and kicked off the
riots, was placed on leave during
the day.
Police Chief J. P. Mullins de-
clined to say how long Calvert
would be off duty, but said such
leaves were normal for officers
required to use force to capture
a fugitive.
Calvert said he shot Chambers
to prevent his escape from the
scene of a burglary. The killing
was ruled justifiable homicide af-
ter an official inquiry.
While the shooting triggered
the riots, Negroes said it was not
the real cause. Behind the fester-

Kirk Orders National Guard
To Leave Tampa Riot Areas

Study Reports Peking Lags
In Nuclear Weapon Growth

ing unrest, they said, is jobless.
ness, shabby housing, and poor
educational and recreational op-
portunities in the slums where
they live.
"The climax is over, and so is
the tension," said Sheriff Malcolm
Beard. "Now it's just a matter of
taking steps to keep the trouble
from recurring. I believe everyone
is in a frame of mind now that
we can talk about it.'
Beard said he was not putting
the white-helmeted squads back
on the streets Thursday night
'because we feel the tension has
ceased and there is no use in-
citing it any further unless some-
thing happens."

China has a "very large capacity
for nuclear weapon development"
but cannot overtake the United
States or the Sovie Union for some
time, a congressional study com-
mittee concluded yesterday.
In its discussion of nuclear wea-
pon development, the committee
said that with her present and
prospective resources, China is
limited mainly by technical know-
how-but it described his as "not
inconsiderable And expanding."
Still, the report concluded, "it will
take time before China can hope,
if ever, to approach a position of
parity with the United States or
the Soviet Union, either in num-
bers or sophistication of nuclear

Associated Press News Analysis
JERUSALEM-For the Jews of
Israel, victory has brought peace
but more peace-time problems.
The exhilaration of swift tri-
umuph over the Arabs in the six-
day war is beginning to fade away.
Now the Israelis face tasks of re-
organization not even imagined
before the war erupted on June 5.
Israel, a nation of 2.6 million,
has swallowed at least temporarily,
about a million Arabs in the Gaza
Strip and on the west bank of the
Jordan River. Toward the Jews of
Israel, they have only implacable
It is believed now that rather
than cutting down on military ex-
penses after victory, Israel will be
obliged to increase its army to
man occupation forces. House-to-
house searches for arms have been
ordered. Retreating Jordanians
left weapons in the hands of peo-
ple thirsting for vengeance.
Israel's military burden is
known to be proportionately larger
than 9 per cent of national in-
come shouldered by the United
States. But the picture is not all
One Israeli bank official has es-
timated that the annual cost of

maintaining captured areas would
be about $50 million.
As of now, the chief value of
the occupied areas appears to be
as bargaining pawns, if and when
the Arabs decide to talk.
As Israel takes stock of the re-
sults of the brief war, it can con-
sider that the battle was not with-
out its spoils,
Holy sites in Jerusalem's Old
City, captured from the Jordan-
ians, are expected to be developed

into a tourist area attracting rev-
enues large enough to pay for
running the captured territories.
The Israeli harvest of captured
military equipment was enormous.
On the drive through Jordan, for
example, Israeli forces captured
scores of trucks in new condition,
all bearing the clasped-hands in-
signia of the U.S. Agency for In-
ternational Development program.
Such equipment can be useful to
Israel's economy.

Korean Students Ask
New Assembly Elections

Stennis Likens Dodd Case
To Censure of McCarthy

Stennis (D-Miss), compared the
case of Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-
Conn), yesterday to that of the
late Joseph R. McCarthy, saying
both men did grievous wrong to
the Senate.
"There was wrongdoing to the
institution," said Stennis, one of
those who sat in judgment on Mc-
Carthy 13 years ago, and now is
Dodd's chief accuser in censure

Libya Asks Britain, U.S.
To Recall Military Units

By The Associated Press
Britain said last night it had
been asked by the Libyan govern-
ment to close its bases in Libya
and withdraw all its troops from
that country. Radio Cairo laid
Libya had made a similar request
of the United States to get out "at
the earliest possible moment."
A British Foreign Office spokes-
man said: "We received the re-
quest from our ambassador in Lib-
ya.. We have not got full details.
We will be discussing it with
Also, Syrian officials offered
yesterday to start food exports
to its former enemy, Jordan, to re-
place crops ruined by shells and
bombs in last week's war with Is-

Jordan's food supply comes from
farms in the Jordan River Valley
and around the East Ghor Canal,
a multimillion-dollar irrigation
project financed by U.S. aid.
Farms on the west bank of the
river are now occupied by the Is-
raeli army and reports here said
crops around the Ghor Canal were
destroyed in the fighting, some of
them by napalm bombs.
Ending Feud
The Syrian offer, announced by
the government, was another in-
dication that Syria and Jordan
had ended their fierce political
feud because of the war.
In Jordan King Hussein yester-
day announced a shuffle among
his advisers in the royal palace
following the war with Israel.
In other places refugees from
Libya reported that Arab mobs
killed at least six Jews in Tripoli
and set fire to all Jewish shops in
the city, the American Jewish
Committee said yesterday.
Jews Panick-Stricken
The committee said that the
4,500 Jews in Tripoli were panic-
stricken. Sporadic attacks con-
tinue, the committee said.
In Moscow the government
newspaper Izvestia charged yes-
terday that Israeli troops killed
wounded Arabs in the six-day
Middle East war.

"I don't see how any impartial
senator can find his way through
this morass of money, mismanage-
ment, lack of management, lack of
explanation, and come out with
the conclusion that a grievous
wrong has not been done to the
Senate," he said.
Same Standard
Otherwise, said Stennis, chair-
man of the Senate ethics commit-
tee, he would not advocate cen-
sure. Stennis said he applied the
same standard in supportingscen-
sure of McCarthy for abuse of
Senate panels which investigated
the Wisconsin Republican's fi-
nances and Communist-hunting
"I wouldn't do it until I was
cinvinced that his conduct reflect-
ed on the Senate and something
had to be done," Stennis said.
Dodd stands accused of con-
verting $116,083 in political con-
tributions to his personal use, and
of double billing the government
and private organizations for
seven trips on Senate business.
Holland's Proposal
Sen. Spessard L. Holland (D-
Fla), told the Senate he is going
to ask for separate votes on the
two charges. He said the double-
billing charge involves a crime,
and the use of the money does not.
Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC),
presiding over the Senate, ruled
Holland's proposal would be ap-
Dodd faced a barrage of ques-
tions about political overtones of
testimonial dinners. "I don't re-
gard any of those as political," he
But Sen. Charles H. Percy, (R-
Ill), read a newspaper account of
a letter from Dodd to Lyndon B.
Johnson, then vice president,
thanking Johnson for agreeing to
appear in 1963 testimonials "to as-
sist me in my forthcoming cam-
The ethics committee did not
make the letter part of its record
because it was among the docu-
ments stolen from Dodd's office
by four of his former employes.

SEOUL VP)--Student demon-
strations and charges of election
rigging swirled around the govern-
ment of President Chung Hee
Park for the fourth day yesterday,
echoing the disturbances that
brought on the overthrow of Pres-
ident Syngman Rhee seven years
More than 20,000 students de-
manding new parliamentary elec-
tions demonstrated in Seoul. Some
threw rocks at riot police who
used tear gas to disperse them.
Police seized 525 students for ques-
About 200 members of the mi-
nority Democratic party, led by
the party president, Cho Jai-chun,
held a brief demonstration in the
capital. Police arrested Cho and
33 others.
Mass Protests
Mass protests were held in Pu-
san, Taegu, Taejon, Congju and at
several other locations.
A military coup toppled Rhee in
April 1960, after a wave of stu-
dent revolts and charges of voting
fraud. He fled to exile in Honolulu,
Hawaii, where he died in 1965.
The present turmoil grew out
of the elections June 8 in which


Park's Democratic Republican
party won 130 of 175 National As-
sembly seats.
Park, an army general who
came to power in a coup in 1961
and won presidential elections in
1963 and last months, has admitt-
ed irregularities in some districts
and has ordered an investigation.
More than 50 persons, mostly
from Park's party, have been ar-
rested on charges of irregularities.
Eleven colleges and universities
suspended classes, bringing the
total to 23, and 5,000 students at
Ewha Women's University began
a 10-day sympathy strike. Fifty-
five high schools declared holidays
in an effort to curtail student dis-
Meanwhile, investigators dis-
closed examples of election rig-
ging they said they have found,
including one polling place were
voters were made to show their
marked ballots, to progovernment
poll watchers.
They said government officials
in some districts padded voter
lists with names of persons dead
or no longer living in the dis-

The estimate was among the
findings the Senate-House Econ-
omic Committee inclded in its re-
port on the economy of mainland
China, based on hearings and
papers prepared by specialists in
Asian affairs.
In other findings China was
noted to have the conventional
military capability to support "a
major involvement in a border
war." But if she should undertake
to supplant the guerrillas in Viet-
nam, the war there would change
into a more conventional clash of
regular forces and "the contest
would turn upon relative fire-
power with the advantage going
to the industrially stronger ad-
China can be expected to main-
tain a militant mood for some
time and to try to promote her
brand of revolution where possi-
ble, but the witnesses "did not en-
vision any effort toward expan-
sion by force."
Embargo's Effect
The U.S. embargo on non-
strategic trade with China has not
significantly affected the main-
lands economy; its effect is pure-
ly psychological.
The committee heard a number
of suggestions that trade might
be used as a bargaining tool in fu-
ture negotiations but took no posi-
tion on the embargo, considering
it a political rather than economic
question. Sen. Abraham A. Ribi-
coff (D-Conn), specifically op-
posed any present relaxation of
the embargo.
China's economic development
has been remarkably uneven as
ideological considerations and
practical views have alternately
prevailed among leaders. The
present culutural revolution phase
could lead to an economic crisis
similar to the disasters of the
early 1960s.
It was found that despite sev-
eral agricultural problems and
some malnutrition, there has been
no starvation under the Commu-
nist regime such as marked Chi-
na's past.
Also, remarkable gains have
been made in investment in edu-
cation, medicine, public health
and scientific research.


World News Roundup
By The Associated Press planned commitment was 470,000
SAIGON-U.S. Marines battled by the end of the year.
Communist troops below the big . *
Leatherneck base at Da Nang yes- N
terday in engagements typifying NEW YORK-Defiant deck of-
reunited ground action in the Viet- ficers carried a premature strike
nam war. into a second day yesterday, re-
Flareups 14 and 25 miles south portedly tying up some 20 Ameri-
of Da Nang coincided with specu- can flag freighters and tankers in
lation that Defense Secretary Rob- East and Gulf Coast ports. Hard-
ert S. McNamara will further in- est hit were New York and New
crease the buildup of American Orleans.
forces. Military cargo ships, including
With 463,000 U.S. servicemen on those bound for Vietnam, were
hand as of last Saturday midnight, exempted from the tieup by the
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky told news- striking AFL-CIO Masters, Mates
men a total of 600,000 is needed. and Pilots Union. Foreign shipping
U.S. officials had indicated the was not affected.





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