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June 16, 1967 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-16

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Seventy-Sixth Year
tere Opinions A"eP- 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Wm lPw"Au


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Is Dodd Alive
In Connecticut?

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N AN INCREDIBLY sanctimonious
speech Wednesday, Sen. Thomas J.
Dodd (D-Conn) defended himself against
Senate censure by righteously denying
charges of financial malpractice.
In a voice quivering with emotion, and
eyes brimming with tears, Dodd told the
Senate, "If I had to face my Maker in a
minute, I would swear that I'm telling
the truth, and may the vengeance of
God strike me if I'm telling you a lie."
It was far from an atypical perform-
ance by the right-wing's favorite North-
ern Democrat.
DODD IS PERHAPS the archtype of the
American success story of the FBI-
man turned politician. His entire politi-
:al mentality reflects the fanatical, doc-
trinaire anti-Communism which has
Made J. Edgar Hoover and Cardinal Spell-
man revered local folk-heroes.
Dodd fights an insidious and super-
ubiquitous Comnunist conspiracy through
hlis role as member of the Senate In-
ternal Security Subcommittee-the upper
chamber's low-budget version of HUAC.
Perhaps his finest hour came in 1962
when he emerged as the nation's most
fervent supporter of Moishe Tshombe's
rebellion against both the central gov-
0rnment of the Congo and the United
Nations armed forces supporting it. Dodd
was so lavish in his praise for the pa-
riotic African (fronting for Belgian min-
.ng interests) that The Washington Post
an a five-part series on him entitled
'Senator from Katanga."
AS REPUGNANT as Dodd's record is to
progressives, it is still necessary to
examine the financial misdeeds upon
which the censure decision will be based.
As far as the Senate is concerned, the
nost damaging charge against Dodd is
hat he requested and accepted reim-
bursements for seven air fares from
'both the Senate, and private organiza-
ions" before which he had spoken. This
Dodd attributes to "sloppy bookkeeping."
But dwarfing the air tickets as a source
of spending money for Dodd have been
estimonial dinners and campaign con-
&1f Atir4pgawn aily
The Daily Is a member of the Associated Press and
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Daily except Monday during regular academic school
;. ,Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
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Summer Business Staff
6AMUEL OFFEN ................... Business Manager
RD NEUBAUER .................. Advertising Manager
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Marilyn Parker, Naomi Goldberg.
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tributions. Depending on whose figure
one accepts, Dodd collected betweer
$450,000 and $750,000 from these sources
between 1961 and 1965. The Senate Eth-
ics Committee which unanimously rec
ommended the censure of Dodd said he
used "at least" $116,083 for his own per-
sonal purposes.
Dodd blandly asserts in defense that "ir
Connecticut testimonial dinners are as
common as nutmeg." And he has repeat
edly claimed that these dinners were no
advertised as political events.
claims of extenuating circumstances
His financial misdeeds first came to ligh
when presumably loyal employes turne
revealing excerpts from his private file
over to Drew Pearson. Any feelings o
moral outrage must be tempered by th
knowledge that the Senate requires n
financial accounting from its members
Exgppt in the few cases where senator
release their own records, the public ha
no way of knowing about the financia
activities of public figures.
Dodd, in a manner which conjures u
images of Pat Nixon's cloth coat, bewail
the high cost of political life for those
without a private fortune. The way t
remedy this real and vital problem i
not the method stubbornly advocated b
minority whip Russell B. Long of Louisi-
ana, Dodd's entire senatorial cheerin
section. For Long's plan, initially propose
by President Johnson, would merely give
a massive federal subsidy to the nationa
committees of each major party. Rathe]
it is necessary to channel financial aid
to individual candidates to prevent Amer-
ican political life from resembling the
British House of Lords.
THE REAL CULPRIT in the Dodd case is
the Senate itself. For, by failing to ef-
fectively police themselves and to enac
a workable campaign financing law, they
have rendered such actions as Dodd's al-
most inevitable. By censuring Dodd they
will merely divert the public's attention
from the real problem of congressiona
ethics. And one suspects the Senate wants
it that way.
They'll Learn
THE VOTERS of Ann Arbor have decid-
ed. So now it looks as though they
will have to find out about the cost of
educating their children the hard way.
It's not that they weren't warned. As
a pro-millage poster in a shop on William
St. said, "No millage? Maybe no music."
Monday, the voters of Ann Arbor said
"No millage." Well, maybe reduction in
the services of the public library which
falls under the school system. Maybe no
bookmobile, maybe no athletics, maybe
even no school in the fall.
They'll learn.


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Vietnamese Student
In U.S. Speaks Out
On Thursday, May 11, The Diamondback, the daily paper of the
University of Maryland, printed a letter from a Vietnamese stu-
dent, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Trang, entitled "Peace at any Price!" Mr.
Trang is no ordinary student. He came to the U.S. on his own-not on
scholarship from the U.S or the Saigon governments. He earns his
way through the University by being a barber after class hours. He
was active in the student movement in Vietnam and continues to
maintain relations with his friends at home. He is vice-president of
the Vietnamese Student Association in Maryland, vice-president of
the International Club of the University of Maryland and secretary
general of the Vietnamese Association in Washington, D.C (com-
posed of students and other residents in the area). Following is his
"As the United States bombing intensifies and the war in
Vietnam becomes greater day after day with thousands of Viet-
namese killed every week and peace still not in sight, I am won-
dering what is really the American policy in Vietnam.
"One day, a good friend of mine from the State Department
explained to me that the United States policy in Vietnam is to
help the Vietnamese to fight Communists and to build a free
nation in that part of the world, and he said that Hanoi and the
Viet Cong would have had to surrender a long time ago if they
had not received substantial military aid from Russia, China and
many other Communist countries.
"I asked him why doesn't the United States bomb those coun-
tries because after all they are really dangerous enemies. He
shrugged his shoulders and changed to other topics.
"A GREAT MAJORITY of Vietnamese people don't believe
that the presence of the American soldier means to protect the
sovereignty of Vietnam, to help the nationalists in their struggle
against Communism and to reunify their beloved fatherland, but
this presence is rather due to the fact that the prosperity of the
United States economy relies heavily on wars, on armament and
the production of weapons.
"As the result of the war and the United States bombing esca-
lation both in North and South, the United States financial and
manpower aids to Vietnam means nothing in comparison with the
destruction of our country and the suffering of our people caused
by American merciless shooting and bombing. Most of the rice
fields are destroyed, people become poorer and thousands of
them are homeless and jobless; meanwhile corruption and pros-
titution are booming significantly with the American military build
up. Everywhere people are mourning.
"Many Vietnamese share the belief that the American people
are very nice and generous but the United States policy in Viet-
nam is so bad because the government is actually controlled or
influenced by a minroity of capitalists, who fight the Commu-
nists but also want us to preserve them, because if there are no
more Communists, there are no. more wars which contribute a
problem of life and death for the American economy and heavy
industry. It is worthwhile to mention that a University of Michi-
gan economist recently reported that the war build up has pro-
duced in the past two years, 3.2 million additional civilian jobs.
In the past 12 months, I have talked with a great number of
Vietnamese, military as well as civilian, who came to the United
States for a visit or for study. I found that they were all tired
of war. The only thing the Vietnamese people want they said, is
peace, peace at any price! It is said that the most popular song in
Vietnam today is:
Men are not our enemy
If we kill men, with whom shall we live?
"Our enemy's name is Cruelty, Anger, Immorality and Corrup-
tion. It is, therefore, the time for all conscientious Americans to
re-examine the United States policy in Vietnam and to persuade
their government to have mercy on the innocent Vietnamese
"May God bless America."
Nguyen Thanh Trang
Vietnamese student
TO THIS I would like to add: "May Buddha bless you, my dear
compatriot and colleague." Incidentally Mr. Trang is also assistant to
the editor of Giao Dan (Cultural Harmony) published by the Vietna-
mese student group in New England.
UN Ambassador




The Rally Again
The president of the Arab Stu-
e dent Club, Mr. Imad Khadduri
complained in a letter to the edi-
r tor of the Michigan Daily (June
13) that he was refused the right
to address the Support Israel ral-
ly "in a very unpeaceful like man-
ner." Since I attended that meet-
ing, I should like to give an eye-
s witness account of the events of
that evening.
t Before the beginning of the
meeting, Mr. Khadduri approach-
ed some of the sponsors and po-
litely asked whether he could read
a prepared statement. The chair-
man of the organizing committee
Ias well as members of his com-
mittee informed him just as po-
litely that the program consisted
of three invited speeches and that
no statements or questions from
the audience had been planned
since this was not a symposium
or panel discussion. He was cor-
dially invited to attend the meet-
ing and was told that a public
symposium would be held on cam-
pus later this week where any-,
one could speak and where he
would be welcome to read his
statement. (In this connection it
may also be of interest to point
out that last year the Israeli am-
bassador to Washington, Avraham
Harmon, gave a lecture at the
Beth Israel Community Center
which Mr. Khadduri attended and
where he delivered a lengthy state-
ment expressing the Arab point
of view.) So much for his claim
that the Arab point of view is be-
ing given no opportunity to be
In spite of these explanations
given to him concerning the pro-
gram, Mr Khadduri decided to
interrupt the meeting by step-
ping on the stage in the middle of
the proceedings and attempting to
force his way to the microphone.
Again several members of the or-
ganizing committee tried to re-
strain" him peacefully. At this
point, some of his sympathizers in
the audience started heckying, no-
body listened anymore to the
speaker, and the entire meeting
was on the verge of breaking up.
Only then were the police called
to remove Mr. Khadduri in order
to preserve the peace.
-Ernest G. Fontheim
Research Physicist
Khadduri Replies
Just one point about the po-
liceman above. When the spon-
sors refused to allow me to say
a few words after their own speak-
ers, and having refused to even
read over what I had to say, I
went and sat down at the front
row. It was then that the spon-
sors called the police, and when
everybody was standing up chant-
ing the American anthem at the
beginning of this Israeli rally, a
plainclothesman sat behind me. I
stared in his face for a few min-
utes, then crossed over to the

Ann Arbor mayor decided to show
his willingness to cooperate with
the Arabs as well as the Jews, and
stated that he would therefore sit
beside me. After he sat down next
to me, I asked him to clear the
matter between me and the plain-
clothesman. We both crossed over
to the other side of the auditorium
and I made it clear that I did not
want to break any regulations or
cause violence. We finally agreed
that I would try to speak at the
end and I promised to leave if
they seriously refused m the op-
portunity to speak.
When I walked on the stage it
was after the last speaker and
while they were handing out the
money envelopes, most of the nine
respectable-looking men on the
platform rushed at me. They push-
ed me from all sides, stepped in
front of me desperately trying to
protect their audience from me,
and began to shout in the micro-
phone to drown my voice. By that
time the plainclothesman was
standing under the stage watch-
ing. Then I saw five young men
walking -up to me and one of them
started to yank me by the arm.
I called the attention of the po-
liceman who pointed a menacing
finger at the young man who let
me go.
Later,tIdlearned that several
people tried to come to my help
at that moment but were forcibly
stopped by others in the audience.
After I asked those people who
wanted to hear me speak to raise
their hands, I was then sure that
most of these people had no wish
to hear my words though I had
still managed to explain their non-
emotional and peaceful nature -
in extreme contrast to their speak-
ers. By that time, a few people
came up front and while de-
manding, "Why don't you let him
speak?", tore their pledge cards to
pieces and threw them in the
faces . of the sponsors. At that
time the plainclothesman remind-
ed me of my promise, so I jump-
ed down from the stage, walked
with him to the door for my pro-
tection, shook his hands, and went
home. I do thank him very much.
--Imad Khadduri
Since reading my letter in The
Daily I have done some very seri-
ous thinking about what I had to
say and have decided to offer an
apology to Professor Baker and his
family for any embarrassment my
rash comments may have subject-
ed them to.
--LeRoy A. Hickel
I am compelled to comment on
The Daily editorial by Wallace
Immen (June 2). The subject of
Mr. Immen's remarks was the
Michigan tax problem which has
faced the Legislature for several
months. He urged the House to
put aside its party differences and
pass a state income tax. If the
House fails, according to The
Daily editorial, state funds will
be drastically cut, and among the

tion of the Michigan population.
We hoped at the time that The
Michigan Daily would endorse our
efforts and urge student coop-
eration. However, The Daily not
only declined to support our proj-
ect with its editorial opinion, but
it also refused to print a well
worded press release describing the
consequences of the failure of
fiscal reform. Why does The Daily
make its stand now when it could
have been of significant assist-
ance by doing so in April? Could
it be that the paper is less inter-
ested in tax reform than it is in
avoiding an association with the
College Republicans?
-Michael Renner, '69
Chairman, College Republicans
On April 5 and May 9 letters
to the editor were printed with
reference to an abduction-rape in-
volving a coed and a quartet of
men on South State St. And,
strange to say, about a week after
the first letter appeared one man
was picked up on a local street,
and two others were soon appre-
hended after the second. The time-
correlation is just too interesting.
The April 5 letter was written
because nothing had appeared in
print on what surely was a high-
priority crime. Why did the police
withhold such information? And
what was the real reason for pick-
ing up only one suspect? It does
seem incredible that, having one
suspect in custody, the police did
not know the identity or where-
abouts of the remaining three
criminals.. One is still at large-
what good reason do the police
have for not pulling him in?
IN THE WRITER'S opinion, it
does seem that the city adminis-
tration somehow is involved in
this slow-down. Why? The stall
couldn't possibly be justified, even
for reasons of community rela-
tions, and our mayor should, for-
mally, indicate that there really is
no slow-down as to justice. Even
so, many will be dubious, because
of the high-priority nature of the
Much gratitude is due the edi-
tors of The Michigan Daily for
their forebearance and cooperation
in printing this information con-
cerning an extremely disturbing
--Lewis C. Ernst
Student Government Council
President Bruce Kahn is quoted
in the June 9 Daily as saying
that he intends to explain to the
incoming freshmen "that research
activities bring in money to a
university but can harm the qual-
ity of education a student re-
I hope Mr. Kahn also will point
out that the research money is
attracted by faculty talent, and
that the research activity may
keep the faculty talent here, and
that more than 1700 undergradu-
ates are participating in snonsor-


..-J ,







Ambassador Arthur Goldberg's
performance at the United aNtions
during the height of the Middle
East crisis was lackluster at best,
wishy-washy most of the time and
downright inadequate at worst.
Time after time he let Soviet
lies and slanders go unanswered
while he contented himself with
heavy-handed attempts at levity or
with 'rambling legalisms.
Time after time he watched
the Soviet Union and its support-
ers use every technicality of UN
procedure to help the Soviet-sup-
ported and sponsored forces of
the Arab nations build up for their
assault against Israel without
mounting much more than politely
diplomatic counterattacks against
the Communist tactics.
Time after time he watched the
Soviet delegation wave the bloody
shirt of aggression, accusing Is-
rael and America, without lodging
much more than polite denials and
without once flatly, strongly and
clearly branding the Soviet Union,
by name, rank and serial number
as the power fully responsible for.
lighting the flames of war in the
Middle East.
ed the Soviet delegation use the
forum of the Security Council as
a cold war platform from which
to launch attacks against the Unit-
ed States and Israel, and his re-
plies usually were to go on to
some other point. Even when, in
what must be accounted one of
the most crude .misuses of the
freedom of UN sneeches on record.

litical offensive as strongly and
skillfully as Israel, in self-de-
fense, took the military offen-
In particular, the United States
should have pounded away at the
facts of Soviet complicity in the
war. Our spokesmen in the Secur-
ity Council should not have per-
mitted a speech to go by without
reminding the world that the So-
viet Union is the father of ag-
gression around the world in this
part of the 20th century. We
should have missed no opportuni-
ty to point out that the Soviet
delegation's pious denunciations of
aggression in the Middle East
should be viewed against the ac-
tual record of Soviet aggression
and Soviet-supported aggression in
Eastern Europe, in Southeast Asia,
in Latin America, in Asia, in fact
everywhere in the world.
THERE ARE those, of course,
who will refer to Ambassador Gold-
berg's performance as statesman-
like rather than inadequate. There
is in my view nothing statesman-
like about remaining silent or shy
or cleverly diplomatic at a time
when the conscience of freedom
and justice cries out for honest
men to speak out.
Ambassador Goldberg's perform-
ance must have been conditioned
and molded by the policies of the
administration which he repre-
sents at the United Nations, in
which it is still standard operat-
ing procedure to either apologize
for or overlook Soviet excesses in
orie thaf the Johnnn-McNamara



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