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July 27, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-27

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0 Alrthigan Bail
Seventieth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"But I Gave Him His Independence, Didn't I?"
:..+rr' -.

Democrats Gather
A n-Nion mmn ion
CHICAGO-On the eve of the Republican convention it's important
to report the ammunition which the Democrats have gathered
against the front-running GOP candidate, Richard M. Nixon. Here is
some of it:
Intervention in Cuba-With Cuba now in the headlines, the Demo-
crats have unearthed the interesting fact that Nixon wrote a letter
to the American ambassador in Havana .asking his intervention on be-
half of Dana Smith of Los Angeles, who had incurred a $4,200 gambling
debt at the Sans Souci Casino and welched on it. Smith made out a

Y, JULY 27, 1960


Diversity in Classroom
Poses Problem for Teachers

IT WAS' FASCINATING to observe Robert
Freier teach his demonstration class in high
school English Monday, and realize he was
using the same general methods each Univer-
sity student experienced while in high schoolsi
a few years back.
The effect of feeling somehow kin to the
high school seniors-only a few years younger,
after all-and yet seeing the class procede as
a carefully planned and guided series of steps
designed to stimulate interest in and facilitate
awareness of literary techniques, was in itself
In high school one tends to evaluate teach-
ers according to criteria stemming from atti-
tudes peculiar to people of that particular age
group-hard or easy, boring or interesting,
fair or unfair. Later on, as the feeling of
identification with fellow students decreases
and appreciation of the instructor's standpoint
improves, such judgements accordingly change,
to the extent that the observer learns about
the teacher's craft. Whether the two evalua-
tions-the teacher's and the student's-signifi-
cantly coincide, or should, is a question worth
SEVERAL PROBLEMS and alternatives that
face the high school teacher were apparent
in Monday's session, the central one being
"What should be the purpose the teacher keeps
ir mind?" He has an almost frightening num-
ber of choices, from "life adjustment" to em-
phasis on mastery of bare facts and techniques.
Frier's list of what a teacher may "expect
to accomplish through the teaching of a short
story" limits itself to neither of these extremes.
It includes development of literary background,
social understanding, pyschological insights,
provision of pleasure, and relation of the selec-
tion to the student's own life.
He seemed to consider the first of these also
to be first in importance, and the others re-
lated or subordinate to it. With this it is easy
to agree. However, at what point should this
technique of coaxing students' enthusiasm be
limited, lest it distort the scholarly aspects of
the schoolroom program?
"IF WE GET THE STUDENT to read trash,
that is better than his not reading at all,"

Freier said. This seems to be a rather extreme
expression of the pragmatic attitude, and per-
haps a pessimistic one. But one must remem-
ber that in many communities the English
teacher is lucky if two-thirds of his class read
even trash. One must start somewhere.
The problem of the public school teacher is,
as Freier pointed out, many times worse in this
respect than that of the college professor, who
usually assumes a fairly high level of intelli-
gence and interest among his students is the
rule rather than the exception. The high school
teacher must work much harder for class at-
tention, which is requisite to any sort of
HIS TASK OFTEN must be impossible. There
are always the children who will not and
cannot wrestle with something for which their
background has neither prepared nor moti-
vated them. English is even worse off than
other subjects; the attraction of status and
income inherent in more practical subjects,
such as science and mathematics, is virtually
Europeans realize this, for the most part,
and, rather than neglect the intellectuals or
bore the others, they realistically separate the.
two groups quite early in the training process.
In this way academically inclined children re-
ceive the benefits of individual attention and
the tradesmen and craftsmen are diverted to
channels of employment or more practical
THE UNITED STATES at the present time
is seeking to offset the influence of "demo-
cratic" educational philosophy, with its uni-
versal emphasis on "life adjustment" in the
classroom. The really difficult problem is how
to retain the many advantages such a system
has for the average citizen, while restoring the
streamlined, scholarly program needed by the
few, and at the same time combining certain
corollaries of both.
Until such a time as this extremely difficult
step is taken, competent teachers like Freier
will be hampered by the sometimes contra-
dicting needs represented in their classrooms.

check to Norman Rothman, owner
stopped payment on{ the check.
Rothman sued to collect.
Nixon wrote a letter to Ambas-
sador Willard Peaulac asking his
help regarding somethiig no
American ambassador should con-
Vern himself with-a gambling
is the man who collected the $18,-
000 personal expense fund for
Nixon. Democrats will point out
that Nixon has always stated he
never did any favors for those
who contributed to his fund. They
will also argue that if the Ameri-
can ambassador had concentrated
on watching Cuban political
trends instead of being asked to
bother with Nixon's friend's
gambling debts, we might not be
in our present mess in Cuba.
Civil rights-One of the most
important issues in the coming
'campaign will be civil rights. Nix-
on has posed as the great cham-
pion of the Negro and of civil
Yet Democrats have dug up the
fact that while Nixon was in the
Senate, he was one of only three
senators who voted to keep the
civil rights bill bottled up in the
labor committee.
Votes on anti - Communism -
Nixon's votes on combatting the
power of Soviet Communism are
interesting. The record shows that
as a congressman, he voted
against the first aid-to-Korea bill
aimed to strengthen that country
shortly before the Communist at-
tack; also voted to cut the 1949
military aid to western Europe in
half at a very crucial time in the
European battle against Commu-
Nixon's votes were the same as
those of pro-Communist Con-
gressman Marcantonio. Yet in
Nixon's 1950 Senate campaign
against Mrs. Helen Gahagan
Douglas he circulated a "pink
sheet" branding Mrs. Douglas as
a pink by linking her with Mar-
Ex-bootlegger passenger-Dem-
ocrats have unearthed the fact
that Nixon took with him on his
special government plane to Mos-
cow last year an ex-bootlegger,
Frank Vitale, now one of the beer
barons of Southern California.

of the Sans Souci, for $4,200, then
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility: Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced-
ing publication.
VOL. LXX, NO. 265
General Notices
Applications for The University of
Michigan Sponsored Research Fellow-
ships to be awarded for the fall semes-
ter, 1960-61, are now being accepted in
the office of the Graduate School. The
stipend is $1,125 plus tuition per se-
mester. Application forms are available
from the Graduate School. Only ap-
plicants who have been employed on
sponsored research for at least one year
on at least a half time basis are eligible
and preference will be given to ap-
plicants who have completed the equiv-
alent of at least one full semester ,of
graduate work at the time of applica-
tion. Applications and supporting mna-
terial are due in the office of the Gradu-
a'te School not later than 4:00 p.m.,
Fri., Aug. 19.
The' Masters )breakfast will be held
at 9:00 a.m. Sun., July 31, in the Mieh-
igan Union Ballroom. Candidates who
wish to attend and who have not
picked up their tickets should do so
before 4:00 p.m., Fri., July 29. Room
4507 Admin. Bldg.
Attention Korean Veterans: Students
drawing benefits under Public Laws
550 and 634 and enrolled in 6-week
courses only, may signsthe monthly
certification (IBM card) on Thurs., or
Fri., July 28, 29, in the Office of Vet-
erans' Affairs, 142 Admin. Bldg. Stu-
dents leaving Ann Arbor are urged to
sign before departure.
Tonight, 8:00 Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre: William Inge's "Picnic." Box of-
fice open from 10 a.m. Tickets also
available at the box office for "Don
Giocanni," to be presented Wednesday
through Saturday next week, and Mon-
day, Aug. 8. Tickets for Wed., Thurs.,
and Mon. performances $1.75 and 1.25;
for Friday and Satulday performances
2.00 and 1.50. For further information
call box office at NO 8-6300. (Telephone
reservations not accepted.)."
Student Recital Cancelled: william
Eif rig, organist, has cancelled his re-
cital for Wed., July 27, at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Aud.
(Continued on Page 3)

Chicago Welcomes Ike


F !

The Third-Party Man

WAS THERE EVER a man so exasperating?
He won't cooperate with the ruling Repub-
licans and he won't go over to the hungry
Democrats. He won't compromise on his views
for the Republican platform, but opce his party
and its Presidential candidate adopt them he
won't run for Vice-President as the party stal-
warts now wish. He won't make a race for the
Presidency, but he won't withdraw his name.
He is a millionaire whom labor and the poor
want to see in the White House, an aristocrat
whom the lowly Negroes want, a Republican
whom the liberals want, a man of action whom
the intellectuals want, a man who asks for an
increase in the arms program yet whom the
peace internationalists want.
He doesn't play the political game according
to any of the rules that have been known to
work. Although from New York he is more of a
maverick than any Texan unbranded steer. He
has had a glittering personal triumph in Nix-
on's acceptance of his platform, but he must
know he is isolated in his own party
Yet, curiously, he has discovered the truth of
what a Norwegian playwright said in the clos-
ing line of a play-that he is strongest in the
world who stands most alone. Ibsen put the line
into the mouth of a man who was called "An
Enemy of the People" after he had been stoned
for daring to speak a truth which the vested
interests in the town thought dangerous.
Rockefeller has been a loner, stoned by the
Republican stalwarts, even called a "traitor"
and a "coward" by some of his eager-beaver
party comrades anxious to show their loyalty
to Nixon and the ruling powers.
Some of these same men are now praising
and courting him, hoping that he will consent
to take second place on the ticket. And Richard
Nixon? Consider the spectacle of the man who
is presumably the choice of 75 x3er cent of the
Republicans, who has the Presidential nomina-
tion sewed up, who is surrounded by the co-
horts of his supporters and sycophants ready
to place on his head the glittering crown of the
nomination-consider, I say, the spectacle of
this proud man, often cast into spells of melan-
choly, coming to New York in what must have
been a humiliating surrender to the man no
Republican delegates wanted.

THIS IS WHAT I like about history and how
it breaks. Not that I ever expected the mir-
acle of Rockefeller's nomination to the Presi-
dency any more than I expected the miracle of
Stevenson's nomination at Los Angeles. Yet
much of Kennedy's chance of being elected now
depends on his wooing of Stevenson and his
ability to bring back the Stevenson supporters
in November. And much of Nixon's chance of
being elected depends on his wooing of Rocke-
feller and his ability to bring back the Rocke-
feller supporters in November.
There is one big difference, however, be-
tween Stevenson and Rockefeller. Stevenson is
through, while Rockefeller still has some sort
of appointment with destiny ahead of him.
Stevenson's support was mainly among the
Democrats. Rockefeller's is drawn from both
parties, but mainly from people who are not
committed to either. Curiously, Rockefeller
forms a kind of third party in and by himself.
He is a symbol of the great revolt of independ-
ents in American politics.
That is why he is being wooed so desperately
by Nixon. At first Nixon wanted to seduce him
into the Vice-Presidency. When that didn't
work, he made the journey to Canossa, with
ashes in his hair, swallowing the Rockefeller
platform as a penance. His mission was clear.
He wanted Rockefeller to bail out the sinking
Republican ship carrying Nixon and his politi-
cal fortunes.
WILL IT WORK? Will Nixon, who has much
of Machiavelli's fox in him if not very much
of his lion, be able to turn the tables and--
after two years of lethal enmity to Rockefeller
--succeed in getting whis whole-hearted sup-
port? Will the Rockefeller supporters be manip-
ulated into believing that the writing of his
views into the platform constitutes a conver-
sion of Nixon to his views?
I think not. If we needed any proof of Nixon's
opportunist quality, which he has shown again
and again, it is now furnished by this episode of
the eight-hour platform dinner when Nixon ate
not only the food offered to him but the plat-
form as well. Here is evidence of the use of the
platform as a tool of political bargaining. If
Nixon had felt it necessary to win over Barry
Goldwater and not Nelson Rockefeller, he would
have eaten a Goldwater platform as easily as
the Rockefeller brand.
Rockefeller must know this, and his follow-
ers, too. Rockefeller has all along believed that

Associated Press Correspondent
CHICAGO-The old champ, who
soon will retire unbeaten, came
back to the scene of his most
memorable political triumph yes-
terday for a wild and rousing wel-
Dwight D. Eisenhower rode
GOP Split
wily Gest Writer
CHICAGO -- The Republican
Party is in the midst of a big-
ger fight than the Democrats had
at Los Angeles, but it will never
come to the surface.
The party has united on its
candidate and its platform, and
the chances of a floor fight of
any kind, or a minority report of
any kind, are very slim in today's
Yet, underneath it all, a strug-
gle is being waged which is per-
sonified by the three Republican
figures of Vice-President Richard
Nixon, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller
of New York and Sen. Barry Gold-
water of Arizona.
* * *
THERE WAS NO question after
yesterday that Vice-President Nix-
on would not receive the nomina-
tion by acclamation without, in
all probability, the formality of a
ballot. Gov. Rockefeller took him-
self out of all further considera-
tion and Sen. Goldwater, who
Monday night stated that he would
run if Rockefeller ran, is ex-
pected this morning to announce
that he will not permit his name
to be placed in nomination.
Goldwater is still toying with
the idea of attempting to muster
a show of conservative strength,
buthtoo many of his conservative
supporters are already committed
to Nixon by primary balloting and
convention rulings.
* * *
A BIGGER surprise yesterday
was the suggestion by state chair-
man Wirt Yerger of Mississippi
that the South will not attempt to
wage anykind of a floor fight
against the strong civil rights
plank which is coming out of the
platform committee.
Mississippi has been one of the
focal points of conservative Re-
publican resistance to the Nixon-
Rockefeller 14-point accord of last
weekend. Y e r g e r's statement
seemed to indicate that all other
Southern delegations would fol-
low suit with the most possible ex-
ception of South Carolina.
So, tonight, all will be harmony
on. the surface of the Republican
convention, barring a last-min-
ute change of heart by either
Goldwater or Rockefeller. How-
ever, underneath all the conven-
tion's smothness and clockwork,
the battle is going on between the
forces of Gov. Rockefeller and
Sen Goldaoter for contolo nf th

through streets so crowded his
motorcade has trouble forcing its
way through..
Confetti poured down upon him.
The crowds-police said' a mil-
lian were out-waved and cheered.
And Eisenhower loved it.
* * *
CHICAGO must have a special
spot in the heart of Dwight Eisen-
For it was here eight years ago
that he came to another warm
welcome-and stayed on to win a
dramatic victory over Sen. Robert
A. Taft of Ohio for the Repbllan
nomination as President of the
United States.
Yesterday's greetings were not
so wild as in 1952, but they seemed
more affectionate. All along the
route there were signs saying,
"Thank You Ike," and "We Like
It was raining yesterday morn-
ing, and Eisenhower had to delay
his flight from the summer White
House in Newport, R.I.
l But once again Eisenhower's
luck held out. It has become a
tradition that the weather clears
when Eisenhower arrives, and it
at O'Hare Airport. He and Mrs.
Eisenhower then flew by helicopter
to Meigs Field on the lakefront.
But he was delayed long past
the noon hour--politicians love to
parade then since it means work-
ers trying to get to lunch are
trapped and become part of a
captive audience-and the start of
his parade was disappointing.
At one point the crowds were
so small that three boys on bi-
cycles had a fine time pedalling
along with the Presidential car,
getting a splendid view of the
President and his wife, who were
in separate autos.
But once Eisenhower headed
west for the return trip downtown,
the crowds picked up.
* * *
SO MANY NURSES turned out

at the Chicago Wesley Memorial
Hospital that this must have been
a bad day to have been a patient
Steadily the crowds increased.
And as the crowds grew larger, so
did the enthusiasm.
As on all occasions like this, the
rival camp got in a few punches.
"We're 4 Kennedy," said one
sign, held by an enthusiastic
young lady admirer of Sen. John
F. Kennedy of Massachusetts.
And another merely asked, "Golf
One sign was funny without
meaning to be.
"Thank You Ike," it said, and
beneath was this:
"Clearance Sale."
press here rides in yellow school
buses-you couldn't help but think
back to 1952, when all this began.
On July 5, 1952, Eisenhower
came by special train into the
North Western railway station
here. And all was bedlam. Bands
blared. Campaign slogans were
flying everywhere.
His backers squawked so loud,
"We Want Ike," that when Eisen-
hower finally said a few words
nobody could make heads or tails
of it.
Well, he went on to win it all,
and possibly the most surprising
thing as his two terms in office
are almost finished is that he con-
tinues to retain his immense per-
sonal popularity.
* * *
BUT IT'S THE small thing that
sticks in one's mind.
Yesterday, for example, most
signs bore the unmistakable touch
of a professional paint.
But at one spot three children
were lined up in a row, each hold-
ing his or her own sign.
There was "We."
There was "Like."
And there was "Ike."
It was a nice small touch to a
nice big welcome.

GOP Cabinet.*.
To the Editor:
IF I MAY BE presumptuous, I
would like to add a suggestion
to the thought of a Goldwater-
Lodge Republican ticket. To com-
plete this uniquely capable team,
I would like to make some nomi-
nations for the Cabinet positions:
Secretary of State: Dr. Thomas
Dooley, a young, energetic man
who knows the foreign scene well
and has made many friends for
America in the lands abroad.
Attorney General: Thomas Dew-
ey, a graduate of our own Uni-
versity, who is thusly a well-train-
ed lawyer. A profound thinker and
experienced administrator, dov.
Dewey has served his country and
his party well for many years.
Secretary of Commerce: Her-
bert Hoover, a man who has oc-
cupied the most powerful seat in
our country. Although many
thought he was a failure, people
have forgotten his actions and
revere him as wise administrator
and advisor.
Secretary of Labor: Richard
Nixon, a young man tough enough

To The&Edior

to deal with those pug-nosed mob-
ster unionists. His success in solv-
ing the steel strike single handedly
reveals his ability.
Secretaryof Agriculture: John
-Henry Brewster, '63
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH a Goldwater-Lodge
ticket would best serve the
country's needs, political reality
will probpbly prevent such a
stronghold of Americanism from
reaching the voting public. One
must turn then to a more possible
political combination Nixon-Gold-
water. Such a ticket would give
voters the chance to bring about
the continuation of peace and
prosperity afforded by the Eisen-
hower administration.
Mr. Nixon's intimate connection
with the present administration
and its effective policies cause
him to be viewed through the'
world as the symbol for peace, as
is President Eisenhower. His elec-
tion would continue our process
of increasing international pres-
tige. On domestic issues Senator
Goldwater can assure the- nation
of a conservative approach to' the
problems of national economy and
social questions. Certainly it is no
time for rash legislation in either
Mr. Nixon's prestige and experi-
ence and Senator Goldwater's de-
termination to halt unrealistic
social legislation would certainly
serve to stabilize the nation in the
critical years.
--Name Withheld by Request
Unscenic Posters....
To the Editor:
IN A RECENT trip around Michi-
gan I was appalled at the man-
ner in which political candidates
used public and private roadside
property to nail and paste up po-
litical propaganda.
These selfish opportunists are
ruining Michigan as a clean and
beautiful vacation recreation area.
We have fines for littering our
highways with debris thrown from
cars, Why not an equally stiff law
for egotistical office seekers, whose

Civil Rights Battle Imminent

Associated Press News Analyst
CHICAGO - It is usual for the
Democrats to have a row over
a civil rights plank every four
years. But the subject 'seldom is
spotlighted at a Republican con-
vention to the extent it has been
in this party conclave.
Is there anything of signifi-
cance, not plain to the eye, in the
way attention is being riveted to
civil rights here?
Don't forget that Congress will
be back in session next month.
* * *
WHATEVER the presidential
candidates may say as to formal
opening of their campaigns, the
practical fact is that the cam-
paigns are already under way.
Democrat John F. Kennedy and
Rnenlnblian Richard M_ Nixonn are

presides over the Senate. Two of
its leading members are Kennedy
and his Vice-Presidential running
mate, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of
Texas, the Democratic Senate
In the n ature of things, their
every action in the reconvened
session of Congress is going to be
interpreted in political terms.
What matters will be dealt with
in the session?
Some routine, others highly
controversial-aid to education,
minimum wage, health care for
elderly citizens.
And civil rights?
The Democratic platform
adopted in Los Angeles goes far
in its promises in this field.
* * *

and backed by a strong and im-
aginative Democratic President,
prove inadequate, further powers
will be sought.
"We will support whatever ac-
tion is necessary to eliminate
literacy tests and the payment of
poll taxes as requirements for
"A new Democratic administra-
tion will also use its full powers
-legal and moral-to ensure the
beginnings of good faith com-
pliance with the constitutional re-
quirement that racial discrimina-
tion be ended in public educa-
tion. . ,- -
of Congress, the Republicans may
challenge the Democrats to do
something now about civil rights,
spotlighted by the attention in

,c ir1 i n tttl

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