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July 27, 1960 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1960-07-27

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom

:43 it]

Some risk of thundershowers
this morning.

See Page 2

DL. LXX, No. 278




USSR Vetoes Inquiry

Draft, Stron~



Security Council last night deci-
sively struck down the latest.
Soviet spy plane accusation against
the United States.
The Russians in turn vetoed an
American demand for an impartial,
international investigation.
The 9-2 vote of the 11-nation
Coucil against the Russian de-
mands followed a vigorous Ameri-
can attack accusing the USSR of
attempting to spy on missile and
other military secrets off the coasts
of the United States. Only Com-
munist Poland voted with the Rus-
The Soviet Union also used its
big-power veto privilege to kill
a resolution to permit Interna-
tional Red Cross contact with two
crewmen held captive by the Rus-
sians since the downing of an
American RB47 plane.
The votes came after a six-hour
final session on the Soviet charge
that the RB47 plane had pene-
trated Russian air space before it
was shot down.
The United States retorted that
the plane was downed over inter-
national water on July 1 after a
vain Soviet fighter attempt to push
it over Soviet territory.
The Soviet Union cast its 88th
and 89th veto in its history as a
Security Council member.
The climax of the debate came
when Henry Cabot Lodge, chief
United States Delegate to the UN,
accused the Soviet Union of a long
series of air and sea spy incidents,
including an attempt to seize the
test vehicle of a Polaris missile
ed by a nuclear submarine off
S .Atlantic Coast
Traces Red
"The implications raised by
Soviet technological advances are
tough, nagging questions, but no
amount of hypnotic-like examina-
tion of Russian science is going to
provide answers for them," Dr.
Hans Haymann warned yesterday.
Haymann, a research economist
for the Rand Corporation, traced
the past American attitudes to-
ward science in the USSR, ex-
amined the nature of Soviet re-
search, and posed the questions
that face us as a result of it.
Self-Analysis Needed

Lodge reserved his bitterest
words, however, for the Soviet veto
of an Italian resolution which
would have called upon the Red
Cross to make contact with the
survivors of the RB47. Two of the
survivors are captives, three are
listed as missing, and one died in
the incident.

"That was a compassionate reso-
lution," Lodge said, "and they
turned it down. I tell you, it is a
sad thing when a people as warm
hearted as the Soviet people is
represented by a government as
cold-hearted, brutal, hard and
cynical as they showed themselves
to be tonight."




Nixon Said

Rhodesian Strikers Construction
Continue Campaign Supported


BULAWAYO, Southern Rhodesia (MP - Riotous Negro strikers,
pressed their scorched earth campaign yesterday against white domi-
Police gunfire killed one, described as a looter.
The known death toll from three days of violence in this indus-
trial city of the British-run Central African Federation rose to seven,
all Negroes. Scores of persons have been injured. The shooting came'
in one of Bulawayo's Negro sec- -
tions, where fires touched off by
the rioters have ruined many
homes, shops and cars and terror-,
ized moderates in the native com-
munity. Even a medical clinic wasM

Of Our Chicago Bureau
CHICAGO-One of the major
policy reforms which New York's
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller has been
urging upon the Republican party
-increased federal aid to educa-
tion-has been obscured by more
politically potent issues.
However, the New York gover-
nor and the conservatives appear
willing to agree on the education
plank approved yesterday by the
platform committee. The com-
promise plank also appeared to
have the blessing of Vice-Presi-

Seal Off Sectors T dent Richard M. Nixon, the GOP's
More than 2,000 troops and 1 1lrVITe almost certain presidential nomi-
police sealed off the Negro sections nee.
in an effort to prevent the trouble Federal Support
from engulfing the city's 45,000 LEOPOLDVILLE. The Congo The plank calls for "federal
white residents. Many of the --The Congo government appealed support to the primary and sec-'
whites have armed themselves in yesterday for money and doctors ondary schools by a program of
fear of a full-scale uprising. in its fight for survival. federal aid for school construe-
A general strike of the native Finance Minister Pascal Nkanyi tion-tailoring it to the real needs
labor force to protest white rule told a news conference the gov- of the individual school district
paralyzed most of the city's 450 ernment can meet July payrolls, in the states and territories re-
factories. It developed much like but needs between 8 and 10 million quiring state participation."
those that crippled industrial cen- dollars in foreign funds to run This was one of the points ins
ters of neighboring South Africa through August. the Rockefeller plank,
last spring. If it doesn't get it, he said, the The other was federal aid to
While thousands quit work on state will collapse. assist in paying teachers salaries.
their own, others dropped out un- Belgium contributed about 6 This point was not mentioned in
der the threats of Negro strong- million monthly to pay govern- the platform. However, the ra-
arm gangs roving from plant to ment employes while it was run- tionale for rejecting the Rocke-
plant. Agitators also persuaded ning the Congo as a colony with feller view was implied in a plat-
many servants in white homes to independence June 30, that flow form statement that "primary re-
leave their jobs.Cceased sponsibility for education must re-
Turn Back Mobs he vrneted.ae t h main in the local school com-
A four-mile-long military cor- World Health Organization to help munity and state, The federal
don turned back two mobs intent'with what it called an acute health government should assist selec-
on breaking through into the situation in Kasai Province. tively n strengthening education
white section. No epidemic is threatening Ka- without interfering with full local
Not all were hostile. Many terr- sai, but there is a frightening lack control of schools.
fled Negroes begged the troops to of doctors, the Congolese said. Federal Control
let them out of the tumultuous WHO's regional office at Brazza- "We believe that any large plan
native sections. The troops, how- ville, across the river, immediate- of federal aid to education, such
ever, were under orders to keep ly cabled headquarters in Geneva as direct contributions to or
all within the cordon and refused. to send 15 medical teams. grants for teacher salaries can
The supplicants huddled fear- It is estimated only 1' white only lead ultimately to federal
fully 'in a no man's land between doctors remain. The Congo has no domination and control of our
their quarters and the troops native doctors. schools to which we are unalter-
Stones as well as torches were Meanwhile the extensive medical aby ppose.k
used by the rioters, staff of the Foreami Mission in This parallels the position taken
Leopoldville Province decided to by the Eisenhower Administra-
+ e isio lion.
D:Le Plank return to Belgium. The mission Te Democratic conention
membes fel noguarantees of
1tIgh I 'lnlebesfelsigur ne f TeDmcai conventiopledged federal aid for teacher
security can protect them, sinceslred welas for school con-
most of them work in isolated struction.
I C le Ibush country. forces continued to Both the Rockefeller advocatedI
ChaledN mtar fces Cont d o proposals were incorporated into
fan out over the Congo. Moreth190Dmcaiplfo.
HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP- than 9,000 were in the country The plank also called for a
Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Demo- last night. "federal program to assist in con-
cratic presidential nominee, yester- United Nations Secretary Dag struction of college housing" and
day challenged the Republican Hammarskjold left by plane last "extension of the federal student
Party on civil rights. night to make another survey of loan program and graduate stu-
Asked what he thought of the conditions in the strife-torn Con- j dent fellowship program." It did
GOP efforts to write a civil rights go. not elaborate on these points.

. ?
n i

-David Gltrow
STRANGER IN TOWN-Mrs. Townsend shakes hands with a stranger in town, H1, in William
Inge's "Picnic" presented by the Summer Playbill tonight.
Play*bill OffersInage 'Picnic'


Self-analysis is need in the wake
of this complex and important
challenge, he charged. "We must
ask ourselves about the basic prob-
lems of science and politics in our
nation. Is government mobilizing
science too much for national de-


William Inge's Pulitzer-prize-1
winning drama, "Picnic," opens
tonight at 8 p.m. at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The drama, the fourth presen-
tation of the speech department's1
Summer Playbill series, is essen-
tially about women and is set in
the sultry heat of the end of sum-
mer when everyone is waiting'
lazily for the end of summer and
yet not wanting fall to come.
The women in "Picnic" are
typical of the women in small
midwestern towns. They range
from young to middle-aged.
Main Character1
The main character is 18-year-1
old Madge, the "prettiest girl in{
town" who accepts her femininity
gracefully and is both sweet andl
Opposed to Madge is her young-I
er sister, Milly, who must find
compensation for not being as
beautiful as her sister. She is an
awkward, 16-year-old who has not{
yet found her own personality,{
but she is very intelligent and
shows promise of depth and char-
Flo, the girls' mother, is a real-j
istic and rather hard woman. Shei
left a husband she apparently
loved because she wanted a higher
standard of living than he could
provide. Now she realizes that she'
may have made a mistake and is{
anxious that her daughters areI
successful in life.
Frustrated Teacher
Restless and frustrated is Rose-
mary, the schoolteacher who lives
with the family. She has never'
paid any attention to her own

heart or her feelings until loneli- Thus no one in the town is quite
ness started to creep around her. satisfied with her life, so the in-
Now she is approaching middle trusion of a strong, muscular,
age and realizes that life has left bragging vagabond who is a
her behind, shocking and yet appealing person
Her storekeeper boyfriend shows is enough to turn their world
no signs of ever wanting to marry, topsy-turvy. Their reaction to him
so Rosemary becomes the aggres- is the substance of the play.

sor and wins her man in an anti-
romantical, but poignant and yet
funny manner,
Friendly Neighbor
Mrs. Potto is the friendly, lov-
able next-door neighbor. Her mar-
riage has been thwarted by her
possessive invalid mother, and she
has cheerfully accepted the fact
that she must spend the rest of
her life caring for her. Yet she
still has' a girl's longing for ro-

fense? What are our national goals
r in terms of science and technology.
Are we doing enough for basic re-
search? Do we exhibit, as a nation,
a love of knowledge and a respect
for' the intellect?"
Speaking on "The USSR in the
rechnological Race," Haymann de-
scribed "a quixotic and irrational
attitude toward the consistent,
orderly, and predictable Russian
The United States has predomi-
nantly had two extreme views of
Soviet science, Haymann claimed.
The first was that of the pre-
Sputnik era in which it was re-
garded as hopelessly laggard. "We
possessed an equal mixture of in-
credulity, complacency, and arro-
gance," he said.
Naive Belief .
"We naively believed in the in-
nate scientific superiority of the
West. We felt that scientific re-
search could only flourish in a
democracy and that it would be
throttled in an authoritarian
state." ,
After Sputnik, the nation swung
to the opposite pole. "We engaged
in an orgy of self-criticism and
breast beating. We regarded our-
selves as only a third-rate scien-
tific power. The Russians became
supermen whose single - minded
central planning assured them
ultimate superiority.
Rapid Growth
He explained that Soviet science
has grown at a rapid pace under
ra system of centralized control
augmented by social and financial
encouragement. "While overcen-
tralization is not good, it must be
remembered that the organization

The play received its biggest
acclaim in the movie version
which starred Susan Strasbergas
Millie, William Holden as Hal and
Kim Novak as Madge.
Ticket information for "Picnic,".
and also Playbill's last production,
Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni,"
may be obtained at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office from 8
a.m. until 5 p.m. daily except per-
formance days when the office is
open until 8 p.m.

To Approve
New Plank
Ike Presents Russia
With New Challenge
For Free Elections
GO MP)-Republicans rebuilt their
defense and civil rights platform
under pressure last night and Gov.
Nelson A. Rockefeller of New Yprk
at last,endorsed Richard M. Nixon
for President.
Nixon combed over the civil
rights plank word for word in a
lengthy huddle with top advisers'
One aide said Nixon considered
the new draft acceptable. Another,
Press Secretary Herbert G. Klen,
"The platform problems now ap-
pear to be over."
Seeks Strong Planks
These developments on the
fringes of the Republican National
Convention were interrelated.
Rockefeller wanted stronger and
more specific planks, believed they
were in sight, and took his pre-
viously uncommitted New York
delegation and its 96 votes over
to Nixon. But he did it with no
warm praise of Nixon, the man.
The new rights plank was a
compromise, hammered out under
a virtual ultimatum from Vice-
President Nixon that it would hae
to be strong enough to hold him or
he would turn down the presideow
tiai nomination that is all buthis,
At the moment the GOP em-
barke4 on i it rdhi oventio% -
sion- to rally aroi d Pr
Dwight D. Eisenhower and he
him speak-the consensus of PL*t
form committee spokesmen spw
peared to be that the new pro-
nouncement dealing with racial
issues would satisfy Nixon and
prevent a floor fight.
Ike Speaks
The chief executive, as expected,
had some not too modest brags
about the record of his own ad-
ministration and some not too
vicious swipes at the Democrats.
And he had a surprise for Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
"The Soviet dictator has said
that he has, in his recent jour,
neys and speeches, succeeded in
damaging the prestige of Ameri-
"Concerning this matter o con-
parative national prestige, I chal-
lenge him to make this test: wil
he agree to the holding of free
elections under the sponsorship of
the. United Nations-to permit
people everywhere-in every na-
tion and on every continenf, to
vote on one single, simple issue:
"That issue is: Do you want to
live under a Communist regime or
under a free system such as-found
in the United States?
"Are the Soviets willing to mea-
sure their world prestige 'by the.
results of such elections?
"The United States would gladly.
do so."
Cites Prosperity
As have other convention speak,
ers before him, Eisenhower bored
down, on the favorite Republican
campaign theme of peace and
"The irrefutable truths are,"
he said, "that the United States
is enjoying an unprecedented pros-
perity; that it has, in cooperation
with its friends and allies, the
strongest security system in the
world, and that it is working cease-
lessly and effectively for a peace
with justice, in freedom."
From the chairman of the plat-
form subcommittee oi civil rights,
Joseph F. Carlino of New York,
came word that the plank is ...
"considerably short of what the
Vice-President asked for,"
He said some major provisions
Nixon wanted were left out and "I
think the plank has been seriously

But the chairman of the full
platform committee, Charles H.
Percy, said a majority of the
things Nixon wanted are in the
plank. Vice - Chairman Melvin
Laird said he believes it meets
Nixon's wishes and that he doubts
,either liberals or mnderate swh

plank in their platform, Kennedy
told newsmen:
"I hope It's as clear and effec-1
tive as ours. It sets a standard for
Kennedy told a news conferencea
he had watched some of the Re-
publican convention on television
and "enjoyed it"
But, he said, he had not heard
a speech by Sen. Thruston B. Mor-
ton of Kentucky, the GOP Na-
tional Chairman.-
A newsman told Kennedy that!
Morton had referred to "young
Senator Kennedy" and had de-'
scribed the Democratic platform
as offering "charity for all"
Kennedy chuckled. "That's all
right," he said.
Answering questions of reporters
on the lawn of his summer home,
Kennedy also took a dig at the
Republicans in general while prais-
ing New York Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller as a "valuable public
Rockefeller, he said, has been
"effective in persuading a majority
of Republicans to accept his views
j Kennedy added of the Republi-
"Progress is not their business,
and he's moving them ahead."
Faubus Leads
A rkansa Poll

The UN Secretary plans to con- The plank also endorsed crea-
fer briefly with Belgian officials in tion of a "permanent top-level
Brussels and then continue on to 'commission to advise the Presi-
Leopoldville tomorrow to study dent and the Secretary of Health,
technical and economic assistance Education and Welfare" on edu-
needed by the new republic. cational matters.

Politicians' Speaking Styles Ei

Cuban Revolution Example.
Seen Repeated by Others
LAS MERCEDES, CUBA {Pk' - Fidel Castro, obviouply still a sick
man, said yesterday the example of his revolution is attracting other
Latin American peoples "toward the same plan."
The bearded prime minister, wearing a floppy straw hat and cape
to protect him against a rain that began soon after he started to
speak, looked drawn and haggard as he addressed a mass rally to
celebrate the 7th anniversary of his revolutionary movement in the
mountains of eastern Cuba.
In his opening remarks he said his poor health had prevented his
taking part in pre-rally ceremonies. He was stricken with what his
doctors called pneumonia July 9.Ca
Tired Castro
Against the backdrop of the Sierra Maestra mountains where he
launched his first drive for power, a tired Castro told a throng of
Tabout 200,000 that "the principle
reason for aggression against our
country is to prevent our being
an example for these peoples (in
Latin America)."
va n a e1He vowed to meet every attempt
to destroy his regime with re-
doubled efforts because of the im-
al oratory were the criterion for other countries.
ited States, Rep. Walter Judd of "It would be egotistical to think
White House and Harry Truman only of ourselves. We feel obliged
to think of the rest of the people
political figures were discussed by of Latin America," he said.
ees at a speech colloquium yester- He promised "We will continue
making our fatherland an example
of. William Densmore. that will convert the Andes range
idd, said the man "has had a fan- into the Sierra Maestra of the
ig," citing the congressman's lec- coninent."
ised Judd for his clear and articu- Castro called the United States
any gestures. "The sworn enemy of progress and
point well" in his keynote address happiness of the people." and said
nding speech of the political cam- it has committed "barbarous and
t nd eechinaofdthe ,,pc cam cowardly" acts of aggression
es and eliminated the preaching" against Cuba.
Charges Bribery
cording to theory" was not a good He repeated a charge that the
or voice and ineffective pauses did United States was trying to bribe
er, but nevertheless he was a very other Latin American countries to
oppose his revolution by offering
xon's speeches are patterned after a new aid program.
oints. His debating experience has '*The United States says to them
organized, Ruth Vigna explained. 'We will buy you. We are disposed
to pay your price to join us against
ce. Coined phrases and rhetorical ithe Cuban revolution," Castro de-
of this fine orator, she said, al- clared.
rsonality." Growing ttnoanio hnomrcp +,m ctn


If the formal style of politic
selecting the President of the Un
Minnesota would be occupying the
wouldn't even have come close.
The speaking styles of current
eight candidates for advanced degri
day under the chairmanship of Pro
Melvin Donaho, speaking of Ju
tastic experience in public speakin
ture tour several years ago. He pra
late speech and excellent use of ma
The Minnesotan "used everyp
which would have been "the outsta
paign" if he had cut it by 15 minut
in the weak ending, Donaho said.
Former President Truman, "ac
speaker, Peggy Palmer said. His po
not make him a good formal speak
effective orator with his directness.
Vice-President Richard M. Nix
debate talks, including numbered pi
helped his speeches become more
He can adapt well to any audien
questions are other characteristics
thmuio'h ha y m l cka "television ner,

.,:: ______________________ -Y


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