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August 08, 1962 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1962-08-08

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C1w Aid jilgau iLBat
x Seventy-Second Year
."Where OpintoneAre Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Kenna"Iedy Challenge Great*
Can He Change History?.



PRESIDENT John F. Kennedy is a man who
enjoys a tough battle, and a tough battle
awaits him this fall. He is not one to shy away
from a challenge, and a great challenge is
on the horizon. Both in family football and
in politics, he likes to fight vigorously, and
he will have to fight vigorously to increase his
Congressional margin.
The coalition of Southerners and conserva-
tive Republicans that has successfully challeng-
ed Democratic Presidents since 1938 has de-
feated some of Kennedy's key legislative meas-
ures such as medical care for the aged through
social security, institution of a department of
urban affairs and farm policy changes.
As the 1962 Congressional campaign warms
up, Kennedy is preparing to visit California,
Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and
other states to campaign for Democrats who
support his proposals. He hopes to increase
the margin of his support in the House and
Senate. But the historical odds are completely
against him.
SINCE THE CIVIL WAR, the President's
party has increased its strength in Congress
in an off-year only once-in 1934. And on that
lone occasion, the President not only did not
campaign for candidates for Congress-he de-
liberately stayed out of it!
President Franklin Roosevelt did not cam-
paign for any individual or even for the
Democratic party in general in1934. He acted
as if he were above the battle, hoping to at-
tract Republican progressives to his side, ac-
cording to Prof. Sidney Fine of the history
department. The Democrats gained nine seats
in the House and nine in, the Senate while
the Republicans lost 14 in the House and ten
in the Senate.
But this was unique, and due greatly to the
special circumstances of the time: Americans
suffering from the great depression were find-
ing answers in Roosevelt's New Deal and were
endorsing it. How unique it was, can be ap-
preciatel by a look at the Congressional elec-
tions before and after 1934.
IN 1918 the President's party lost 26 House
and six Senate seats. In 1922 the President's
party lost 76 House seats and eight Senate
seats. The trend continued:
1926: loss of 10 House, seven Senate seats;
1930: loss of 58 House, eight Senate seats;
1938: loss of 70 House, seven Senate seats;
1942: loss of 50 House, eight Senate seats;
1946: loss of 54 House, 11 Senate seats:
1950: loss of 29 House, five Senate seats;
1954: loss of 18 House, one Senate seats;
1958: loss of 47 House, 13 Senate seats.
On most of these elections, the President
did not take part. But Kennedy will take part,
hoping not merely to slow up the tide but to
turn it. By the time that most of these elec-
tions had arrived, the President's popularity
had ebbed a little or at best had not changed
much. But Kennedy's popularity has neither
ebbed nor remained unchanged: it has surged.
Many Americans as they have come to know
Kennedy have come to admire him and to
feel affection for him. If these Americans see
him on the same platform as candidates,
speaking on the same issues for the same pro-
grams, many will make the trans-identification.
BUT HISTORY REVEALS that this is not
necesarily so. In the 1926 Congresional
election, President Calvin Coolidge actively
supported William Butler of Massachusetts for
the' Senate. Democrat David Walsh won.
In 1918 President Woodrow Wilson issued

an appeal to the voters through the newspapers
to vote for Democrats. "If you have approved
of my leadership and wish me to continue to
be your unembarrassed spokesman in affairs
at home and abroad, I earnestly beg that you
will express yourselves unmistakably to that
effect by returning a Democratic majority to
both the Senate and the House of Representa-
tives," Wilson declared. And the voters evened
up a formerly Democratic Senate and switched
the majority in the House from the Democrats
to the Republicans.
In 1938 President Roosevelt took part in
the Democratic primaries in four states. He
appealed to voters to repudiate party conser-
vatives and nominate liberals. He asked
Georgian Democrats to repudiate their Sen-
ator, Walter R. George, and in Maryland he
urged the defeat of Senator Millard Tydings.
Both were decisively renominated. In Ken-
tucky he asked the approval of Senator Alben
Barkley, which was virtually certain anyway,
and came. Only in New York was Roosevelt
truly successful: John J. O'Connor, the chair-
man of the House Rules Committee who had
obstructed the passage of the Fair Labor
Standards Act, was defeated.
IN 1954 President Dwight Eisenhower took to
the road, campaigning more actively than
any previous President had ever done in mid-
telm elections. But Eisenhower's immense per-
sonal popularity did not transfer to the Re-
publican candidates for Congress; voters elect-
ed' eighteen less of them and 21 more Demo-
crats to the House and changed the majority
in the Senate by one vote, giving the Demo-
crats control of both houses.
Throughout American history the pattern
has been that the party of the new or re-
elected President has achieved strong gains
in Presidential elections but suffered strong
losses in off-year elections, even when the
President intervened. While on-year elections
are both local and national, off-year elections
are local, despite attempts by some previous
Presidents to make them more national in
This is an obstacle President Kennedy faces.
If he can make local elections national in
meaning to the voters, then he may be able
to get more' Administration-supporting Demo-
crats elected. But if he fails in doing this, the
anti-Administration segment in Congress will
increase, and his enterprising programs will
have even less chance of success.
THE PRESIDENT will need to keep this
problem in mind. He will also have to be
sensitive to the national mood.
The national mood in 1934 favored change
and reform and improvement. The New Deal
was providing means to salvage a nation from
its most stricken plight and the voters wanted
more improvement. Today President Kennedy
is building onto the framework of the New Deal,
and many Americans feel no particular urge
for a better "house," especially if it costs more
money. Furthermore, the conditions are not
at all as bad; for example, only one-third as
many people are unemployed today as were
in 1934.
Many Americans are hoping for greater
Kennedy strength in Congress. It would be
significant for the nation if this hope comes
true, for we have a President who is far
ahead of his times but who is blocked by a
Congressional coalition that is lost in times
past. Kennedy will have to do his utmost to
change the historical trends.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Daily
City Editor Philip Sherman is an
Engish tutor under the Fulbiight
program at Madras Christian Col-
lege in India.)
Daily Correspondent w
RETURNING to their classes in
September, University students
decided that last May's tuition
boost was unfair and went on
They organized a Students' Ad
Hoc and Action Committee (SA-
HAC) to lead the boycott of
The matter was debated at
length in the state Legislature and
in one ugly incident some rowdies
stoned Gov. Swainson's auto. After
five days of the planned seven-
day strike, however, the students
called a halt to their action.
The story was featured prom-
inently in the Detroit and Chicago
newspapers and got some nation-
al notice, which likely didn't make
the public relations department
too happy.
You're kidding.
FOR ANN ARBOR, definitely
yes, but such a situation did oc-
cur a fortnight ago-about 9,000
miles away. Place: Bangalore,
capital of Mysore State, half way
up the western side of the Indian
Conclusion to be drawn: United
States students pretty much accept
what foreign colleagues would
take to the streets for. Moral of
the story: U.S. students need not
strike,but they could take a clue
from overseas and be a bit more
concerned about their educational
Here are the facts of the Bang-
alore strike, as reported by the
Madras papers, The Hindu, The
Mail and the Indian Express's lo-
cal edition.
an overall 30 per cent increase in
the tuition fees of Mysore Uni-
versity, whose academic year be-
gan in early July. (India's sum-
mer vacations take place in May
and June, the hottest months
here.) On the first day, student
leaders claimed that half the uni-
versity's 21,000 students had quit
their classes. The Express later
called the student body "strong
and well-organized" and called the
strike "almost complete."
The demonstrators, who parad-
ed through Bangalore and picket-
ed the colleges, sent representa-
The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
'esponsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN forn to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
Extraordinary Bell Concert: The Zvon
Ringers, carillonneurs Albert Gerken
and Sidney Giles, and conductor Perci-
val Price, will present a concert on
the Baird Carillon, Burton Memorial
jTower, on Thurs., Aug. 9, 7:15 p.m.
The Zvon Ringers, all music students,
Sidney Boner, Robert Crumpton, Caro-
lyn Foltz, Don Grescbh, Frank Kuh-
mann, Elizabeth Lamb, James Lee, Ken
Noble, Rosalind Price, and Ed Simms,
sound the largest bells by pulling
ropes. Compositions to be played are
by Price, Bach, Rahmannov, and com-
posers of the 17th and 8th Centuries.
For those listening in cars, the roof
of the Thayer Street Parking Structure
is recommended,
Degree Recital: Eleanor G. Nase, pian-
ist, will present a recital on Wed., Aug.
8, 8:30 p.m. in Lane Hall, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Master of Music. She will play
the compositions of Bach, Mozart, Pis-
ton, Brahms and Debussy. Open to the
Recital Cancellation: The recital

scheduled for Dale Soucek, tenor, for
Thurs. evening, Aug. 9, has been can-
Opening Tonight: 8:00, Hill Aud.,
Puccini's "Gianni Schicchi" and Per-
golesi's "La Serva Padrona" in Eng-
lish, -presented by the U-M Players,
Dept. of Speech, and Opera Dept.,
School of Music. Box office open 10-8
today, with performances running
through Fri. night. Tickets $1.75, 1.25
tonight and tomorrow; $2.00, 1.50 Fri.
Doctoral Examination for Luong Nhi
Ky, Political Science; thesis: "The
Chinese in Vietnam: A Study of Viet-
namese-Chinese Relations with Spe-
cial Attention to the Period 1862-1961,"
Thurs., Aug. 9, 4609 Haven Hall, at 1:30
p.m. Chairman, R. L. Park.
Doctoral Examination for Mohammed
Mogawer, Education; thesis: "A Study
of the Opinions of Selected High School
Students Toward the Ten Imperative
Needs of Youth," Thurs., Aug. 9, 3206
UHS, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, S. E.
Doctoral Examination for Victor Dale
Blankenship, Mech. Engineering; thes-
is: "The Influence of Transverse Har-
monic Oscillations on the Heat Trans-
fer from Finite and Infinite vertical
Plates in Free Convection," Thurs.,
Aug. 9, 1018 Fluids Lab., N. Campus, at
4:00 p.m. Chairman, J. A. Clark.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Will
hold a meeting Wed., Aug. 8 in the
Student Act. Bldg. It is at 7:30 p.m.
In room 528-D. The speaker will be Rev.
Sunford Morgan.
-T) rrN ~

tives to meet the Mysore state
education minister, the official re-
sponsible for the government-con-
trolled institution. Their demands
for repeal of the boost were reject-
ed. In India, education is a state
prerogative and the relation of the
state government to the universi-
ties is much tighter than, say, in
The next day, July 26, the edu-
cation minister, S. R. Kanthi, jus-
tified the boost in a long figure-
filled statement to the Legislative
Assembly, lower house of Mysore's
Parliament-styled legislature.
* * *
HIS FIRST THEME was as old
as the hills: "The total expendi-
ture on the collegiate education is
increasing year to year consequent
on the revision of scales of pay of
the teaching staff and increased
cost of equipment and buildings,
while the rate of fees in govern-
ment colleges has remained un-
changed for over a decade." With
-increasing outlays for lower edu-
cation, the government simply
cannot bear "such a high cost of
collegiate education" w i t h o u t
more revenues.
The second theme was a bit
more original: the Mysore govern-
ment controls other colleges in
th'e Madras, Karn-atak and Coorg
areas where the rates are higher.
A uniform state fee schedule is
necessary, and since it was im-
possible to lower the other college

rates, the Mysore University stu-
dents had to foot the bill. This,
apparently, was a compelling rea-
son for the boost, as the revenue
gained is not that large. And the
government would face pressures
from the higher-fee areas if it
did not equalize rates.
(The Mail noted dryly and a
little unfairly: "'Rationalization'
is dear to the bureaucratic heart
and obviously the spectacle of stu-
dents in Mysore State paying dif-
ferent scales of college fees has
distressed some souls in the Sec-
* * *
THE MINISTER also resorted to
another familiar tactic: comparing
state educational systems. The
rates in neighboring Andhra Pra-
desh and Madras ° States were
about the same as the new higher
Mysore tuition rate, he maintain-
ed, so the boost wasn't unfair.
(University strategy is usually to
stress how much higher its tui-
tions are than other universities,
but Executive Vice-President and
chief lobbyist Niehuss has a true
brother in Mysore's S. R. Kanthi.)
Finally, just as any good Re-
gent would, Sri Kanthi pointed
with pride to the scholarship pro-
gram which, he said, would take
the bite out of the increase for
many needy students.
The education minister also ap-
pealed for parental sympathy and
help in dealing with the striking

students who continued to march
through the city. There was no
violence, but police prevented one
"ugly" incident by apprehending
strikers who wanted to drag some
other students from their class-
*' * *
THE STRIKE continued into the
third day as student leaders again
met Kanthi and received a prom-
ise that the tuition question would
be taken up by the Cabinet. The
students' major argument was
simple; as The Hindu awkward-
ly phrased it, "The fee increase
had hit hard their parents most
of whom were poor."
At the cabinet meeting next
day, nothing was changed, but
Chief Minister Nijalingappa asked
for understanding of the govern-
ment's problems. He said he would
like to see all education free, but
the money just wasn't available.
("Low cost quality education" is
a slogan which hasn't taken hold
around here yet; it would have
suited the chief minister's purposes
almost perfectly.)
On Monday, July 30, the stu-
dents suspended the strike, which
was supposed to have lasted till
Wednesday, as a "gesture of good-
will" towards the government. The
students hoped to create a calm
atmosphere for redressal of their
grievances, though they made a
"reservation of the future course
of action," the Express reported.


"You must admit, F'm not loading them on as fast
as I used to!"

strikers called it quits, complete-
ly. Their leaders had met the
chief minister, but with no results.
The Express reported: "The com-
mittee in its resolution expressed
fullest confidence in the magnani-
mity of the chief minister and his
colleagues . . ." The committee said
it felt it had achieved its major
objective of publicizing the situa-
tion. A continued strike would not
increase public consciousness of
the students' problems, and there
was always the danger of serious
incidents compromising the well-
disciplined students' prestige.
And there the matter rested. As
of August 3 there was no more
The newspapers were divided in
their opinion. Heading its editor-
ial "Pointless," The Mail said "the
authorities have not yet learned
to deal with the students sym-
pathetically" and attributed the
cause ofmuch student indiscipline
and strikes to official intransi-
gence. The paper attacked the
boost as unjustified.
THE EXPRESS welcomed the
end of the strike as affording
respite for reflection and deplored
the fact that the boost had be-
come a hot political issue in My-
sore. It essentially endorsed the
government's position, but moder-
ately suggested raising the fees by
stages, a plan it later said might
be carried out. It added a curious
line, not supported by any of its
newspage coverage: "The strike is
not a spontaneous, widespread or
nonviolent as it is claimed to be."
The Hindu found the govern-
ment's case compelling and took a
swipe at student strikers who, it
asserted, weren't helping their
cause at all by striking. At best,
a one-day walkout would have ac-
complished the purpose of Indicat-
ing a sense of grievance.
The editorial darkly pointed to
un-named leaders from either in
or outside the student ranks who
exploited the "gullible boys and
girls." It argued: "The govern-
ment should . . . see that self ap-
pointed leaders who evidently do
not take their academic pursuits
too seriously don't have a free
hand in interfering with those who
are anxious to get on with their
studies." That line sounded all too
familiar-but unlike some of the'
other things, the similarity was
not so humorous.
It's a small world.
to the
To the Editor:
THERE ARE individuals on the
staff of The Daily who claim
to be proponents of universal dis-
armament and they condemn the
Arabs when they launch rockets
or build airplane fatories. But
why were they silent when Israel
intimated that she could produce
nuclear weapons, or when she
launched rockets last summer, or
when she flaunts United Nations
resolutions to continue her im-
perialistic war of expansion?
These same individuals condemn
the practices of the Portugese in
Angola, the white supremists in
South Africa and the OAS atro-
cities in Algeria. But why are they
silent when Israel supports these
butchers with arms sales and her
UN votes and when the Herut (the.
right-wing Israeli party made up
of the followers of the Irgun ter-
rorists) collaborates with the
These individuals did not object
to the nationalization of proper-
ties in Cuba or in 'Brazil. But why
do they condemn Nasser for na-
tionalizing the Suez Canal Com-
* * *

to despise racialism and fascist
attitudes. But why are they silent
while the Zionists carry on the
Nazi myth that a Jew can not be
a Pole, a Russian, a German, an
American, an Arab, etc., but only
a Jew?
These individuals condemned
the United States for sending aid
to countries like Portugal and
France who used it to crush the
Algerian and Angolan peoples. But
why were they silent when the
United States sent aid to the
Zionist government of Israel which
has ursurped Palestine and dis-
placed one million Palestinian
These individuals object when
news sources deliberately mix re-
ligious issues with political ones.
But why do they themselves mix
Judaism, a religious movement,
with Zionism, a political move-
ment? And why did one individual
in particular go to such lengths
to find a way to label as "anti-
Semitic" the killing by Arabs of
OAS members who happened to be
* * *
believe in world society of inte-
grated peoples and condemn Eli-
jah Mohammads, Black Muslims,
fascists and other racialists-who
nnnn this ideil

America Faces Gold Crisis

Anti-Jewish Violence Flares

seen since the late '30's has been plaguing
the Jewish communities of Argentina and
Uruguay. Unnoticed by the press, a series of
swastika painting, branding incidents and vio-
lent attacks have been harassing Jews on
both sides of the Rio de la Plata.
The New York Times has reported that the
Buenos Aires paper, El Mundo, has compiled
The Wreckers
THE INDEPENDENT Research Service need
not have spent all the time and money it
has to wreck the Communist-sponsored World
Youth Festival in Helsinki. The Communists
did the work for it.
First, the Reds picked hostile Helsinki as
the site for the affair. An angry citizenry,
condusive to rioting, hardly provides the at-
mosphere for a festival designed to promote
peace and friendship, Communist style.
Once the festival started, the Reds mis-
managed it. They played politics with the
delegations, upsetting the Ceylonese, the Sen-
egalese and the Ugandans who rightly sus-
pected they were being used for Communist
The big bombshell was a 40-megaton nuclear

a list of 27 major anti-Semitic incidents in the
first half of this year. These include the dese-
cration of Jewish building, the throwing of
gasoline bombs at Jewish-owned homes and
businesses, machine gun attacks and assults.
In Uruguay the situation is less severe.
THESE INCIDENTS have reached a point
where the State Department informally in-
dicated its "concern" about them.
These attacks, reminiscent of Nazi treatment
of Jews in the years beforfe shipping them off
to concentration camps and gas chambers, are
the result of various anti-Semitic groups using
Argentina's current political unrest to their ad-
vantage. The nation is badly split and no moral
force can be brought against these groups.
The organization running most rampant is
the "Taccuara," a group composed mainly of
high school and college aged youths, which have
been involved in a number of violent incidents,
but enjoy virtual immunity from arrest, Jewish
leaders charge, because of connections with
police and military officials.
OITHERS ARE the Nationalist Restoration
Guard, the Argentine Nationalist Federa-
tion, the Anti-Soviet Front, the Shield Or-
ganization and the Anti-Communist Intrench-
Police crackdowns will provide relief for the
citl _ n h1+ -e%+ i __ 11 a et i __ _ _ til

Daily Staff Writer
ment is presently engaged in
a grave effort to stem the flow of
gold out of the country. If this
outflow can not be reversed or at
least halted a severe financial
crisis must necessarily result.
By law, a fixed ratio between
the amount of United States cur-
rency issued and the value of
gold reserves must be maintained.
Although United States citizens
can not withdraw gold from the
national reserves in exchange for
currency, it can be withdrawn for
purposes of international trade.
With this gold, importers are
able to pay for goods which they
wish to purchase from other na-
tions. Likewise foreigners wishing
to obtain goods from the United
States pay with gold from their
reserves. If other nations pur-
chase the same quantity of goods
from the United States as Ameri-
cans purchase from them, the
amount of gold being paid out is
equal to the amount coming in.
That is, there is a "gold balance."
balance is being maintained by
the United State's today. Exports
eyced imnnrts. This vear the ex-

istration seems to be swinging
blindly at the consequences of our
policies rather than attacking
their cause. In short, this deficit
in the balance of payments is
being treated by the government
as if it were the source of our
difficulties. The real evil-inflation
-is being overlooked.
INFLATION is a problem that
has long been with us. This is re-
flected by the fact that we have
had 26 deficits in the last 32
years; in a growth of the national
debt from 16 billion in 1930 to
298 billion today; in the expansion
of the national money supply from
$68 billion total bank deposits and
currency in 1939 to $282 billion
today; and in a fall of the pur-
chasing power of the dollar to
less than half of the 1939 level.
Yet when the treasury announc-
ed the new depreciation schedules
for business, it was estimated that
the changes would probably mean
a tax cut of $1.5 billion the first
year. Last year we had a deficit
of $6.3 billion, this year Senator
Byrd estimated a probable $6 bil-
lion in deficit. The question now
becomes why do they cut taxes?
Ever since Lord Keynes first
instructed bureaucrats on the
proper behavior in a business cycle,

have unemployment in some cases
because of the high, even excessive,
wage rates in some lines? Then
let's soak up all the unemploy-
ment by printing more money, by
raising everyones cost of living.
Let's go on ignoring the desperate
need for a sound dollar.
Yet, ironically, business does
need a tax cut to relieve the
heavy burdens imposed by de-
mands for higher and higher wages
with every inflation cycle. Thus
we need an even greater slash in
government spending. It is this
same rise in production costs and
therefore in prices that has under-
mined our ability to compete in
the international market.
American merchants would like
to sell abroad, but our high prices
are prohibitive. Additionally, ar-
tificially low interest rates set by
the Federal Reserve Banks makes
it less profitable for foreigners to
invest here and more profitable
for Americans to invest abroad.
* * *
nated at $35 an ounce. It is al-
most the only thing that has not
risen in price in the past 28 years.
During this same period, the value
of gold in other nations has fluc-
tuated with the fluctuations of
the value of the currency.

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