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August 08, 1962 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1962-08-08

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4 43UU6

:43 a t I#

Less humid and
not as warm

See Page 2

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Sees Less Chances
For Tax Cuts Now
'U' Professor Suggests Reductions
As Kennedy, Congress Weigh Action
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Signs mounted last night that the Kennedy
Administration is not likely to press for an immediate tax cut this year
as the House-Senate Economic Committee heard a University econo-
mist urge a $10 billion tax cut in hearings yesterday.
President John F. Kennedy discussed the question with his 21-
member Labor-Management Advisory Committee, but no conclusions
were announced. The House Ways and Means Committee, where reve-

tax cut advice
Matt Mann
Dies at 77
Special To The Daily
BURKS FALLS, Ont. - Matt
Mann II is dead at the age of 77
after a 56-year coaching career
in which he built Michigan into a
swimming power and headed one
Olympic team.
Mann collapsed, apparently of a
heart attack, Monday night at
Camp Chikopi, where he has been
coaching young swimmers since
he founded the camp in 1920.
The former Michigan and Uni-
versity of Oklahoma coach had
just, finished directing some swim-
ming races. He collapsed shortly
after telling his family he was
tired and would retire early.
Earlier, he had gone swimming
for about five minutes with his
granddaughter, Mary Lea Mann.
'Record Unsurpassed'
"His coaching record was un-
surpassed in college circles," said
Fritz Crisler, Michigan athletic di-
rector. "But more important was
the fact that he inspired thou-
sands of young men with his phil-
osOphy of optimism, sportsman-
ship and clean living."
"He was the greatest coach in
the -world," Crisler said, "but he
was even greater as a developer
of youth."
Born in Leeds, England in 1884,
Mann swam for clubs around Lon-
don and then started his coaching
career in 1906 at Syracuse Univer-
See LED, Page 4
World News

<nue legislation originates, was re-
ported taking it for granted now
that there will be no quick-action
tax cut.
Closed Door Session
The committee held a closed-
door meeting and was understood
to have discussed how best to re-
lease' this news withoutdisturbing
the stock market and business
Prof. Daniel B. Suits of the eco-
nomics department proposed that
taxes be reduced $10 billion a year
in stages. He said this not only
would increase employment by one
million but would so stimulate bus-
iness that $4 billion of tax reve-
nue would be recouped.
Prof. J. Frederick Weston, of
the economics department at the
University of California, Los An-
geles, proposed "a cut in the nor-
mal corporate tax rate by 5 per-
centage points and a decrease in
personal income taxes by splitting
the first bracket of taxable in-
come and halving the rate."
Joint Hearings
Both professors appeared at the
opening of a new series of hear-
ings by the Senate-House Econom-
ic Committee.
Weston said the longer tax re-
lief is delayed, the more drastic
the action that probably will be
needed. Fear of increased budget
deficits when a tax cut was con-
t sidered in 1957, he said, led to
7 non-action and a record peace-
time deficit of more than $12 bil-
lion in 1958-59.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY),
accusing the President of "agon-
izing indecisiveness," called in a
Senate speech for passage of a
$5.5-billion tax cut before Con-
gress adjourns.
Congress Problem
But Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey
(D-Minn), the assistant Demo-
cratic leader, said "the problem is
not with the President but with the
"The problem is that the word
from Capitol Hill is that this would
be rejected," Humphrey told Jav-
Humphrey said he himself be-
lieves a tax cut now would give
the economy "the forward thrust it
needs," but he added the Presi-
dent must worry about what Con-
gress will do.
General Overhaul
The Ways and Means Commit-
tee, which has been studying the
problem at a series of closed hear-
ings, was described as agreeing
with Kennedy that a substantial
r income tax cut must be made next
year as part of a general overhaul
of the revenue laws.
The committee sources said
members were overwhelmingly
against any "quickie cut" now to
try to spark the economy. Most
members were understood to re-
gard any such cut as a despera-
tion move that might be consid-
ered in the face of an actual de-
pression, but not justified under
present conditions.
Some members, it was reported,
expressed the view that Wall
Street and the business commu-
nity have already discounted the
possibility of a tax cut this year,
e since i n c r e a s i n g indications
against it have been published in
e the last 10 days.

ALGIERS (3) - Premier Ben
Youssef Ben Khedda quietly turn-
ed over power in Algeria yesterday
to Deputy Premier Ahmed Ben
The moderate premier will keep
his job temporarily as a figure-
head of the new nation.
Ben Khedda's office announced
the surrender in a terse state-
ment saying "the powers held
hitherto by the Provisional Gov-
ernment of the Algerian Republic
(GPRA) are henceforth exercised
by the Political Bureau."
Ben Bella dominates the seven-
man bureau.
Revolutionary Symbol
The provisionalrgovernment of
Ben Khedda will remain in exist-
ence as a symbol of the Algerian
revolution until it formally resigns
after the national elections, sched-
uled for Sept. 2, the announcement
Thus shelved from any active
role in the administration is Bel-
kacem Krim, the deputy premier
who negotiated the peace with
France and tried to block Ben
Bella's seizure of power.
Officials sources said Ben Khed-
da took his decision without con-
sulting Krim or other anti-Ben
Bella members of his government.
Clears 'Confusion'
The formal surrender of power
to the .Political Bureau had been
demanded by Ben Bella, the sour-
ces said, "to clarify the confusion
created by the simultaneous exist-
ence of two bodies claiming the
prerogatives of government."
Rival political factions reached
a temporary compromise on Aug.
2 to end squabbling which has
kept the nation in administrative,
political and economic chaos since
it was born five weeks ago.
The Political Bureau was given
temporary authority and Ben 3ella
made a triumphant ariival in Al-
giers the following day.
U.S. Officials
Request Action
On Satellites
cials of the defense and space
agencies urged speedy action yes-
terday on the Administration's
communication satellite bill, mired
in a Senate controversy.
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara told the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee the
Pentagon "strongly supports the
objective of establishing a civil
communications satellite system as
expeditiously as practicable."
Deputy Space Administrator
Hugh L. Dryden testified that "if
we are to be the leader we must
decide now on the organization to
get the job done."
In San Francisco, David Sarnoff
called for uniting all United
States international communica-
tions facilities under a single pri-
vately-owned corporation. He said
it was necessary to keep up with
the space age.
The chairman of the board of a
major communications firm en-
dorsed proposed establishment of
a communications satellite cor-
poration but called it "only a be-
He said the 10 American tele-
graph companies in the interna-
tional field and the phone com-
pany are operating under "illogi-

cal limitations and unnecessary
handicaps" in competition with
foreign monopolies.


In Strong Primary Contest

Britain Reports Results'
Of Market Conference
LONDON (i) - Britain yesterday reported large areas of agree-
ment in its latest talks with Common Market ministers, but con-,
ceded that much remains to be done on the crucial problem of
Commonwealth food exports.
An account of the talks was made public by Edward Heath,
deputy foreign minister and chief British negotiator in the attempts
to get Britain into the six-nation European economic community.
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H eads


Kennedy Sets'
Priority. List
Of Measures
bert H. Humphrey (D-Minn) said.
yesterday a must list of 10 major
bills for the rest of the 1962
session was worked out by Demo-
cratic congressional leaders with
President John F. Kennedy yes-
"Once we have acted on these,.
we can go home and see the folks
with a good record," the Demo-
cratic whip declared.
Humphrey predicted that the
87th Congress could complete its
work by Sept. 15.

thne Brussels taix last weex enuea
without agreement on the Com-
monwealth issues affecting Brit-
Britain insists on guarantees
that food exports from Canada,
Australia and New Zealand will
be assured of satisfactory markets
following the end. of the Com-
monwealth trade preference sys-
The six Market nations agree
to admit Commonwealth food ex-
ports 'Up to 1970 but refuse guar-
antees after that date.
The report noted that Britain
and the six Market nations had
agreed to weak international
agreements for marketing of the
.:ntv n inal naimltt-1 nm_

FAST RACE-GOP hopeful George Romney (left) pulled ahead
of incumbant Gov. John B. Swainson by more than 100,000 votes
in the early stages of ballot counting last night. Neither candidate
faced primary opposition and a comparison of :vote totals is
being watched nationally.{
Leonard Unseats Vernor
In Lone Primary Upset

worlds principal agricui ural pro-
duts.1- Only one upset marked the Washtenaw County primary election
"This decision reflected recog- as approximately 13,000 voters went to the polls yesterday.
nition of the responsibility of the County Treasurer William F. Vernor was unseated by Sylvester
enlarged community as the most A. Leonard. Vernor, 80, has been a'long time incumbant and is in
important food importer in the ill-health.
world," the report said. It added: "I feel the people of Washtenaw County wanted a younger man
_--and I will try to carry on the fine traditions established by Vernor,"


GOP Leads
Most Races
In Election
Legislative Leaders
Defeated in Upset
Voter Decisions
At 3:00 a.m. GOP hopeful
George Romney piled an 111,000
margin over incumbent Gov.
John B. Swainson. Romney poll-
ed 358,875 while Swainson col-
lected 248,153. Four-thousand
two hundred and one of the
state's 5199 precincts reported.
For the GOP lieutenant gov-
ernorship nomination Clarence
A. Reid of Detroit lead with
146,883, Sen. John Stahlin (R-
Belding) was second with 89,785
and constitutional convention
delegate Rockwell T. Gust (D-
Grosse Pointe) was third with
DETROIT (A') - Industrialist
George Romney, in his first ma-
jor election campaign bid, piled up
an impressive vote total in win-
ning the Republican nomination
for governor of Michigan last
With more than half of the
state's 5,199 precincts reporting,
Romney had 231,931 votes. Gov.
John B. Swainson, the Democrat-
ic nominee, had 135,935.
But while national interest cen-
tered on the showing made by
Romney, who has been mentioned
as a possible GOP presidential
candidate in 1964, upsets were
brewing on the state legislative
Three in Danger
At least three oldtimers in the
Legislature either had been knock-
ed out or were in a precarious po-
Sen. Carlton Morris (R-Kalama-
zoo), a veteran of 14 years in the
upper chamber, conceded defeat
in the Sixth Senatorial District, to
Attorney Garry E. Brown, a con-
stitutional convention delegate
who had pounded away at the
theme "It's time for a change."
In Kent County, Sen. Charles
Feenstra (R-Grand Rapids) was
trailing in a three-man race for
the Republican nomination from
the 17th District.
Vanderlaan Leads
Leading was Robert Vandei la^n,
of an old-time Grand Rapids fam-
In St. Clair County, Rep. Harry
Phillips was running last in a
three-man contest for two nomi-
nations from the district.
In his statement conceding the
GOP nomination, Morris said:
See GOP, Page 3

Productive Session **
He described the breakfast ses- R adio Station
sion with Kennedy this morning
"as one of the most productive Clai.s Soviet
we've had in a long time."


Seven of these measures are:
1) Communications satellite-bill.
It was passed by the House and
now undergoing reopened hear-
ings before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, it is due
back on the Senate floor Friday.
Humphrey said he thinks it can
be disposed of in 10 days.
2) Farm bill. A version extend-
ing present wheat and feed grains
programs has been passed by the
House but not yet been sent to
conference by the Senate, which
earlier approved the President's!
proposal for tight controls,
Drug Legislation
3) Drug legislation. Humphrey
said this was given a high priority
by Kennedy. He added there is a
slim chance the measure can be
acted on in the Senate this week.
4) Mass immunization bill. This
House-passed bill would authorize
$36 million in federal funds to
help in vaccinating small children
against polio, diphtheria, tetanus
and other illnesses.
5) Mass transit bill. This would
make available $500 million in
federal grants, and has been ap-
proved by Senate and House bank-
ing committees.
More Public Works
6) Public worl~s bill. A $1.5 bil-
lion measure has passed Senate
and cleared House committee but
is . stymied in the House Rules
7) Trade expansion bill. It was
passed by the House and now be-
fore the Senate Finance Commit-
tee for hearings, it is expected to
be ready for the Senate floor Aug.

Troops in Cba
MIAMI (P)-A Miami radio sta-
tion broadcast a claim tonight in
a Spanish language broadcast that
more than 4,000 Russian soldiers
landed in Cuba between July. 29
and 31.
Salvador Leu of station WMIE's
"Voice of the People" program at-
tributed the information to trav-
elers from Cuba in a position to
know. Leu could not be reached
after the program. A program
associate, Ramiro Boza, declined
to name the source but said "we
know it is so when this source tells
No Comment
There was no immediate com-
ment from the United States
state department. AP correspon-
dent George Arfeld reported from
Havana that Russian troop land-
ing rumors have circulated lately
but none could be confirmed.
Arfeld said a tour of Havana
docks disclosed only one Russian
ship which arrived yesterday with
what Havana newspapers called
"numerous" Russian technicians.
"They Were Soldiers"
Boza, former assistant editor of
the shut-down Havana newspaper
El Crisol, said the men referred
to in the broadcast "were not
technicians. They were soldiers."
The broadcast said five Soviet
craft landed 2,500 men July 29 at
Mariel, a western Cuba port
where much equipment from Rus-
sia has come ashore in the past,
and four craft disgorged 1,800 more
troops at Havana July 30-31.

Leonard said. In other races, Sher- *
iff George A. Peterson rolled a two H u ci
to one margin over two opponents, fI1IIch.,1I
George Stauch and John L. Tice.
Beats Rivals Wins Contest
Petersoncollected 6187 primary C o t s
votes in his bid for a third term
as sheriff opposed to the approxi- Constitutional convention vice-
mately 4900 collected by his two president E d w a r d Hutchinson
rivals. gained the Fourth Congressional
In the Democratic race John W. District GOP nomination after a
Palmer gained a six to one edge on bitter campaign.
Elmer Klump. Palmer polled 3028 Hutchinson defeated St. Joseph
votes to 938 for Klump. Attor-ney Chester Byrns, Speaker
Palmer promised a vigorous of the House Don R. Pears (R-
campaign against Peterson. "I am Buchanan) and Con-Con delegate
more than ever committed, in view Lee Boothby (R-Niles).+

of this overwhelming victory, to'
campaign for the next three
months on the issues facing theI
people insofar as the Sheriff's
Department is concerned.
Weak Support
The Republican nominee's cam-
paign has convinced me that the
people in the Republican Party
are not strongly behind him and
during the weeks to come I shall
point out the reasons for the need
for a change in the sheriff's of-
fice," he declared.
In the Democratic state senator's
race, Prof. Robert Niess of the
romance languages department
polled an 800 vote lead over for-
mer Detroit Tiger outfielder Dick
Wakefield's eligibility in the
election was challenged by the
local Democratic party on the
basis that he was not a qualified
Investigate Residence
The Prosecutor's Office has been
investigating Wakefield's residence
eligibility for the last month after
Democratic charges that he did
not legally live in Ann Arbor.
In the Second District Con-
gressional race Democrat Thomas
P. Payne outpolled Joseph Gasior-
owski of Monroe 2392 to 596.
Incumbant Republican R e p.
George Meader, running unoppos-
ed, polled 8249 votes in the

At 1:30 a.m. Hutchinson had
11,319 votes, Byrns, 8621, Pears,
5800 and Boothby, 5739.
Conceed Defeat
Pears conceeded defeat shortly
after midnight when it appeared
that he would be irrevocably third
in the race.
The race was marked by a bit-
ter dispute between Boothby and
Byrns. Boothby had charged July
30 that Byrns was a supporter of
world federalism and that he had
not been a faithful Republican
during his law school days at the
Produce Clippings
Boothby produced clippings from
the 1948-49 Daily indicating that

How the County Voted
(All 78 Precincts Reporting)

By The Associated Press
Judiciary Committee yesterday
passed provisions tightening the
drug regulations by giving the
health, education and welfare
secretary the power to remove
drugs from the market if they
are an "imminent hazard" anc
preventing drugs from being solk
until they are approved by the
States was reported yesterday
moving toward early recognitior
of the military regime in Peru.
Just when the recognition will
come, however, is uncertain. Offi-
cials insisted no decision on tim-
ing has been made.
CHICAGO-A program by the
nation's railroads to lop off thou-
sands of jobs they consider un-
necessary appeared headed for a
White House solution after a fed-
eral court declined yesterday to

John B. Swainson
T. John Lesinski
Neil Staebler



George Romney

2566 Rockwell T. Gust
Clarence A. Reid
John Stablin
3836 Alvin Bentley


To Present Ope,

1 77 N

ra ijuair eaure .Follow Trend
County voting in state races,
followed the trend with Romney
By JOHN HERRICK gaining a three to one edge over
Gov. John B. Swainson, 10,395 to
Today, for the first time Hill auditorium will be used to present 3178.
opera. Former Lt. Gov. Clarence A. V
The Summer Playbill in cooperation with the music school Reid easily defeated his two op-
and the speech department will present "La Serva Padrona" by ponents Con-Con delegate Rocke-
Pergolesi and "Gianni Schicchi" by Puccini. and Sen. John Stahlin R-Beld-
Both are one-act comedies of the opera. According to the ing). Reid polled 4500 votes to
director, Prof. Ralph Herbert, "Gianni Schicchi" is the greatest Gust's 2884 and Stahlin's 2840.
musical comedy of grand opera. In the Congressman-at-large
election local resident Neil Staeb-
Set in Florence at the end of the 13th century "Gianni I ler gained 3836 votes in the Demo-
Schicchi" concerns itself with the death of a rich old man who lives cratic primary opposed to Alvin
alone. Bentley's 8448 in the GOP contest.
All his relatives, who have been waiting for him to die, are,

Joseph P. Gasiorowski 596 George Meader
Thomas P. Payne :392
Robert Niess 1822 . Stanley G. Thayer
Richard Wakefield 1038
Henry Bretton 1325 Gilbert Bursley
Charles F. Gray 1127 Roy Smith
ElmerKiumpJames Warner


Elmer Klump
John W. Palmer
Vanzetti M. Hamilton

933 George A. Peterson
3028 George Stauch
John L. Tice

2438 William F. Ager

IM z ..:.l~~i


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