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June 28, 1963 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1963-06-28

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail""
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

French Set Barriers
Before European U-


EMU vs. State Board:
Funny But Tragic

IT MAY NOT win any Oscars, but the recent
production of "Eastern Michigan University
Follies of 1963," starring Gov. George Romney
and the State Board of Education, can surely
be considered the equal of any play now tour-
ing the Michigan "straw hat circuit." It had
everything one could possibly ask for-laughter,
thrills, suspense, even a surprise ending.
The play began with the 'firing of EMU
President Eugene B. Elliott, a 68-year-old Re,
publican, by the State Board of Education
which is controlled by four Democrats, follow-
liig repeated refusals on Elliott's part to resign
of his own accord. From here on, it became
increasingly hard to tell what was going on
without a program, but the gist of the confused
matter seems to be that one member of the
Board, state school superintendent Lynn M.
Bartlett, was out after the post to be vacated
by Elliott (himself a former state school
superintendent). Bartlett gave out the usual
disclaimer to anyone who would listen, none
of whom probably took him very seriously.
Yet there was a brief stay of excution for
the Board, to show what generous, kind-
hearted souls they really were, said they would
allow Elliott to retain his position for a year.
This was in spite of their personal opinion,
which they made no attempt to keep secret,
that he was sending the university to hell in
a handbasket with his "out-moded policies."
' E ACTION of the Board (outwardly, at
least) seemed to stem from a report by
the North Central Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools, an accrediting organiza-
tion paid for by the Board to the tune of.
$1,946.45, taken from tuition and fee pay-
ments made by EMU students. But when people
began to ask embarrassing questions about the
details of the report, the Board suddenly got
coy, claiming that release of the report would
hurt "personalities" referred to therein without
saying just who these "personalities" might be.
In fact, they were quite uppity about refusing
to let anyone else in on it-even Gov. Romney-
indicating that it wasn't anybody else's busi-
ness anyway.
Well, this sort of hanky-panky might have
been enough to stop the average man on the
street, but not Romney. As one would expect,
this only whetted Romney's appetite all the
more; and our hero served word that he was
out to get a copy of the NCA report by hook
or by crook. End of Act I.
As the curtain rose on Act II, one saw various
good citizens of Ypsilanti, home of EMU
rushing back and forth like so many chickens
with their heads cut off. They pestered Rom-
ney with petitions. to immediately fire all four
members of the Board for "misfeasance and
malfeasance" in refusing to give Romney even
so much as a peek at the report.
But there was method- to their madness:
hidden amidst all the ranting and raving about
the "serious damage" the Board was doing to
EMU's reputation (to say nothing of Elliott's)
were salient references to the amazing coinci-
dence that with Elliott out of the way, no
obstacle stood in the way of Bartlett's taking
over the presidency of EMU next year.
THE CITIZENS also noted the "unwarranted
and unjustified pressures placed'on Elliott
by the Board because he worked diligently for
the new state constitution and the provision
that will now give (EMU) its much-needed
separate board of control."
Through all of this uproar from Ypsilanti,
Romney was strangely "unavailable for co-
inept," whatever that meant. However, his
sidekicks indicated the Governor would take
no action against the Board purely on Elliott's
behalf (a wise move, considering that Elliott
hadn't even asked for Romney's assistance
and, in fact, seemed more or less resigned to
his fate).
If Romney was not particularly interested in
Elliott's plight, however, he was very much in-
terested in that mysterious NCA report, and
he made no bones about it. He fired off a
missive to the Board, requesting a copy for
his own perusal.
But it appeared that Bartlett was not overly
eager for Romney to get his hands on it. In
refusing to comply with Romney's request,

however, Bartlett hastened to add that he
was only acting as the agent of the Board, who
unanimously denied the Governor access to
the document. This only made Romney mad,
and a mad Governor is nothing to be taken
lightly. In the song and dance which followed,
the Board made the Supreme Sacrifice: they
told Romney that he could look at the report
if he promised to be a good boy and not tel
a soul what it said.
NOW THE GOOD Governor had really reach-
ed the end of his rope. He summoned his
old antagonist, Attorney General Frank Kelley,
and asked him for an "informal opinion" on
whether or not he had the power, as Governor,
to demand a copy of the report (Said Romney:
"That must be some report!"), while he (Rom-
ney) went on with his plan to obtain the by
now famous document.
Although there was no specific word from
Lansing that the Board would be removed,
Romney indicated that his plan of action
would. probably take the form of a special
hearing at which Magnusson and company
would be made to "show cause" why the re-
port should not be made public. Such a hear-
ing is generally considered the first step toward
formal ouster proceedings against state of-
Realizing the chips were down, the Board
acquiesced at long last, with only temporary
stalling to "ask permission" from the NCA. But
their erstwhile claims that that agency had
sworn them to secrecy on -the details of the
report crumbled when the NCA denied any
such thing and said, in effect, that the Board
could shout it from the top of the Capitol
for all the NCA cared. With no further ado,
Bartlett sent the report to Romney, bringing
down the curtain on Act II.
O GET ACT III off to a flying start,
Romney announced that he was ready to
"forgive and forget" as far as his threats of
legal action against the Board were concerned
and turned his attention to the report itself.
But to the surprise of everyone except the
Board and the NCA, the document was found to
be more incriminating to the Board than any-
one else (even Elliott, who had insisted all
along that the report be made public). For
at last it was made all too clear that the
"personalities" the members of the Board
had been shielding were none other than them-
In its devastatingly lucid report, the NCA
indicated that saying the Board had been
doing a botched-up job to put it mildly. Its
members, the report stated, were so "pre-
occupied with administrative details" that they
had failed either to establish policies for ad-
ministrators such as Elliott or to co-ordinate
the areas and objectives of the schools under
the Board's jurisdiction. Despite whatever
faults Elliott might have had himself, a goodly
share of the blame for unrest at EMU could
now be traced directly to the Board's own in-
competence. In his role as whipping boy for
the Board, Elliott had provided much of the
"comic relief" in the play, whether he knew it
himself or not.
AMONG OTHER THINGS the report also
scored the Legislature for not coming up
with more money for EMU and cited the lack
of experience of many administrators under
Elliott. But the most important implication of
the document was the recommendation of an
"accrediting visit" by the NCA in the latter
part of 1964. The agency reported that EMU
now suffers from an "indeterminate status"
since becoming a university in 1959 and, has
lost much of its "clearly defined educational
mission-the preparation of teachers." In
other (and blunter) words, the Board has sat
around for four years and done little or no-
thing while a highly-rated teachers college
became a second-rate "arts and sciences
There is a moral somewhere in this play,
if the Board will take the trouble to look for
it. Given a good musical score and a competent
director, it might make the Big Time. But
this is hardly likely. It would probably be
funny, were it not so inherently tragic.

Washington, General de Gaulle
withdrew the rest of the French
navy from the NATO command.
The timing of the action and the
blunt and curt manner in which it
was done have to be taken as no-
tice to the President that France
will not only refuse to help the
revival of NATO; but will act pos-
itively to obstruct the revival.
There is little question but that
General de Gaulle has the power
to force the issue if he chooses to
do so. Strategically, the NATO
command and the core of its com-
munications and supply are on
French territory, and there is no
telling how long France, which has
withdrawnits navy and most of
its army, will leave the arrange-
ments as they are. Certainly, Gen-
eral de 'Gaulle has very strong
bargaining power in any discus-
sion about the future of NATO.
He has also a very powerful
leverage on the other five mem-
bers of the'Common Market. By
withdrawing from it. he can de-
stroy it. and the career of the
General shows again and again
that one of the weapons he uses
most efficiently and is most likely
to use is to abstain and withdraw.
Ndne of his fellow members in the
Common Market is prepared to
risk a dissolution.' That is one of
the compelling reasons why we
can afford no illusion about the
chances of West Germany chal-
lenging General de Gaulle effec-
tively for the leadership of Europe.
the airport near Cologne, Chan-
cellor Adenauer wasted little time
on the diplomatic niceties. He read
the President a lecture whicn was
sharp notice that while the United
States must guarantee the military
security of Western Europe, the
President must not challenge the
primacy of the Paris-Bonn com-
S bination 'in making the policies
for dealing with the Soviet Union.
He went so far as to quote to the
n the President sentences taken out of
a and the context of what the President
t fra- said at American University. The
io not President will be making several

speeches in Germany, and it will
be important to see if and how he
extricates himself from the posi-
tion to which Dr. Adenauer nailed
him on his arrival at the airport.
In any event, the chancellor's
speech may be taken to mean that,
unless flis successor makes a sharp
break with present German policy,
West Germany will remain com-
pletely dependent on Paris. For
only Paris will support Bonn on
an absolutely hard line about fast
Germf.n' and Berlin. In all the
other allied countries, mluding
the United States, there is an in-
clination to exjl.ore the possibility
of reunification to be brought
about by dealing with the two
German states. This is what Dr.
Adenauer had in mind when he
lectured the President at the air-
* * 4.
WE MUST NOT let ourselves be
misled by the plea that the Ger-
mans and the other Europeans
need to be reiassured once more
that the. United States will wage
a thermonuclear war to defend
them. The real situation is not
nearly so simple as that. The
French, who are more frank and
lucid than most, say that in the
nuclear age no ally can be counted
upon to risk its own overwhelming
destructioninorder to protect the
national interests of another ally.
At the same time, the French
are a very long way from having
a nuclear deterrent of their own
capable of dealing with the Soviet
Union without the help of the
United States. The question, then,
is: why do they treat us so scorn-
fully? The answer is that they are
entirely certain that there is no
real danger of Soviet military ag-
gression against Western Europe.
That is the missing key to. the
Gaullist policy which seems so
destructive and so reckless. The
French do not believe that NATO
will be needed That is why they
are pulling it apart. They do not
think that the American alliance
is really necessary. In the French
view, even if it were necessary, the
United States could not be count-
ed upon as a result of promises
and pacts.
(c) 1963, The Washington Post Co.


Integration Story Misleads Reader

To the Editor:
covering the Sunday march of
125 to 250 thousand Negroes from
Detroit's black ghetto opened with
the misleading headline "Northern
Integrationists March in Demon-
stration." The employment of the
term "integrationist" plus the in-
complete reporting on the march
leaves the reader with a distorted
view of the event. I am referring
specifically to The Daily's failure
to mention the large amount of
expression by the marchers of mil-
itant and nationalist sentiment.
This was expressed by the Ne-
groes who have seen the great
society into which they're told by
SCLC, CORE and the NAACP, to
integrate into. It's the society
whose ruling class lets its school
buildings literaly fall apart; that
puts out fifth rate education; that
can not prevent the nimber of
school drop-outs from increasing;
that can't find jobs for its youth.
It's a society that is totally un-
able to deal with change. It's rul-
ing class screams foi an invasion
of Cuba or black Haiti but lets
the black South go to the dogs; it
tries to preserve itself in the name
of saving the "Free World" by
propping up the fascists in South
Viet Nam, South Korea, Spain,
Formosa and elsewhere. It says
that we must defend our corrupt
society by threatening to blow the
world up with H-bombs. And it
lets its own people starve and go
without medical attention.
Miners in Kentucky, migrant
workers in the southwest, auto
workers in Detroit all know the
painful experience of trying to
provide for their families while
working under sub-human condi-
tions, or living off unemployment
compensation, or trying to find
work while they're laid off so Ford
or GM can make more millions.
And it is a system that proves its
devotion to the cause of freedom
by the suppression of criticism
from any and every segment of the
THESE WERE the Negroes that
walked through the streets of De-
troit and saw wnat integration
would mean to them: integrated
relief lines, integrated soup houses,
integrated charity houses for them
to die in, integrated misery and-
suffering. Consequently, the only
reply one can expect from a sec-
tion of the population already
doubly exploited: "You can keep
That's why there were signs
calling for an independent Negro
party, for a Negro state separate
from this dying society, for death
to all Uncle Toms, and for Free-
dom Now. A larger and larger
number of Negroes up south here
are becoming more and more con-
scious of the needs of these ti; es
-complete and thorough social
and economic upheaval replaced
by a new social and economic or-
der. And The Daily by choosing
the word integrationist to charac-
terize the marchers unfortunately
suppresses the expression of this
need by the most co'iscious ele-
ment of the population. one can
hope that. in the fuiture The Da ,1u

I know, from the basis of ob-
servation at the Canadian high
school I attended, where scholar-
ships were awarded regardless of
financial need (there were bur-
saries for those with financial
need rather than those without.
This occurred even though my
school's composition tended to be
from the upper income bracket.
The reason was simple-those
without financial need lacked the
motivation (even though money
was prof erred as an Incentive),
which the students with need pos-
sessed-the motivation of being
able to attend college (one can
hardly claim intellectual stimula-
tion and curiosity as motivation in
most high schools). This was often
supplemented with the rationaliza-
tion that it would be wrong to
work and deprive those who really
needed it of a scholarship (a kind
of perverted noblesse oblige). The
situation however may have been
somewhat different in that there
was no Canadian university to
which only the top two per cent
could aspire-such as Harvard.
The upper ten or 20 per cent of
the class could usually gain ad-
mittance to the same university.
Thus it did not matter in terms of
university admittance, whether
one graduated number one or
Therefore I believe that some
smaller scholarships should be es-
tablished for the academically
bright yet solvent student rather
than solely for the needy, and that
this could oe accomplished with-
out the disastrous effect of a del-
uge of rich scholarship winners.
This policy would iotiN ate some
students and also aid a group
sorely neglected today-those stu-
dents whose parents iall in the
$10-$16 thousand income bracket
with several other children in the
family. These students are too
"rich" to receive a scholarship--
yet have to be constantly worry-
ing about every penny unable to
pledge should they wish to do so,
and so forth. As for the University,
it would undoubtedly benefit from
the raising of its student calibre
should such a policy be imple-
m Anthea Thorp, '65
Honors Students ...
To the Editor:
'N THEIR LETTER concerning
honors housing, Mr. Rivlin and
Mr. Walker made the statement
that "they(honors students) can
think and certainly seem to do
so more than most fraternity and
sorority people. I believe that this
statement was extremely unfair
and misleading for several rea-
First, why single out fraternity
and sorority people as opposed to
honors students? Just as wide a
difference (if there is one) would
exist between honors students
and those students living in dorm-
itories; in fact, considering
scholastic averages (the basis of
selecting honors. students), the
sorority average, at least, has al-
ways been higher than the girl's
dormitory average. This would in-
dicate that a greater difference

greater percentage than it
dormatories. But Mr. Rivlir
Mr. Walker seem to feel tha
ternity and sorority people d

think. This leads to the absurdity
that honors students in dormitories
think, whereas honors students in
sororities and fraternities do not
... and as evidenced by Mr.;,Rev-
lin's and Mr. Walker's- statement,
there apparently are students, not
living in fraternities or sororities
who do not think too carefully.
-Susan Montgomery, '65
Therapeutic Work..,.
To the Editor:
pECENTLY, as a participant in
in a program sponsored by the
Society of Friends (the Quakers),
I had an opportunity to engage in
therapeutie work for patients at
the Ypsilanti State Hospital for
the mentally ill.
The services the program's vol-
unteers provided involved talking
with the patients, inducing them
to sing, organizing games - in
other words, activities of any na-
ture that would bring them out of
By establishing rapport with the
patients, we (the volunteers) ex-
posed them to an element of real-
ity. In the process of this exposure
we entered their lives, gaining an
understanding of the depth and
extent of their pr blems that we
could not have claimed before our
contact with them.
The significance of this exper-
ience cannot be underestimated.
Our services in assisting the effort
to rehabilitate these people was of
undeniably great value. Equally
important was the appreciation we
acquired of mental illness as an
actuality.,No longer will we enter-
tain an image of this terrible mis-
understood social and human
problem which, as is true of too
many people, is constructed by an
uninformed or regrettably mis-
informed imagination.
If you can visit a mental insti-
tution and work with the patients,
I guarantee an invaluable and un-
forgettable experience.
-Richard Wishnetsky, '64

Faulkner Aids Student
On Racial Integration

(EDITOR'S NOTE: During the
Autherine Lucy riots in 1956, a
University of Alabama student, Da-
'vid. Kirk, -wrote Nobel Prize-winning
novelist William Faulkner, asking
him what Southern students could
do in order to best meet the deseg-
regation problem. Faulkner's answer
to that letter follows. It was first
printed in the Alabama Crimson-
White and is reprinted here from
the "Summer Reveille," the summer
student newspaper of Louisiana
State University.)
Oxford, Miss.
8 March, 1956
Dear Mr. Kirk:
Your letter of March first is at
hand several days. I wanted to
think first before I tried to an-
I won't try to tell you what to
do in order to meet the problems
you will face. The reason is, these
problems will be individual ones,
peculiar to the time and the place
they will occur in. I mean, rise
into sight, when they will have
to be coped with.
I have found that the greatest
help in meeting any stand. That
is to have in words what you be-
lieve and problem with decency
and self respect and whatever
courage is demanded, is to know
where you yourself are acting
I have tried to simplify my own
standards 'by and from which I
act, as follows, which I pass on
to you.
1) Segregation is going, wheth-
er we like it or not. We no longer
have any choice between segrega-
tion or unsegregation. The only
choice we have is, how, by what
means. That is, shall segregation
be abolished by force, from outside

our country, despite everything we
can do; or shall it be abolished by
choice, by us in the South who
will have to bear the burden of it,
before it is forced on us.
I vote that we ourselves choose
to abolish it, if for no other rea-
son than, by voluntarily giving the
Negro the chance for whatever
equality he is capable of, we will
stay on top; he will owe us grati-
tude, where, if his equality is forc-
ed on us by law, compulsion from
the outside, he will be on top from
being the victor, the winner
against opposition. And no tyrant
is more ruthless than he who was
only yesterday the oppressed slave.
That is the simple expediency of
this matter, apart from the mor-
ality of it. Apart from the world
situation in which we are steadily
losing ground against the powers
which decree that individual free-
dom must perish. We must have
as many, people as possible' on the
side of us who believe in individ-
ual freedom. There are seventeen
million Negroes. Let us have them
on our side, rather than on that
of Russia.
That is the problem, as I see it.
Why don't you get in touch with
the Student Council or the "Tar
Heel" editorial board at North
Carolina, Chapel Hill? They have
handled this question splendidly.
I can think of nothing which
would do more to hold intact in-
tegrity and decency and sanity
in this matter, than a sort of in-
ter-state university organization
for simple decency and rational-
ity among Southern college men
and women. A confederation of
older men like me would not carry
half this weight. I can imagine
nothing which would carry more
weight than a sane, sober union of
student representatives from all
the Southern schools, standing for
the simple things which democra-
cy means and which we have got
to show the world that we do mean
if we are to survive, the simple
principles of due process of the
majority will and desire based on
decency and fairness to all as rati-
fied by law.
This may be difficult at first. It
is a sad commentary of human
nature that it is much easier, sim-,
pler, much more fun and excite-
ment to be against something you
can see, like a black skin, than to
be for something you can only be-
lieve in as a principle, like jus-
tice and fairness and (in the long
view) the continuation of individ-
ual freedom and liberty.
And remember this too, when
you have to meet these individual
problems: you will be dealing with
enrds. M~RAnst PLgtin+1ni ct, .a

Guns and Butter

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YOU WOULDN'T go to the desert for water.
You wouldn't plant corn if you wanted
potatoes. It therefore seems incongrous that
we pick up weapons, the instruments 'of war,
to preserve peace.
Aren'twe kidding ourselves really? Guns are
for shooting, bombs are for killing. Therefore
everyone loads up on both so there won't be
shooting and killing.
There must be some kind' of logic in it
somewhere, mustn't there?
Every year the United States and other
leading nations of the world spend billions of
dollars for the upkeep of their armed forces.
Meanwhile, people starve, roads remain un-
paved, people remain illiterate.

Five years of education to spend two years
in the Army. Two years of job opportunities
postponed, further education put aside to get
the requirement out of the way. Two years out
of a life.
They will be scattered throughout the world
and if a conflict develops somewhere they
will be sent.
Wars and "police actions" cost lives. The
guy that fell in Korea, just out of zollege or
high school, may have been another Einstein
or the equivalent.
Somewhere way back when, man got off on
the wrong track. Is fighting really his nature
or are we really peace loving as we are told?

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