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, i c rigan
~~Ia itp
Hot and humid
possible rain tonight
Years of Editorial Freedom
Wirtz Links Rights
To U.S. Economy
WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of Labor W. Willard
yesterday that Negro job equality cg.n be achieved only
pense of white workers unless there is full employment.
Testifying in support of the administration's civil:
Wirtz said the fight to improve the Negro's economic
Q a fight to improve
Wirtz said
at the ex-
rights bill,
lot means
the entire
hollow vic-
economy. "It will be a
. I
full employment
Hits Charge
Of Brutality
Albany Police Chief Laurie
Prichett termed charges of police
brutality against racial demon-
strators "faceless and unfounded"
In agreeing with Prichett, Al-
bany Mayor Asa Kelley said "there
has been no evidence of brutality"
and that charges to that extent
were "wild accusations not sup-
ported in fact."
Prichett denied charges that
police had thrown bricks and
bottles at Negro and white dem-
onstrators who were conducting a
protest marsh last Thursday. "The
only people throwing rocks were
Negroes at whites," he claimed.
He. termed the charge of police
dragging a 13-year-old girl down
a flight of steps "an unmitigated
Many Arrests
In the last week, 20 out of the
26 members of the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee
who are in Albany were arrested
on a number of charges ranging
from vagrancy, to assault with
attempt to murder. 150 other per-
sons have also been arrested,
Prichett said.
Commenting on the policy of
the Albany police department in
the present unrest, he said, "We
will follow the same policy that
we have in the past. Law violators
will be arrested and we will use
whAt forces are necessary to quell
any outbreaks of violence."
Kelley added that no special
action was planned to ease the
present situation. "We will just
enforce the law to maintain order.
Violators will be prosecuted. We
will have peace and tranquility at
all costs."
FBI Investigation
While confirming reports that
WI agents were conducting in-
vestigations in the city, Kelley re-
fused to divulge their nature.
Both Kelley and Prichett
blamed "SNCC and other outside
groups" with inciting the present
riots and demonstrations. Prichett
said that SNCC members had been
arrested on charges of vagrancy,
inciting people to riot, and in the
case of'the brick throwing, assault
with attempt to murder.
"It is relatively calm now, but
you never know what is going to
happen with their mass meetings,"
' Kelley said. He went on to prom-
ise that, "We will maintain law
and order no matter what activi-
ties they will participate in." He
believed that the situation would
be. "helped tremendously" if
SNCC and the other groups left
the city.
Aa At present no meetings between
white and Negro leaders are plan-
ned to ease the present explosive
situation. "Such meetings would
depend upon the conduct of the
Negro community," Kelley ex-
Praise Liberals
tory," he told a House judiciary
subcommittee, "if we get the
'whites only' sign down, only to
find 'no vacancies' signs behind
'Almost Criminal'
Wirtz sketched a picture of the
unemployment burden borne by
Negroes that Chairman Emanuel
Celler (D-NY) called "almost
criminal in its nature."
"These figures should arouse the
nation from its apathy," said
Wirtz's statistics showed that
Negroes, who comprise a tenth of
the work force, make up more
than 25 per cent of the hard-core
unemployed, and that among
married men with family respon-
sibilities the Negro unemployment
rate is nearly three times higher
than for whites.
Other Factor
Although racial discrimination
plays a large role in the situation,
Wirtz said, the basic cause is a
shortage of jobs in the economy
as a whole.
"T h e problem of minority
group unemployment will not be
met until the whole unemploy-
ment problem is solved," he said.
Wirtz, who followed Atty. Gen.
Robert F. Kennedy in urging sub-
committee support for the admin-
istration bill, faced the same bar-
rage of Republican questioning
that greeted Kennedy Wednesday.
GOP Role
The GOP members of the sub-
committee, most of whom intro-
duced their own civi rights bills
long before the administration
acted, made it clear to Wirtz as
they did to Kennedy that they
expect to have a lot to say about
what kind of a bill is to be
Hearings on the 7-point admin-
istration program will be suspend-
ed next week because of the July
4th holiday. When they resume
the following week Secretary of
Welfare Anthony J. Celebrezze will
be heard. Celler said AFL-CIO
President George Meany is also
to be a witnes.
Cities Request
Income Levy
Money Control
LANSING-Leaders of the Mich-
igan Municipal League held a five-
hour closed door meeting with
Gov. George Romney and mem-
bers of his staff, Wednesday, to
discuss taxes and other city prob-
Reports indicate that the prin-
ciple message delivered to the gov-
ernor by the League 1.was a plea
not to give income tax funds to
county governments, but directly
to the cities and villages.
"Experience with county gov-
ernment does not suggest that
boards of supervisors would be re-
sponsive to the needs of cities and
villages," League President Wil-
liam G. Kirby, a Grosse Pointe
councilman, said later.
League members said they were
encouraged by their meeting with
the governor but admitted that he
did not commit himself to any
Another issue considered at the
meeting was the right of cities
to collect income tax from non-
residents who use municipal f a-
cilities. There has been much con-
troversy in this area over De-
troit's one per cent city income
tax which is also paid by com-
State Study Unit
Seeks Funds Aid
Gov. George Romney's "blue
ribbon" Citizens' Committee on
Higher Education has not. sched-
uled any further meetings for the
near future, committee chairman
Dan E. Karn said yesterday.
A monetary problem has arisen
for the committee because it does
not receive from the state any
funds with which to operate.
However, Karn expects a grant
to be forthcoming in the near fu-
ture from private sources. Money
is needed to pay for office space,
office expenses and staff assist-
Michigan colleges and univer-
sities have already volunteered of-
fice space, office staff and re-
search staffs to be used by the
committee in their endeavors.
The 61 member committee was
set up by Romney to investigate
the future of higher education in
After the first meeting, the
group decided to hold its future
meetings in executive session to
allow for greater freedom of dis-
Many Michigan zollege officials
including University President
Harlan Hatcher addressed the
body at a subsequent meeting. The
discussion which concerned the
general question of higher educa-
tion in Michigan was termed "re-
laxed and cordial" by President
IST Division
Aids Industry
Hansford W. Farris of the
electrical engineering department
will be the director of the new
Industrial Development Division of
the Institute for Science and
The appointment was approved
at the June 21 Regents meeting.
Farris said IST has had an in-
dustrial research program for sev-
eral years designed to study indus-
try in Michigan. As a result of
such studies many opportunities
for the University to aid industry
have arisen.
No Direct Program
Since until now there was no
established division of IST to take
care of these opportunities, the
University could only "aid indus-
try in an incidental manner,"
Farris said. "The establishment of
this new division fills a need
which has existed for a long time."
The division will seek to serve
two purposes Farris noted. It will
be a liason between Michigan in-
dustry and the University and will
continue the program of research
on industrial development begun
two and one half years ago.
In its new relationship with in-
dustry the IDD will endeavor to
provide available University per-
sonnel able to answer specific
problems of any given industry.
New Potential
It will attempt to acquaint those
industries which are interested,
with discoveries in research and
development which might have in-
dustrial potential for Michigan
The educational program by
which technical personnel can
come to the University for training
will be expanded. Farris said the
expansion of the program was
aimed at "upgrading technical
competence and increasing indus-
try's exposure to new ideas" so
that eventually it will reach the
point where it can utilize the cap-
abilities of the University's grad-
Ann Arbor Plans for Growth
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first of a six-part series on
planning Ann Arbor's future.)
Ann Arbor is attempting to
grow from a "college town" to
a "university city."
By 1980, the Central Business
District "Guide to Action" pre-
dicts, Ann Arbor will have a
population of 108,000. It expects
2000 people a year to be added
to the current 67,340.
The University also will
bulge. Optimistic projections
once had the University grow-
ing to 40,000 by 1980, but since
1959 legislative appropriations
have remained static and the
University has added only about
500 students a year.
Add People
An increasing number are
married g r a d u a t e students
whose families will swell Ann
Arbor's resident population.
Despite limited state support,
t h e University is growing.
North Campus is developing
steadily into a major research
complex. This year will see the
opening of four new research
buildings - t h e Institute of
Science and Technology Bldg.,
the Research Activities Bldg.,
the Research Administration
Bldg., and the Cyclotron Labo-
ratory Bldg.
In the immediate future, the
Music School Bldg. and the
Food Services Bldg. will be
completed. Eventually, general
University planning calls for
the location of the engineering
and architecture colleges there.
Growing City
Ann Arbor also will grow. The
guide predicts that the city's
area will double from 15 to 30
square miles by 1980, largely
because of land-eating single
family dwellings.
However, Ann Arbor officials
do not see an easy transition
without planning. The Central
Business District must be re-
vitalized if -it is successfully
going to meet competition from
stores in the city's fringe areas.
Further, city officials are tak-
ing steps to preserve Ann Ar-
bor's natural setting and Io pro-
vide parks a n d recreational
facilities for its expanding pop-
Encourage Research
Both city and University
agencies are encouraging the
development of private research
firms to diversify both the
city's and state's economy.
Twenty-eight companies, "spin-
ning off" from University re-
search efforts operate in Ann
Arbor. Two are located in a
research park in the southeast-
ern part of town and several
are near North Campus.
Housing in Ann Arbor is also
expanding as major residential
developments spring up around
the city's outskirts and multi-
unit apartment dwellings re-
place old and somewhat-dilapi-
dated private student housing
in the campus area.
The University is also adding
a dormitory development at
Oxford Rd.for 400 women.
Urban Renewal
However, plans for buying,
leveling and reselling the land
under Ann Arbor's Main St.
area substandard h o u s i n g
through urban renewal col-
lapsed four years ago and,
while hinted at in the guide,
they have not been revived.
The city's most immediate
concern centers on the CBD.
Unless action is taken soon, the
district's percentage of county
retail sales will drop $9.6 mil-
lion from $33.8 million, the
guide warns. Sales to other Ann
Arbor firms, largely on the
city's perimeter will increase
from $4 million to $22 million.
If something is done, the
guide asserts, the loss would be
reduced to $1.2 million and non-
CBD retail sales would be.lim-
ited to $17.6 million.
Thus a joint city-chamber of
commerce committee drew up
a study designed to facilitate
"the achievement of a central
area that will best serve the
future needs of the citizens of
the Ann Arbor area."
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Educators in three
states yesterday considered means
of ending racial imbalances in
In Lansing, Superintendent of
Public Instruction Lynn M. Bart-
lett and educators from 43 Michi-
gan communities met to seek solu-
tions to the problems.
An informal poll of the officials
indicated general opposition to
Consider Imbalances
School .Board
Urges Adoption
of Housing Bill
The Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
cation Wednesday night passed a
resolution recommending that the
City Council adopt a fair housing
The resolution noted that, "dis-
crimination in the sale, leasing, or
renting of housing accommoda-
tions on the basis of color, race,
creed or origin leads to the devel-
opment of segregated neighbor-
hoods and, therefore, to segregat-
ed schools."
It added that segregated schools
are legally and morally indefensi-
ble because they hinder the best
education of children in those
schools. Therefore, the board has
an obligation to devise means of
desegregating such schools, it
"busing" students from neighbor-
hood schools to integrate schools.
The group also opposed the re-
sumption of keeping racial records.
Apply Rule
New Jersey Education Commis-
sioner Frederick M. Raubinger ap-
plied his precedent-setting yard-
stick for racial imbalance in
schools for the second time, or-
dering Plainfield to cut the 96
per cent Negro enrollment at one
of its schools.
The decision folowed the na-
tionally hailed precedent Raubin-
ger set last month in a case in-
volving the city of Orange. Again
he ruled that school boards must
eliminate e v e n unintentional
school segregation, if there are
reasonable ways to do it.
The California Supreme Court
ruled that a local board of educa-
tion has the power to establish
school attendance zones but in
doing so it cannot establish racial
Jackson Case
It reversed the decision of a
Los Angeles superior court which
had turned down the request of
Jay Jackson, a Pasadena Negro
for an order requiring the school
board to permit him to transfer
from a junior high school with a
majority of Negro enrollment, to
another school with fewer Negroes
The court's unanimous decision,
written bydChief Justice Phil S.
Gibson, said the Pasadena board,
in July 1961, had gerrymandered
the McKinley Junior High School
zone so that all of the graduating
elementary school pupils from the
neighboring Linda Vista district,
would go to the McKinley school
instead of the Washington Junior
High which young Jackson at-
In Tuscaloosa, James A. Hood,
one of two Negroes enrolled at the
University of Alabama, declared
education is the solution for Ne-
groes seeking first-class citizen-
In a copyrighted article in the
Crimson-White, the university
ctan runt wnar -Hood saidthat
"the whole idea of protests has
gotten off course."
Hood said he has concluded
that the protest movements have
resulted "in a big unnecessary
mess . . . I think it has become a
matter of excitement rather than
conviction for most Negroes."
"With our nation on the brink
of racial violence," Hood said,
"there is a firm need for a solu-
tion which will not only meet the
demands of the Negro, but will al-
so make him meet the demands of
society ..."
'U' Publicists
Receive Awards
The University was awarded
with two certificates for distin-
guished achievement by the Na-
tional Conference of American
Public Relations Directors, Direc-
tor of University Relations Mich-
ael Radock reported yesterday.
An award was given to Alice Be-
men for her editing of the Univer-
sity Record, the University's house
organ. John Sweeney of the devel-
opment council office received a
citation for his work on the De-
velopment Council's publication
about the President's Club.,
Name A ger
As Judge
Ann Arbor prosecuting attorney
William F. Ager, Jr., '49L, was
appointed to the new Washtenaw
county circuit judgeship yesterday
by Gov. George Romney.
Ager, who graduated from the
literary college in 1943, will serve
as the second county circuit judge
until the 1964 general election,
when he must stand for re-
election. The new judicial position
was established by the Legisla-
ture last spring.
A native of Ann Arbor, Ager
practiced law privately, and served
as assistant prosecutor from 1955
until his election as city prosecu-
tor in 1959. In the 1962 election,
when he was elected to his third
term as prosecutor, he was lead-
ing vote-getter on the county Re-
publican ticket.
Ager said he will determine when
he can take office after meeting
with Judge James R. Breakey, Jr.,
who holds the first Washtenaw
county circuit judgeship. To qual-
ify for appointment, a new judge
must complete within ten days any
matter in which he is involved as
an attorney.
According to Breakey, the cir-
cuit court will choose Ager's suc-
cessor as prosecuting attorney.
Main contenders for that position
are the four assistant procesutors.
Ager's chief assistant, William D.
Barense, is considered a strong
possibility. He represents the pros-
ecutor's office in Ypsilanti.
"Ager has the judicial temper.
He will be fair. We have always
worked well together in our re-
spective positions and I am sure
that this will continue. I am look-
ing for fine development of judi-
cial administration in this county,"
Breakey commented.
Ager pledged to maintain Rom-
ney's trust in him, adding, "I will
strive to maintain the high quality
of judicial administration in
Washtenaw county."
In announcing the appointment,
Romney said, "This has been an
extremely difficult appointment
to make because of the many well-
qualified persons under considera-
tion. I am sure that Ager will be
a fine jug.
To Review
All Facets
Of Activities
Top Aides To Meet .
Three Times a Week,
End Study by August
A re-evaluation of the changes
made in the Office of Student Af-
fairs last year is underway and
will be completed by the end of
August, Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis an-
nounced yesterday.
The chief administrative offi-
cers of the OSA will be holding
meetings three mornings a week
with the individual departments
under review. Lewis indicated that
the study will broaden out from a
study of the OSA revisions to a
study of virtually all areas of con-
cern to the OSA.
It will examine the Union-
League merger, the changes made
in Joint Judiciary Council's struc-
ture, the question of the correct
definition of Assembly Associa-
tion, the position of the vice-presi-
dent for student affairs, student
orientation within the residence
hall system, and many other areas
covered in the Reed Report.
Lewis said the result of the var-
ious studies would not be made
public but would be evidenced by
the changes made in the areas with
which the OSA is concerned. He
said one of his special concerns
was the area of housing. He cited
"diversified housing" as one of his
eventual goals for the University.
He made no comment on the
findings of any of the areas under
evaluation pointing out that the
review had been in progress for
only a few weeks.
It has been almost a year since
the OSA's structure was changed.
Because there had been complaints
that the lines of authority were
blurred, the sole responsibility for
the OSA's policies was given to the
vice-president for student affairs.
Directorships for housing, fi-
nancial aids and discipline were
set up and four special assistants
to the vice-president were ap-
pointed. The directorships were
given special functions and the as-
sistants were assigned more gen-
eral duties.
The differentiation between the
dean of men's and the dean of
women's offices was eliminated
and both were placed under the
directorship of housing. A director
of housing has still not been chos-
en although Lewis originally hop-
ed to appoint one by last Janu-
The housing director will have
overall responsibility for the Uni-
versity residence halls, including
quadrangles and women's dormi-
tories. Lewis said earlier this year
he hoped the housing director
would work for closer student-fac-
ulty relation and a more aca-
demically oriented housing system
in general.
Following in the wake of the
University's decision to abolish
separate offices of dean of men
and women both Michigan State
University and Eastern Michigan
University have consolidated the
offices into a single one.
Kennedy Visits Irish Relatives
Weinreich Cites Four Paradoxes
Prof. Uriel Weinreich of Colum-
bia University discussed four basic
paradoxes of the Yiddish language
as it has survived in Eastern
Europe, at the first in the series
of summer linguistics lectures at
Rackham Amphitheatre last night.
vived better in Eastern Europe.
This he attributed to German ex-
tinction of the Jews during World
War II.
Much Research
Prof. Weinreich's research has
included Poland, Belorussian, and
the Ukraine. He noted that in
-.Ic na...-.
historical phenomenoma. He called
for further examination of the
times of the eastern immigration
of the Jews. He said that the time
and place of Jewish settlement in
these areas were still largely un-
studiedrby Jewish scholars and
By The Associated Press
DUBLIN - President John F.
Kennedy 'captivated the Wexford e
County stamping ground of his
Irish ancestors yesterday in a
whirlwind tour that combined in-
formality, dignity and warmth.
A rapid fire series of visits tof
New Ross, the old family home-
stead at Dunganstown, and the
city of Wexford left delighted
Irishmen cheering by the thou-
sands for "cousin Jack."
*' *. *
nTTDLNT - Preident Kennedy
was named war minister to suc-
ceed John Profumo-who resign-
ed in disgrace three weeks ago.
T h e appointment w a s an-
nounced by Prime Minister Harold
Macmillan, whose conservative
government has been shaken by
the sex-and-security scandal in-
volving Profumo.
* * *
HARRISBURG - Gov. William
W. Scranton said yesterday he is
"not interested in stopping" Sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) or any-
body else as a possible presidential
nearly a mile to the city hall to
present their requests to city coun-
cil members. They were promised
"serious consideration" of their
* * *
PARIS-France warned West-
ern Europe yesterday against
trusting its security completely
and indefinitely to the United
States. This amounted to French
President Charles de Gaulle's re-
ply to Kennedy's pledge in Frank-
furt Tuesday Ito risk the destruc-
tion of American cities to reserv