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July 23, 1926 - Image 2

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FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1926

p itt~mril ¢argumuents long; enough to unite inI
- saving the crippled nation from dis-
I t I~ t i ~ a t li aster. 'Their squabbling continues,
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE g (erme1ts fall, andi the Frane and
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN French credit decrease corresponding-
SUMMER SESSION ly. France is helpless. She will nev-
Yublisl .d every morninog except :Monday,
during the Uiversity Summer Se ;ion by i he ale to approach an ycondition
the Poard in Control of Student "'ublica- embi:stlltyw oashs
-provincial brick-bting continues i the
The Associated Press is exclusiv: s en-' Chamber. Aewo teDepulties arc
titled to the use for republicatn of 01all news
dispatches credited to it or t ot11-7 w ise at least beginning to realize the tragic
credited in this paper and the l ri-,v\s nub-'state of affairs and are at the pres-
lished herein.
ent time (ireulaiting a petition fiOIa
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Mlico-am, dictatorsbip, or for a "C omumit tee of
postofilee as second class salter.
Subscription by carrier, $i So; by mnail,M Public Sa fety'" which will amoulit to
Offices: Press Building., Maynai d >lreet,
Ann Arr Mihizain. Asnimuch as t inrv nation l'itog toi(l

Music And
{flffifflff{frirflrlr~lrlll" I E1 BEFORE TILE TEM PLEL
NormnanBel Geddes who has been
casting about for something of the
same magnitude as "The Miracle" toI
engage his talent has under consid-
eration a dramatization of James
Branch Cabell's "Jurgen." He has al-I

Special Tables of Books of
Interest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal

C o Incatioi:5, ii Sig ned AS evioc Ice Of
good faith, "ill he publdished ill The Sumnmer'
Daily attiheddi-crction of the L ditor. 7 Ii-j
Sigiied c lilmll ciionls will reeive no110 i1
sideratiori. The signatu re miatt be omited ini
pubiicatio a if desired by the writer. The
Suommer D~aily does not necessarily e..dorse
the sentiments expressed in the comiolunica.
Telephone 192,-
Editorial Board....Eugene I. tuickunst
City Editor. ..............Wiilliath R1. lBreyer.
Music anlD t: aii.........\Villiaiii C. Lucas
Woman's Editor............Julia Roth Brown
Night E itorsM
William Stockvi -l I'! dre Ii or ohergcr
P'aul J. Kern r. d(rick "llillito y
Douglas Doubleday

Djona Boyle
Frances Gustin
LawrenceIHy mar,

N ita Kell c
Mary iMaci) n ld
Georgce'T. McKean
Mlarg;aret Nwtrd

Trelephonie 212141
Circulation ........... ....... Keineth Iaven
Advertising .............. Franciis Not 1ob-t
MIabel I.hambcra Laurence Van Itoy
William F. Cook il ildrcd \\ iliat:-,
Edward Solomon
FRIDAY, JlVILY 2:). 1 92ti
Night Edit ot':-'. It.. llOlN1I (' L
Mussolini, as dlictator of Italy, hasI
been c-riti-zed and 'ra Xed" conistant ly
by niewspapers and spea<ke rs in nearly
every country. The Italian people'
have been called a1ination of deluded
fools for stibmittIing Io the mini stria-
tions of this "mian who would he}
Caesar' Editorial writers have lane-

loose its delusion of: representation Reinhardt for advice. "Jurgen" on the -
the tinme has come for the prench na- stage certainly will not lend its elf to
'ti. Fra'ncie's only hope of resutning "spectacle", although it offers scenic
her old place amiong the great powers possibilities which should excite evenl
i,; to follow Italy's example- -to, for- Mr. Bel Geddes. Dialogue so far~
get republican dignity for a time andi from being absent as in a vast panto
set up a dictatorship which will j-minie like "The Miracle" must neces-
straightecn out the tangled affairs of sarily be an essential and vital par t,
the country, nor will such a fantasy lend itself to
an overly vast scale of production.
kAMERhItICA, 'TIl F ltYLO('K AM~t 'lWere are certainly dramatic possi-44
"EnglishP\S bilities in such episodes as Jur gen',
Enlihnewspapers are r'oundlyI de- 1 omprIllomises in Heaven and Hell, his
nountcip'g the governmlent of thelv nit-I relations with the Hamadryad, and a
ed SI tates for its attitude towardti tebt host of others that make this fantasy -
-ett lenient s whlile, they are p~raisinag veritable fountain of delight.
the American pteopile. England is un- Of course the p~roject is still ini an
d ter the itopr'ession that we knowN\very;'"ov~er the tea cups" stage, but if B~ela-
liltle f wht i gong o inWasIa Geddes is able to secure a satisfactory;
In in regardl to the settlements. The ibtet teesemIvr esnt
newspapers commenting anrieeent de believe that "Jurgen"' will be an im-
hates in the Commnons on wvar debtsI
e~prss he ~piiiontha ifEngandpottant item of the next season.
exoress only ino ham e .n iiitt' In tnurning to this work, however,
coue onl}thetorfatst ha a g i-; ea I i', Del Geddes ignores a long Cher'-r
of good might:lie a(contplisil(i shed project, the staging of "Para-
TheDaiy Nws aysIlit 'it s ~ dise Lost'' in a colossal musical and
as e wel l y a Now sjay sthat itis j stseen ticsetting, an ambition which 'Thej
s tante how thewir actlion in1 regard toMial' e'upe.Hhaarad
lit dibt isienr~d h rughou. E -prepa red a folio of desi gns for this
rtip. Itmayhaveconiibu i'd~ lrcxluit ion, anti friends and acolnaili-E
roe Iialet un th ihesct peohileithe+ anites were enthusiastic if somewhat
world bit it mnade them out of all disnmayed at the immensity of the unl-
(11111parii5tt the hobst ontpoputlar ' dent akn. Stark Young was one of
Whi c th Eveing ews orn iie t hose greatly impressed by the imtagin-
hit, Ihi'Aiit-ii t~i eope a chitvle power of thle designs. Then
whol do ot kow tlit facs.1Te 1e1ie l r Mfax Reinhardt to th-ese
k ia11t-11e ttdness of the indliyitual . 'ors andl Bel Geddes dashed off a
Antericait hats no super'ior lot' chival-Ifewttsketches, collared the German dir-
l'y, let a lone gernerosity. But tilet Ad- -ltt5hwalevn NwYok
10111 st lttion of the I 'nited States can- aind the following day found himself
no! limete ttae -iilnt rusted with the task of turning the
ings wvith t his particulIarqiuestion. ' I'roco Century Theatre into a Gothic
While the D aily- Mail is undecr tI ii-'athii'tltl.
inmpres'sioni that there is c conspiracy W\e have an idea that the genius of
of si lent: in thliis count ry to keep the' MGax lReinhardt, Bel Ge'ddes, anid Otto
f+t4rmth~ i~ie I v alcn Kahn's nioney might stage '"Paradise





The branch office in the Press Building
in the WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY closes
at six o'clock P. M. instead of eight P. M.



euted with loud sights that anl en light- liii Us, "AnXi-ins 15areic oinpla-en tl vI sOt wx~it an efftect tbeyondl tne power'
eneol nat ion in this day and sage shiouldiisart ishl-lrtat tbhexyxxwon I e xx- ian. thatI of wors to describe, provided of
permtiit it sell' t)lit' rtlesderttl a iformitheIld ' ir sa t ie s welle-en or'mous, andil {!talse, ia Wagaar could e found to
of governmnevnt conside eil otsoiet e a Ii 1thvy suppl ied allitI he- money. ceat e a musical score' equal to the
half centu ry agon."the truthI is that thltent loss itn kill -,giandeutr of the verse--and that isntK ^
But pt-rhapus itle It a liaupi eopl e are, ed was less titan ourto hss in the,' sinmgle~ likely. sem h 1Iat a dw erence
lnt stuchfoios as t hey seemi -The of- hatlle of thle itst Soimmii- anil that it But at present fewurgen" seems the F ATMA
fiial ieportt 11i-tI dby lie govxeu-irtni v as smnaller, as i. 1111ghs onitce rI-chappier possibility, justafec nt m ketRo(swshetteiacsto iddPridtWlo.tem I 'F A
be flourishitng. The treasutn- has a lose, in kilIledl of a sinogle BIritIish dtrn LAUG11 THIIS OFF;
surlusolusbi ofmiandabhlllito-n 11a10d-Aauthiallf -Alerrus nnonieinnt-tatsstatalia_____A__serious______announ_____em____t___states_____that___
It wouhl apptear- that Italy, rtined by "AS for themey iii'V trut 'bti'l by Mr. Charles Chaplin will next essay'
war nd ur tt(,verg ofdisntega_ he Irriad ates evry polr letxo dramatic roles, in films to be re-'
lion, was rathe-in-wise ini pernutting wa~s host tunw iligygvnndoveylesdithnerftr.Teist 11111111111I U111ll ing lv gix-en111and nit x'erv leased in the near future. The firstllll
onie man to guide the ship of state= oeroust151erneis ;Morever, it wet; will sec the once great comedian as
over' the tough waters. lFinancially, straight back into A meriean ii hit-'Napoleon, and the second-take it!
It aly is now fairly safe and it wtill on- - to liay fot' goods mati t he bi-I' nti d -withm a straight face if you can-Har-
ly be a short ItimeC beforo' she- can States, Sold to t he- All ic at pii(A! et. of course Charlie has beenA T T 'CFN T1 rf f~T l
threatening to do this for a long time ! =k
-But then so have at lot of other people.
Tesn of cous u-but othle r f lm whofhahadsubje aid byAm B-ian andt'~t-
depsig o Mmisolnilbu o he de- h ub adto e ail b Iti-t m ami'David warfeld had a crack at Shy-
tators havehiben deposed.'There;I the Allies, Yet, if ft'ex istinig agrese- ock so Chaplin possibly is not un-
should ho- liftlei-diicl -ty iinthtat di rev--Ii tit sar'e carriedi out, pr'actically ally-resnal=i fig-tHalt.O
1101. Andthou lt-hIle I tali anigovern'1--money 'x iXIact v-tf1r0m1 (e rmany foi'
(ou'se if he really wishes to trans-' -
leti gi aeadsudad eaain ilps notepcesformhi activities to the field of =
ready to ptrogtressude ewtadr f I'lmll' Sanm.''Shaespearean drama there is no law j
ship. Itwudaperta 11ie1t prevent him-but for God's sake,]I
Only recently, Bligant has reli zedl Startes is not very i)p at'r in Eut'ope~AiBryir, etCalet t
1'-ntu --oatih 1191if she tried to i-egain. normalcy by or-' poularliast'al was in 1917. But then, - A happier' notice fromi the coast re-S IJM M E R M IC H IG A N 1D A ILY
(ina ry l egisla'tie machineory' under ninte ye-ars do mna ke ;I big di fferen ce. ports the film version of Percival =S
such nett bid totiditions, So her It certaily takes a lot of English!CrsohrWe' ra oe Ba
parliameit lots appoinuted the king'tct'v(- to anrraign this countrfiy for IGne'i opeesces ti
dictator fortithe lit-t six n int hs andthslowinig the "commrerial spitit ?''t erlasdi e ok ntenaU ST BE PA ID B
if, by that ttie, con lit ions still tar- Sncfu-intaurgeai.cale
rant it.- it is li 1kvi v I al hev xll 1 , beo1v1xet bthe h( iof ioioiiecialisni? * ,.C
given fti'e<ante1 o xv er for' a tnthbin six' Sh-caiimi ndledpointtto lieu-willing-
mitnuthIsA nv txa v. Belgiaun is deferntm-tts- ' deIa txit Ithtet'debts in a dIif- rThere seems to be considerable; 2 ,1 2
indtteanastbeCsrca o- rentmneha h nte ttsdoubt in the minds of the prodcr JULY 24y 1 2
ditir aint al p i is noi g Ii ilo it the' has, Ibut she has admit tedc thin it was of '"The Big Parade'' as to whether
nmerely goodl business, Shie ihas pro- this picture is to be released, at the
Oidina ry egs I t in has been'i showto se d herite rnis in merItwnIinhterests close of its feature runs in the larger
to be toio v-miii ei'some with all its ! jtst as we didl, One of snina y bed- cities, in a cut version to make it a
pet Iiltess to a ct-oiis Imuchmini l ierenrt :r ight, -lbut it is htypfocrIitical to chaim suitable program picture The pro
of a cri,l 1. 1'nee ordn marmy conr i-h-t lia-yting but, sif interest was uucers might as well do the cutting
tins ('lgislativ'e boiy is a- god rcie mtiiain raonbak fIot.and make a raonbyeffective j-
reto.It keepsu-,a gri'eat nreallyimen it' it is t ru ethat thle presenit settle-lIof it, rather than trusting it to theI -
bsit givye'- - largr op a-ivini; !linents aire' going to)(rain Ft~ope of thous-and and one theater owners whoZ
whicht it could ntoltearti otherwise. all its gold, gooid business sense will must see to it that its length' does not
and if mnat-is a conistaniftlelisitoui tell the U'nitv'iiSliatys tha, this plan is interfere with the "Felix Kat comedy",
in the minds ot'fit'ymasses xvehimv( il wong.h- ven workimng for our own 01r with song and dance act on the
thieyv leli eve t hiey are really tiie ones . ntei'ests, a prtostate Eturope would vaudeville program.i
who are rutnnung thinfgs arnd, lenu-",, ot be desirable, If is doubtful if the "*hyaewligttpylretxsPeetstlrEnsaefnl-h *OKS *
ito the coffers so thIiat their ''repi-e whole probl eti must be st udied anew I From an unpublished manuscript
settmives' tmay l jo ft'hepet ty I awutl settle'd moi'e to the satisfaction 1 of John Gay, of ''The Beggar's Opera" -
pomip thlot is then'iri's hie in offie, lamd interests of all conecrelttt. TBut in fame, Leslie Bryant has culled the fo--
But who-u lie time v-ites for act ion, Iiihe tant ime, it inughtle well if the lowing proving that the puerility of :.
thme legislators itust sit back ith tun-!I English Parliament Spent her time mnusieal comedy lyrics is not entire - Alu pi u srpin ilb tp e
seigeesadpc their tet s lanning whereo- to get the money to ly a modern crime. This was to have
that one man, or' a few intoumtoy (pay herot'ntidtebts instead of wasting( been thin chorus to a tender love song ? at this time and all papers delivered up.=
safely tidoe time bnotti o 'cr its teitiporn loht oftinie in "raking t' Unit ed at the end of the thrd at of a pro- t this dat will b charged a the e of
any troubles, States oven the coals" jeted musical play, wherein the entire -t aeb trt
France today is facing the greatest .... company joins heartly. 5caco y
crisis she has ever encoutnteredl, Ruin "ei- may well wvonder, in view of - "Love is delight
is just ahead of her unless therec is 1110- piecedents now established, wheth- Never in sight
some qluick action in Paris within the or on' -fstitutionlal governent s here- Always right R
'next few weeks. Governnments rise tofore maintained in this republic Hearts are bright
and fall over night. A multitude of coiuld survive another getwree n grea a vnAdgaves are tight AI111111I11Hl 1111111111l 11111111111U~l111111111111111
factions, fighting "to splita hair," if victoriously waged," -- Charles E. Hear ye,
cannot forget their petty poltcal Hughes. , And live"

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