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July 23, 1926 - Image 3

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FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1926



Crowds Surge In B~ourse As French Franc .Falls

I ? ~~~~a result the matter will receive con- Cl si ed 7.s
maIInT nim rderation at the next council meeting.R--
WARTYW.-TYoaft empts <i; bomh';) WANTED t sm
OF MW IN STREET PulYIngwle nd nSilei(ja. Ow, i WYon
_exploded in the hiouse ofapoC'' ~t nweg of Engineering or Arch-
'Ann Arbor mutst pay its. share of priest; the other was found in the - iteeci re. Call 9311. 29-34-31
the cost of paving North :Main Street' ieo h nationalistic nlev--I)aper
i ,'olon ia. Patronize Daily Advertisers.- Adv'.
before <.i ontrat twill be signed by the
State. H-ighway department according
to Cleorge H. Sandenb urg, city engi.- v
neer. This had been known to the'
council before hut, the letter which in-
formed themi of it etas not considered
sufficient for any action to be takan.
1 Mr. Sandburg was rent to Lansing
to confer with Lansing authorities and
has returned with thiis info-nat ion. As

West Wind LedingLibrary
Th 'le Exquisite VerA itt - V, Barrington
GAVARRIG i ( ti Ct0J1
1fii '5tl o at
TI riling 'M vs terv l\i eli rania
"Shooting Shadows"
[first *rimit, D letrit;

As France balltles for econlolnit: , I al 01ot lith [ifranc flls steadily, attracting excited crowds to the
B~ourse. Thle illustration shows "a great crowd battling for entry into the Paris money temple, where excit -
ed brokers shift their tact ics with o very new fluctuation.


D. Morril 1 Z Nickelsad
'ie 'rypie- ~ rt-iand t-ii Ic rV Store

The consequences of any act are
always bound to benefit
so it is with this clearance of Bargain
Day Specials. What we lose, you
gain. The models, the styles, the
colors, the trimmings, the workman-
ship are irresistable to women who
keenly judge values.
Collection inc'ludes coats with capes and without-coats
trimmied with sumumer furs and coats embroidered, coats
without the least ornamentation.
Coats of cool grays, coats of lovely tans, coats in
blcended and contrasted colorings The assortmnent runs
a wide range of variety in line, color, silken and woolen
fabric . w
$16.75 -- $24.75 -- $39.75 -- $49.50



mistic utterances of many who saidI



First hand Information concerning
the Sesqui-Centennial International
Exposition now being held in Phila-
delphia, is being broadcast in speeches
and over the radio by Mayor W.
Freeland Kendrick, of Philadelphia,
who is also president of the Sesqui-
Centennial Exhibition Association.
The Exposition head left the "Sesqui
City" on July 11 for a speaking tour of
the Midwest to extol the virtues of the
large-scale celebration and observant
of the one hundred and fiftieth anni-
versary of the signing of the Declara-
tion of Independence which was open-
ed to the public on May 331 and will
continue until December 1.
The Mayor, tinder whose direction
the "Rainbow City'' was planned and
built in record time, dtespite the pe)'s-i-

font of information regarding the fea- A/ears Age Of 701
tures of the Exposition and his tour is ___
virtually a journey of triumph. (By Associated Dress)
The itinerary of Mayor Kendrick In- LONDON. July 22.--George BlernairdI
(dndes all of the principal cities on a IShaw will be 70) years old .July 26, bult
direct line from the Midwest to Phila- he will not overload his stoniach with
delphia. In the cities so far visited' a~ elaborate birthday dinner.
the Exposition head, Mrs. Kendrick Ini favt, the eccentric dramiatist nev-
and members of his party have been Cr eats a heavy dinner. That is the;
signally honored by national, state reason lhe says lie is in good health
and city officials and welcomed by and is able to work steadily withoul
large throngs'at each stopping place. exhaustion. He rarely accepts an i-
vital ion to dine out, and if he does
HOlNG KWNG,---- It is reported that I he eats only sim ple food. Vegetables
two Etitropeanii police sergeants and and fruit nialee tp his diet, lie ne ver j Sl
four i' inese wvere caplt ured by Chi-' cats mecat.
nese pickets on the Sainchun River,1e
hear here, w hen a motorboat went; SANTIAGO, Chile.~ Chilean troopls
a-,h liondrirng the recent flood. A; have been returned to Arica and T ac- I 600
ti oi ,1ef t troop; has been sent' na, from which they were removed'-
loe usei ei during the recenit s5C5iii of the con-
m1ission i vich endea tored 10 hold a
Profits of t he government railways plebiscite there to decide the suzer0-
in the Netherlands are increasing. a inlt l of the two d ispitted pirovince-i

Scientifically aselectedA and
p~repared foods
ecial SuflkiV L>xh\ening Lutnct
Sto ii
O r cv x y Night e x t olrax
0E. Liberty Phone 92 1

A wide selection of styles
f(r mourning, street and after-
n10on wear.
$16.75 -- $19.75

Just the right sort for after-
noon, for dinner and for the
dance-as well as chic sports
and ~country club frocks.





0 0l i

*and so she
took home Blacks tones.

"lUes my husband- But-'
(She confided in the clerk)

This giant hydro-electric unit weighs 750 toys and consists of a vertical shaft
- hydraulic turbine attached to ant electric generator delivering 52,000 kilowatts
-- at 12,000 volts.


"His birthday's tomorrow, and I want to get
him a box of really fine cigars. Cigars that
don't smell bitter-or litter the house with
ashes. lie's my husband-bumt-sometimnes
1 wonder if he's really smart about cigars."
And then she took home Blackstones.
Birthday givers: here's something to re-
member. The smoke of e very Blackstone is
extremely mild and fragrant- tobaccos se-
lected for their mildness. And Blackstones
arc a/ways free drawing. /1/ways even burn-
ing. /1Ways holding their wrapper and ash.
There are bigger cigars, if size is what you
seek. But at Blackstone prices it is impossible
to make a larger cigar of such choice tobaccos.
Blackstone was a fine cigar 52 years ago. It
wais even finer io years ago. It is at its very
tone 10
2 for i25%

The Generai Elecai Com-
pany, as of Decemnbcr 3, 1424,
had 37,716 stooideare, of
whom 45 per c-xw- re
women. The a r i i-n-n
ber of common f lire, T l_
by stockholders vas 5:,. In
ownership, ;o ii',_M iand
present activitic-;:, (GE-LPon-
selfishly dedictetd to the
cause of cicctrida progress.
A new series of" G-E adver-
tisements showing: Wiaelcx-
tricity is dloi ng in mny
fields will he sent on. eyuc t.
Ask for booktet GEK-1.

Bitgger Generators-
Cheaper Electricity
A 70,000 horsepower hydro-electric unit recently installed at
Niagara Falls utilizes tihe same amount of water as seven
former 5,000-horsepower units, yet does the work of fourteen
such units. And it saves 700,000 tons of coal yearly for the
As more and still more uses are found for electricity, larger
and more economical generators are installed. At the power
plant, as well as at the consumer's end, important changes and
startling developments have steadily reduced the cost of
electricity for light, power, and heat.
And wherever electricity has blazed its trail --in towns, cities,
industrial cont*ers. and rural communities- comfort and progress
haye come to stay.
Generating and distributir,, electricity concern the technical
student, But electricity's application in the betterment 0~
industry, the professions, and homne life conc. ans every echl-
cated person. Cheap electricity means marry st-artling achieve-
ments today, but countless and unbelievable possibilities

finest tobacco
crop in years
-in your



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