ol 4 r
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NEED 1o II u oF Of Physics An
N LE D Vii LIEAUS D U Sketching briefly some of the
A T Llems and products ofethe mode
HT -Lastronomist Prof. Charles E.c
John of Mount Vernon Observato
Carnegie Institute. Washington talk
NATIONAL EXPERT DELIVERS at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in t
ForTIH hEc~cTURE Natural Science auditorium. Profess
F O R EESt. John was introduced by Dean E
OF 1WEEK ward H. Kraus of the Summer se
sion who mentioned that the lectur
TO SPEAK TODAY was a former student of the Universi
rtof Michigan and had come to be "o
County Organizationis Are Esstid .ofAmerica's leading students of rel
To Welfare Of The Nation, That our astronomy of today
Director States largely a matter of physics was t
opening point made by the lecture
"We must have a permanent, efficient He remarked that he had careful
whole time county health service in refrained from including the wo
each community, which will reach into astrophysics in his title but now th
the rural districts as well as the cities, the audience was there he felt sa
if any general improvement in the in talking upon that subject.
nation's health is to take place," said Professor St. John's lecture wasi
Dr. L. L. Lnmsden, Director of co- lustrated throughout with slides. TI
operative health work, of the United first of these showed the plan of on
States Public Health Service, Wash- of the world's greatest observatorie
ington, D. C. in the fourth of his ser- Although from the exterior the mo
ies of lectures on public health sani- noticable thing about the observato
tation. was a tower 150 feet high the speak
"Progress in development of public called attention to the fact that th
health service in the rural districts real work was done 75 feet benea:
has not kept pace with that in the
cities," he stated. Practically everyI
city of over 5,000 population has an
uncontaminated water supply and san- LAST SECTION OF
itary sewage disposal. Many cities,
such as Detroit, have 100 per cent
pasteurization of the milk supyInM P OP NS T
the rural districts practically no ef-
forts have been made in these dire(- One Hundred aind Thirty afore Boy
Out Relation U
id New Astronomyv NCG0 sO
ob- the surface of the ground. The sun P INC R1
rn rays and the stars are literally
St. brought into the laboratory situated
ry, at the igt is pr tower. Frohma FORMS MINISTI
red the light is projected through small
he slits about two or three thousandths ANTI-FOREIGN ELEMENT IN PAl
or of an inch thick; through these slits I 1,E TO ITHE
d- the light goes eighty feet down and is
es- reflected back again to the surface.C
rer The next slides showed several dif-
11y ferent aspects of the spectrum. The MEN NAMED TODA
me lecturer noted that the colors of the
la- spectrum are not studied but instead Last of French Stalwarts Works
the lines through the colors. "Every 'solve Financial Situation And
is element has a series of lines which is Fo ('ahIner
he characteristic of it," Prof. St. John r
Will Take Post .
In New Cabinetl
?2sy:{y ... UNION.:::: M A N G E EN
0 F
s -
lfth I
stated. A study of these lines offers (By Associated Press) I
one of the ways of showing the pres- PARIS, France, July 22.-Results of
ence of iron and other minerals in the M, Poncaire's (ay long efforts to coi-
sun. Other lines are caused by the stitute a national inistry will be re-
oxygen of our own atmosphere ab- ported tomorrow to President Doun-
sorbing some of the sun's lines ,cergue.
One interesting slide was a very While no official statement was
addWhrawing of theasus-them(ntcwa~-
odd drawing of the sun--the oncep- forthcoming tonight as to progress
tion of it held by scholars about the made, the bare fact that Poincaire, Aristide Briand
year 1600. Following it came one last of the French stalwarts to tackle It is generally understood that
showing the sun as seen through our the financial problem, was at work, Briand will accept the cabinet post
telescope of today enlarged many r was sufficient to cause an appreciable foreign affairs in the new ministryt
times. upward reaction in exchange. France, which Poincare is trying1
Prof. St. John dealt at some length Former Premier Briand and Herriot form.
upon some of the features of the sun's and former foreign minister De Selves --
surface. it is sixty miles across were among the leaders consulted to-
some of these craters known as sun day, after which Poincaire told corres- 1 TfIVIfP 111
spots and the edges of some rise up pondents things were "going well.' I
15,000 feet high. This evening he elaborated to the' ex-
Although the sun loses in mass four tent of saying his "consultations" were GOI CK TO 01D JOE
million tons a second it would take at completed and there remained only k
this rate more than fifteen million few "conferences" before he should
(By Associated rress>
A ssstant Secretary of I'Oversity
For Six Years : Financial
Secretary of Union
Paul Buckley, '05L, will succeed
Homer L. Heath as general manager
of the Michigan Union, according to
announcement made last night by the
Board of Governors of the club. Mr.
Buckley, assistant secretary of the
University of Michigan for the past six
years, has since 1923 been the finan-
cial secretary of the Union and in
close touch with its administration
For that reason the choice of the
Board is not unexpected to those con-
nected with the Union management for
the last few years.
Mr. Buckley was born at Petoskey,
:Michigan, in 1881 and received his
early education in the public schools
of that city. Entering the University
in 1900 he graduated from the Law
school in 1905.
In 1905-1906 he accepted a position
}' 4
million years for it to disolve in this
An experiment was held to deter-
mine the exact condition of sanitation
in the country. Eighteen representa-
tive counties were chosen, well dis-
tributed over the United States, and a
visit was made to practically every
home in these counties. Only two per
cent of the homes provided for decent
sewage disposal. 68 per cent were
using polluted water supply which
might at any time become infected.
Only 32 per cent were reasonably well
screened from flies. Hundreds of;
cases were found where tubercular
people were shut in rooms with the
air excluded and fed store food and
patent medicines.
It is the purpose of the United
States Health Service to cooperateI
with the local authorities in attempts
to esablish whole time county health
services which will reach homes and
schools in both cities and rural dis-
tricts. Such a bureau would not sup-
plant the State organization, butj
merely act as an organ through which
the State authorities might work.
Yakima county, Washington, estab-
lished the first such organization fol-
lowing an outbreak of typhoid fever,
and in the next three years, eighteen
counties became interested. In one of
these counties the death rate from
contagious diseases decreased from
forty-five annually to only five, and
wherever the work went similar re-
sults were shown.
"What we need is not an intensive
campaign which is temporary, but an
organized local health service which
will be on the job constantly, and then
we can throw in spec(ializf'd aid from
the national and state departments of
public health."
"Organization, Activities, and Re-
sults of Whole time County Health
Organizations," will be the subject of
Dr. Lumsden's lecture today. This
will conclude the series.
To End Camp Season for Summer Slides were shown illustrating thej
hydrogen and calcium vapor around
On August Fourth the edge of the sun. The predominate
color is red from the hydrogen al-
CALLS FOR LEADERS though the calcium has a faint purplea
tinge. The first eclipse shown was an
One hundred and thirty boys from i artificial one made by the astronomers3
shielding all but the edge of the sun:
ithe second slide, however was an ac-I
Ann Arbor at noon today on their way tual picture of the eclipse of 1919.
to the Fresh Air Camp at Patterson ,
Lake. They make up the third and
final section of the summer and will
remain at the lake until Wednesday.
August 4, the closing data.
The second section of the Fresh Air
Camp, which ended Wednesday was E
marked by a new addition to the camp
equipment In a locomotive bell loaned
by the Michigan Central Railroad. Points Of historical And Geological
The bell was established on the roof Interest Will Be Covered1
of camp headquarters and is rung for During 'riji
meals and on other occasions on which
the bugler is absent. V ET H EXCR'VON
Leaders for the final section are still is SEVENTH EX URSON
needed and any students or fortnerr
students wishing to spend ten days in As the seventh excursiox on the;
work with under-privileged boys are series of the Summer session a party
urged to get in touch with the a nil) of University students and faculty
authorities. The Student Christian members will leave tomorrow morn-;
Association. at Lane Hall, is the Ann
Arbor headquarters for the camp, ig for Put-In-Bay, where they will-!
Each boy who attends the camp visit the points of historical and geol-
writes before his departure a letter rogical interest. The patty will leave
to some one of the persons who have from the interurban station ret the cot
nTade the camp possible. Another ner of State and Packard streets at
feature that has proved especially in- :00 o'clock in the morning, andinwill
teresting this summer has been the arrive at Put-In-Bay at about noon.
camp coutrt, which Is an experiment by The group will take the regular
Egert Isbell, '27I, in self-govern- steamer from Detroit to Put-In-Bay.;
ment. The court meets vh-enever a There are many points of historical
plaintifT and a dree ts dee r t and geological interest on the Island,
convene and with Mr. Isbell as judge among them the points connected with
hears the case. Penalties are then Peary's victory on lage Erie in the
slevied hlrgely according to the sugges- war of 1812 as well as many caves
tions of the audience, all boys. A which contain stalactites and stalag-
tyicalspuihent is foa boy.hA mites and other formations,
typical puns en a who The party will leave for home about
has been convicted of kicking a camp- T he afrome abut
mate to be tied to a chair so he can't solck in the eoo M r.R-
kick and placed in front of the whole m sel C. Hussey of the geology depart-
camp at campfire. nimeit has charge of the arrangements
__am___t__amp__re. and those wishing to go may still ar-
range by seeing him thI\ afternoon in
I Ch r.~~flrv Age t his office in the Natural Science build-
go to the Elysses tomorrow with his
final answer.
It is deduced from the circum-
stances that M. Poincaire already has
recruited his ministers. M. Farraut
will confer with M. Poincaire in the
presence of Louis B~arthou, and the de-
velopments tomorrow may depend
perhaps on the outcome of that inter-
view .It is understood that 'l. Briandl
already acepted t h post of foreign
affairs. l lI ainleve has agreed in
principle to take a portfolio in the new
cabinet, while M. mSchrameck, one of
the radical leaders. is slated for the
int erior department.
PARilS. France. July 22. --There
was aiother outburst of anti-foreign
sentiment in Paris tomnight. Large
crowds collected on the Boulevard
near the point where the "seeing
Paris" busses start. The emonstra-
tors hooted and jeered and their atti-
tude soon became so threatening that.
the occupants of two of the busses
alighted. Police reserves were sum-
' noned, and rescued several American
and English tourists, against whom
the mob was particularly aggressive.
Many in the Philippines are buying
Levin, leader of t
ployees of the Int
Transit company, ad
tonight to seek their
pre-strike standing.
The strike of thes
and the switchmenI
said. "because of
failure to intervene
desertion from the
He urged the men to
tomorrow morning
yards and ask to beI
Hope For V
G.O. P.
(A.P.)-A Republica
attempt to satisfy w
its next session, in th
ator Fess of Ohio
talking politics with
idge, but the adminil
tinue to resist price
measures it conssider
Nearly half of the1
now go to public s
!y 2.-EdardP.lan 'with the Cushman Hotel of Petosky
y 22.--Edward P.
and from 1913-14 was connected with
he striking en- the management of the Arlington
erborough Rapid Hotel of the same city. In 1917 he
Ivised the strikers became deputy clerk of the Michigan
r old jobs at their Supreme court, a position which he
left only to become assistant secretary
subway motormen of the University in 1920.
had been lost, he His return to Ann Arbor was a pop-
Mayor Walker's ular one, as he is a member of the
and the steady Detroit Athletic Club, several Masonic
strikers' ranks." organizations, and a number of the
march in a body canipus societies, including Comedy
to the interbour club and Barristers, honorary legal
taken back. society.
Mr. Buckley will be the second gen-
7est In eral manager of the Union, his pre-
decessor, Homer Heath, being the only
Says Fess ;nan who has held the position
hitherto. The date for Mr. Buckley's
N. Y., July 22.-- assumption of the duties of his posi-
an congress will tion was not named, but it will in all
estern farmers at likelihood be the first of October, the
he opinion of Sen- time at which Mr. Heath's resignation
expressed after will take effect.
h President Cool-
stration will con-UrnlRE N
~-Iixing andl ot 11(
taxes of Honolulu IM
chool expenses.
(By Associated Press)
ami 1 ress1
A Reji ew by Paul J. Kern
SSome people understand the
theater, others say they understand
it; I do neither; that is how I qualify
for the position of critic. Some plays
are entertaining, others are interest-
ing; "The Doctor In SSpite of Him-
self" is superlative; that is why the
stock company draws capacity houses
on summer nights. That is as far as
mere logic can take us.
Moliere, whoever he was, under-j
stood human nature; that much is
certain. "What a plague it is to have!
a wife" are nearly the first words of
the play, showing that the world hasj
not changed so much after all in the
last three centuries, and that the
it is small wonder that the trick
"went over big."
Robert Henderson in the part of
Sganarelle was the usual finished
actor, although it is my opinion that
this is the best part that he has done
since Patiomkin. Sganai'ell is not an
easy part, by any means, and the man-
ner in which it was performed de-
serves the customary commendation
which this actor habitually receives.
Amy Loomis in the part of Sganar-
elle's wife likewise came up to ex-
pectations, and Ann Arbor audiences
have come to expect a great deal of
her. Camille Masline as Lucinda is
the kind of an actress that one would
describe as "delectable" if she were in
the movies, and.which one is forced to
call accomplished.
Warren Parker is a humorous event
C(CHICAGO, July 22.-A complete
recount of the vote cast in Cook
County (Chicago) for the United
States Senatorial nomination in both
Republican and Democratic parties
was ordered today by County Judge
Jarecki, at the request of Senator
James A. Reed, of Missouri, chairman
of the Senate campaign expenditures
The court acted as true bills report-
ed to have been *ted against 54
judges and clerks of election in the
April primaries were awaited in the
criminal court. The total now under
indictment is 109.
Senator Reed sought the aid of te
county court in determining how the
Senatorial ballots were handled as
his committee prepared to assemble
j here Monday fo ran inquiry into the
Senatorial primaries.
MIAMI, Fla., July 22, (A.P.)--Unche
Under the auspices of the With Misconduct iuxg,
Woman's league a dance will lie About 75 are expected to go and thm
'heldfromn :30 to 11:30 o'clock total cost will not be over five dollar
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22.-(A.P.) a piece,
tonight at Barbour gymnasium. -The federal grand jury will inves
No admittance will be charged tigate the activities of Col. Ned M, LONDO.-Approximately 4,000,00
but students are required to show Green, federal prohibition administra-i women are employed in British in
their treasurer's receipts, I1tor for northern California and Nev- wonie
________________________jI utis
L _ ___ _ ala. Principal charges against Col
- ---Green include criminal misconduct in
office, protection of bootleggers, pad- BASEBALL SCORES
world of Moliere was
ple as that of today.
at least as sim- in any play in which he takes part,
A clever plot, and this is no execption. He is chron-
Our a hrding of government expense accounts
Ou, r Wea a_ _a-d being intoxicated in a public pace, 1
Announce Time To
Pay Diploma Fees;
Diploma fees of ten dollars may be
paid any time from now to the end of
the summer semester. Seniors will
obtain blanks at the Registrar's of-I
-Regrets that it will be fair and flee and the fee will be paid at the
slightly warmer today. I4Treasurer's ofllce in University hall, E
Detroit 9, W
St. Louis 5,
Cleveland 4,
Chicago 10,
New York 5,
Brooklyn 2,
Boston 3, Ci
rlean League
ashington 13
"oston 4
Philadelphia 2
New York 13
onal League
St. Louis 3
6, Chicago 4
Pittsburgh 14
ncinnat 13
.which I suppose was not original ically and inevitably funny; whether Sam will clasp hands with other na-
I with Moliere, coupled with fine inter- deliberately or not doesn't matter. tions of the western hemisphere in the
1 pretive work on the parts of the WilliamI nglis, who achieves his first opening of the ten million dollar Uni-
players make the production all that role in college dramatics in the part versity of Miami at Coral Gables, Octo-
could be desired--and more. of the neighbor, showed exceptionally ber 15.
It is an interesting treat to Ann j well in his minor part. This boy will Located on the tip of the mainland,
Arbor audiences-this idea of having bear watching--in four years--who the school is in comparatively close
the players enter and leave through ; knows? proximity to the Spanish-speaking
the theater, and one which was ap- people of the new world, and through
preciated to the utmost by the house. 13BERLIN.-- Efforts by legal repre- a gift of $1,000,000 by Victor Hope, Mil
The close up views of the grease sentatives of the Hohenzollern family ami millionaire, a. Pan-American de-
painted faces are not always edifying, to resume negotiations with Prussia partment has been provided.
but they are by no means repulsive, for a settlement of the property claims Extensive courses in subjects of in-
and when there is such a one as War- of the former Kaiser and his family ternational interest, with significance
Sren Parker to drop clothes-pins all have met with refusal by the Prus- principally to the western world, will
the way up and down the center aisle, ( sian government. be offered.