PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILYFRDYJUY2,12 FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1926 p itt~mril ¢argumuents long; enough to unite inI - saving the crippled nation from dis- I t I~ t i ~ a t li aster. 'Their squabbling continues, OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE g (erme1ts fall, andi the Frane and UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN French credit decrease corresponding- SUMMER SESSION ly. France is helpless. She will nev- Yublisl .d every morninog except :Monday, during the Uiversity Summer Se ;ion by i he ale to approach an ycondition the Poard in Control of Student "'ublica- embi:stlltyw oashs -provincial brick-bting continues i the The Associated Press is exclusiv: s en-' Chamber. Aewo teDepulties arc titled to the use for republicatn of 01all news dispatches credited to it or t ot11-7 w ise at least beginning to realize the tragic credited in this paper and the l ri-,v\s nub-'state of affairs and are at the pres- lished herein. ent time (ireulaiting a petition fiOIa Entered at the Ann Arbor, Mlico-am, dictatorsbip, or for a "C omumit tee of postofilee as second class salter. Subscription by carrier, $i So; by mnail,M Public Sa fety'" which will amoulit to Offices: Press Building., Maynai d >lreet, Ann Arr Mihizain. Asnimuch as t inrv nation l'itog toi(l Music And Drama {flffifflff{frirflrlr~lrlll" I E1 BEFORE TILE TEM PLEL OF ART NormnanBel Geddes who has been casting about for something of the same magnitude as "The Miracle" toI engage his talent has under consid- eration a dramatization of James Branch Cabell's "Jurgen." He has al-I GRAHAM'S Special Tables of Books of Interest' to Educators .GRAHAM'S At Both Ends of the Diagonal C o Incatioi:5, ii Sig ned AS evioc Ice Of good faith, "ill he publdished ill The Sumnmer' Daily attiheddi-crction of the L ditor. 7 Ii-j Sigiied c lilmll ciionls will reeive no110 i1 sideratiori. The signatu re miatt be omited ini pubiicatio a if desired by the writer. The Suommer D~aily does not necessarily e..dorse the sentiments expressed in the comiolunica. tionls, Telephone 192,- MANAGING EDITOR MANNING IHOUSEWORTHi Chairman, Editorial Board....Eugene I. tuickunst City Editor. ..............Wiilliath R1. lBreyer. Music anlD t: aii.........\Villiaiii C. Lucas Woman's Editor............Julia Roth Brown Night E itorsM William Stockvi -l I'! dre Ii or ohergcr P'aul J. Kern r. d(rick "llillito y Douglas Doubleday Djona Boyle Williamniliity Frances Gustin LawrenceIHy mar, Assistants N ita Kell c Mary iMaci) n ld Georgce'T. McKean Mlarg;aret Nwtrd 1BUSENES STIUFF Trelephonie 212141 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Circulation ........... ....... Keineth Iaven Advertising .............. Franciis Not 1ob-t Assistants MIabel I.hambcra Laurence Van Itoy William F. Cook il ildrcd \\ iliat:-, Edward Solomon FRIDAY, JlVILY 2:). 1 92ti Night Edit ot':-'. It.. llOlN1I (' L Mussolini, as dlictator of Italy, hasI been c-riti-zed and 'ra Xed" conistant ly by niewspapers and spea