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December 15, 1907 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-15

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T.e MichiganD aily



By Raymond Vsscher
tMuicts lax sobingliiat ic Ii l d 1. i
t~s in disgiaicdep, darkii iiiii c l -
(Ije igrace., s i ct o erroodcti i. -
idr her slis. SIhe ofc thI xl ciii ta' I
,Jc epuctatio. thadl ilcdi. .endI \irt
ofall little girls , lae.,c . cci Itno er''t
ride., ii iMciss neets vr1 ccite pcpil.
it gouud exaplfarteetr egbohohdcilitcd o'11i.l 11mdtal i.Mi i liihai ii
:i th lit , a lle upctd ta
~1vli'_l ilo 1i odlbus xtt(ritily btl. Tievo 1ic~
Mlargylieul l cli a hd sxl ial iii r
afen o l iiri cc "' iclpi,;i 1 1ic
f-tic a shet o 1 11-c~o , h
el cof all, hrbohr - . who
i 'Il th h l w - cNtlltede cel e l.\
' ha ccitt u'uu iuittc it
iediiciiiiiii st xuc (:iluxe i I,11 1i
l el o( s Ii3 1- I ll t, \ r 1 d \li
te lii Il.\F111 ngh M t k i]( 1 ii
,111 the xubi. 1i11n , i 011~ 'c
cciii1. She w ud ' I \a l~ace'
fate to 11e111(1 iii 1d"rto . 1
MV c i cci 1131i. , lv ' 1d .,
l tcti'cs' d ildatad!.1t
washol essci i th "plr \ , 1
cied it s~rtosep

r Itlouheart ifll if tmtsic intt li3 place
Aiil dtx is , iiheeein cte tunligtht is a
eI i c -oci cii shadowsxi of Ilie'dittt treen
\iiil lichiran-cver(ci Itetuiks if ancent

(d II il) iat ttin= 4 Ilc, .aniilal is il0 1y

'E 7

l i r°
"l c
? ill
"l l a

Io> bluc nm lif' C lossoimisi. fel oitl
phimlgb iakne l o te wtaterwas
uc herylluoi-blloioledllily-htiads
tal norxii ttixc.att e s et is it ttt

By Elmer C. Adams
M\y tial attif Ipedatiedto ~ilsomeily
northtwardtill clay. against:tcesvind, atxd
its lciail of dlrieving rain. W~e rixie fronm
Gllasguot, passeul l-ithrtott with its
lofity cciitle, anti crept forty ttiles alottg
the biase of the cxoxtxttcixttoxoar left,- l
flirtting onlty tuu xvaxdtheii withi lhe
fiest slope xf their ascent. Otur rad
wtai enclosed miuit;af lie swca y yhigh
lottlestalls, itccealculbly ild, acid solid
as. thosxe cclaifortifieaatii. 'Ihey cottt-
piletely iht t xiite ticiw oclthe fields
ttecie at bliatiil buit sometimtuciottc of
cihem lcoulie ei'eii, cirther axway, Iheav'-
ily clitmbicug a iciicti tciiaiilf xc'cy'txcIte
tioi.I.Undtie cwiicill noui cigh tgl. e
knteiw, Wsicx te greatixLoehLi oottnti, of
whtich wet'' ciaht a gilitmpsecit intervacls.
Iti awintd-chacfedl aatee ciulil le lxeard
smuartly uchippicng atpehhly hechlttatnd
tlx aticwhen nxerteilctg te ochores
it talnilii ei ic o celngte iifssr
if it, acid itoppedii'Itoiiwasxi the mud lrott
cute whleels. It wasiiocly axarow lakce,
ix ice litecauriv'erin <<leepi tcllec. It,
wasi spotitedIclos.ely ithllye soodlen
islnd: anth li'ereteati ngitiiitttaitns
I ceod erec esiiltii, esticandet' a
greyesky in a huii rditi eucs iof green.
fThe (giiiiI Ipeolelcweiipasie eiii re a
ireliathrsoaie'lookiiilaat. 'There
is eec aifewx cwortkaenx, whoiiccaerie'dcatns
of euoffee ill th eir poiet~es.I tue eclre-

"xl x~i e I I \ arl (l . iro .
'Icidi Ilic her cIc, .t Ii txli
il thelidgcli ifthliii i ii 1 t l lIw
c c c e SOuic chadp ". 1,1 l{;))
'Iceaoutlt e i l i 'liis itl 6(i \1,
hell te l~cj had ttlclt he "'it rh
ci isslionuaryii'cileonhtx 1(\tSt. i
dav i:and herabblit cmd x ii' . tt i
I--iuiiici Ilal ch'l ai t. W 1( I ;~
oa rbit ca ', akiI m s tv
been thtetorlin -x lii 1 11 ,,i t
c11g.uily wile e.ihdicis s ii mnii "oi
fa tmers.uc011! wiiil tc t se xi rhd
oSle i sh ase chr c,} ": anl
ThIeec.aiehaready seaited iicc
AIvces 1arouciniddthiCspper'Ci'i'liiigi ep
cigxhe reddenediieiesiciiueis, I ow
cxsii',rdid nct eI theless.xci ti t wc o ill
lidxstal e akit. Jicliti al ll ecu lll ".ci
ciide te xcstemarv If iict-; irtc;ilty-
litese to iher.co uledailiac J cclii
lxiii stillnoialit ttia her1 tld alC iii
an inurle policytht elangyteidiiJiohIt
li)te.ut.yJohnC'ould eallyi-(con--
siiiit' e f tei' tail l cou e, forl thx .
iw st'. htte sii cly he d thaitlx Jcc lct i
entetined cltictlugdhxtitfttmirrycingc
litstill-othnliearrylxix1xc. \tcieoft lil
little! c, iteorhdii'1alicewol url
AilsT~ey wetalksectsbtut: Gl ert
now.eirlFaterside, riig lx andcie ilwasi
licth-we.Iil ly, mclo thi eti tieCsfixs
caentnet' eo aildhandetCiithieorge's

I1ccxix U RIi S ccxxx.l
i citca, to thii .le hammckxie. Shccdidinlct
,,m ct" (til, cshe decidled. 51cc cad
jU1 % nCiii toi1ic l onedccxc Wiithx lxxx tit
;i l c giefc. Bcside'.. Johnccightc
he gii.p 0) get maicedi . Factheriihad
Ii .1 tell ev ryx i ngxiic toxx dth lat il?
kn w hy lay l lidu tinow
1" r i cmt IxiKm lha cfah Cr mutii
l* 11metel bo t c, i let,"lcitghtecd
TO toraise xxxan lid Ituss ?"
Ii .O i nkcx clelit with iixe itixeit catti
cccl cc ccctiii
TV ni e nt was Icx(' (cni ousllxi . dReal-
!, h r xre bldl i dn'li Isietx itxii soc
w0 mn aterall ilcieMagy ectldl
s._ stnmh cfnnnyin cihe situactiuxt.
cr it litle chiie Icks impiledlfouxC hi'
-;-- ctn' icccxmorning, xand a xelucectt1
1cti c bcclledlieCorth'
- IL olxc ses id. cccxx, yout
I&% I h mecia wfl l i 110 ic1-10 it
,, ruh Iisid, andcci Ptixelyli harodt
QN1 toa, rid itwasall cectd
whhspas nd t ws mcldxithatcitl
11 tc reepxll xxr xc ioh !John
t11 :ll th-tn. 1 hc lust iqua t.ian
,1_c thc that i i si de il cc i\ ut i
th m ut-c c ! i ali t
dwcx l care ccif cxI idsy'citilc'cil
a cc rd ittleccii ct c iaty uuux. ais
ltneccli sie'.. It c u cx't iclknew ccxxxin,
1icixi cc c a bedl i. ttclxcit l
13 c ha, itl' ir liclic tioss tucI
st11:' xecwastulerepfulexed.c
] t ic ilt. I cclil tisicig rIic 1c'hecn
ci ' ol i m hatxciii cccxleccxx'the sou te
ix RW c freshI cxpeais ttandec's'xlca'
( cccxl xci had xall x'e'nca sile d r ccci
cndxci'ye thtcday ithcca slit' appte,


mancin cc arculet butixscadlytbc'drcaggledf ccii.
omca e rundcacc ornxerxupexiititt is 5C
xsuddlc'nly thaci t x' ucn'crlt' collided'xl-Ils
horsc .acni cuixcucl coit euxux itaccucstomedx'I
to, ccar's axliimi, slutpe icsuidecnly candc
cleapeI ideisce.TlheIhcii-icng swoxrd
rose ccxycis xxcncxmxvemuecnt, cand droup-
pecaans xt ln. 'fle becast
thouigluhea t rIcxi c kcandxidacrtedulolnxg
acae tn.1t in ltxcxused'l xthe
j otskrtsto at t, xhil acuttli'of
l ll i cheslxi Wen't lx'c udrlni m
bre illa 'c ndl 1,xxt;lxcxl xc ccs. Ihl uc'e
xic meltxxcc wereuxwoixthc'sp'endincg canxhurc
wihschliaxsorri specctcxle'Weix'etey
ofmu ccclasct'tering 'ccci xtx'c'xey wth cier
beIllret cAx l ciic 'cx m l herev'er eraide,
doors,'ccc ulliug e f c iiirse eeed
As we ncx'e'red u' r ccc'des'inactionc, indue'
'cccxl liinmud ,an too cx'aryto drawst
ax hung blieactt.thec' ltiudch roea', atnd
draggeduthuemsetlvexs ccxacutfromiuct1ce iun,
accx gust dcii c ithind lii'mutatitts.
'['hen cxci cula. dtlixc'rigidnesscc cc ourt
lxxx. washedul itncx hacp, cnd imaxdcot''-
xx't'' i eu' ry,xc'a cxxxm caund ccorale wilth
s.elf-eongracutlcationi. IWxecast ouerItuntls
atxhe cluet totrmf, antdl uithi 11e eve'cicng
sunshaiinc'ecrude itTar''bet.
''bis s a ixc ixtuxrcxesqelittle' village,1
wchereexrchapils aiIxhundrcedi people lice
regularlty; shephlerdsxcitostly, scment'it-
keec'pers, fer'rymen 'andcxcihirn ~nfali's.It
is ax ctio'nfhor lxi'lcxlisteamer plyng'
1 lxxci Ituhuuctxux tuxulnd Ixixextuaif
adisxsutineccxd hutrgely onituucist hush-
ronagex" c et:citsixstructelisixtypuicatllice
cull thc' villagecscxcthils regionti
xe streetsi ire nacrrow-s, tutd wind
cbuttixifessycccli ticdooras's whailch
dubtluless hdihex ir plce'first, aixif dfewx
the raduilto themic ''here is to loot-
ill cur r xe ltklys, lie nxhe rade
cccxxitgtinachytaifuxut liciml caccifhas teen
woran suidleIcy fie touist'csautomotbfile
ci nchxiu sm, Ite oxily vehuicles tnts' seetx
oni thmt. 'Thehouisexsxwhichxare fuift
miissiv'ely if stotte, cure lontg, lowxt, andi
genxecally ccxlcxcii'rototm idie, so Itat e
thirec' roomsttifal hoIucesex'reitta cintgfe
rots. ''fey arc' xerhutnmg twithlintes, and
greeni withi axdhy, eelsvely moss. ''Te
whotle exterioriscarcacterized byact
cafpfearanii'cxo aniuicity,fpertnetxcy
ciccid cointes's. 'Pileu'scifieifoccupancy
cil ve'geftaxle life-cts if it taxd lastexedf
cifixtttthese stocces ceticiries agoxanif
lirouxiicedit is getiecationucs atid getterat-
Itiocts, is in accortftwit the itmnovafbfe-
ness ofIfie waflsffhemslves .IHere axen

.\IGHT'l'ON 'rHEfAti SALfE. IT
'Te Act Sable's still
fs stiffer far,
Whdfett the wthipporwiff
Atnd the liftle stcr e
Kelpswaltchwhilie te dy' caseep;hi h
Whfetn a tfrobing throat oc
'f'frilsth tfxcfik llac iouduci
With a tweary ote-
'fhfathis nexer uttderstcodfs
And facmwinhkltng ligte p
fntheft far stiff nigfht,
Iccafks diowncmtfroutgfh txt'mightfy dccpix
At the pitny sodf, a
tile te eye of Gailt
Wholxisixgftf that af is right. F
CwN DAte 's~t,msiuc. e
macy' hictefotutxifsfetefr adifproectcionix1I
whenxte Rotxanttlegions ueecfirst xen-x
tincg amtong tie Cfevit''oss;afIeres
thec'y tiiy-idi'secrefywetu rc thetcc-h
tit centtry sems yotig---Thf'hith ~ea
imtphresioin ticy' gle
But uwithlthle' chxraelr xofIcge acdn
sabiliy' is that of warmthil, dimesiiete, u
nf ga'mcie fusion uwitite'acicmctafhert-
inessxofclnc. Thfey hae beecttmeictd'c
lxy humtnatnattr;arc no tmoecarhi
tec'tre inicold sote, bccciaftinsie
wshere oce may' cttpeely- relie him-c
itl, as cornt ttcy ii loait andlsunlight
1 cut Iuxocm uttnttt satdinincthiiIe dfoo-£
twcty seems ci genuinte efflorescencte of I
nature;l as rightly placif as firs tuponcs
a miunctinst, cuerwoof-hie y' a window.s
On nietarrowx' sie let clewnttuc icthe
ushaurf whlere a steamerrhtdf comemlo lngt
i its joureyie tIo ltuversnalef. Tevil-If
lcgecimce out of l thit fiuss,lheclthy, t
irobucst min-tacnif wotiec, andprety'chill-I
dr-ei. .A crowdsIoecitourists, catnu xshor-
sacexcrsini'ststrongetg heushir.i
ltheni somue swaxderr it hightfatilgarb1
proucedx a bc fagpipe anu plyedl ai ctati-
lice tixce, every' u-ice bgat fummtitnig.t
'fere fclilfowedclamdancigtime, tolch x-ii
t uoax threce isely' cuple. stlhemt-
scki es going, at a merry jig, aixd, ccc
couraecgedf Iy'tih'e cowd, cfanced loiunitili
lte steamxer secs omt of sight.
Wei'siaote spper unde ed xige, jail
oxutside the village, oni aisiope leadingr
dfouwn to the foch, aix the ifore of whitci
a half-dfozent maidens uere egagedl i
x romcpig game VWe orebore to ma-
irie, fearfcl lest lthevs-ison shocld flie
lii lice our disite.After a thitie we
macf encIqiry tftrougfhtfevilicge, andc
foun accotcimmoedfaion for te nigtit
risatie house'lThis iot onyfyreccdfis
freomi te lthetvy' excctionis.of thlinn-mt
keepr. huh allowused cms to isfect te
interior lf te sntuglitle cottcges. "We
txeectshired itoonie cxl lhe rotms
wxhichi otrfacty-haddalcieecdy fondffy' x-
ploricd. It was ca sucare, lus-ceilinged
roomc, containing a fly fireflace, amd a
rare old mahogany bresau. 'lhe ilt-
fuowsa itlushti wilthtfe outer surface of
te wall, ande left aim the iside a ledge
txoiinsmithall feelwidfe, it the proper
heighxt for a writinig dskasdetomlet
tablt.'Te led waximost 'surprising, a-
tee ut hopeful, ht y no means prescient-
certalin search lucd reealed it. Oiii one
side of lte com ue drewsbacak a cit-
lain anxu discoered a deep reces ic the
oct11 ft contalred a shef, covered tiy
a file arrday of mamttress, shees and
flnkelts. Ily pal laughed, and mamxc-
factur~d acmatominicable pun, ot he spo.
"IWel, Ill e laid on the shell" said Ie.
I-e roffed ci cigartte, 1lightedt it, then
fthrews a hlazinig petny magazininittthe
freplace. IHe gazed ad it ie a re-
tutriceuf Engistman at at ale hoise sig.
Lets has-c a fire of coals, and stay
ere!cc ftcsaid.
(lim hostess was a notlhery- old so.
81cc comamandedf ix to get imto dry
cluothes, ail prepared ax a glass of hot

lmill, ushife shec reiterated frequetfly the
lprecatiottary duties of people far awvay
from home. lBmt she displayed an amnaz-
lug ignorance of fhe things for ushich
S (Continued on page a.)

By Paul Scott Mowrer
Bcacuseccit wmscci trix'tcucx'. ct' 11he
dccclxx iwa ciihalf xeseted. I Downucoxh
uxc'mc', uvherc'e e cr urdcxc inuhtolx \tcit
rash avuixic, ml'heulc anduhlii iforxlamc
,f ai mpolic'umncughtd Cicmc's ey~e, ccii
cc cegedt immclccxc' to dlii. buildingsg
lcre, i case cut neceixit, a dozce
dude x-cits wouulefhideim.cl He lIceicai
udk luci d cclfocrthmbef'ore'''I xluht'x
;safe"'folic e ucchiociiis or moreiii-,
till his soumauchx mxcixexmt.Hislls
,Vcuct youtxhiumust acxxiiffset hiiita
andf dishlm 'uent, fori he' seemedccI cuxcuhci
ox tochelidi' ecccioxi mcldcc 5xssc li.
duct tey Iknowa xxll i' cshi xcii.' of
mci' fecasi-cay c'timntiiicxliii at-cx
tered stret-ul ucxte', who lini)i
ookxl andufit wxhlineu'tlii'bread forI w hcic
cuccestr menmixuuust suiat-c i dc Il xior
*lrix'c-fthuiricsouxl. I c ci ccc . 'xwith 'it
xix inxpermien'ce t hew hudig art,
andx uthouughlit es lcca I c fer
noon, feicltunomore fhu rfor h i C cli cist
mnsdinne uathan lxixif icchadclee. u tiocld-.
xls lcggcxu i dli istrict.i
Wih1 av hc1ts t hemmstx- xi-c
',x's ruumbhlmledxyasif ithe1citdociiliketh
dust ol teir passengersiwercorm w
'ity digestigafalcaicuc c xca
cab'ocmacit creakexldcccxxix ict.cTh
sharpi wincfdxlhippedix a iglowcxitlc Il"o
'air-i cc dlix'scttrdITi l i ti l
seclf-arpionccl uacd ipassed iione is I i
jcc mu f, ex cngingcfriunlyx 'ic
Clhcdcprofucferedimlfcc pateticnxi"
o hic muurey o cci after dcc cucicl, had
cclyitt' -luckx.lxiii attrndedhu ireccix I
thei mustxx artIleha ee c;nrtic.
brusedtc asuidex wii out iaio tic-
mx xx xii 1 avI ccc cccumc is Iipla
into thexplatidfcso h tr. ht
ln d he sic't
liueseutly I' sawi uixtuecx clxiia -y 'xii
manxx withhealxiiiboixeu, Itriin h oilcughp'
fully clcumug through dlii Ccxcix cii
Youncxg mndwasipal,is eyes iweu-chit-i
sit. mndtch ad axx suarechn--prmi
mg fecaturesxths. lm ie ni Iec
acroes tie wl naln i lipanal
cshculatx'ldcxo lce imlxxat the tccx'
man's sicdle'juixt abovc ".Muplxii's . IC
flu- glimpsex~d lis cdelioiina cc i ccix cx
as lx hedpassed, andiithuleaseI him.I I c
lokelajtimd- dand ic-xe .
Ilhucuxthcluecameriucaciigxxxi". ce
tlxai lxt iimliiop~posite isIin itenedvi c'
timi' carlxx xIfor ciit f Ictes h uwinedis c
'Wat'sct' at" Te. m" craniti
pit andpeexl t: lu eharl.
1 donuI 't.hx ir oune,"xcxxr ciucxl-i
ftlcm,"jest socuedhlucito at" li,; Nucec l
uw-e'elhcrdly- tuunice.xandhe 1 -'xc hi'.
''Soxmthin et.' Yu'vc dc ii t -
gry all dacy, I suppose"'.
Clxiifelldlihe iy ut blxx cvccx mc
maely, 'Yesi-"
'I'dueercmre, iiosib'.le, hiowcfari
he mightullxst tdellds wsord, iihi oung
maca redoublthhefr~ce ir f 01li seexti lx
"tWell," tiecculuedhhrsiatinguly, 'I
o'tlbelie'xve cdini soxitIofltiglxxxi
comme caloncg." fiThxii s lxi icert,,lcup
the street, Cem followx ip t hi helsii
like a chg, dueetcugt sight ax "Mur-e
phy'i Cafe.'"Ifeted- Cmin e ,cx" lie
I. gush cxifswarmm, sickemning iued
Ipac themt as tey openmedlthedii'or.ii
Inside usas sesam ni theIdle roflcoolutcati
tag grease.
c"Sit here"' said the yocug cocucin-x
dicaing -attoo at te flul ch cuter
whlich filedl the front of thm'exuoom. lPe
hind it sotre uswotmenm were xxirting.
drawsing mtuddey coffer fromucblg hin
acmk, ratfling dishes, amd slminidg- the
double-hcingecd door lilteirmwcitoc
and from thte kitchen.
Clem's benefactor gcve instructin
inaudile 1o Cleat to eofic thieliwaii-
resses, and Iaduheli umadcvaceuflic

his dinncer. Thten lite seatedl himse'lf hu
(Continued tin plige 3.)


ii t' couii itarcuie. 51hesct: right there
icc theu litclxx'an crxiecedl so lharmdthati
1 hadi toug(,et cc-C c dish tuselxxt a ice-
lirces-- cci. It waus aceansmionei,cancd
1 Coui lntxi xxxiai hacnidkecrchief, sum you
ce.'uixc'look.cii.thictuegave liemiami
rc>,}t x'e lucid4 yesterdacy, swhiichsucts
I cucd ad tithlmesaid wacsnx't fit to
eat, andci cother scaidhlaxcould youm
Mxx dcc o xiok cwith cm rcange life shte's
"c Aci suihexlx'gcave liesomxe mastutr-
cccx :ndlf al Icus'm'terd tic. 'ccxl then
sle ducn I Ihomeuc, candxl moxthla Iughedfa
litle cl s i I xxwii cmsilly it 1t'girl
i-iccr c idatbucutithxe'dm0otlbeinxg any-
"Ancid Jusia it tle'whili' later, fiM'.
aix-u- idrov incad xcaidllxxi'ymacto fell
( PConctinuxmed on tage 2.).

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