SUPPLIENT T.e MichiganD aily AN ARBOR, NIC- IGAN .TUDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1907. VoT.. XVIII Y(:)(7 A SANGUINARY PHILANTHROPIST By Raymond Vsscher tMuicts lax sobingliiat ic Ii l d 1. i t~s in disgiaicdep, darkii iiiii c l - (Ije igrace., s i ct o erroodcti i. - idr her slis. SIhe ofc thI xl ciii ta' I ,Jc epuctatio. thadl ilcdi. .endI \irt ofall little girls , lae.,c . cci Itno er''t ride., ii iMciss neets vr1 ccite pcpil. it gouud exaplfarteetr egbohohdcilitcd o'11i.l 11mdtal i.Mi i liihai ii :i th lit , a lle upctd ta ~1vli'_l ilo 1i odlbus xtt(ritily btl. Tievo 1ic~ Mlargylieul l cli a hd sxl ial iii r afen o l iiri cc "' iclpi,;i 1 1ic f-tic a shet o 1 11-c~o , h el cof all, hrbohr - . who i 'Il th h l w - cNtlltede cel e l.\ ' ha ccitt u'uu iuittc it iediiciiiiiii st xuc (:iluxe i I,11 1i l el o( s Ii3 1- I ll t, \ r 1 d \li te lii Il.\F111 ngh M t k i]( 1 ii ,111 the xubi. 1i11n , i 011~ 'c cciii1. She w ud ' I \a l~ace' fate to 11e111(1 iii 1d"rto . 1 MV c i cci 1131i. , lv ' 1d ., l tcti'cs' d ildatad!.1t washol essci i th "plr \ , 1 cied it s~rtosep r Itlouheart ifll if tmtsic intt li3 place Aiil dtx is , iiheeein cte tunligtht is a eI i c -oci cii shadowsxi of Ilie'dittt treen \iiil lichiran-cver(ci Itetuiks if ancent (d II il) iat ttin= 4 Ilc, .aniilal is il0 1y 'E 7 l i r° ,; "l c ? ill "l l a Io> bluc nm lif' C lossoimisi. fel oitl phimlgb iakne l o te wtaterwas uc herylluoi-blloioledllily-htiads tal norxii ttixc.att e s et is it ttt IN BONNIE SCOTLAND By Elmer C. Adams M\y tial attif Ipedatiedto ~ilsomeily northtwardtill clay. against:tcesvind, atxd its lciail of dlrieving rain. W~e rixie fronm Gllasguot, passeul l-ithrtott with its lofity cciitle, anti crept forty ttiles alottg the biase of the cxoxtxttcixttoxoar left,- l flirtting onlty tuu xvaxdtheii withi lhe fiest slope xf their ascent. Otur rad wtai enclosed miuit;af lie swca y yhigh lottlestalls, itccealculbly ild, acid solid as. thosxe cclaifortifieaatii. 'Ihey cottt- piletely iht t xiite ticiw oclthe fields ttecie at bliatiil buit sometimtuciottc of cihem lcoulie ei'eii, cirther axway, Iheav'- ily clitmbicug a iciicti tciiaiilf xc'cy'txcIte tioi.I.Undtie cwiicill noui cigh tgl. e knteiw, Wsicx te greatixLoehLi oottnti, of whtich wet'' ciaht a gilitmpsecit intervacls. Iti awintd-chacfedl aatee ciulil le lxeard smuartly uchippicng atpehhly hechlttatnd tlx aticwhen nxerteilctg te ochores it talnilii ei ic o celngte iifssr if it, acid itoppedii'Itoiiwasxi the mud lrott cute whleels. It wasiiocly axarow lakce, ix ice litecauriv'erin <,}t x'e lucid4 yesterdacy, swhiichsucts I cucd ad tithlmesaid wacsnx't fit to eat, andci cother scaidhlaxcould youm Mxx dcc o xiok cwith cm rcange life shte's "c Aci suihexlx'gcave liesomxe mastutr- cccx :ndlf al Icus'm'terd tic. 'ccxl then sle ducn I Ihomeuc, candxl moxthla Iughedfa litle cl s i I xxwii cmsilly it 1t'girl i-iccr c idatbucutithxe'dm0otlbeinxg any- "Ancid Jusia it tle'whili' later, fiM'. aix-u- idrov incad xcaidllxxi'ymacto fell ( PConctinuxmed on tage 2.).