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December 15, 1907 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1907-12-15

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- -A S sNGIUINARY PHlILANTHRO11- THE RETURN HOME ' ha old nhan ses listening eagerly THE FOLLY OF LEARNING
ISi'. 'vs , it's alnost ten minutes after
YE CAULDRON By Jules Verne Des oignes seet nos. e.ll be cmn' soon, cer- BY W. D. Lae
(t'outinucit front page .) ttmIhwo
my~ tnt that Ithe couldn't tbring thema "Wiats tins is it, Lucy." tm y, tovgod that suppr smells! The extravagant and pretetious e_
Vit li Reolnwii twlvebuhel ofpottoc, bcaue tey "Only twenty minutes past six, Dan. For a moment he left the fire and went ogums often pnned by over-zealos
Vivola evoutin. wele bshes ofpottoe, bcaue tey byYou know his train isn't due 'till nearly over again to the window. Something biographers have ever been the bane st
Since the good old days of the tam- ad all got the dry-rot from there not seven
bein norai. fi tod fttir tht h seen.intangitly sad seemed to sober his face the great. Surely one of the leat par-
ily gatherings under the Sign of thsheiht icingddrzznoot rain, a h erliet. etopliispri fathere f heethatescomhee
Ass's Head, there has been a material d'hnt see Ios e teever sas going to pay "ihydr n rmy citngt slepeee ut epsnsii.h oal f ht olescmitditt
elhange iGteutttuesf heunvesiygieiteres nSptme.Sifcusetus gone down with te ilad left the cottage and was standing good faith is a e assiiou effort pt
I kewtha h ad Ms.Bron ndlanterts" aliefitt a little cemetery not so very forth by many a biographer In display
toward its instituions. Then it ws n aOh, Jnes'1shiatdliesamtd Mrs. lhtrosvmr amid
ematrlog beenihegunio o at thhe bby wuotld have Is go to te poor- Di m 1tn i tyalrgt-fravy, eside tte grave of the boy his hero in varied and brilliant lists
hamulers ofe'hcunspirt"fa and thto house ist ike ol Mr. IBrewster last just trust Jim for that!l An' maybe whlo sas sont to cone home of old- as the greatest sholar of his age'
strike tins o he kinilingseatlevery a year.wItemsshertadzboth legstcutntfo'b'e'k'istouthI sing room with Evidence is marshalled by the volume
op-sa eesyer we itimeshsdtbath svas theoyftingit for hint to salk tip in i. Yes, Ihi his cheery sout-wsomnto kiss both of and proof piled tponroof, in order to
pristiy. Teestsusi uio esthink helt take a thack" tet iiihis free-iaredincmad riiimwsacim tIcuddorn1js et vrweeh ay-snuto attach this stigma beyond all disputte
mum ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~" cohsn.Ciiim sa rmi s cul t i itueu vrslee Ilope he twil, Lucy.'idateeoutnto smpper--sons to fill te to the very person twhose fame it woudi
graTnIa omemhtbea hso oIikfu cah atngt ee lhe old mns voice qimierei.Ilee sehtle huise uwit the musie of his e supposed the biographer himseli
lute majesty antI was puniised as severe-awenutr out ee together se saw an
IsWalkeud a little unmsteadily to the windiowt laughter amiu brighitess-weonts--BSts would be most anxious o preserve ut-
fy. oIt waua o ieprssitutidog ussrehuhblothatumette aney outsthre YnandI restimgIis kumckles upon te cold Jim-herJimo-sas qiety sleeping in tarnished. Moreover the whole Ma-
ty opinomabitay i thiuio eiewalkIser arltleytsitere oiitt pauetried to pierce the backness of tit last resingslace, amd Jim-their deros proceeding 'is carried throgh
ut.onngeeaeatprery t m bhttuecmlastuuayewast-cheena-
doieruaring bums is eemnpoulrto ist picic. el''l, '.IthoghtPdllok for A gus of sind whsetiled sharplyhorie to Damsittte muaming wind and sded himself into thinking Iat it i
thn otlodabu cmaroiul tehounise andu, roarimng downt the the eating seet aud le trnmed with a 'eriee instead of a udetraction wshici
sitm omt ou auott ampus abtuses, aet hum.ut(Iws slittler andilI guessed Ihe cimnte, set the emubers mm tegrass teit-dimniucu eyes o meiet tose of Lmt,,h is rendering to te memory of Ii'
to comidemnsmsopenly'suheousehldlgetsI a oulutit sqtuashm so muhi.but iI couldm t faigitott- es ffae
of the past. the passioms for hetter 0or iutuucthatuoutrat all flaring)iniain'ilite ets offla usmuntiso. ui', h hoeisl. sac bcms l h
gamiratioms attulbetter nulmisnistratiss i i terby hute rose hbedmhsere se "iesmhe' humiral,,ti5u ms-tt si umia, lt ioel lhi icmutnebeumsal
Isgh1ec t ~ u ruuttzler esaIt'll e ierai'lit Str intu. ists rful htr voi' hretkiugsotwehybusssurely uaesmgma sem i srfrtu ht
has struck the untiversiy siwithi fnll foreis ee lyn cut hre eme otwasigt imasct'she oystm u'gh" nowre itslrwe ti elce htgetbgftoecl u tngt. NJlwnth ui'tngt"nweei all history is evenmsrye
Weare sure that thitgs tre impurovintgrei. tgtm ut, the ugliest, homeliest
gs Hr~~~~llsife tpretendhe edtrearrncsm ac asfte.
No insittionsis tiswetoo sced lit oe t chtiiciscwsea. laesatojustftsgstlltsingusuud au ui' ale. mtusmtrmy.l f ttotepuunsim l
chairs soteofdoor. atislte betvasofytgreato fknedheussitt o-e- ifcaioms of atm opposite character. Sure-
'u It'll be reaudy js aoutthetuttmethett IN BONNIEi SCOTL~AND vi snnls ar itmeint
of Sigis that mens caim thinkat oillchitd tatteter kill. I guess he stas l ti ols aeadsicint ~
shuiuk, mudIlua thy' ae turunthaimiga isttitrain comme it," she aswered rassur
they are "1 tdtis uuint kohmeone I ail eter ill gly. "An' 've got mtost eneyhng (ohitieh r's pg mj aendth munigoasmts
stotot ofsmbampvuessopinikille thelieis rs'ali"tuer miwn uooeland as famouus. When oe'saen yet no curiosity is aty-
mouire real atnd far muter effetive tan "Sweet I aters? Jimt tas al wans fond I akeu fr a copy of "'he Lady of thesherevndasttmeaesote
rooserWell yo tok th axandselect easho might lae claimedii.
anywe avehadbefre.A sciey tat it is eadrigt of- wan'tgoigf steers itr. Guess he uon't 5geLa,"' itsorder o freshenmuy nmemore
iisnbeitchihuhtonst sseupuimat helpcih--cal them uptiltat slschool." oh the great literry transcription of the To prevent a nisunderstanding o u
tftabout itsprog tsittutions fsroutMithhu iga prighwayu 'Yes saris isers nInihcreraumiregon, se suggesteu that a conplee meaning in regar't hsmte ~
otqprogress.Authsasfordicflagpud his ustipointc ittsitatuuinuthtstdeprectiediIsi
it tis alli iucsmstarblt higer w ac.ts 1Ithought it ciIedsomitswithi iones, atut' Jchtnyu'fed ake asi hisuits, au' 'copy t uers haynmo our otable yli-Tits Sch osipnutdohanotsreetousrpeatien.
tit itax-s i iuPIatt tout kotutsyout elu le matphly rup, an uu itt tm ofe mugu ms~rtu lmmus0 m it ,hearsl teonteftaet fsoItssec
lionof t tospen tie an effrt n th tsteri utilstd ourse I cul tih5 old an' imic i e, n'' le -o , yes, it, ry apetite. I insiteu otSotan tnsiosueter em o unatsfctrycae!uSe areed wihmhe.li-shofnalyinsist'amhlt talenty fostnehihtuoucsl Prais
ithat tutud, 1tuchehim ums mt a little. ftrthsduiletiuls trdsLu iaousltNt o soreainDelieltndploducs thetuie
cotion ethaitusas onefotimed nowtiamist i satflysou i rei lights ofha grl. the tscool series, "Ilok for I sit Lost or arDclinehandeFalrofathe h d
totk hnsa n on hmad Ioas wulyIcllshuhcr5ueepvy hat "Gtess hu t mmIfumd no failth tithI ere swere a fewv ineudescrbng thu Ronan Empire We Iave in minmd rah-
accepsthemt as theulimate and hestoe.Lujutalte that cant he?" demanatedute tld man, tight esuceut File James and Roderc er that axiuus striving after so-callu
wiems ho i trctstsi cy ics t iu Iuu tc utsas off wusafe'it h
Weto hrw pou cp ad r wth;lmtost chutcling 'sit'saymext Well- Dimi. I suis ii uc, afterll slurait.hksowledge whichm is satisfewihtr
fervor,"Pivyt'a. Ressluitiont cloaetst t cou yemualer;so01 got tt, sandlaisCrsasai'it ]owln !Ad ehpIwsfrIasvrsonmeacuiinoftsbjt.Sha
etutrluc'uluTen I looheul is see lues hut tae is stay?" inh htuanutuasleep. search can lhaveno ed. Eah newmmvon-
eux te umusss -usnesus uwlat insfuh thintgs I'd dlone. 'Well, shua lat aaticuumtuTHEet t n 11:NEW lOIDA acquirements, and a life is spent in oute
Thur University,se ea, is giotigg s li stitSteitneIstuuedicesotshalyit lur finersatrel.thcontinounouow
hu'tsuthoettuys n Suilita dIohgigsachemrsit tseym imam. cnsuuosstruggle to saisfy a craviutg
the.dogs. Thuradnrtseven gokeeuuutiet.itlits me rit uomtSelu aenayetigiht." ak=.Tersetgnrto a icbhet]ightd amul usadowe liteIacross whichm suffers no apteaseumts. Ilcw
mnt forgotrn the severity of thureuuo lisd id ues iud h "utm Sisubt di, n' ti u" asled slur ld 'in seot. otu aeseatse mduake
clsiaeehveu nil~srtsulaeh~ 5s en aut hlituarer yet. Oli John, cran"alwVthwh ant h
u'tteras.inslht But Icaiturgeciheigant haeemhastgone repudihytedstos ahtans iomman. atgerlyt uearwishshewase lenderlyWhataiis saldoaryoushlmasked htenderlyth
uumurhy hu shrt- tate gusuees tus uerih Ov r \Vhat tie s iutuss t tio , I cs tunawi g twithi a somn 's ituhition thats sancteumitiibroriumm as a slae is mus-
equally severe andulless relateuhteul and jIuts tahickede uastd kiecd. Atnuttlltewoiinfcaslvaradt,
-. "Fifteent mututtes ot seven, IDau. rob- simetitg wtas wrong. hr ee sisfc tt trd s
mo-mtiaraspusosofstitIthetiooey-tuft oaccohuegantsofer-sthur furor shihs possesses im, driingfoCaclsGrefrRg
nonutiitaianpurose ofStuy. It - m tnh Itwstalt it'll ake hmutcsetsor fitte i nrmmauute
og. Thur srosugst oithealiterarysnTeea auebfr ease-y utu thas f~~ nstulfliseaydthiugslit,'oiiget til toiithe huussini I hoipe hu ed. Hisfae shi.notiticeu, swre a tense hminifrom thr air of heaen, fromnaut
dent sek it isatuiessuuuuetu tuul aitt I hudtosushutig misan eeyshsugaiat' gets miii iris shack 'ITutu ell et egcressionu. l 'Heas mm the powr of ture, from fried, and all thamak'
mdeitteeu n ht id eiatm letu ulits I u uat ullinluutttn snun s hu e ure qutich Thrum s so stout." si griat emsoiou. shen he spoke his up life
int etus which'BiltdrireuhomtlI toutdltIujust setsaadleie-bwutrton tamesebeoreswhrdstudmenilowi a tdvisible Itsmay-It hraobjectedetttuthatusech seekee-
o thr seummuit iiint tutud utueuicinettIeuttuklesil tulunowtheugniat. I he tensffall.after hidden lure are fete and little i'-
Clalylteaur s tsmaitstite suheu iltutuyelosweandilgreesunumtserclesastnuadialnha ou fot
mCearlnivrsiuy. stillss ut turusesnsui u nyig.mutnyutruntassasssithhutha t teamumof i." '-Deasr et,-beforrse are nmarriet- garded by the rest of ume. Tey are, theut
tums Ime' itluftillnuiles t peiontu. httu"Dodno su ut st 'ot youtiwsorry, Dam. Ju n's suire then' is somuehing-s-omtehing that I a fetottusmany. If teircoumeupor-
goisug 11 1 toae I t get tere all right. -Mercy mue, i musuit tell you,-a cofessin that I mutrtes are inclinued to sneer at thermm, adu
It is pleasantt t sucsue thuit fals si t u d teatstotusposootutuunmu'!tuelhyv0make."to treat tem lightly,me sligt is as-
wrog rc t he neendofa praox;ifit asgoig o rin sonI sw e waited for ten o speak. 'T'here eled byptriy and a monument
mntuhoai ih thier auol Misc Demeet standing to 'tend to thenights off Ansu ay, pa,bypseiy
and the othser endustuhdrgt .shtitvast better get aoher stick fr wann out a soumdle musered courage ereted or a tome produced in memos>
Tlmem, y ste us, uhep usenimg rititthemrelby tue. Miss Drnteest ' -
Theing,bysthelilreaydeeomeingiyfasreamed usliIlke Ite time she didh shen the grate. he feels a little cluily iahee, ad llookeudtosads her. To hms su- of their learning.
areinihetI Vielar tmuiy we outu felh front thur ladder by the swood-i'sso colduouitdoors." pris' liesate that her eys sere shining Bt the evil is prevalent it al1cc
lienineeis uW,'huae uotryinur un she"uudltms or ususl Irvrnha ud," said her husand, et- sunsutiernwhole face wantaglwaih in- aue form. Tosands of yong mnet
stdtn tm ht hatciumi.Ve a niausloouk anytyhing like hut before, ting soaly ot of inbhai. "Do you tru uu tau teto.Tog and women are yearly maintained at
shedtrmye cayurrisc ~ret. u e ae Andthent th ensu lu- Wellh, I rellyns'pose, Lucy, thu ratinunight bel ate?" mytified, he cntinud: great expensehut they may by- earnest
thutuooeAmeoicancs t-stnuoudeeup atu, 5nugt t il nnsan1 1 Ni, I uon'ththink it swill le,"cse "My cunfsutesionum ust he mtauetnow- effort consa est Hebrew oos, or din-
thinuk 'uticsDeuer est wsatu meamn fuseasereduressuringl. "It's fromssthe ieoei atohle nasodtIaefigire le tablets of teir memories by
letsogetmemi'itsp oo a iteakuythmWghtecllwttesitoridlitleerrs , 'dhour trainalseays sat out no thrkanmd asful paslitdiclose after scratching upon tem a score of uit
sis 'n itssuifieihrtntite" our maurriag." certain dates, or slur appellaion ohus
sluimunur,.teAstill telsshoutairaleitserufor
vohunne,.wThislhtelieaospet al fornutmgasssstny l u otteom s esFr several ninutes theucesurmedTIhere tas a sueden gasp as she ur- utusty king. 'The best years of their
of, dsarusJohuntuy?" ick-lck of the olu-fashisneud mateleltnfcishucllefelt fle leting lives, wstsed thusinm a pursui
of ________despairsae. s urslxd lhesn clock reigned supreme over tue stillness sobbing gnstly As last slur spokes producutive as best of no good to sth
ecuity of hus little sistensas beyond of the siting room. The grate fire only "Ldi-tnausn niemr hnrs, are immolated to a mere viciousmstut
COMPENSATION, quesion, Wshat couldhuliave been her occasionally gave vent to nmufled sput- I cams ear. In these days, when eery- tiu, withoutiu reasou, ense, or adequas
Whataeer te reckonitng be- motsive? entamd snaps, mo ust ursting into bril- one misi-so fre-thinking-it seems purtose.
'tae?e Iupay- "Btutshy?" Ie asked again. "low mut fame, nitt, windswept, glowsing aaslmos ike swilfu neglect on your part. Out what basic of nmeri is i, pat,
These will cotmftort mue ever didh you come to dma it?" dhint red. ut-" she pausedh and he knew that Ithat mankind rolls its eyes mu simpe
"Whydon'tyou emembr wha you Presently, bothm of tlums ame Iase- cle wsaaking a Ieoe effort to m-an mrto fabanwtrogdwt
"'s ~ ~ ~ Luy, hdofac'tluton wthememhetlterherehottnyoutderw 'l-l muntom fa rinwtrlgeyni
Brosn id n re- oldlnie yeterday." Magy wsanputz uy ie ae ucudwtintehaleee ttoin-hm, erseltyarning? Is it lemarvelous ue nmauie
Itrouth amud hiromrueltoveandudthtreereatst to live it uownuttogther."ofaaethesoedbyGhti
Thsese sill repay, ?,,ed at en brothr's apparent stupidityfromothe stovetandswithinbtheogreateis -
'latethreotighe "Ysoun toldl se that if ton ever killeda of homelinesrs and good cheer in itc A grim judgment upon such selfish see-
toadl it would surey rains You said roeDn anigtewuu ngloehKEI DEMng after knowledge that a manwho'als et
you aul knotn it' o happen lots of hands, leaned over andu placed is are- A rush of purpeteters bathed my soul, hisel heralded as the greatest sholare
Give tule memory- tumes, std that anybody who ever killed fuly upon thur fire Then he slipped off A wind of many' pefirned sighs swept of his age, an said: "Is is a poor cn-
The rest gainsay, mue just before a pinic ought to be the gloves and rubbed Iis hannds over past, en of a man's actions, himself;tstd cer-1
'tlateer the reckoning hue! awhipped. Tlhat'n jiust exactly what you inlie tilaze. A mist of swhite, with rmason ights tainly tose that have great twisom fr

rinmd if, Feliee, I see 'As Stevenson says, strike me sky -bliue he said. "Hope Jimlome wit Zeb Engulfedh all else. Nor tas there of not greatly amhire the genius of Capu
Yourfe-for n scarlet'" after all Else Ihell heeIhalf frozen An' te whloe tan Flint or Enperor Nero If the sn
Tiwilcmotm'"Ath lat's swhy youm did it? You hungry!l flowv he will eat!I hoes your Familiar uierre a single last puruit be more destrucmtive tan the
If en bed tme ne iniomghu inat ou foce he our oftet good to see slur boy' An' theme Remembrnce-nor of body nor of oter, im is not so beause of great
fo'r tI n pray e hogtthtyo' orethIors'fevenuis a little- just to help that stes ellenujoy the rest, too. I was ountin' ' umnd.slisnsunsulotvso isfl
ForsssathOs IOhIoulitleploln u havin' tutu help me with some things Then twith a soumd like vague and rom- loers
Wlataser the reckoning e womn.Opi ihet l .you blivdtle henp-'mn gettin' tsoold to handle alone, bttrhal d !Yo eiee e hnbled breathm Or is it some fancied service to mn-n
T1i fllcmoS u ol you that.?" -R uesIlllt'm o Il etrd A niar shot up from out the purple kind wis a life drudget away oil
Johns didn't laugh. He looked down eogsan'i Itsptyhrderk eabkssimgined to bestow? Has mu
"Those Neherlanders have handed me on lier its sondeing amazement siudyims up there, Lucy, pretty hard' eide me, ike a comet fromn below k rescudui from muncertainy a nmoted mll-
an orange," said Phillip II when lie "Good Lird! "le said 'Isn't it fine that e cast come houe, Changeless, pallitd an a light from death arch's name, or traced to its inceptitut
heard of the revolt of Williams the S- Dan? You knowe some of themu that With plenilumar fie is shone to me the origin of a fea? And swhile en-
lent. -- come from so far away cant go home, And I was stricken by is mortal glow, gaged in 51mm pursuit has it left uninvet-
Thin is the first ime that an aidu- Clara to Roy-I wih I were a boy not evens for Chrismas-those that live After deliberation, I have decided to igated he causes of human disease,
Ios fruit was used to indicate an unde- so I could take girls to Detroit. (Gur- way out in Californy and around there.' rename it after the person who can tell their remedies, the ills of society, anai
irable quantitytle hint!) "Wan's that the train whistlin', Lucy?" nme swhat it means their preventives?

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