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December 15, 1907 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-12-15

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Look to your Looks -De. 1(,i- te lsia t tritiH NYe o
high school auditoriumn. TAILOILS / r. High Class
______________________ Dec. t7-Junior lit iance t BrouI asn.FURNISHERS ITo W U 11 Merchandise
If onitwoxitd lhe looked up to, not dowvn on. Dec. I()-Opening of Majestie theatr HATTERS PplrPie
)ur tailoritig i.sntaianpeeietl "The ('il of the Golden Wiest- Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Soot
fot- the youtt to n of the period, who likes a bit Drectly North of Law Bulidhng
For Auttumn let us lend YOU that ease and
~ pis tlatxvii it yO aon Wo's\Vo Rxtra copies of today's Daily ot sale THE PICKWICK
Premier tailoring -ettptiatic sts t tttoiertate pricets. at Daily offiee Monday,1 to 2 o'clock.4
The gyecoogicat staff wiiii ixalilits Blla'i n4 R~u io P r r
regular metitig at the ]tome of Dr ilad a d B w ig P ro
letesoit Titsilr evttitgEverything- of te bet :nd the best foe you. Fine ine
It is alsolttey neessary that all of Piptes, tigats, T'obaccos antI candies. lot the habit.
oioinetmbership ticket acotitts le Pxrteen hxowlin tickets oe $1,0i0.
Merchant ' I Tailors settled iy Tuestday at 6 p.a. The coti-
itittee xxwie i the tisnii riom, -Mton- S. Rorttensteiri
Inclay aid 'Tesday bexweci 4:30 atd 6, Bell Phone 176. 707 N. Univerity Ave.
antd alt ticket sellers ae tirged to report
at that tonre.
118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALCOLM, Prop. -______
Loxvcts of cina call ati -a4Patlckadxl R
street text-somiething tre dtacxonts al('W
hotme txill keep ot-er!cc L aps lt.iha V
trays, candlesticks, ctits, sacits tond
a m pilates, all sc tedlast vi fonioiitte
AU S E M E NS ceebrated l totiory at Meisseit earrs i The Homte Of Sis ~ro
dV V 4 I e. Germatny yNo prttc~iergift cll CLOTH ING SultRaincoats,
bgieatCretasole attnyoter Good Clthes - adTrousers
season. Ptices rasnale lso a 0fxx
t T catS exiliat, Florextixoe and Ni p 1 iinio
iris c 1 toe sale. (;7o~ Liberty t., Cor. Fourth Ave. Ann Arbor
O E I G f)oall ighxi it dndit t c t iii W ebb'sI } C a d e
G R A N I ~ ENI la rttiixes cn etixaleri-inxgdiforeat
Granger's. Pa ti -i t oi monet50.
Thtrsada.yEverxirx2l, Decemrber 19th aht per lessonxiPrivte singleiesso' ix Crxxim, I xx t Ixe&t'iunihetsuSterbetsIFroent-nIiqui
David Bolas co Presiamts His Great Play N 1 'toes
1 ~ ~ S4tiat Sundaty dinntat eC uti ( xtixg
Th+ilo he G ld n e itCae .wysthe saixix. (li_07
The irlof ~ uur~ WO t - --Webb's Chocolates are Unsurpassed. 109 S. Main St.
ichigain Chiia, hnd doaix l d a t
A -tor,, of 't . ,-ii (is o +pesien t< or ix"SMiss LOx-il'", 332 5 S a t ix; (iii00
oxx~,cu ti xi . t t1h rli - -, ye,. s o Isode oseseplcssi4bWR I
A Perfect Belasco Cast All the Details of a Belasco Production PIl ordCit sf tod laes irecthe. tot IiCrig n agg
_______________________________________________ all -stitdet or anifatiowi c hav-b bae inot WEES
PRICES.--Bit Seats, $3.06. LntiretLwerx his , 0.$2.00 IFamiy Circle $200 tiareatdy dotes0so tre requeisted to send ; tic teit ixittit sad f ati-iset
Bacsny, $1.5. ail s. 70 ext- ad$1011lists of officers, address, etc. to C T"ibeore Itittet af5.oter I-icixiti
Seats Ntv, sn Saeat MS mrsit C Min5 uer Office, 200 ast lHrsn Street t-tingerfitri,.75 IBrooklynxA te, tDt-- Ior at e titnk to areftsm Otoor, the
trai, cod prictilli bit25 Cets. Ie-arridt to
(1, risers are required to collect cash
Alarmta clocks utatratted for one year, r tarr a endtasaesrie.
$ioo I-Ialler's jewelry Store, 26 S CLUPsOsa«KA~c
Mlain street- a-od COLLAR 'l()tINON & CO.
1 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Quretiercecxfrxc\.I. TR
u,1Ofl1J1 flAss Abr's Pioneer Mving Picture Theatre- CUTTINGe- GAFFm~
ll~ I U IU INew Shows each Tuesday,-Thurs- teu
day and Saturday. Cutting ate is sepoplrtlc -eefoc
Contnuou Peformnce 2 t l( ~. n. OE GLLAD, Pop.lates and gentlemien. rixatie rootmix
Continuous__Perorance,_2_to ___0_p._m. _JOE ___________Prop. tp-to-date, first-class service Specily E I C U~ K I I
oft osters, fist, frog legs cops steakss L CR C T
chickess, xaiiioiler dileicases b xvsti
itgs afiec the lt.Newvmanatgemnt.ttSsspplied to College Menl.and
63,6h,(17 . E. Brennanti \gt.Women. for All PusrposesWWS
G tQUICK R TURNS. ich xigans Cale dars, ot- to oc iat
G tSatisfaction EUGENE SMITH Miss Lovels, 332 s Stile St. icil WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
T HE S TUVD EN TS' L AUVND R YM AN l1,6---A fresh lit receip xxii.1Rt- 20E s a.hntm Sre
Agent WITTER.S' LAVNDILY Se.ginawv, Mich. tci otl fie 66
OFFICE 611 East William Street, Hame Phane, 72 Black TIIFATORItjM. I-ear he 'Lanil ofBEPYU DA S
tic Duffao,' sing by Miss Itnges. 66-7 [OR DAILY ADVRTISING RAES KEP ORDA S
__________________AdiresxxBuiness-axnisage 'xNo. 5 (By catryng a topy of tits OltCttIhAN
Two dollars insures you against all tretss Biaiitt HANDBIOOK I yor oiklit. space fOr iii',
trasida, caetdatr, special evnts, ICitiec ii
los by fire. Geo. . Haler & Co., callendrit hix1ta0 acs boo. uive away
a) d eriigReal Estate andl Insurance. 26 south lsicriptios taes iy matil, chetk, dreatt or tostdnts at he University Y. M.C. A. tt-
Aats.Mansre.tf tooey seter. Milanlail.
For DailyAvriigRaea.Mi
Address Business Managrer. No. 8, Press Building All late ooksot' rent a Foster's. tf ' a

S u b r c ip t lo n s t a k e n b y m a il - c h e c k , d r a f t o r m o n e y o r d e r . L t " a k o k y u a lF A - L S A T R
SH-ORI 6' have long ess the stadardl 25 cet garter. The paeted fat clasp
IV\ -red preesx chafing, inding andt cathisg itt the lthititg. The lBighto
O)RDER. rrde.. latClap arter is as fat as yer hast. Wets y men wo apple-.
_. cate cotmfort and neatness. Made of pure silk elastc wehing. Alt
cc matal pats of ras-hesavtly ntckeled 25 cents a pair, all dealers ory
L A W BO O Vmal prepad Frmnethatepeser a cord garter, wa have perfetel
36th year Dioatiosoariem Sth year' BRIGHTON GARTERS
;n OVAxIM 1BookS le BILLIARDS. BOWLING, LUNCHES, While they are qtckly aid easly dotacied, yet thp have the
Asnn Arbor Logai Misoeliany Annm Arbor CIG ARS, C A N Dl E S, TOBACCO, firmest grip of all cord gareri. The flexible ruher damond
Y grps witi, a bll dog tenacity No wear or tar of te oks
;12i S. Stat. - 311 Myard Can't sprig loee or ecome acidetaly detached Made of
CALLAGHAN ft. CO. SH P fiest quality whhttg; all metl p-rs hetvily stckel plated
CHICAO MO 'S B RBERPIONEER SUPENDR CO., 710 M ret St., Philadelphia.
Asnn Arbomr Braeh, State Street. Oppsiate Law SBddt. se" Nrik Umvrlty Ave. at cc of n erS-e a d
0. A.M"or-

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