,.Jl { " ,Z~ tiV esvote sery much space to it, and sve
"J ~ th erefore wish to anuounre to the
officials oft the St udents' Christian
r'attiishet t~ily (5 ciutays esceipted)t(lurint As soriatiotiithat sve are willing to
the College year, by
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION grant them the use of our columns
for the puli]cation of a clear, dis-
passiontate and1 fair presentation of
(useiponnprice $-150t perteatnvariatbly the position that they hair taken in
ill tct woSitte 'eopist3 etst. tiecaleiat
ineenacctesaiYotaofftite'newsestatndt nI-i2the niatte r. If the -tudeits' Chris-
f'c nn Otttbtcitiotna may he eftit cI siats \ssociaationi, as a lbody, hare
the nib - ofthte DA M. opt)er-a Htouse blocek.t
She'btt t Stnobet', aor wth ny of' iebendottrsedl everythling ini the latilitlil,
ettitoec. we irish to kno1w it. tWe desire to
cc ittiato t holdrechithenofiee by
'omeSi,. i. it theyare taa te benest have ii .elearl sun derstood; .hoiiever,
ay tiecal iteinetiiicptbit-that Ase do hot feel iiir tare ire
((00 o th (e anaiEditor. All bus, (enc
eommcio btishouldthe sent tthe 1(ci-expresseid any liostility to the S. C.
itt-ts i((tnc(e.U.nM.DIY A. We hiaiveiuerely said that if it
Ann Arbor, Sich. oridereid the distributionu of these
- iamphtlets amnong the eisiti ng edit-
EDITORS. rirs, it dii iid tanuwisenot (t) say
s.« xcw s, '92 Asist. gio P dit. folihat''lWe satifirther that
(i.It CAPM, 'ttt, Assist. M git oditor.tt tthis actitutu wts extemely sill-tiltisedi
F.L .\ t . '(1, Iistt. itttcttess a'cct-ct ' ueutsietie stateent iniiit.e iai-
C.W ICKY-tri, '9I, Assist. Buitntttsc'Ma ce phtlet are exaggerated iian iuntrite
AV. Ytell iii the<I1. uteritsli} I clx is9t.
Is i si t I t. . ; C - S(Itt.,9. ha m t he Ln~ rst . T isi u
It. IMit it it cc-}'iCitt u-,95 poition andiifiextceclptiistakeni lt
it, e e-preipared ttheftnit.i
4t )eautifuJ Ghristmap Qiftp ;
-"' ctTtit7 ti7
itt Iit ati it -C n Sriilt (ti-
:3 0i pit week;situdent asitd toitt cions
Fntor cbt utecxdre s LiAt rident
(C{ t4~{1t
J. . ~s--FlittCincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton
Thin Lea-icr It.
12 a" JOI1 I '01 AEIi(.liltttli t tate s t t :--
o 1 rF12ht i l t i i 1 ' i cl iti t e - t i c i t i
'I'll : students should aid in i1d'us-
II(c i' e-h alloi t blood t tost lt ttttheP - (No tcs ie~d t his lt (hole te rtic;l ti
o Illiictints tter iit si-t rt-is Soit ittit- 5 o P ec
- ial i'en s lit-iatin.lttre tim" gittexttaI ci'ril e5 t ,} l yiii ( tittieti it... ..e fill t.i.t
I- t () ti l k utiti'rl l tir s s!ctirt s l ii in i at .... s :. 1),i ;t,
subje$4,ctoslaketslcliia i.wts cit ()Itt'lk mtst a) oveelstyleAcf.,heEbest
11chmitt -.al.f r ndinaoys... ..-." 1A M
itos-. liii t itticex, toiday, tietGoldeceettiltetfitl tnIg .1 - ttt8endm '.etituir -
iiEd:n t i'ole tilg llc itie itics o kit tmlif Cotkneiti & Sitie colie.<a'r ' e'oi h (%1i
of the -oticiry - i its ibyrtritde aloiltet'iitic tntty -setititti ('ea iii kit
csr~ stttes o tc cte s hnocii a titi111 ie o ltesoprodocitos ~ri OFEsLA i{Oflpres ' rans.I ' cc
curer of 'Ihie WiItaititugtll ciiil ut 19 . MAIN T ., N )(1)W.HU ON ST
tn e prices etig ea somie n at iiionne1t15* wihOnce utNirl Lins.Oeely.t
We ec CI11eld o tli r ll'.'"Sth t hoite i t setaorticLe v i inc o'1tckt 1a Vt 1 1.ln. gwvi o
thoouhl rhcriehtth e itt lie etituutcIhoutty attitusitthetistm aord yCincf. ician Rlalw ayli.
adtoe Idresrst' aIe tit ot f tit i tiscritli strict regerci i
tlevcclue( o-ritvttetttt haihtalt Iithrtteir' iil)ipo t.iiiti5 ANNt RBOR -MI'H.I, .a.in c TR CY,,eeu.ecP. A.,
hed$51hhce tts utet si95it tthtt-800tt lk m re llccsiwic t& Situ,3 ( 1 5 JEFEESN AE., D TROI
itiiin a c ft toteraf le h drlitts me b ro hefir m fcit teh m -S u .lleoi& ..u......c . . C i.
ot u.th s c untry.le Misl e rtrtttudest omee hi sui tyi-si condgtt er i n tLhe i iotctu' ttti
assrehrese tatot itivs ofti ah ic c-etds. I s uir 'fTh e Whgitcr -ittglt n e Gof m -it t 5 N.icee,'r.tHU ROAN'Sc. (1t
ice btern etattii a tehis adet sty ttfgos. toi,yd texlesig all rs r 'lf1 fl '~ 'llT I)1 r~eu~d witcettnAtu
tanit i ecuse t it ke oekpr imsehle',paltots e t ic, of ccisi, ToUII U L ledoutsnn Aty borep anSdit rt
We u11 e rsnaie f te hu eistc osecilctttertie o tic eir vi PNT, i. .0ttEii~
ys r 1xi edmerttie cl it and ci. tya o s iptthe.t titittStuday, i Jaitntch 16t.t tn ichi gtti, taenlAaiti
heretoore, overttehettarkitea greatriaOxoerraiatatsAntArbo otlI
fcie tgofcxcetioneIs thi.Stch o1 itc thoortic o. essll i Lo e stefltirhitofnL A. J.
tlii tli te t atthe icot ci'rti mafkCtcisiccm stitiG.mdaes " rF M IN crt o
te Jcros ica i le a lrteoftheaisetOpirced ireth algl il ie op. V EechanicaEffects
oats 'Iis cuetiots i s k the " - e" Iiacs^etrtci ge tr bNtt i atcg ic
reprsenatio , ]titwe bliee tht ( Somt gn ew nk er ljstnecefI'.+-edI. asegeeoldntita.: tw
ineeto ter els(i thL~ies t ol* M . & Stmii d.secre SaGieorlynt1P.t.Ian-sObtiti , - -____________
lirrb~ctos le i lt oi aioo he ter anstlessAllviiin beil found ticay
iroversy eand tedtaffcapbe tof owa.is . YouwillsCmthey .e tu-af.PIncte, 35,50,Amerian idr 75n.Pss Ctt. Lcasget
comm nicaion hav bee reei prite ystepratfOr't aten al e.