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January 16, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-16

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~ Of OyercoatS and Ulters.
We hareimad at remnldoctr:iitini prices all along the line of
ON TOt riCOnE'I Mccx le'sand P oys' Overcoats 1an(1 ilsters, xwhichllviieiable ii,,,to
(O1 (11(41I,1 AI ad ITI 1J. )cloe ethiouiiout soi
j WhienxLA O(imPis 5soi lprevalent, niii) 110111 aii ooIi t) cii icer-
Thlisixx iiliide all * oi.oit, $ti2S.fhle a-i an Oven-oat cin.
toldi1 50 xii(oat s Nie Last year xwe Iosedine 11Oveicoitsdw h tx lxiiii l Siliiluiiiiiiiii of
eeivianTn di Fxxpe(xRrt to do soctis year.
- 1 The J. T. Jacobs Company,
Z. IT.I-T-zJan. 2,'S23 I Anciixarr> c, 27 9 M AN Si ,ANN AB.iioi
MilAli t8ow t L lllllry CO0 A IL. 1 GEORGE L. MOORE, (1, oicE& sbr jx + +
WORKOCALLED FOR and DELIVEREDP, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A fiil inx-ixialiiiixxie-riescci lxxxi, ixiulling Lx xxiiiWantii nxxxxxruxlxxbyhc ar
1.i1.i,-v lheaet iPlace for N h eioixhx xxii iFouintain Tensin the iiiecy. F--ixrsnc er t.(oxixxx-xx iiii. i o
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.' li sifrinds. ixno iiixx iy-enir stock aiii or inccax N. 6 5.. RI SI'.Sl
Ofice, - 23 South Fourth Ave. INi. 11 o--WE V.xII,,Tt~i i''cN S 1 ,I'~i. 0 n-S/C P_-
"pnia is ilit ilxil,.kw ROOKS. MEICi(AL O iii D.IiINTA\ 1, lO1> S.01{, il-;,Nin P l:i ei n iite i ioipiy iattend hd to.
' a.L'H E - l i-i. i f. i li11i r 1i-i
Os? iht-nonj Straight G r I I 1{J\V 1"Asl,1", N AlM1( Ef1 (I.N l("1)_aI4I-GE.OM'MARTIN,
CIAETE . ha iiiiiian ilolS iilxiid 'Cloth Caskets, Metallic
-rq~ 1 i'iitoua-iliti l ()l ) i. 'cx 7 -xxc '/xc4"xxix-c-1;.. 'ielta t uixx. iii-an iiii Ii ri - . . UIHEUS
Ni.Ilx rl ii-- lr- xiuxic xxiiit<iI iii a xl . t, ii. i iin l iiia i i-eht xxxxii i- xi xx c llili iixllx ISEY &SEABLT ,
m".-.iixiylicx}' l iiire andihcixitct 1 t f i x-iixxicix--xlxx i-iiinoixtepnei ' i ii tti ngilx. iihe xix i i~n c i- uix ~i lugci lix--i
l1-- -xiiia cox-lwin i rgxciia. T1.1 ii ii I ic iis steOlxxd ile1 wahn laxiiatasst 1iht.x iu- caii nixix xxtintiilii -iinte ir ,iiiii t th xIiiBlaikr iinii iialersx i
I ni I t theiiir187iiiiteiiiesixit cowiC- xix xiii etxxhi it 14xe . Va- RCX,1IrsicfwII.x x iii cix, ii xxhxxxxtxd
iim ivea xxixi w x ixix anlxiive ry packix.iti.. -t__
th Iic AilEn& ii itEIIIlcxiiixi
ittiexAxii~ml iiMcorCi.xTHE CAMPUS, thexRedpithitiStar I(Cxncer Ccu-ii .J P 3TIMl4 & SUL ONS,
iliiiiiixctiix .x - - Ricimon 1iioi ia
Po.T o po hil adircss ix lxxx cwili ve anc xii terctainmien~t t-I State Sreet (lIoelrs.
agentsfl' ~ ~ llll Ik lii~ tilixxxitisci xx-i( ixihxit iintle Detroxx ci xiti c i xl I its aicxiagiexjxpcixlly xxoliitd.
lefroialix teralxry cxiso iciy nextx. ii x TE lrE i.
Capixxxi. 5Siiiii. xcSi4x-xl11u1,1 ixil ,xtx, iliaxix. lxxrxilxi ixcxilg.
1)cx et xiicixrxinihixll luix xixii atx. in' \rec-inixlawxil iii Ria xit xxxii lxix-.Lyceum No. 1 . J _ t LL E R ,
ierxl-xx Sa inxg IDeixosits.. Hxuxxxiixlx
It li xyi Iit cs. I i .11I 1 I ii i erY xI - I - i xxxix .Nii Iiill Imixt nxx N i~-t
Ihuh e Stn~ i x e ixix lepiri a itxxpxeeidly. 411 xlr i tiNii
Ann A b r Savlings Banki li . -1'.-Dowlianxai it l'9-4)1 h i xlii - lrieexixxilsx s l-c xSe c- lxiigt- tlix-
hi lllirxlii lxiixi Sxixxxii11111 tilxi lxixxi xii tllixxi ii iix itil noull . T xh iie xlm i -i x m il lxxexai i ii -xi-- iir-lix xxii tt- xxiii.
ll xxx till, i-. t, licx-xx- ii-1111ilespt heiixx xxxiii he-h
x x . u n i v e sitx o fxl iu srix - - 1 cl- xy xxi ix c l i m c l ( .xti l C - i p ii l x x - l
I. OF M 1 P1IN S lhiasifine lixbslx atlxiii IiIxe il sou cxxandxiiR. I( - tiiiillil i agitix,'
at 1x itceckexiIi -ilt . who .--
T re soli), . I..1,letue o rs , is Avenged
A. lNOLD 8, 1IcilMi 1i- iiiixi .i lii -Ilxig ii x aI t:xixilii
,l Nxix B lai-te. takxig xa reputtxixiIx xion o i It f i oc i xi xx. [oIex i ct. r i till"! -tetl 111151 iliilticeiptxfip ice
rt1 ,(A Di clT x n13 i xx-x-xxnlt ixi it i It it.lO-II xsN
1 Lta) thit acliiuicham-ionxuuxx, tx s iurii111 I -i7lx Ii-iiii iiIetitt ieilh
LI lii) ~ K iic~tl:ititt ul d -i-S li n ie tau i ii hI_ iy n ulx-xfo 1015
JI-deeaede ry ocponeciniAmerxiic ti xxii, I nixPxu l 'iixid 11111 1 xiiiA thx I-
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, tilxxiiclxxx tplglii xi i lipti ii xiitt -i('itte 1 ii slixr itei t~y t001 O I NT -r . (iWxxlxelixx
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!Ircx xtrxllxlii r-tiixinsiildi.Tecxxinliunl-on "-i
30___ East____ Huro____________________ Rev. xSarnx Smxall xiiilcur ix xoslxciii iiien, u -tiifxxtxu e i r lt- I il ih Fahll lineie tye ollar, 4 lly, 15e
0 i xiix Ix -pxii liiit t iiiti ter: indtil Iii tili tit for 2t. Mxiik & Schimid.
AK A nixiersilIlall ext Ecu ay ecciillg, eiliict ilii xii t lilIdxiii illy dxi lli Liis i h fM -l iili
ITU SE WILA O.SotadShoN January 21,xner thec -aiuspies f II loii- ti uis, I uat-ii i 111111ti x itgreatly toioftheir tdvatage to tal eon lus
I litding, 201 South Stto Street. night.51,or Fancy IDry (;tiils . R k & Shmiitil.

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