7 THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,.Jl { " ,Z~ tiV esvote sery much space to it, and sve "J ~ th erefore wish to anuounre to the officials oft the St udents' Christian r'attiishet t~ily (5 ciutays esceipted)t(lurint As soriatiotiithat sve are willing to the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION grant them the use of our columns for the puli]cation of a clear, dis- passiontate and1 fair presentation of (useiponnprice $-150t perteatnvariatbly the position that they hair taken in ill tct woSitte 'eopist3 etst. tiecaleiat ineenacctesaiYotaofftite'newsestatndt nI-i2the niatte r. If the -tudeits' Chris- f'c nn Otttbtcitiotna may he eftit cI siats \ssociaationi, as a lbody, hare the nib - ofthte DA M. opt)er-a Htouse blocek.t She'btt t Stnobet', aor wth ny of' iebendottrsedl everythling ini the latilitlil, ettitoec. we irish to kno1w it. tWe desire to cc ittiato t holdrechithenofiee by 'omeSi,. i. it theyare taa te benest have ii .elearl sun derstood; .hoiiever, ay tiecal iteinetiiicptbit-that Ase do hot feel iiir tare ire ((00 o th (e anaiEditor. All bus, (enc eommcio btishouldthe sent tthe 1(ci-expresseid any liostility to the S. C. itt-ts i((tnc(e.U.nM.DIY A. We hiaiveiuerely said that if it Ann Arbor, Sich. oridereid the distributionu of these - iamphtlets amnong the eisiti ng edit- EDITORS. rirs, it dii iid tanuwisenot (t) say s.« xcw s, '92 Asist. gio P dit. folihat''lWe satifirther that (i.It CAPM, 'ttt, Assist. M git oditor.tt tthis actitutu wts extemely sill-tiltisedi F.L .\ t . '(1, Iistt. itttcttess a'cct-ct ' ueutsietie stateent iniiit.e iai- C.W ICKY-tri, '9I, Assist. Buitntttsc'Ma ce phtlet are exaggerated iian iuntrite AV. Ytell iii the