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October 26, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-26

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, at
OrFICE: Timea building, 71 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and William Sta.
E. L. GEIsMeR, '9b L. F. S. SMONSi, '98.

bring out the lent college spirit
which nothing else io ohie o Soascom-
plish5, every person who has any inler-
cot in uiversity affoirs ought to teel
under obligation to it. What beinefits
one' departmsent of univereitylisfe isse-.
fits thse others, anti for tissrei'son last ih' eosrto st eloe tr
Upois not only as a mist) ittng thing
ins itself out very lpromuising fotoe

KIf not give us a call.
Beal's Shoe Store,

B. B. METsHEAsNY, '99. 11. 1B. SKILLMAN, '98 L.
F. M. Lomis, 198 Saturday's Tennis.
C,.It. Gdoec, 91), Athletic Editor.____
BUSINESS MANAGER Thle consolation dunals of first slos
O. n. HANS, 'O. Singles «were Pfiiishedl Saturdasy. Rasy-'
J. F. THOASs, '07, Assistant. isnsdoust Atkinson wero' Site rontest-
ASSOCIATE EDITORS lists. The tbest set was the tattled
W. W. noglues. '55. S. IW. Smith, '97. andisl tosestotfi the mtcihi. Stere As-
F. A. Factk, '98SF. Louise Dodge '99.
W. P. Morill, 'os. n. n. Corsto,'99. kinisons play'ssd tto tel well astiRal-tis'
A. Mt. Smitis, 'i. C. Loll, jr., isisAl. tiondsiwas tiso unisteadsy Is iris's'hutsi
si i ftens frsosishiss osvastsagous ipositison.
-Not Nitlistsinsting iis, Ill-onssilWso
The subscrition price oc the Dily is $2.5o ithe set iifts'r assardstsrslggie.

Tie. Popo oar PallSloeing
End, Foor-n-hand, Tees.d.
a'qIBows ard Strings. Esery tew
.,I "'steasat 500

beforeusooss eac'isd0y. Notices, eoesmsstas- 'ss ssit' isy t scsors'. tieinixttwosi-aetprs' o
tions, an0 other matter intenede for publita- itmeeprsysrs
ties, mst be handed is at thse Dattysotficb- selts «I lltIeasily to IIissIlutis ill sucissey-ariaratd.Tn
foie si. in., oa iled to tse esditor ietore 3FepPi tarae.T'
p. in., of the day prosisos to thsat o stiselsA541ntl ts'e'ass'. Eacsht asis'NV eradet
they are expsected to apcite.
Subscriptions may be teft at Thse Daily Is seuces'n' in orne sit sl oii iiles avantges' n
Office, Meyers or Stoflet s Nesstasd, or Shit MNonarh and t
with tbusiness ill' naee. Soicritlers wsil coe- wist-iesdlia half-dozen t idises. Iletck Broksaw $1
ccc a favor by reporting promptly at this
otffce ana failure of carriers to delis-cr paper. Illis will th ll l it S lindan e isail tse, New Noveties-Colored Sits-
-s-t'.'t'necssareytites'e or goodistfisttito3soyoss aod tulto-Wisite Ilody.
A mteetinsg(f thes'Daily' Board will 51ini th iss ssjsily of g(l<lI'es ini s'ili'1
tse held tlis tesfsrnoonssat 4:301Iiii 11oom1 s't. Atkinisont. 555ups a gstdssi t ls
0. The resignatiiosn of list'rsentsIandisstpslayedr utitnitiil'tfitl i stA U
manallgingledsitor, whichir s la idison wsas scoed'ss.'iss\-i-Isry givessItiss-
the table ss week sigs. will b ' sdisptosedl iositi.asi feslussi, st'e sonsolsat its
of, an va nss'aislsgig'etditore sleete-ls. iricz'. a tsausifulssisit-sr itchisbo'x.
' ieSa-iasits dosublse' see al0so)i~S l
At isast te University girls sre its- ~~ '10~sti~)Challenge al
r~litigsuerstslit rsis 'letsis.sis' w's isstts'ssilstili it als sts- Underweor, ol wool, fleeco huned, $1.50 anti $1.25, Dow 75
'Sisyistveallndsh las itelitgstO ss lit'wiliss'slot Iis lstss'. cents a Stilt or 40 cents at (armentt. Socks. black and tan. 9
largoniumsber's, lisle 15hadteillwn tetch bet tens'hianftsothitsnditt cents per pail', were 20 cenits. Socks, 7c per pail', were 15c-
olinioso n te controverted qluesstions C'suslkissasndtlltrvs'y atitHtters'k Shirts, Fantey bosom anti white at 39 cents worth 75 cents.
aid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ < haesae'igt tewste ies) played. Is the is'It set' Shirts in full diress and fatc colored bosomss at 88 cents~
llsou~t lss fsotus' s-s te Srihisst oekof were ,$1.25 and $1.30. Monarch Shirts inclttded ina this sale.
lsngest sessios s ishoustght they wserecDanifotrtht wh50 passs'tl iis optottsiels Neckwrear-1ujc antd 35c Strings, Four-in-Hands, Piffs, anti
thiere for a lhuselose. 'hue girls tie'nIo) t' t adogin by a pretty coss-courtel ows, etc. $2.00 Hats at $1.50. $3.00 Hats at $2.25. Sim-
sulchs practical hsolitiriasl as the hoys shott or Sitde-linie sisoke. 'fl~its set filar reducltion on all other Hats. Gloves, Mackinitoshes Sus-
on uflrnish atn exce'len't 'heelk for tsa- 111g1 ~ttsel 1t 'ithit.''i enders, Hatntdkerchiefs, Canes, etc., ect.. all incltuded in this
stext two yi'Isvwere maiseed sy te falhl- sale. Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15,
due recourse to macinthe ustehlods. tug of' of C'aulkins' iplays. Msusiiy and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. Everybody Invited.
Thtey need nlistlhinuk.besasise ithey Iuses8tie lost ass easyStoebys' o'undt-
stou't make speeches siundlwasete l0tigythe bl to1thss'euse)or smtisisttDEssBOR
timesoofte umeetiung by intist'ustasle it Sut of coilet. Iti 15555a,51 1 )shiils- E O N& C O W
wvrangling, thast they tire not needed. I'vceasy victotry for Mterrirk saud Idsir- , . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters
'iorjugebw'ar e la ,t e13'7s isit'e bstto Sets, b. -2.it, -3t. A A_ o t t t n r o
eu metooaegatob-''ie unextumsuath, also iresems'si-assao " ta e St,+ A.rri .".b r
ie's, is tustually' goo,.std it is votes of dosubles, swas a5re'tt'itions of te (statsits and get yettr iSoes Shined Free Every Day-?! 1 !
ttot words that ecout. The muore they' preedesiug umatchs. Adasastd Ssstl
rome otut Is electioste better it wlous te ies)set t5-0,ly sh to lsose' the'T E AN U L A NoU 'E
ntest two'sby use scors' 6-0,ti-2. Thir
wvill he. oissstt'sto. SRipley andul Kenseydduss~o em oipoe ecpily tush
The ousig reeptin gien te 1ot terplay us thsefirst set. bitt Adastss
haltl teaun as)tunighst wheunit got back ndLastS weakened and lost the
froin Putrduse,Isas asipleusdtuidssk o iliatiliussought wiltduess atuli'tn'rvous-
tlhlhleciation of ousr teaum, hut it wvent ihess.LeadT.Pwr- -------------- No.3
p sit suusr-l I'Phuesshis'O(t. 27, sibt 3i1. il., till
funalscisdoublbsserrickaad ha.veyBoston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra----------Dec. 11
somse spsontanseous untiversity Siriht, bsi- il- tsbeSte-r llSIsr
st aterrae titigoflab yis vsI. Rui'l suinSKenneisdyss illtbe plsy- Charles A. Dana------------------------Jan.21
asahrrr hn flt er.I d. Ab his'conusonssoflt'e tourusna- Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
'te beans felt the enthulsiasmu everty iset thsuse will apipear in thue Daily Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Nutmber)---- __ _---Feb. 12
mnawho partieciuatedutheis'celohes 'asummais'ry'of the tourunatieusntud tImperial Quartet------------------March 12
tion msust hasve felt it. also. Enthuuanukinigsf tefbest aund secsuid elsss rtrclCnet-------------- Mrh
its'u usirkontdatheusrso'tpatdeifbwofcaseLucius Perry Hls--------------April 2
only get a beginnintg nsede the test Daily. John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13
will ake cate of 'itself. Any unan wihS h'oliou'tng is te ssummuar'ysf Sstior- GENERAL ADMZISSION TICKETS 5.)
Joins heattily in sucis a pirited dis- day's plusy: Consolation singles, finasl RSERVLEAD SSA ICKET
play as that of last tnighstswill he a rondi, tRaymoundtSbeat A'tkinssonu7-5t, SINcEersMS.I0
(1-3S, 6-2. Doubhles, semti-fiutal round, Harrison Nunmber $ls.ne
hetter supporter of all college entor- Herrick ansd H-arve'y heat Dasnforthtrtrclsots 2
prises hecause oftu. Fostball is not and Cauliis 3-ti, (-2, (-3, Ripley and TICKETS Now ON SALE-Reserved tickets en saie Thhrsday,Coct. th, at 'Palmer's
the only thing whlich sughut to appeal Kfennsedy heat Adants ansd Lauuu 0-6, drug store, State street, and Wahr's bosh stere,:Matn street.
strongly 'to students, hut if it can 6-0, 6-2. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.


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