THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrFICE: Timea building, 71 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sta. MANAGING EDITOR E. R. SUNIDERILAND, '17. EDITORS E. L. GEIsMeR, '9b L. F. S. SMONSi, '98. bring out the lent college spirit which nothing else io ohie o Soascom- plish5, every person who has any inler- cot in uiversity affoirs ought to teel under obligation to it. What beinefits one' departmsent of univereitylisfe isse-. fits thse others, anti for tissrei'son last ih' eosrto st eloe tr Upois not only as a mist) ittng thing ins itself out very lpromuising fotoe fuIIture. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES. -O FOT WE KIf not give us a call. Beal's Shoe Store, 6 N. MAIN. OPP. COURT HOUSE. B. B. METsHEAsNY, '99. 11. 1B. SKILLMAN, '98 L. F. M. Lomis, 198 Saturday's Tennis. C,.It. Gdoec, 91), Athletic Editor.____ BUSINESS MANAGER Thle consolation dunals of first slos O. n. HANS, 'O. Singles «were Pfiiishedl Saturdasy. Rasy-' J. F. THOASs, '07, Assistant. isnsdoust Atkinson wero' Site rontest- ASSOCIATE EDITORS lists. The tbest set was the tattled W. W. noglues. '55. S. IW. Smith, '97. andisl tosestotfi the mtcihi. Stere As- F. A. Factk, '98SF. Louise Dodge '99. W. P. Morill, 'os. n. n. Corsto,'99. kinisons play'ssd tto tel well astiRal-tis' A. Mt. Smitis, 'i. C. Loll, jr., isisAl. tiondsiwas tiso unisteadsy Is iris's'hutsi si i ftens frsosishiss osvastsagous ipositison. -Not Nitlistsinsting iis, Ill-onssilWso The subscrition price oc the Dily is $2.5o ithe set iifts'r assardstsrslggie. FINE[FURNISHI 9, Neck~wear. Tie. Popo oar PallSloeing End, Foor-n-hand, Tees.d. a'qIBows ard Strings. Esery tew .,I "'steasat 500 beforeusooss eac'isd0y. Notices, eoesmsstas- 'ss ssit' isy t scsors'. tieinixttwosi-aetprs' o tions, an0 other matter intenede for publita- itmeeprsysrs ties, mst be handed is at thse Dattysotficb- selts «I lltIeasily to IIissIlutis ill sucissey-ariaratd.Tn foie si. in., oa iled to tse esditor ietore 3FepPi tarae.T' p. in., of the day prosisos to thsat o stiselsA541ntl ts'e'ass'. Eacsht asis'NV eradet they are expsected to apcite. Subscriptions may be teft at Thse Daily Is seuces'n' in orne sit sl oii iiles avantges' n Office, Meyers or Stoflet s Nesstasd, or Shit MNonarh and t with tbusiness ill' naee. Soicritlers wsil coe- wist-iesdlia half-dozen t idises. Iletck Broksaw $1 ccc a favor by reporting promptly at this otffce ana failure of carriers to delis-cr paper. Illis will th ll l it S lindan e isail tse, New Noveties-Colored Sits- -s-t'.'t'necssareytites'e or goodistfisttito3soyoss aod tulto-Wisite Ilody. A mteetinsg(f thes'Daily' Board will 51ini th iss ssjsily of g(l