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October 26, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-26

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_____ enhmarter....c. ..lumup
(ar....I. g. ..t..libe-on
T +cilj ' Tao r ichigan Shuts Out Hler Old- ..... l.f.... Wa 1I nr Detroit High School Wins from
.Le~ lIg Time Rivals. lrtcli;iuiii. I. e.....MBarsthul the Freshmen.
4f f'leAND IMPORTERterte.
_ Cteert ....._ .,'.r .... ii Th amity hbr )iggtltgreat h11000 1 ( )the I. 3 s or n t) . Mas de
11(10 n{ p liewsIrto and to Alictitrali Saturday * .. ..D...... Janisoi ete in it tirt gaie amly the
fULL 0nhSS SUITS ASPEIALTY. tby efeating our old and forniiiale Etuisi WloeHm. Detrot 13igh 8chool on-tning by the
r____invat, Prdueby h ie score or 1Gito Ethsasic-ecmeHoe, sore of i to .
Winiiiig-fromPuriduiien ter awn Tetie ltu111ottie teaminProm, Prdue The scoie telste story, while 'te
NO. 2E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAI. gounds y htis o (re inlilalto 1. asliniglit tiioigtiout a dtsplay of frehmieianet iefealt, t ts claryr seen
io g ^ ,i(tpmisot double rhe nore el eno-hre, and olti 01)11rit Ighat ian perfeerttv als-tat they no-re decdeith te tane.
PLW'CHICAGO CANDIES, 0 ooiriaien very favoratdl- oitti AiiiiiifacAr . 41 a- re rt asen-lhtiin tvii'oie ttecrome ver- ier to tonet-
#" We havre the AiisArhor Agey sf' en f1 o0 1h ~ h fenobti a none lws n ilfrsm ubig
for- thene goods. You 11s05find th- AMn ti-gal' i rtrelotetotof ili-yeai t-th t.te 111n)-i l not111arrive iiitil anit a lck of team ooork ery often
3 fag steer. Trheyrome in pund
0 anduasf0,ondtaagwes' 60C litdterersilt cannot btiibriig tie i to ytht ttimete Anii:Al-otneen infirt gmile, twy tplayed very
y1i peererr ties. Also he fistal V giltnt nantort0 te veryonie 111rI ilnn-ot- ntttiiiii ail iltfinl no-r)-ere itt~dtah. Te Detroi-t iieii ave-
A Chocoate Creoatm 0reiid
Nt you ever naw fr thre price ii iioot.ttletdirttw oiit citudenti o imaiete tia-eeiijlyiig togetter longer thn th
tiuridii- n-o thetii ios nail-thooe 11the Siet'-i-nVey -ie tutnitithtti-arriv-al frentien ilunit had11 tie exteriene of
PALMER'S PHARMACY. wnest rot. At-iotfhhit udti theiiaotiiiwhich oayas tittli it. eveial tivroutoiogailenhotk of them.
46 S. STATE STE1Atrte1e f udei epn h ali ih 116ilyn eei ercahadThn at ie ha
+ tii iiketiig hw1111t t-ifti ll-r neisuccearredieitdtos aro ttii tiaiagreat ittal
igills tiriitoi- foir ni--i-i-l luinll ~ iOee rciiini-td niitihe rsbythetiist- i tteiriptly. Ttii-xprxtiienc gaiot-i
F IN~I andithiigs iookieita litte-outil i. iiuto andeltri ibty Sit Milamid. il tisionie gaie sn111graty tregtl-
F;ut i ti citdwasklpt 11 101nd ti-t- A btih e I-crowdni as no-s ideotie t - t- n tet si onii in tteii fitiiire oor.
O O E/ A 1 n sm-eittittmanin-gotowedneit-l lll iriniertRoitnonmiiieait alittle TteaHitgti Sctoln sitniinn-isoni
Y opairitto ttat fi'urdi'sImnto,011 i ill~tianditSiiiday nigtiw0110fiigot-irae by-imno- afterm-botoivne mu-
nn (iiiwho siculridtotiifinid t i-pe too fst. tnin i tie i-timrs-rnd pautsttiti- t tsite tla, AtcArtur kt-tei oal, aiii
IFOR LADIES AND GENTS. Stfterply-il- som- litt i l- i t-t-t-nt iii. Everyine cameli hoiie in thin endd thte-scorig. Jut tbefore
galliiituihid te tall itiinnto Imrdimin 11s goo nd i ition Iiiil 0iievn~it aditnet ti loe of te it half tte frentineii
four 0 litd ili uan iitaciariedii-thtte Sit iiiiiitiigtira fute rt eugi gaiie, tilyein iia WaY tat Woulit tae wono
AnnDO Q. AII A al hlt invir. 1-k-i-tn-iik-tgoalut ml. - alAnn Abo.hoitir tiutit te vitig furtigmlefoi- ti-m ladaite-bhernatle
.1 I1UUD~ Ob HLLIVIM ing t ii Sor bl. Anoiittr tiitouihownii Int--- yell forto ieu-~nattg ni- to keep it lp.tBatmtsnmade atrtty
Wtashington Ilk., Washaigtnoa st isneaiirly it-adoafinn-minutelator.toy. ° yarsim,111.aditsilnll ]tot lle
but IPuriduelgot thi tll iii i fumbil~e Regular Meeting of AphaNNu. rishe foiedttealt-tuo theili-Delritto
EHG SIRETiii iii 1n011rin-i it lie. 'Ilii-ws - --sv yardt ii- Here tule0011sallel
SHOLD-REISER 'cflu-phaliNii titi-aru oiiihyflet.
-AT- I ttl in-tii th tBliltstiltii in cdiii-o - Justo00on iinighi to ae thi- niitois.
s w 'eDugSo e tIl iii '-t liity 0eviiiniing iorn Al.t he A gillin iithe srioust half thfie tih
1001 ye onthu. Dii ut iiatart i liii au 111kiep i iit 111) her ~a Ii - o is ft o iln s lo. ilt-ilfoiiei tiltray t ii nti ione
it ost yu nthig.6o ot e~ectut. - Aby M r.BilAtthl1 .0 illitig-bytie slt--yamut of the.- eti- tt goat, nothere-theyn
t:orerofAlinatd imIis. se i~nd i tuin n dl-t htiiio bill l we i fll
Co-Ed Tandem ... tpitan0 0 s(ics taiteu. WeAhm-mmtliiitco iititr~ t h itl 5 010Olti ul
Fow-ler' Combisation. Lady Bi to o iird in, i'mutum- it tfitivals btin S Ih db niitteettin ii -rroimig- tesl hat n-teiti
le-st - Reolvedtlu, 'T st tei rintotme d
Behitnd. For Rent :My ut ilt lilly andt IligO wnt ove tin-cetiiti t fithutdat 110 iitit tllttti
fl y7lie, iit thie-seiionid gialwnoonuiire-i. ether 100111riic hnalor-inig. Boithi
TUCKER W CO,. FIFTH AVE. Sor iiii- sto 0, ytilil." Chim lt~litmtioseiitice rs ii oeah-tt - oi- n h
on-Ahionlo. weri liillil tolitnh litand thl
niatiiI- tmi.Ar, Iuio mim r a it Slimtl-
pIEI1~WOU Fhl~ilay hinAi-higam1s tatedIt withi r ush at nus.Thin ilinme: tupoowasil aslihl. lt-ow nOT
- ii- I altetion p-iltto bhainoers o riu tlnult tit- m- i tm 101 loiipi malimTfriiii.etililedii fanur osit7itSHA1EN 101G10SOiOL
partclasl l rthat 0 lit lie. ty Aqik 1a1imt lc-llmamlt hi tim atn-. i ilti hI aiO tlili --------u 1.0...... 5pake
27{ Thomnpson. Street. morliltCIalyt omi-min -m mgemti tg h htmi itt- i~mmtitn-ttm ii HotllParr- INofdert
and h the on 1 tim hum portmclonedith nv t imlOa ri._. ---------- ... .Os t aoi
l A - n . toirl d - -----r.t------W aerm an
- A T- - - - mmliiito-add two more (__ __ 5 ~rusuer . __r.e..Snow
O¢ flfl un toActir'C6e:1 cr f mitt snr Society ar lieia - I -Nihos
H ht'St BOOln 1ST- iill ______Atchitnon .. I h. . .Dowelsg
to 0Atf its ro I t iii ti-tiill a ililtly ttodgriiia_ _r. h- _. N i tiua r
We iavtee airy ttident to vistt I m . Ati 011th -g-i--nigt-1---titmrninitum oc.It-ls-iltr--
0 utirtres We have a largaenupply '^r anio.AninlWanrngtte.efroia otoy rdr- nthrSudyGm.
of seeonit hand tUiversty Text - mit (A i-ofmhi e 111 uriteleven,-o idI oniet lll itstinul litctltiluroti-li AohrStra ae
Booaks for allthIte departmnents.
11-w uaedIMedial Rooks (Gaerman slt iit~nl o odgiiii 00i. il l I tmAli 0-1-inmuo ot liltion arilidbteiitm. The .11 udaymt -the0 air -uusrohun:lsr
anod Irencti Classics. Ittill sidei mitiut l. lIc lla 'is tllol u-lnt11111f it tiu tieit reiiidl nt oftsi lms Arbtr ih gsSi-hiooltuefeatedtuihIs
We ell the lest student Note
Rooks 20 iBents eairt. riltd 01suouidnalyoverlt - miii - .It t Iis10 tine F led -utSt t ttatesm- I0-i l t butal tamusfroum OrcirLtatkint
Thue bst Lineau peratau20 ceunts Ipem uitlmt tomlniWtOhallyitw110ofthreetithemphilllwi-sonfully tn ill h~- tu o-uell taplayed 25msntmi saloet
a«b y n xchango second wuo-Isis e~i~allt ttoimgitoLishetd temu svyse- "i.tealn till 11 ou-1ira- Al)to i0. hurfeture mist' he Im
hanud hooks. selni-ho- in ,ih wor000111 iethu 1011 l i ristu ta t h ei preveilint-sonl-ill sitngae nwa ttie limitbucingh at si r t h
fate Pen. - cI liniOf iltinoIheitntos ighi S-timul os. (AchirdLi akites
Afattematieal Instruments aund miiniloitutheemiutwas oo t ---whe010 oa mt1hsitwo-stuchtdtions
Deratting Supplies a spcialty (Ctpt. Si-tu-i the tetmshis i yo-I-tmo of itte filhlllltisift his laniltioin- ifrAuuAtuu t~sSluulo-n
Tie best prices to evervhody, tiet sir uiphldinmg Aiutu iimuCreuit.l asmi siut 10thur ctmf eeuxi-is 01d0 htruae uy hroedemru andtsa shut t Refetutre,
tilGive is a (utThishili ti ivanas s otllonnhoe 1wmmuistijii~toh -ut (sstm
U 'SB O S )EAliet tnii. 1Pontin PuituimiI lee
tlp 1awn Down Toucs I uutliii--. . ----.....tHlt lug- ______Edw_____ uart Leeyt liii1,is patiitang
VS4 t t ei Oppshte osrt Hose,
Ann .Aror Alaiet IIeliiiurr-..r-I .a -..Alwalrdi ISusrihe for Ie Dty. Iat SlttLak Citt, ttthu


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