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May 08, 1897 - Image 9

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-08

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chauge. This is the law of tine 5)taaets sea of huinian woe. For back of the
as they swing in their entdless orbits. Ipriests of ASat rolls the Jugge(,rnaut
It is the order of tine as -age follows of caste. 'Through the philooophy of
nge. It is the rule of uatote whose Gicece breathes uip to Heaven, in op-
myriad of trausforuationo knoow t-- eal andi protest, the voice of wvoloso-
tiier begiuniug unor endi. Nowhere, flih' slave of her ownl houtsehoildi, the
however, does this law exist with sport of poetic satire, anti an object of
greater heniicence andl iotetic tito-th ntnve'sal contcuipt. Thtrottghitihe laws
in tie sphere of civil iustitutions. For of mighty tomue cry the bitter, burn-
govtrnmtetot stands ever trembling on in-g Wrongs of a uiillioin slaves; anti
tihe verge of constant imttatiou aitt ii n hieaft every line is tvritteii the pro-
uts vreetresenits a progressioin of fet of tie opparessed Pleheiatn. In-
chianiges great in importance, antd in- Jutice uniiversttl'. tuttnty beyond
finite in variety. Mark tihese in tii. ctinporel fThe masses, everywthere ttie
rise atidtaii of elpirtes, the silendor nia ss o(f men ate grotuitd ibeethit the
antd overthrow of dymisties, iii, insti- iruit teel if potvcr. Poverty pays t-
tution of reptublics, ttieir glory and tie- Btto ii wcrltii. ligitt is the crtieriitn
iiy. Do you ask ttietneaniing of sttch of right.


Itn its reasont governient exists. that upon 'his head 'he the piei iy. Htc ma_7-
it inay tronmote the welfare of uts ciii- stand withi Hamopdenu rod vith kGot-ri-
zens; ani when institutions become son; hieimay fall with Maxeimithun or
suhversive of these, Itle iiianifesi enids Guitean. Etcrumi glory aind ht'ior
for their creationi, they shtoultbelieit- Eler al obloquy nild sham"!l
fotmed or overthtrowin. Ttiat suet, a Protabtly no ouie trin''',lo lynoruas
pttilosopthy stioulhd beget tcivilizaien thlie very tasis of 0it1' Civlia1aitioc1_
iteculiarlyis on twits itnevitable. Lettumore widely asepeited anti yet titts.e
tis, theta, metistire itis worfttiait be- sadly mnistused. It iositle rollt rt C--
holifs virtues i the cliattract'r oithte surt of .the vicious. It is ft tilttu&
civilizittioni which it lhts tegotft'ii. scrven of tie lawiesscc'iea liberty iiass
The sitirif of revoltutiton litte tu' 'iiblon debasedi into licelise. It i"tolti"
tiaritiaent n tiiestever itoitt uskof godlintess fur inaptb iu int
o: Eutropie, toidthus has mtttle lie ccttiihottrof strike tail riot. Pfiring ititti
of the ipeople at ot th ie cdicitt'of a its imighty forces ile ag'ia tot rty'coiu
iittllttt'l, ft esure 'of uvery Itt'. It vit <ii asse'mliage int 't :n=_l
atitIt u ttiti f'ii'tt O a raitble inito 11.muttO; ill a. day may tin-
itdthefli'We-turn Ht'em'tit'hee :11iitin- deiine itnstitutiotis solifiiiltrotayts

tititiges? Theliiantswer is revolutiiotn-
t'e ittoitartible c'tunlterpar't of goivertn-
meintoand ite iuivt'rs<al coureoititalit
tif till civil ptrogress.
Tiouigit tat recognized utitil the itou"
ifth flt'lefor'n tihotl,ft'e rig-iht of icc -
littisu is a p~rinciplt a l d i ,; humtian
sotieity itself. _Mtiitftitiitg it liii'Glrtae-
chi fellat te Iliitts of rte italltrabt-
untid' triisoi the stottes of tlt'e I iper-
itA St'nat'. Aroittit iragodthle firt'-
tot fires of thei Retfttimittiohu. Insptiretd
bty its ilesilge the fthiers outghti end
Ni ericat'itsruiggle for ind~tetndence;
and, tonighlt, bytyhde siet' tf tile
souotltderitig icamt re, raifttled bitt
lite dc tefetated, in his restless tdritauns
thrutiibtnititirit inivokes the hentedic-
tiont of tiesamue truth. IEvitlitly
ta proposition lso it titnei li'sotiuct'of
disptattiotnlatni colifict is posse'ssedt
itt "utnttstial ctapacity altd virtuet" in
the eyes of tmen. Lit tie. thertefore!
taltilli it inl the light of retson. Let
its 'apptly to it liii'motcrittittles
of hitsory.
Hatve itiet I.iright itt rtevolutiont
givie tdiffereint atnswver. 'ilie soiol
oh tlitlscvers "ito" repire'sents te
tacient regimte.Itt its reatsoai the statet
is supieriotrtt the itittivitt-all. Gioverna-
wtenit is'3'eveiythiing: lie 'C'iti'en, :1ott-
iut'g. tettin exists,nulnt ht ihe' lity
putrsuie his owentaints, tot that he maity
0 tianuto htiaptpiness, hotdrtimhfit'mtty
i1 tisty anti perfecf the endts oithtti
state. Upitoti the hititr of tile Reform-
atiuon this philosophy dotminted liie
political -toughitittfiteenirie voril.
.IleGl(Civilizatioiwsts l g'iti Ovtee
otffsprinig. Let, then, thaf civilloattois
atftst its stifliienty -or irs tailings. It
hbtasts of the religions of Auia, the
piilosophy of Greece tutd the jitris-
piritdoeeoittonme. Among is votar-
irs, too, are enrolled soie of tile great-
est intellects ever', by thle wisdotm of
Omnipotence, bestowed upton tiehui-
tian rtaice. Bitt theise are mo1sf of its
glories; and they reislesenat such a
vast coitpass of tine, .sucha a liitlced
sphere of blessing and of appllication
as at unce to imlpeachl the value anid
evight of what they would implort.
They are hut tile surface sheen on .a

ITthilese restilts it.' igil then reasoil
ie silteted, justt tttice apulpeil tatuthe
icistittn of Cre'ation is itselt rebuikiei.
Butt thtest'reults tire' ot right. Tue
pthy-flia-t the etate is suplerior' tft'e
indiitduail-ctannothi'egi'tanted.t If it i
litihe'rt'Is110liiright or revoltition. Pitt
thn lieu i ghtcii of gtverinltielearitly
itansendsithatI ii of thiti tizten, aid tany
iii he- t ti 'a tllnifl isiai elie
vittii i:tsoiietittiitisef. i lace it til
oitil ipro-te''s. It is tilt'Conltxt of
hUt iMtWi'thaitlOWi iii' elititilelli if so-
tiety dyetpendstitpon liii'a'lcaiieieofen
ofit It itdividuatl uneinbi-is. Bitt, 'ci-
detitny, cwheni the niost saciredl persotl
I g;lts0 itt'subhoriiattetd to itistittiotts
iniicthita dceve'opmiet'i is thewc'trti't
andt soialtti etnigilttuuis tt'hilt tutuoi-
thu' resutlt.
Nit st't'ee~sftul ostandl ias mtacei

tireken chtain of reptubic~ts. It itts tic-
restedi te persecultintrue-sof bth
Paolettndor ("'Itolic iantltatught
iltil tht thte tagort atd the 'tick iA
btut. set a prieut'piont hyptocrisv anti
eiitit. It hots exaltdtil tand recoig-
tirerhtie tehility ittlatbtor. It is it,.c-
ing e'utcat io11thjutice illicithit
Iccvi-s of e'moiiuit umitti'. 11i't1t.
cottle'titlttiiglt-rse reulfs. cloi utre's-
ichiteii the-y ccdre tldiit'cdi-r'c-tltition I
Ak totusitIisied 'nd iia tt thoiritli
lties stucecestfulIthat pintciple statntis
e'xculphatied,.exonieratedti. 'iticateri.
Ithowevccecti hti eeii-iat uippers
thirst' tr'eatts, it foows lust Ant
the it-tait-te ofric-oluitirounisi5rtitgt;
icithi noi dtatger t uiuto an id. lit fnrm
it. fhattis ti utost Itremtendoutts ciis
whcntin uired cdt'i hienuie'l'vesltt a.ull-
ilitio of aarchy1.- t'nc iiitoituildl till

cenutries antidtoIntn tantor ltoIt cicv
thi osoli i. lal apwrgtsch tnagtittude is nor lightly hohoe'.
htevasldcd frout eviry touse topni, not'
fproc'laimned from eciry tiuanhzet. Xii
-oir riot in thti'cc'trimthof tiebitir-. 110
ishtn atigerer tb' c tuig, tnt i. ts
icaddt'ot'tlby paion shlciould mutitial'
teir hands againt thue pohitit'31 eciii
lice that gives thtetit lift'. Ilte m
guilty uf tin ounrgi-uponttsocettyof;f
(r-ute tagttisthinkit-h io in cii's
tour tillutOstO i'eisttteetitu t'Jte'
hateor. until Scwordie leit Iroutuiuil'
seihtitls antd tt'e ciiithrit(Atu itut'n-
stir~s of stir try, "kilt kill!' Rli-t
dccs it hicome a .111111torerficrt tueito
this righut in lie siultute of hitst:v-tx
t-ttitcher, totic-tut:ittwhteit Ft" it-
tenci no otlher rcourse, ho ~ it-f t 1v i
whien thte canoe 'iedh.IailO s i

otht'e unewt. 'Ihuaf istiti awcfiul hitr slhit i Otuter thtan life- no ttrasih, boO
irhtiti grtc-rnitui't c-r'sheus btutu t'', lt e riltiuly; not in niutle ittdeir:.

unituedi ueight of fumttiuiits ittauot

igli list tuh i tuasoluitismit ofl'ther' i)!u l -fortu m Ill 1tutu i 'ibtutthoftallii to t i'lea 'ttt
Phillosophyun uutil the ilust' of'tti th r ithithe ticss uuO t uthe huhbe ito elt-

Agteis. D~urlig uttherioatiit secitedr
oht iscuti'ttitii ibthOaciglanty.ig
sistitole 'ffort to siletne tori'c'' t"o
vceirf'ittndtiv'idutal freeiduom. Antdeta
ittMliuti'c'ol Euroupe, tile' spiritor u ut-
raug'di'ui tttatity. u'crushied eneatcthtthte
eftiac-irihig personatl sutpl'i'atey tat
tuothintg timd Popa.', at host .cosi'
a.tiinet it i. ihtt'i'sol'o itnopcnimli-
llat-ile ceitefi i, Stantitg taloite itt
thue Dtit of Wo'rmts, befr' ilmtit hlii
li'g'teosoftt th cur'h thtthithetof
leaduibeenu triua-iahlnt, iutotund {i i llm
tuhlit'flearray thrite lafultis of aolI En-
u'u'ue, thuere Mact ti uthter' becoret' thut
bit of (Godrintoriitruiver'sal huttutatithy.
impeiacherd in 'bot cuc-Itandustate'
fifteetireturties of indiidiutal ophpre's-
sion. 'iTa tie s llli urtgrealt cwith
humtatttutesttiny. Iftivas thucfit-st: etrum-
iationta atdtnhle first victuary furft'e
rightl of rev'olutfion. It waus th iut ttuli
patug of the 'New-vilizatfion tithetl
death ftrottofthue Old--thur inauugura-
flout of flit very basis of our socetey---
in,.dividuuulium. T<hu R eformnationt totht
ipolitical -antrlreligious ewit adenital of
rte "divine righut" of government. Tt
n-as sit exaltatioti of the indiidual.

futre. Y(ie, goiverinmuentauis too vatut-
ableiIs i-ret'tetd onlyiat stint iilite
expenset uf cwietlththud uf talentis 0her-
fetic only byi thfle'influuetnte of suect
-ren't eersoftinet'tiitShuldi11.0ht
bi' atrtacketduhatoditte-rin-it'grie'v-
hutch'.Butwenutu etc'tineults bet-cam
ushoioli-iderantged, when'uuitstitutiout e u-
comtue eubvicersiv-e'of thur c-ry e'tideluy
we-re' desigpled I it ooiihi,cWhieut
tue host; ie filedh iithitAuctand heut

wcith -it epsolichtuidc fur thuruvetfa te-
as'his fellow 'beings.
It is not the mature of r-otut, .-u
lursuever. that it be ahvta'e-trs
IteIittblic mety euthihutnt repubhihctuan
him-cy Suf'eerl heresytill -ccithuutlliii
horrors of lhe Guillotdne or iti'-hia-
quuistion. Aiuindteetd, thai' hour . utIttu
netur at hano n u cItthue muosh teahtit
iad sweepuing hrutiusftrau'utiuus 'i gi.
ernmtuent wciil ocutur cNithonatthu' el-
sling of" one drool, of hututaut blood, hat-
outcrtfice of tint'huuutu:uua lift'. P'ciii-
lutenfly is such ita-ectuse ttotbit' ite'tt-r u-el

fltuttni'erueft of hopiea, thein it is igt itt one of Canage, p-itisdt'ilitious a._utd
it is heritud..thejust rnit:,,'IItahey in rreoy. Bratcwhen cotuntrc' : -nut
'tiftishuouthlutuge utuen otutu i-:' coiauhuoanuse full, cwhlen t het'ante
right ortdauIif nedue'tli', tt i lt'- lthveyp e will 1not nutfihie. thtenuare-hu'thfon-
thnres of Itrc'tluutiout. 'ItlunFil hythfle ideutdjumlaci'to tl iiii' i f Iph'lte f"l hn.iysn lyr orhe etnbr ngde und hui htul
Yet meunutshuld beivar us-,tils isc in its inst-i'violentl formutoifthlis
i-i etty uccaseiont, they 'invcolue'this right*.tiitae athtotthtichl.
bthuth insithe right of re'voluitioun. Odi.
Nut dtu'uO ulutual cc-hunt eutlh-I httIria
'a5snciety itselfiihterentin t,- sVery
ttt'eatiCe"-huuil '~l jdoy liaumutuinty tutu-1atiiueof titanusedth eryto-tlu-i
hist'bi~iiut ugtius fle ttt5' fhdI-u it exusts totiuty fte ituexorablitettu e
is tot eruin lit'of tl'ttttt-ratiatb-- progress. lT'e rentsoll tton Hn:iIhIt
tiscithureesutO afrult'uee ul itil-I tests is flawviess. 'itule sd'htte't'i,-
utite righitus u'tesistantuur t-ii. 'fith"!-
i'uoi'uuiy o hu i-unaglia hit tnsif 'boasts tire the glories of civihiz -tion.
SThe aunsi's if haos experieinced do ntt
of thue oppriessiont, thirst onuly 'ao in- imupair ifs worth hot serv-e uattier is
Oleahi'e thuat thue Itour tot' resstItutauriIs throw into clearer reluef its opiendanl:
colle. Single autO alonte ".e--it hi an nd hbneficenf virtues. Thlen lint t i-
nuost judge tot' 1lunoelt. ifliet etc, bu a more just anti reverenialh ppr-

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