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May 08, 1897 - Image 10

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-08

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clation of this right. Let men realizeiexrt every energy in the prsui of
,; lit without it there can e no l- self-interest, and entrusted to his o-I
Nance in government, no progress i science the observance of social stn
'nstitutions, no increase in the bless- political duties. Thus made free aso
tugs of rational existence. SwIfL as never tbefore, man realied lhis power,.
the chariot of day, wide as the em-~ In fredom, hke rougit tie smarvelous
tssss of humttn existence let the sphere industrial acieeentus of the ct-
of this principle extend until tie be- Itry tu freeidots, lie eaonstructed a news
eigised millitots of thte earth e roused the so(ial sate asnu crowded its lift
,ntt of their effete institutions and wsitht ucsv powes atd problems. Ttc
seviliatiott receive her future dv-'t- unfettered geits of Anericaliclos-
- otiust frott every kindred and vey eelte secrets tsf lie ussnttser andI
* geople, frots every land and evey emade the frces of tatre te acie
=Mv-ime. se~vantlaof tut. It transusedl titd
ittlo matater, and on every side tta
MICHAEL FRANCIS GALLAGHER cieitltc il ie olfrttv
Mlichael Francis Gallagher was its nays 'befor'ttdteatsed. Attil lltc
I arn its Sterlittg, Ill., April 2. 1871. wrks of today are ti ats eartntesl of
Vis parents mtovent to Chicago in 1887, le titsmphs of tomorrow. Inthils
where Iets tietsded the grasmmar arI gta li revel-atistsOf nataure afor ei-
nign schtoos andI afterwards stdied t.11tttatik se Divite Irotkise of a itt-w
-lsts in the office of l=. IW. Keetsings-s-atrilIiger lfe' for te great mass of
_ cserat cousela of lthe L., N. A. & C ii'-sskssd
Ely. Alr. Gaslagher swas admitted to sr ierit-age'tday iit'tposses d- i
tetar of Illinois in the ping of ve ii ibyt1s cntuiry f lilery, aMlid
I515,andtise sh itsIad conssideraie e lst'e rpusbli, it lomse for it rseantI
us-is-ste asuc oscess itte trial a assi py 155peopYille iosslialoter issies-
,aergtsis of caif essin the varir lstiin it>dntti m ossic tt'si 555
'ssts of tse slate. Hl enesred theonti tihe lthliii'mislt5iof social iap-
- (Tsvt'sily ss a slei-alstudent inste tl~is s. Butiitle teass have ntolsenv-
fallf 1896. lit' is a msessber oflt' dlt'he isnd. T- giseratgodofthlit
'AigisistNusfratrnity. For mnsy years peioplt'atintoltiseen lt' galsof Asser-
Mr. llallaghetr Ihas ieensita close st- tat lpsgrs . lOsts-life ofaci-I asls
- deit of oratory ansd tis matde orny er tess smakedtibywittexcessive intdivid-
r-st'itablt' speeches.tolisit. Self Ias tdwvsrfet soiet.
Ainis, hitalisnsd srivings iac beets
"ITlse:-eiv SocialtSpiit." ceteredt itsest'f. Ictjiyisg fes'stis'
Self-love i s e msoie foce li'flthit-t1 ses'-sisyjastoss ithiin'fase(sm -
man psogrss In the free play tcff, -ts tsof rcitiss, sat'leve ii '-is tiiud iso
'isa-is aspirationssmasn develosishIis oir socislstrlsiti's, isesibl' to so-
Intesitenergies, searcers into nature cisrlsrogs, sordidi while soileist
for aitd, andIthinks and toils its b" snetdtprsblemssgrist-atacet' nlstler-
fulissess sfthisspowes IlereinsIl I s(,,t sirs'e toithlitiseresttf saciey has
'itt-citof liberty,Btiwheile meIt are e-iissictrizett -tissssert-, itittshoy, lis-
rightly frt-e tiny art'nt inieleviieiil. lties suit gov~rumnssts; it has 'tn
-1o masslie sis life alone or ittesit isstwnits tiultiftormssessom ansuitiots-
Iis happtiness in the fruits of lil t 'ec ists tf Ilawi; in lgislation for selist
lithi. We sre al parts of asiedty i-sis; itt soliationi of tpubllic proprty
to which ousr foruns ate isdissol- by corporal" geed; itssitsaahy to
liy linket; we give ts it sll thast we 'oit ilis ivhichs ,ai-itit cticoruption; its
- ,--iieve, fros t is sicivseeall that ~vilc hun11,(it it'ss-is'ies't ettsaiiit; its
liesess; is thaily lft' is our daily lfc le it'ivlntrabile trst, te isisatile
it' its lasvasreetshrisned our ights; sis-sspssts, ts'e-rtsssslrcive-'r'tsip.
155 1tsictivities our souls fhdolsp 0511a- alsuit lsly ts lie pasrlysis of sliat
tonatnjioy In the welfare sf s o sisitii's of-i itt sin1its1tstsnsitunsinis
'cely all are vitally coincerned. To oirssi slm~ sls'vr ieo
subsere its swelfsre is In eery iss11 i t'it'thtastissueiisis.Is
- asstsadvnage atid itdity -aitduly itisai lieirty vs perve-rteito550a
sacs-ed suet essential as his linrly. recless strife' for pls-e'anditprolls lhat
Tissmiust be the Lssssg creed tf all staredethue cosciinc' againstothle it-
tree, if we ateelto have a -amoionus is of mieti to society.
.andst progressiv-e socil stale. Pile reslt is a ctndiintitt whirls
Thrie Attericati systenm of gusemn- ni- tiss suffer, tu.Iessisse msilloss
s1esslframedssieit pa rottst aganstsiskillrsit stiltsringniTrse sats i isapy.
aressiot; im tied In give the widest Iihe'plst ita-ll ilits grestess, lttves
-'stope to the sstsbitic-s.s11sisi acivilisus ts slisidsr ot'tefitw-anditpsvery
-fo indivliduilals. It left mn free tI for -lt'he stity;liot' andtytInisnsitely

sirch; in want samid stuperabuindant rep
sources; s. civ ilization wvhose apex rises
every day into a hsigher light only 10
-tiake isvore udsrk tse husdtdled mseory
sit its bsase. Bitt is this issevitable?
(ststntsanrise satotvecself is-len .sichis
e'nt'ompasss bhite? Is a sirtsggle for
gsainsandI power, insisetsthe ansy
sie-iisilianditthe fewsuciteceed, sthe ii-
aibit' uaitre of huisssn life? Is
sellisisness, insereasinig is-ils lii' in-
esease of siealthe to engesider halt-rit
belts-eutmansalldsiman, sdissolse sill
tiii bonstfatsacisil antity stndhrtruste
r ost into s-lins? Perish the dlissimil
diream!il the lhilltosiare sigloss'i-ll
"lie dsawns of si brighter era. Stociety
mives into as-ycie of reacttiontTt, h'e

iispires the labor'ing clss to new
longisigs anid strivings; tiervades cost-
versalion its street, ofie anti house,
ni goes out to the poor in the botut-
eous distribuiiou of char-ity. _Ahove
all it is in the silenst thought of a
miighsty naltione
This steswsocisal activity is ntactisn-
nsatursal or ephenmeral,hbut ideeti,tier-
sissisesat, tisesdice Causing it, site
onsience, iinusstrial ps-ogress ael relig-
iis,. Sociologytiussseid sn illinisna-
Stutios-oer sill the trobteiss of society.
trai theiiseasielsliglsit of si ire seth-
ing isihidn.ss Everytsacftinas heats
test d by reasoss; estry 1555t5511115
sweighiedl in the tsatsssce tif uexped ienicy.
Speaklinigtiosis its mnout of light, sri-

trutlis taksint frstsholdtof stir i- Oncsttdjtsresrio, is-illh lt' i-nice of I
tinal life that our istsitutiossmstbic prophlet, thastlif si-c;;s-holiiilmrtseric
stis-ithtiousg-lthIle sessus of -st higher lie advtaesig of privae propsirty
socsisil spirt tsasedt on5astrue realizss- ansitcompttison, apasthy antd as-arle
lists of lt'e interdeendusense stnti tratit 11,s1si4not in lie future lse'tlisadoiss-
-risoost isf sits, sillihs sisslt nli( s; .1 attfae-tors insit- soc-il life. At lt-
ti-is- otistotttos-soil instpltilcal ssusltslimse use tresnd of bussinssocosts-
dstis; n; thue is-ile silitbis of that psels isess to thinkr of society. We s-c
siit:is liii' stseusie stnsstrs'sss'sssoissint aurhindustry use trast~stitttd itilesoi
reaslity si thle lsinsg years of the ccii-fisrce of cetraslizatiosn. We see stlt
ttry. is trae-os-inug isill th a -ertsinty inerx-
Koitt d lsy ptisstis ,mill thess-lift'. stssile is fsate to tite poswerfuslstealers
Nes-ir tbefore' si-rceite thuhs' oftbsh oldtste scepstre ant secrets onithfe
iesist-sifixedt ottsociasl irestles;tncserumasrkset, andstsi-cfearandsis'tsely ft-sr,
lietore'sidstan worsi-s-lusnostbly titsh-- thatslsits usstriail oligsarrhy stud a lis-
is'r rte list ofisis fellos.s Th'flince- liiicstl temtocrascy cannot co-exist, 80-
'lfth ifrse orld knowss tnt hows'the hsisilissivwithi its ster"1,n igntcu of rite
oiltesrhtslf li-es i i sa ctnolonzeir.ItsPrisisernt sysie;it of litre suitits hng-
st etiyfris i isutto tends, everysawlire iti tive ideas hss asiss son ssuny minds
equaislly isilsi" usiss i-it msittiessantiitssawak'eedstout. Periods of gen-
fire',drafting - ciuti tuisustntdisilell- ersial iussisto sts-ve staughst us ltat ter
its millions to a ideeper' suitht1gsr t""ottofstl lst'tspeople is vitallyit tlr-
n-ess soft" nrlaionu tul -ss e;of stli'nslnn. nut utmrtoclusius sllnels-
socIil lift' It is res iso i i in~sg--a- tienesirsiint Issta.r'shnse to the' oph-
is; cosctieneickenshtuing, conusscunce, h-i-st siCreltigion. Rteligions, swithits i
sindshsocisil serv'ice Iluttlhiucstishuuss silet-iansiditcountess hiluecses Cii'orjus-
ts shase.iTi' huonewss-sirt is us tito. tfit's-. liass arousedshcitis muil sutotes
e-liusu''htss, ssailliii' wrongs of this-dast - filusl liii' politicast "itisieltiues" fhast
rluublr' before lsth uslqiusncesof ihuusn- usskei'freedoisusl-e usiuss- "suffirage sa
'ridl Pr.rkhiuuusss; is in t,' unuiveursitit'sssoc'ler;agasinsstsor'lisiicecs asdsust s
siill thueir spilenillws-rrhk ints i-' i Iss il-its-cia-c lusinijusti-e',salusst the cr
seiei's-soansultheir lectiuri's sasuisttl- 15111 outihaut "sdsilyvdevredstcr stsss.
Iil-.tes1u1suig i ; tteplII i1t?' susess tuun uithiuigsaill:'Rliionu,siithsits;
teinduilthus'prnos-l ilthi stsily ;1fais,' IClussity sund sl-n'etdeieninig lterhine-
imsure fe'lesrillhisitssdefCensse' ntfts,- s- aster oatehie pe'ople as esttucstiou opet-
ito issrights; us liersstur'e wsith itsnilhi-itt-iniuds, hlissawakehnned ,a ket''i-
i-eltehis bookls lhaut au lt issihi ter-cse'asilis-cuess tItsihe sufferhig if
Inaityl. It lussasrosicta nets alltlsothecrsastuisp ushiredsa lsarger feihgsif
ss-risi's interistin its tr . ssohs-srisg hriiltirhnodr. Scele asdsiReligions hi-
h~int- lusts, itishioussulugpatry phrsase's canonos' ite wsork of sutuiftisu snlu-
susst isakinig indeedee he lie i-sni- kinid.
isV itustof our political life. Ieuiis lshstone of ho rdarkeot qiurters of
stilke the thouglht nussniessince of te Iunsu sahhlelslfslasCtuslu
VaticantsandtIhle snoble sworkeof tseit nha uuatnutlove', they call it liii' ll
Salvtsaions Auisy; it uses thie goserus- House.lItsutMission is to brinig light
mast t cslletrill maunuser of ot-slisties wshure ithere is notsiht;l to conivey food,
Cii'rlstuse of the stiudesut; umoulds leg-wsinus ndtuhohpeictothotse ilissrisunei
is~asion of inaltinsundl stmt:}s eusroisseshutntsretchledlness. 'To thistt blessesd
(t1ssusosiousituusssof mstatsdssulittest; si-k a. tieusber siC womsues siho umight,

The Michioganeunsian
-ON SAn---
Wednesday, May 12.

300 Pages-- .

Blue and Gold Cover, profusely
fllustrated with Organizations,
Cuts of 'Buildings, Etc.

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