THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. chauge. This is the law of tine 5)taaets sea of huinian woe. For back of the as they swing in their entdless orbits. Ipriests of ASat rolls the Jugge(,rnaut It is the order of tine as -age follows of caste. 'Through the philooophy of nge. It is the rule of uatote whose Gicece breathes uip to Heaven, in op- myriad of trausforuationo knoow t-- eal andi protest, the voice of wvoloso- tiier begiuniug unor endi. Nowhere, flih' slave of her ownl houtsehoildi, the however, does this law exist with sport of poetic satire, anti an object of greater heniicence andl iotetic tito-th ntnve'sal contcuipt. Thtrottghitihe laws in tie sphere of civil iustitutions. For of mighty tomue cry the bitter, burn- govtrnmtetot stands ever trembling on in-g Wrongs of a uiillioin slaves; anti tihe verge of constant imttatiou aitt ii n hieaft every line is tvritteii the pro- uts vreetresenits a progressioin of fet of tie opparessed Pleheiatn. In- chianiges great in importance, antd in- Jutice uniiversttl'. tuttnty beyond finite in variety. Mark tihese in tii. ctinporel fThe masses, everywthere ttie rise atidtaii of elpirtes, the silendor nia ss o(f men ate grotuitd ibeethit the antd overthrow of dymisties, iii, insti- iruit teel if potvcr. Poverty pays t- tution of reptublics, ttieir glory and tie- Btto ii wcrltii. ligitt is the crtieriitn iiy. Do you ask ttietneaniing of sttch of right. I Itn its reasont governient exists. that upon 'his head 'he the piei iy. Htc ma_7- it inay tronmote the welfare of uts ciii- stand withi Hamopdenu rod vith kGot-ri- zens; ani when institutions become son; hieimay fall with Maxeimithun or suhversive of these, Itle iiianifesi enids Guitean. Etcrumi glory aind ht'ior for their creationi, they shtoultbelieit- Eler al obloquy nild sham"!l fotmed or overthtrowin. Ttiat suet, a Protabtly no ouie trin''',lo lynoruas pttilosopthy stioulhd beget tcivilizaien thlie very tasis of 0it1' Civlia1aitioc1_ iteculiarlyis on twits itnevitable. Lettumore widely asepeited anti yet titts.e tis, theta, metistire itis worfttiait be- sadly mnistused. It iositle rollt rt C-- holifs virtues i the cliattract'r oithte surt of .the vicious. It is ft tilttu& civilizittioni which it lhts tegotft'ii. scrven of tie lawiesscc'iea liberty iiass The sitirif of revoltutiton litte tu' 'iiblon debasedi into licelise. It i"tolti" tiaritiaent n tiiestever itoitt uskof godlintess fur inaptb iu int o: Eutropie, toidthus has mtttle lie ccttiihottrof strike tail riot. Pfiring ititti of the ipeople at ot th ie cdicitt'of a its imighty forces ile ag'ia tot rty'coiu iittllttt'l, ft esure 'of uvery Itt'. It vit