.~ 4I } Athletic Notes.
Coach W atkins lined up the base-
Pa slicked Daily (Sundays excepted) dating bl n- o hr rciegm
the College year, at tSaturdtay afternoon, besideo, giving
BE UNIVEOSITY OF MICHIGAN. them the regniar hatting and fielding
Orre e: Timesebuilding, 79 S. Male St. he- practice. Watkins, Shields, Ward,
nten Liherty and William Sts. iir it imlll.o h ieiile
51 tN~l5[NG EDITrdIaa d eltreMilr. Shehaneligibes,
J. tF. THOMAS, ir.adWere lilrShhnRsl,
ACCW t N AItNtc EDITOR,' M cCee anti Jund played on tic one
F. S. OvnNaS, '9t. sitde, oWithi Driuniheller, Atidersii,
ATHCLETIC EDITORI Keith, Coidon, Butler. Wolfe, Sutlhi-
si-.-c~ess 8L vato, Itannani, Deatis aid CGartwright
0.sIO. 1,HANs, 'so. S O oJillt 1YSinintgs wo;'re p1.'-
EDITOLIS cn and the forimer were victorios by
E. L. OutsMet?, '98 L. HI. H. CtOW IN, '99. a score of 1 to 4.
.....8 $7 aid14
We can show yoti at these prices New,
I., Stylish, Righstly Tailored Suits, - in
New, Nobbhy Effects, Selection Large,
Exclusive Cloths.
....$3, $3.5 a d 4
...' A Large line of Extra Pants in Stylish
1Cheeks, Fancy Cheviots, Correctly Tail-
/1 ored.
Forign and nDo=etia..
'~oo~c-0cEvery New Idea, mnade fromn Fine
Light-Weight Yarns specially adjapted
L. A. CAMPBrELL, '00.
W. WS. tisgiocs, '10. S. W. 5Slh, 'It.
P. A. Fucit, 'le E. A. at.ilSiths, '97.
WV. P. Alorrill, '98. 0. D. tHsdnutt, '00.
C. Loll, jr., 111M.
The wseelkjtust closet) has shown a
g-teat impllrovelent In tilt work of lte
fsohsall catidoles. Mobre new tises
wocre oct and the dashi tnt) ,pmt i l,-
for spring and summner wear.-A special
plit-Ied «was imost gralifyinztig stle
-' t .'ilte. 'The tro iso ANill s'oninuoll,
Theshbsription price ot the Daily is $2.5 il the 'pilt vact'ion1.
tor the college year, with a regular delivery
heforecnotonearls tie. Notices, communica-
lions, and other matteintended toe'publicas- Tie' imeholl s( -issllt'e s ietrl
tiesnesust he haoded is at the Dlaily office be-
lose 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor betore 301)V 'it lgir Aiii'stii will b tidaess
p. m., of the day previous to thsat osn which
theycare expected to appear. 1ti Ltltby 1111'board of cetrtol tils
Subsecriptioss may 1slt ciast The Daily
Offc, Meyer's or 5toiliet's Neestasd, or Iwek. IOfficiail siil~slii('lt'iiit Nwill il
with BusissMtasager. Ssubeihbeswill coo-
fer a tfa'oe hy reporting promptlty at this sp~eriill t'11D l'.
office asy failure of carries to deliver poper.
There willftc anl imnportantisiiielisg <t 1, niato norahci
of lt'eDaily iboarsd today asi)s oclockls eissid 'satithesisy iverslit, ofsni's', s-
int e os ~lcihsaiel' -5s1 lt tsttris. svo thei'41) Yarssilts'
'Tue success oiflt'efist "'Smolssr'' 'tf'ill4121s''sls
the AilsitAic :assottiion ryoves tisat '' sit fttsri1 it iit"
thc plail Is si gsod one. 'lihi" 'onssi'g 'slyti'f( 'ilic igtt, Ssstrtlsy votedl 5 to-
to gether sf facully Itutu iil-scin lProf. Oisgg ii in i'siigliii sosaiest
terestesIiin athletic s, the ntinbshoft 07he A. A. iU.
tse asosociatiton, andsi prominleni ltini_____
cannot:sih1ll111 tltcreaote Oili's.tril lit' In lt' iio itit siel<ls) traicks.'sisies
.©.. .. . ®.job.-
. .. ..®.. .$1.00 Value at 50c per pair
" ~(With or withsnt feet.
torus thatilwill caid onc atlletice ttr-
ests-atirialy. Indleeditiiese infosrmssl
gatherisewillii in t'ieshave'a liso's
fstr-reaeingsig 'ecithacsuisere'ly asodas-
turg enthstsisisisu for atsletics. It1istisd
fls'tgni(ly and 1atdopted lby c'11:r-c
ga'sic-tions wO sitha ll efre lonig s'
at'ALioiigainl t h -me halhy ,wiesi i-
orosecollege sirit thatitexists in ete-
tri ituiitioni-indsthatisoteits soe inutis
for them in tse w,,y cf moral stippo~slrt
ansi of grestbeqs'tses.
'ltis'ligatt stsdensihiave nmors' 1511
portuinities is heat'rimeltgre'at i ll si
lines of wxcel than lire affordiedthle
attendants at oily other edicatioinal
institttion ofthitcotuntry. OutuSs-
deitts' Lectnre Assicaion seeiis Itoite
uiune boti in itie organization and ini
its istloss. Wheti a trossileast edun-
cator or public nsan lectures at H~ar-
card, Ysile or Princetois cc, in fact,
any of the great easternunniversities,
his "appeataisce is hsailedi by the college
papero of tiose instittioiss as seone-
tihing uiinisual. Uiider the ancspices of
the S. L. A., the Philoophical Cltib,
and of the Oratcrical Assocciaticts, ai,
least 20 of lteimost prominent inthI of
thie nationa have appeared litre. Mtichi-I
gan students shiculd appreciate their
opportnnities and givethtlese organiza-
tions their hearty support.
Subscribe for the Daily.
btwset'ien teiversitiesit's stf llxtsti i
tOasssritlgs'. whichi totoks ils-' at It's'
siss.. l'risissv Oxfosrdiwotil by sone 'tnt.
'Pus 91botre itt Satusrtday11vas w;-,itb'
(Oxfortd ly i to itisgtls.
lisiitlsd's colltgo' bsebtltsl i'
resuledsi isollows: Irins-etois -it,
Uniion 1; Ptenllsylvaia, 17Ii, Cat-lis'
Indians 1; Tssle 27, Johns Itopisiis 0.
$1.50 UNTIL M-\AY 1ST.
'This University Secicol of Daiicing
s-ill give a special clue of $1.50 for lte
remalinder cf .the lerm, eniles ay
1ot. These tickets Wvilhe goadl for
mny two clssess of tileweeel, inclusding
the Satiurday eveiniig lprogramii iarty.
PO0UND-A hpockeihook cn 'Main et.
containinig soney. Owiier can get
saine by iden'itifying it 'anti paying for
this notice. Call at 28 S. 'Main st.
K Babylon Cool is THE BEST.
All gradeo of lard and soft Ccl.,
Camelt Cool sod Cole.
Telephone No. 8. OnA door Enot cf Ameri-
c an LHcuse.
Bicycle Repairing!
Tn nlhranches neatly and pscssptiy done.
Peltces reasonable. Sundrien at rsek-bosttom
Win. J. Wenger,
® Mfi. MAETtIN, Funeral Director, Cloth
-.. and Meallc Caskets and Fine Grade
Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S
Fourth ave.!
Thte 1117 L'ET-II)JT BICYCLES emnbody more new andI genuine imprcvcss-5:-
10 conetruction than any ether bicycles now before ltepublic. Never beie loite
stch excellcent valises heen offered fce the money. Ours isew list, consistin-g c i ci
tspehtmodela at $60, $75 aud $121 forrsngle machines, ash $1.10 for tasicos, evssla
thse vsarioussptions offered, is ouch that the moot exactinug pusrchasser csa be c~reil
A OIIN Cantobe seedwith Rand, McNalhy& C, Shacwllbrnggood returns to
Atlases, Msaps and other psblications.
By Bobert N. Tooisr, at ., of Chilcago tMrdicai Coilege just hsed, is Ike
booh for Miedical Students, Cataloue and circsisart tend on aphlication.
W~e want a ftwsu ecisi representatnves ins the Colisge. I'or tis position
experienced heck men shoald wrileus at once stating east exeerience,
RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.-
site0 sinnsd. a, sm ,
Oar pounsittet..
Pnosisd liue re
rW~ z -,A-,%,)r E 3L Si -', LIt1uts on
5-- ..-. .. 5".