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April 05, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-05

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AM --M

VOL. VII. No. 144.




Received a full line of Novel,
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings

"SMOKER" A SUCCESS. PeFarl of Control, followed antI said'
- ~That to iso knowledge there bad neveor
Expectations of Management Are' boon a more entlonoleotie athlotic
, n -1* ntccting at Mi1chigan than this one.

Fully Realized.
The "ittuoker" given. by the Athletic
Association in Itoomo C, Saturday ntight
ivos lacking in only one particalar
and that woos, actual omoke. The at-

NOa 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. I iotanc ' wao large, good fellowsttip
tpto'ailed, tite opeecttestwere ntany
~ ~ ~ attd to the ptoinit, the Oire of enthootoeson
A..0COM B -- -- --------co safety lit atnd thte stmoke is ooUre
thOat wiii wear six mootbs tos a ood to follow. Jusot watch it. While thoe
see. eve can give yea a Comb that'
to warrantedtos moar it2eoonthoo attlendtanco was ottgrsatifying to the
ordtnaryausage. Weve got bin
S combs aed littlte combo, coarse icatoogototet, it doutleflso woutld have
oombs ad flee combo, good comobs
sod thcap cosmbs. bten larger Ohatd toe otudetslgeeratly
-- - 'klolth tat thte ffair wasopotsa to all
0 PALTIER'S PHAR3IACY. 0cubie and not mnerely to tmetmboro of
0 46 S. STATE ST. 0to Athlstlic Asoocitoion. Titere otto
f ' 4 ® ®®l'no sot oprograotssandsteverything ovas
totot total.
°-i°G "Afteor toestooging of "Thte Yellowv
Before you select that pair of attiit to orsoto ott ocr
Shoes for Spring, suppose you su-anFleadarspsetanuoe
spect our offerioso. We believe ttvyte hlse Club, ..De F.. thictiardo,
in sectring only the Latest Styles of ae'ieto h tltcbadsae
goods each seasono and early enough I~tCtltto ~eailtcbadsae
to permit of careful inspection and fazeoobjsect of tlse soeiug anod said
decision before actual need is bore.
Our line of Spring Shoes and Oxfords thoot it w Nas totshsow ltse condition of
in the new shade of Bottle Green atletoics heres, tond to stir tsp thte dor-
and Chocolate is now in stock. The
prettiest effects its footweoar you sPatool ettstsisoi. At ikhe conoclusion
over saw. of ios ints ties-ttlledt fsor 'Edice"
~A( J A ~ ~, L u 'lsl ciigtit's 'OttO Wair Boos,"
V V1J. A R 1 0Ld;tridtt entleman aoOs giveOnton
08 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. ovaltiotn. althouighs totsalumnuosnowv,
.11r. Shitelds said hte'totticnoaseuc too-
is rest toas-ovr intoo Uscnliversity andsolS
DDIP"p sthtshoohd oosie to tto oseetoog to
isowctutfoodt. tleconsfined tots te-
0mrsto baseball adgooseso stutn-
We have in stock, six dif- so'.otry of SMichigani's sc~ictovs'tiento too
ferent kinds of violet. WYe :i ts-st loceticis duiii te i
o think that "Garlaned of 0 r g s sxyotir'e isoh
e Violets" is the dSweetest and awso-titoocollege.Ie wso-osleasedt wits
cheapest even ate 61.00 an 0 ti's- slotadotatohastbeen takeuregaord-
onoce. Some are 50 and 75 0
cents ate ounce. Lilac, 0in-tg tstrtttristsianousiatlstthouogho lhe
Lily of the Valley, Carna-
tiots,Crab Apple and May- l~i~Oitttttos3oc o osovti
r bells, are all seasonable wecaklco stool fist oo'ooocls svc're lri htk
now and coot you 50o an 0
otunce. Cone iuntsnd coim- o ecoloot topon ttoesstudensis to supphort
pare them, tt'afosso in toocwtry way tososible oast
__ -eto cosaoouii to poractice' and encouro-
0o-e e enso. Aic. Sh'ielods' talk soas
CAKN ' :°NPHARMACY t o ietle d so ththo' todlvoiced

He reviewed thte sook of the board of
control sisnce it toad been in existence
stool wspoleased that thte fcuclaty antO
studsetot ioersr of ltse board ito late
yearsc wer10-always ogreed aodthft
thseicrsctions teceiv-eol lhe itsoorset'oeit
of thoe studenst body. liten too bad
'losedothOtto ndolins club 10a3y'sOt-oo
uwoil received selections aond then Prof'.
Potteosgiti, also a faculty mseosber of
thet boardl of control. :desrsed thett
uscetiug;, sayig thsat thte faculty woos
swithto the stutisito niathsleticostool
that it wooutltdgiv-e theomthoe supotr
thsey dosesred.
Coach W1'oltkino was thsen called fo'
stoo Oisoatoteeiroince uwas tto occasion
for aothsiler noisy demonstration. He
10ol( of toe basseball outlooko and
thsought thte chsances for turunoog out
toevamon bo wore brig-it. Thte
tptt ctitto deparotmoenotto'iesaitt, wuld
bc' strosog, toaswotuld the infieldl. Thss
outftield is weakoer',hostu-ill be till
W irsi titilies tfeseo 100 of thte foot-
ball outlook, bides reviewing 'Michsi-
goa's history to inttoort. Ie sic-
claoredthtisonoext -ear's toast would be
extraoorsdinaril'y stronog andthoatst thte
sipringo tpracticeowso-ieharder ltosn lt-at
'osgogeci inany000 ohser collc'ge atis
thsat tte re'sultswubmosstc t 10 tetine-
Oictal .-
SMr. tRichardiii ik,d for exresson s'
of optniconon itthss'queostion ws-hethecr or
sto profe'ssionaolossolcdtooatlnwot
to 0p000y 0000thiriclaoss teamos.'Thte olio-
cttsslon Awoeo toots ticilated ii 103Als --s.
Josyoes'.otistoi, thetis, rososbock,
Jieniiiger, Dickoensstooid Seter.
After tlisseveryone' treseont song
"Thot'Fellow astoolueo" cod " Auto Ar-
too'," toolti'first "Smtokeor" wcsovs-r.
It u-aos003- sll oodos a gr'c'at sutccss,
stod lt'eright step lowarsol ttoeiclel-
ottotoosot of collegoespoirit.

l Annual S. C. A. Address.
.-' fair stood audience gathered in
Unic'ersity Hall last oight to listen to
the -annual address given under the
atspicco of ltse S. C. A. Thte speaker
of 'thte ev-ening cvas the R0ev. 11'. D.
I Mlackenzite, of Chicago; Os subject,
"Christioosity anod Habit." Thte follorw-
tng erograso c-as gi-ceo iooaddtionmato
thte leading oalk:
Organ Solo-----------.. Mr. Haot.,rite
Bible Recadinig - .Prof. D' oge
Prayer----------11Iev. .. 0 telsiota
Selecion ........---U. of 'i. Qoaarlet
Or'gans Solo-----------...l. Hlatozils.
'T'ei aoddrccssc-ic-ottty Ot theeaeker
wts oeofintertesttoand broughit out
scatty new- phases of tise question.
Thte formuatioon aod breackinigtop of
hoabitoscoere treated at cosicdee'able
lesogtho. Onshe whole the osoeo'lig coos
a decioded success.
April Alumnus Out.
'Tte MchoigatoAtumtnus for Aporil is
ott to its tusutal iigh stotacoar. 'leo
istost coitntmendcable featoore of thsis edt-
tiot s tonsrt icle etntitled "Itoterestig
Alumnsti," its whiicho s sketcho is giv'en of
bcth Satnford Filnose Besnett, '5
thte authoor of "So-cot Bye-ando-Bye,"
stod Prosideont L. PR. Fiske, '5O, Press-
decot of Albono College. Thols depart-
osnesol ccill ho' conitnuedo; intoo to- flay
issue a.oshoct biograois3'of Citoiitoao
K. Davis, thtefirst toresidetlt of the
Adbelphsi Society', csill oappoear.
'Cite oot' sifraernsity-Os tto one
trotted tiosomonthillottitteofeatersily
syiosiumtto scris.,ito isory'kand
pospoects sore acimir5b3- written of by
bEobooin ..Bemset. 'hIT . Other ar'ticles
of espilitoor-t are 4 Thte First Ans-
nuual Baenquet softOhs" Detrcit Alomnio
'Assccialtoni," antd os bbogrpohy of the-
out Los-i Baeou, 003' leutruste Buock,
Gut His Hair Cut.

Schoolmasters' Chub.
tos' .-.-tttoostotc't5 0 tit 505 t''

-AT- etoot
1: o -,03.is yesir's cotacho of its'
W AR'S BOOK STO R El It#t5ssfot ritos s-t roltsolt thtte Itrogramsisaniiountctedh to
Jumst receive 1 another' lot of 3Cto tiho Ito. otuss e erit }ecit-eu-tog a ttsi-'itu-sht' St ut'otoc st
t'5510 lorzet l+isou t'obouy stool Ovoh is;-
thatSon U. of M. Monograne l-reo'cessou. It' -i5otwof track itocs- ttlsos fcilowvedoaltth t Iot' OOs'.
Paper, te popnilr shades tcanod saitt t huere so-re stosooy
gooper00,00herolpicngatr shadreec-eus'lto' of thtsbest otumsbcrson tthis
J a 1EI pati-nbu oewr leaonod White; also a Nosw neede-ol ansi to' Urgod alltwhsc-o ould to prop's sot sc-es ltse sater hoy Dr. Dixon,
Stock of the \Various High,- 'osto coite ussut. Hiuttibo'as tlessfor of ltse I ui-ersit-, oss "uThe1esoctutog
Grado Correspondlenco Pasper. os hat-go' ooossiso'rollo pof tte oathltolicof Eticotuoiuiot toonthes'Secutmchry
Vislilug Carids Engraved, ansi osscaltion antd 5otidlhue lhoped to see ctoo" it'slcusosstsedta
ho5 Plato Printing,.ltse timesoco«hutenseery-'studsettwouldshlicuso hoe t- -
bse a meoosber by yiruue of tots usatroc- this teachuini of ecoomsics is lao-etd
illation fee, u-loomisionms to gasuu by 13 those e'mugg'slits active te'achting,
'!"ATR'S BOO j0lT wsould monomgor be chosrgetandstoodlse bust thoatttoisdifficult to flood theo ccs-
comasercial elemenut entirely elbuninat- a~ ue
UpTw1onTw d rmaheis 0 . Stale st Opposite Court Roes dDronahltcsly.r tte
Ass Arber Male tem. i Prof. Knowrlton, President of lbs Subscribe for the Diy

'lhe reitort Nvs cur trenst 3'eserstay
thts tKitpatri-cka msemsber of tO hili
Kappatot Psi'd fratleri3 toolndcosns s
to-oustmossser lyone tt of ltse fresh°sti'
lotcoos, haduo beets'the recipsient of a.
frs's' air eut. 'Thte oct wsc-totlributed
t0, 00000 sopchomtores, swho o-eoe said
to tosuso enter- st osrooso andst terformi-
celth Otoplerations. Al aa.hole Ootur hoist
nuighst soDaily- rettorter wcssinameoto
finel It'. K-ilptri-ck so that the rumstor
cannsost be'verified utuoil tossoroow.
'Swing-Out" Thursday.
'Thtestop cud gow-n connuittee of the
senior elasos atnounce thuah thec ship-
nient eof gowsvn has been neade saDd lt
annunal "swing-out"*boo been ocet for
next Thursday at vesper services.

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