THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .~ 4I } Athletic Notes. Coach W atkins lined up the base- Pa slicked Daily (Sundays excepted) dating bl n- o hr rciegm the College year, at tSaturdtay afternoon, besideo, giving BE UNIVEOSITY OF MICHIGAN. them the regniar hatting and fielding Orre e: Timesebuilding, 79 S. Male St. he- practice. Watkins, Shields, Ward, nten Liherty and William Sts. iir it imlll.o h ieiile 51 tN~l5[NG EDITrdIaa d eltreMilr. Shehaneligibes, J. tF. THOMAS, ir.adWere lilrShhnRsl, ACCW t N AItNtc EDITOR,' M cCee anti Jund played on tic one F. S. OvnNaS, '9t. sitde, oWithi Driuniheller, Atidersii, ATHCLETIC EDITORI Keith, Coidon, Butler. Wolfe, Sutlhi- si-.-c~ess 8L vato, Itannani, Deatis aid CGartwright IIUSCNEiS M i.NA(5IdP 0.sIO. 1,HANs, 'so. S O oJillt 1YSinintgs wo;'re p1.'- EDITOLIS cn and the forimer were victorios by E. L. OutsMet?, '98 L. HI. H. CtOW IN, '99. a score of 1 to 4. .....8 $7 aid14 We can show yoti at these prices New, I., Stylish, Righstly Tailored Suits, - in New, Nobbhy Effects, Selection Large, Exclusive Cloths. ....$3, $3.5 a d 4 ...' A Large line of Extra Pants in Stylish 1Cheeks, Fancy Cheviots, Correctly Tail- /1 ored. Forign and nDo=etia.. '~oo~c-0cEvery New Idea, mnade fromn Fine Light-Weight Yarns specially adjapted L. A. CAMPBrELL, '00. ASSOCIATEEDITORIS W. WS. tisgiocs, '10. S. W. 5Slh, 'It. P. A. Fucit, 'le E. A. at.ilSiths, '97. WV. P. Alorrill, '98. 0. D. tHsdnutt, '00. C. Loll, jr., 111M. The wseelkjtust closet) has shown a g-teat impllrovelent In tilt work of lte fsohsall catidoles. Mobre new tises wocre oct and the dashi tnt) ,pmt i l,- for spring and summner wear.-A special plit-Ied «was imost gralifyinztig stle -' t .'ilte. 'The tro iso ANill s'oninuoll, Theshbsription price ot the Daily is $2.5 il the 'pilt vact'ion1. tor the college year, with a regular delivery heforecnotonearls tie. Notices, communica- lions, and other matteintended toe'publicas- Tie' imeholl s( -issllt'e s ietrl tiesnesust he haoded is at the Dlaily office be- lose 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor betore 301)V 'it lgir Aiii'stii will b tidaess p. m., of the day previous to thsat osn which theycare expected to appear. 1ti Ltltby 1111'board of cetrtol tils Subsecriptioss may 1slt ciast The Daily Offc, Meyer's or 5toiliet's Neestasd, or Iwek. IOfficiail siil~slii('lt'iiit Nwill il with BusissMtasager. Ssubeihbeswill coo- fer a tfa'oe hy reporting promptlty at this sp~eriill t'11D l'. office asy failure of carries to deliver poper. There willftc anl imnportantisiiielisg