Are You Getting Them? Paying the Price Don't Always Get 'Em. We sell
better clothes than ever before and confine ourselves to three of the very best makes; viz: Ham-:
merslough Bros.' and The Stein Block Co.'s which bear the labels of the makers, and
M~ichaels, Stern & Co.'s Clothing which specially made for use and bear our name-Linden-
schmitt & Apfel. All these makes bear their respective labels under the coat collar which is a
positive guarantee that they are absolutely correct and first class in every respect: When a
merchant tells you he sells Hammerslough Bgros.' or the Stein Block Co. s Clothing and can't show
the label don't believe a word of it. Be Careful.
37 South Main Street.
ONE NIGHT ONLY.Tisc1ts-es0lb12
(no vstocl)mil-------$1.0H0tsEAST. T
Friay1Apil th Shirts------ ----------------- ----------- ( Vanrx - ---3o M.s1Es' N. XSpecs 1-- 73
THOMIAS W. ther Hats---------------------------- ------------25ce-aterE----10v5 N. 5. Liosted..--925
--New Stock Arrvz ng Continunily, timotic Ex_- H F 5 acific Ex---IS1
So 1) .N.Fxtses...550 Western Ex-01_ 5
- -oIlc Ofl, i , o 0.,9 G.tR. Ex----5 55
Accompaucl dby. Charles H. Han- ) INNER'S OLD STAND- --- - --1AIN SIREN .T P .1c., Ci-ao Agt.AnAro
ford. Isosenlieg Hichard III.IAg.H W ASS
]Prices, - $1.00, 75c andy.50c I Society Meetings. jsvfjdl sitc Sl:(iralel. wNilt ic lhil71
;11. iii siislliii.bisihail next iSaturidayei - y ., , k' r-5.
. , F~~ii c o Cii b l hler ag a 111g itte d tl e :.ll'il 1 1Ia-
a -_ (c i i -Ci 1iii « 1< O ll v e af
iihyl-doyou play?'"Siigeashburn."
Ito Home is Really Complete
Without a new 1891 Model
.as b im Guitar, Mandlolin,
Banjo or Zither.
Prirce avlaenssalsd dowdesas aresult ofIteii
Wa~shburan's alleno aouspesileity Eli thit noweyou irlsi
biiy a eniieo Washiburns of itie 000y latest dign~
.1 rom $15.00 Upward.
'rie inew t5Washba~rii Maindolinissa radiocial dpartue
frii om oiiierstylos. It iS s e natslt, diniitis an
lighltost Maiidoiimaiilginable, aniiiits tloeiporoc
very0earioliOtat of al ineiOold Creonaiolinii. -s.h-
bursioasre soid atixed aidiifiormopicesbyallirtst-
Wasehbursarootier cknoeodgeditanisdard of the
woroid. ITiey ae usend exrivelllyryltheleading
Artists, Teaiciirs Slid Giee Cluis. OuorIiewO'Wah-
burni tloitiigii oni~tiingieporais oSer00 5Artists
anod fuli iorionxi, pries,rndoorsements, etc.,soiliits
cot suppoiyyouisooeoiilsoeidi'Washiburnis Cl O.
sot ivilegeiofooexainais~tions,directt fomitieofacory.
A Washburn improves with age sod makes a
Gilt that increiises in value as the years go by.
It is really worth lmony tioeis cost.
tG. Ws 3.4511 AVE. & ADAMS ST.. CiIiCAGa,
rlbyiDr. lo iii l I l iPo55se 1III 5.1'11-
( iii peikll isi.' tilh l lilct ol t ii tic2.1
iiit? illlii1(1i o neClisl-llil ill1s.l~o hl i1,
Ic ii iilllofiiii i1ilsIi 111 Illy.pke tith
11,o t: c iif l Zlil..) ill tiss' l !:1
ofs; to12 l iri-is l - igll
bt i is-bsu oftuss cIIlt is olisf Ihe
Tli ft~oit oisif iiciiiii is1 11(1Wuls
107 c "ItohisL1ciid,'tols be-hib i us
iissi 15 llir il ll Ssiil Cii Oinwtiik-li
lrti ti: li hile el; theII 1 'u1.- i i l t-I
' cii'-:itl-tS RAtieeI is) .Itll-Gi
1111 s111 15 lii sil) 1. lam.i1J11(1", -iisri
p i c I t ril I:vIl b .. \i; i'eiisti, 9V.
riso; crticC.IJ" uit Cud;t hgid)iss-
he sold y the An rborR.agilil.
EL Iioiir 'le ailOt.. 1894.
! '1:25 . mii11:25 a. Io=
4:30 il. ll8:3 p, .
"Runllltluc.,AnnilAol or essiToldoirnly-
CAlltralis ilyexcept Sunidaiy.
F.. O I F~1 1'.Aginot
4 V. Ti ]BiCN'~l PT 0.A.Toledo 0.
Wisol-sle Cigars4,'t'obaccos ood
Cor. Main an~d Liberty Sta.RP16
.1.A.- NYPSI. ST. RAkILWVAY. , RiAI irrfa
11l're.11 fiil ia o '3t Ss~ itiis ii07l W , e~b.iliiEt-oiA
ii-'beiis~~ tiiriEisP.] 1210TAH'Lll HURON ST, GPPOSIIE CORT HOUS E.
tliiesit f Ieo e loiht i lVii- 7:01), 8:20, 9:40, and 11:00 a. i , ad d -- ade t iorn n e
11.111: sliiotitlt l oilit 5 csziiiO sil is 12:40, 2:20, 3:40, 5:010, 1030, 7:59, l;;10 i e a ie T ilrn n ex
SUPPLIES F d-f oelri(roaol a38trali1:0p n -INTERCOLLEGIATE
B',(ts Sss ,0 1 oli b tesvrlsae. ~ :40, ae 9:00, 10:20 sod 11:O10 a. tloatl 4yR U O
Ilcoges Ao-il seI fo soesaol sd s~ill~i ilosaS~t of iic l~cII 1:_~0, 3:00, -:20, 2:40, 7:10. 8:31), 1:50 ~ as o n n
steeslcra oosa~e. Every rurs e rtitf i s ChI~
Golf, Cricket, Sel-C le d Fieil, Gyomsa- .lea.Ito ini iol (ie ~sltIs and 11:00 p. n1. H os
sluss Equipmesooasdotit Compleite
Cataobeeof Spri iss.,sd Summers-4)osris sbe ais A, t i t s-he lits-ms- ovir 5UNDAY TIME. -T
A.G PLIG&BO . --i-sI.srvey andtIliiossutinthe LcSIpiat t :0st 1:0- - Albany, N. Y.
A.G P .D N R S a. iiz., and 12:50, 1:30, 3:10, 4:30, 5:50, R? J V. Mtair.,, :Mesusrer
Now Yeoto, Chir- go, iiiderlhto. t. c7:10, 830 sod 9: s0 p 11.411E.tWilliam 5t.
ANDLLTHEPHT toinAHirn 1.55ebte0lLeaesAnnt Arbor at 10:00 slid 11:201 lIT IsO 11E1,
xvsurg-o does li .sljli-lsifiiestiroia isbt-S a. mo., soil 12:30,2:30, 3:30, 9:30, (:30,, ,- > 0Mt,
Aahigooror. tw Itis ioll ItIlioaolved,'that Avomaln's 7:50, 9:10 and 10:90 Ii. m tliAro. ! A NN ARBOR. MIC0H..
E ng~vrflv flg tyr c 910 Vl visting adslofot ladies a dgentlemeoiniltheuir respec-tive s~isilncorr ci styles.. Engrae
E no'raviPlates will be kept by us fot out patrolls. ulnless Iwo Pre rfequestedl to rtur ttItsme.
W edding Invitation1"S Eegnty engrav~ed tooreinsat
Prices quoted lOid eanples fturnisbed fun application.
SHEESHAN & 00.--
Leading Booksellers - - - - - - - - - 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, MI cb