THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. GOOD CLOTHES ARE WORTH THEIR COST! Are You Getting Them? Paying the Price Don't Always Get 'Em. We sell better clothes than ever before and confine ourselves to three of the very best makes; viz: Ham-: merslough Bros.' and The Stein Block Co.'s which bear the labels of the makers, and M~ichaels, Stern & Co.'s Clothing which specially made for use and bear our name-Linden- schmitt & Apfel. All these makes bear their respective labels under the coat collar which is a positive guarantee that they are absolutely correct and first class in every respect: When a merchant tells you he sells Hammerslough Bgros.' or the Stein Block Co. s Clothing and can't show the label don't believe a word of it. Be Careful. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. 37 South Main Street. ONE NIGHT ONLY.Tisc1ts-es0lb12 (no vstocl)mil-------$1.0H0tsEAST. T Friay1Apil th Shirts------ ----------------- ----------- ( Vanrx - ---3o M.s1Es' N. XSpecs 1-- 73 THOMIAS W. ther Hats---------------------------- ------------25ce-aterE----10v5 N. 5. Liosted..--925 --New Stock Arrvz ng Continunily, timotic Ex_- H F 5 acific Ex---IS1 So 1) .N.Fxtses...550 Western Ex-01_ 5 - -oIlc Ofl, i , o 0.,9 G.tR. Ex----5 55 Accompaucl dby. Charles H. Han- ) INNER'S OLD STAND- --- - --1AIN SIREN .T P .1c., Ci-ao Agt.AnAro ford. Isosenlieg Hichard III.IAg.H W ASS ]Prices, - $1.00, 75c andy.50c I Society Meetings. jsvfjdl sitc Sl:(iralel. wNilt ic lhil71 ;11. iii siislliii.bisihail next iSaturidayei - y ., , k' r-5. . , F~~ii c o Cii b l hler ag a 111g itte d tl e :.ll'il 1 1Ia- a -_ (c i i -Ci 1iii « 1< O ll v e af ..c iihyl-doyou play?'"Siigeashburn." Ito Home is Really Complete Without a new 1891 Model .as b im Guitar, Mandlolin, Banjo or Zither. Prirce avlaenssalsd dowdesas aresult ofIteii Wa~shburan's alleno aouspesileity Eli thit noweyou irlsi biiy a eniieo Washiburns of itie 000y latest dign~ .1 rom $15.00 Upward. 'rie inew t5Washba~rii Maindolinissa radiocial dpartue frii om oiiierstylos. It iS s e natslt, diniitis an lighltost Maiidoiimaiilginable, aniiiits tloeiporoc very0earioliOtat of al ineiOold Creonaiolinii. -s.h- bursioasre soid atixed aidiifiormopicesbyallirtst- clasoiisiodeaoioosoevorywero. Wasehbursarootier cknoeodgeditanisdard of the woroid. ITiey ae usend exrivelllyryltheleading Artists, Teaiciirs Slid Giee Cluis. OuorIiewO'Wah- burni tloitiigii oni~tiingieporais oSer00 5Artists anod fuli iorionxi, pries,rndoorsements, etc.,soiliits cot suppoiyyouisooeoiilsoeidi'Washiburnis Cl O. sot ivilegeiofooexainais~tions,directt fomitieofacory. A Washburn improves with age sod makes a Gilt that increiises in value as the years go by. It is really worth lmony tioeis cost. LYON & HWALV, tG. Ws 3.4511 AVE. & ADAMS ST.. CiIiCAGa, rlbyiDr. lo iii l I l iPo55se 1III 5.1'11- ( iii peikll isi.' tilh l lilct ol t ii tic2.1 iiit? illlii1(1i o neClisl-llil ill1s.l~o hl i1, Ic ii iilllofiiii i1ilsIi 111 Illy.pke tith 11,o t: c iif l Zlil..) ill tiss' l !:1 ofs; to12 l iri-is l - igll bt i is-bsu oftuss cIIlt is olisf Ihe Tli ft~oit oisif iiciiiii is1 11(1Wuls 107 c "ItohisL1ciid,'tols be-hib i us iissi 15 llir il ll Ssiil Cii Oinwtiik-li lrti ti: li hile el; theII 1 'u1.- i i l t-I ' cii'-:itl-tS RAtieeI is) .Itll-Gi 1111 s111 15 lii sil) 1. lam.i1J11(1", -iisri p i c I t ril I:vIl b .. \i; i'eiisti, 9V. riso; crticC.IJ" uit Cud;t hgid)iss- he sold y the An rborR.agilil. EL Iioiir 'le ailOt.. 1894. ! '1:25 . mii11:25 a. Io= 4:30 il. ll8:3 p, . "Runllltluc.,AnnilAol or essiToldoirnly- CAlltralis ilyexcept Sunidaiy. F.. O I F~1 1'.Aginot 4 V. Ti ]BiCN'~l PT 0.A.Toledo 0. THE KRIDEROAllEDEN BUTA IIHLi RAILIRDAD TICKET BROK H Wisol-sle Cigars4,'t'obaccos ood ICigarettes. Cor. Main an~d Liberty Sta.RP16 0F1HE GITY!I .1.A.- NYPSI. ST. RAkILWVAY. , RiAI irrfa 11l're.11 fiil ia o '3t Ss~ itiis ii07l W , e~b.iliiEt-oiA ii-'beiis~~ tiiriEisP.] 1210TAH'Lll HURON ST, GPPOSIIE CORT HOUS E. tliiesit f Ieo e loiht i lVii- 7:01), 8:20, 9:40, and 11:00 a. i , ad d -- ade t iorn n e 11.111: sliiotitlt l oilit 5 csziiiO sil is 12:40, 2:20, 3:40, 5:010, 1030, 7:59, l;;10 i e a ie T ilrn n ex SUPPLIES F d-f oelri(roaol a38trali1:0p n -INTERCOLLEGIATE B',(ts Sss ,0 1 oli b tesvrlsae. ~ :40, ae 9:00, 10:20 sod 11:O10 a. tloatl 4yR U O Ilcoges Ao-il seI fo soesaol sd s~ill~i ilosaS~t of iic l~cII 1:_~0, 3:00, -:20, 2:40, 7:10. 8:31), 1:50 ~ as o n n steeslcra oosa~e. Every rurs e rtitf i s ChI~ Golf, Cricket, Sel-C le d Fieil, Gyomsa- .lea.Ito ini iol (ie ~sltIs and 11:00 p. n1. H os sluss Equipmesooasdotit Compleite Cataobeeof Spri iss.,sd Summers-4)osris sbe ais A, t i t s-he lits-ms- ovir 5UNDAY TIME. -T A.G PLIG&BO . --i-sI.srvey andtIliiossutinthe LcSIpiat t :0st 1:0- - Albany, N. Y. A.G P .D N R S a. iiz., and 12:50, 1:30, 3:10, 4:30, 5:50, R? J V. Mtair.,, :Mesusrer Now Yeoto, Chir- go, iiiderlhto. t. c7:10, 830 sod 9: s0 p 11.411E.tWilliam 5t. ANDLLTHEPHT toinAHirn 1.55ebte0lLeaesAnnt Arbor at 10:00 slid 11:201 lIT IsO 11E1, xvsurg-o does li .sljli-lsifiiestiroia isbt-S a. mo., soil 12:30,2:30, 3:30, 9:30, (:30,, ,- > 0Mt, Aahigooror. tw Itis ioll ItIlioaolved,'that Avomaln's 7:50, 9:10 and 10:90 Ii. m tliAro. ! A NN ARBOR. MIC0H.. E ng~vrflv flg tyr c 910 Vl visting adslofot ladies a dgentlemeoiniltheuir respec-tive s~isilncorr ci styles.. Engrae E no'raviPlates will be kept by us fot out patrolls. ulnless Iwo Pre rfequestedl to rtur ttItsme. W edding Invitation1"S Eegnty engrav~ed tooreinsat Prices quoted lOid eanples fturnisbed fun application. SHEESHAN & 00.-- Leading Booksellers - - - - - - - - - 20 S. State Street. Ann Arbor, MI cb