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February 13, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-13

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, at
OFFICE: Times building, 79 S. Mlain St. be-
tween Liberty and William Sts.
J. F. TnoMAs, 97.
0. 11. HANS, '98.
E. L. GEISAIsER, '98 L. F. S. SIONSs, 198.
F. MI. Lessees, '98. I1. iB. SKILLANa, '98 L.
11. H1. CoseWew, 99. Preoco LA n , '05.
C. CI. GREEN, 99, Athletic Editor.
W. . l ughes, '98. 5.)W. OSiths,'97.
F. A. Fucil,'9E. I. A. Campbell, '0
W. ', Moerill, '98. G. D. liudeett, '0:?.

t - -- - - ._ ,. _. _..

lpoitiiilll of whlat is reported fr-s-l
Itbe differeiit Miebligali collegiss oslilele
ha~ve been sisitedl tduriing tile 111s1Owe
we ekse.
(Centinued Lions first Page.)
froiiit(le Treaserers. books, is a stale-
111:-I: of tlie receilsis ansi dishlicsesients
ole:i-iig tills' 01three yealro:
Rleceipts. Disbursemesl. Surplus.
18941 $26-51,015 0) $2,101 45 $3,9t05
1891---- 3:,305 0) -2.130037 1174 63
1496---- 1075 01 28,3 08 2,551 02
In 181Yll Ills' :epilttilelllelinge's
fisom a tlosto la.three years' --Osrus;.
O"li io; ls e ecessorly oi'a 1:-s--as: Seill
tihe ist: :inPm force,. i::-asc 011i1s for
the: falziliiioff of lhe surplu5sifor tooat

b JIM?

wins the jury of shoe buyers 1and1 :1
ours by a heavy majority. Footwear
should be top quality. TIhe feet cant
stunt) anything eloe. Prices shotild be
low, no as to heel: thleoboe tax within
hounds. You wont feel our shoe
prices, but they will inako you fee''
pileased. There are no corn growers-
like had shoes. Come to us and get.
somuethinug that you can wear yourself.-
instaotead of the shoe wearing your fool.
L.~ ~ ARNE , nn. la Sibo.


A. A.1.Smithi,'5. C. Lull, ir.. 95 5. ceo:'. Put ciih the Iiroosy Its, (:)1silts:
f::lly 111 e CA~l, iweloiV :L5.cri 5
I-of:- ly inn rcosisl ll:Qilll (. Iftiih
The subscriptio:: price ofthsle 15a:i l yi 0itei :0cassfl-i50I soia A K T
feerthe college yeare, :ith: a : ular eiiery-1:1 -cuhe b l ribs6aof if::-i p1a.
leeie o ahdy oic omma ns, ansI ollerne::tsri::le I::foor iicbiheucecose:lsde boisesooO I 1t :5tis we 11- o p t.i"'oil ety c)t, an'id 'CAPES
lio: must 0be handdon a:t01he D'll:iy office b' - ,, 11 a) ldcl ll tis hs- sb-hart-
loesi , oro dy:ildotheditco l0clooso3 I
P. i., oh tthe dasy yprevios eto blat 15 onlhchs soocilt will f 111lIittlei' 1 a y shot)' otf
they s exepectedl Oabtlelsr0.ltdcl; ,< n nle.s_ o 0oe
Gihs. llrcrooe Olli t Te Dasly
will: Businsss Ilosesser. Ooieriiers dconl (0 :e : 1: lc :5::':' of tIis tyearl.t1155fill ettaim nooOIlrtnOhn
for a taoc:r by repotigpesos::ptly :0tllhis 515 15lm l l-.ius lii i -0:he 20:5 ~~ls o now to provideyotlrself swith a stylish
ofeltisy Cfaiure oflcarriers to: deiver pape
1: :9 1:::1151-slne ::f 0.01 or lte- Coat or Cape at so little expense.
Ie-ii- f i:- 11:5505e 1 t :a .18 s lsoc 10A, 1ti c o 111 5-
51 caui)Oof "the pressure of ox, if list We lhave now in our Cloak Ross:
at111011eeCC theli1i: :15 sisloss lo(s 11ii-ll o o-:iia::o:.l(eth i o-1i::s :9(11 hemany Jackets as elegant in design,
eationiNvi:h isllos :1 11iollunil I lu-ho llltos oO Its,11.5:m sake and mates-sal as this coulntry af-
dasy, hFel. 21) a f111 <wc5151 i 1t : . o tek ,I Et)S . fordo-tha n wChich no large ciry 001
Jun10 ior ::: iwilt lio' -ve 1(1051 W- (5 he(le1is:: 0l1il' ~s 11,s 00 1Init. lines boast 'Wettea-all otf which are selling
nunlellct:tlrtc s.11ii, SC-smli 1:19:' .,feet
year three ( ki-lsseos, 11ss1islisi, 'pe- af t102 jmoe

that nmakes it a0 good or poor Jiob.
Our uphoisterillg istihe iudithat
suits,110t 0111" on its delhverv, but
in tile years that follows. It's
comlfortale, it's genii to lootp at,
tihe fitting is of tihe best, the
sptriugs are of tempered steel,
anld absove all the Work is Done

Chsurchs Notices.
First Ai. L. tihs:tii, . 11. h. M("o-hy.1
pa~stor-91:30 :a. :5:., cl~ios si,-oil . 101:.10
i0. Ill., ol~ilig l5ioli srvi-e lcd 1y
I-lC-ollgc-f5t: ottie; .12 in.. Sllisloy
s oI;(:1: o 1). 11.:., 1EIscorll lcasglil
1:911 1). Iii..l-2-,isielisio-service'. Ite-
vitav ill tin everoy iigiil lotwcl
a 1:.3 7: 1-)lay ssoslillgs ohat2::',0 1). s11.
St. Andrew's Episcopail chiurch, Rev.
Henry Tatloik, rector; Rev. Htenry P.
lMortons, assistant. 7 :30111 1.. Holy
toonls:0lionlC 10:110 a. 111.. 'Idl ill",i
11rayer. 11tan1:a iso: sosn; 12 is:., Sunl-
lJay school 11101 libl lo' cl1555,:and CO11l
frtli110115leeire lby- 110--so;ctor . 1..
servt~ices at (IsoI_ ;' Sunday:pscihool at
loster's; 4:,.)0 1. 1i1.. Isoeiog of
llfs'otllcllsod of i-t. Aniilesv; 7:201)p. Iw.,
Unitarian Chulrc-h, 1Rev. J. T. Ssunder-
land, p~astor. 10:30 a. 10., mornling
eritcltiseronsliln5111Th ' lglil os-i::-
I-21olition i'hriow lcs 11 liithei' ibli ";1 2
Ini, Airs. SlslndcliA . i ble' c(1 olass5.
subjaect, " 'h 'ti: Tcwh-iis gof 11es:"; 2
to I ) (ip.in. ri tig 1:roo111 :1:01:tIstIs
pu1bliofwieh giodtsuCl o f li 1-11-d
R. E. Lewis at tho S. C. A.
One 1' ofthe:'best sidoesses of i11<-
yearcxii1,11 be olliseces itNt-sC-hoc:)
11:ll, Suisday :1t11-97"a. 1in. S~r. Rosbert
1:. Iewis,siho still spi-lb erthe1:
ilusoiis of the Alissioll 110111, is tisls-
etlinlg seretary osit se Studeints' Vol-
e::iceer Atovemseit. For sec-si-al pears
Imsit t'le has bee-sen -lgaiged(in Clllslissi.
Associaition wsork at Motlscsoileg.' ota'-
rotary of 11155:clie.ls oand Ithiodls
Ilndl, and l1 as been paitiilaeiyr
prhpiient in organicinigtIllstudlerlt
ccork in Boston. The favorable, re-
ports received froei Detroit, wrhere
Mr. Lessis spoke last Sundtay are lint


I ___300_____20___________litRight.
gone1115' .f 1sim'ion1551, ilil 51:::1 one hut experiencedi 111011 fill
t111:" a.('h~i's ::'' :15:: g c l IlaCAPES.ioyclin our ,shop. to heap
help. Prices that ,'ilaihgt
co to hold11 an ::l li o c 1,Astachan> Coney, ;Yool, Seal, . Ionks-y the dollae' o.:'ieg ipeolie.
ctc ":1: s i-l at 1 0 lzst thee-xoi'"and Eleetrie Seal Largest line of fashiioenablefuir-
E li':'5,1 t:. osss f nitolte eos'h'ing Ibetweenl Detco-it
1111' oxiso's ssfatithe differns c 0 c n Gad rz
A10 rli idits.
o°)n. a01 sib 1. same::o' ills::. I 1 1l e
55 ei at oil 155Ithinl i sswillh1to
thesthrees(lol a sse,11:0 yea115 ho' : 011
pr0ovision, 18 is Ob o rst' b oo iloo i t l ro
hoist t300. Ste aeIbl t t 11,is 1--- i is
ps-os:-) lop o ssi of il l Ii. tat,91tiflt,
sliorr('1ie,.,ty scososi:ll h'eb-l 0 DRY GOODS. 56-58-60 S, MAID ST. - FURNITURE.
5 ltl'w iglyo is' 5:1 5 o 111 d -11b
MIouk is'Itli 01 1011i isc' old. l1-0-r
to sDip} ,ca~lm;'EoJL 7sotyip ile 1 : 11' 10isohsolsC 0IMALI
lit111 irs-oosii foot shout onti 11: of lie
5iten :sessi::-in <tt -s-n. '1'e niresosc-Will Present W..GILLETT's
11 ht;Ooo coo, oinsl oiiothr o oso~: houtsole
Jr0,d fol-l i e hoobs. 3T so'lior- s:
150 ",", a da1 bsaes' S Iio 1 s t . ls_' Onb 111(1isil
.01:0.. It ts fol"( *-ss.iniy islloyOn M r h 6 ,18 7
jisolgiosibo, los I -c) S-s shololl( o'l -h
lo-E~i as:h is 10onelS' :5155 0, 0 s o o:-eft AT 'fHE-
to: (kInngror s hosrbss-ilsos Ibc'fie. In
(seo lbitooshol so't1:ohye50:, liii- e- G R A N D
lsslsbebst csosswo l1b' soidy tiil-.
itecipei i~~cflI umteII. I1.1.t'IIINS. Doom. FORl 'fHE INEFII 1OD' THE~
LOST-Saturday, Jan. 30, a gool
Nvatcl. ith-il set: of gold be'ndo attachied ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION AND THE FRUIT AND FLOWER MISSION,
as chlaine; ovner's 110111 cr111be fouend
015 iniside of back ease. Finder please Ge raAdiso Tcktmybepcud
return Is 72 Waslitenas ave. and re-
ceiv e rewvird. from any director7 of the Athletic Association.
Board at Pretlyluas, on N. Uni-
versity 'acc.Y ou will find the Daily P R IC ES: 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.OO.,
there t ;re you each day, with all
thee latest college nes.
Subscribe for thse Daily. iLY. V 'iRTISE i~n The ]II.L'Y.



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