THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Times building, 79 S. Mlain St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MiANAGING EDITOR J. F. TnoMAs, 97. BUSINESS IXIANAGEiR 0. 11. HANS, '98. EDITORS E. L. GEISAIsER, '98 L. F. S. SIONSs, 198. F. MI. Lessees, '98. I1. iB. SKILLANa, '98 L. 11. H1. CoseWew, 99. Preoco LA n , '05. C. CI. GREEN, 99, Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. . l ughes, '98. 5.)W. OSiths,'97. F. A. Fucil,'9E. I. A. Campbell, '0 W. ', Moerill, '98. G. D. liudeett, '0:?. t - -- - - ._ ,. _. _.. lpoitiiilll of whlat is reported fr-s-l Itbe differeiit Miebligali collegiss oslilele ha~ve been sisitedl tduriing tile 111s1Owe we ekse. IlE I;LEGISLATORS' VISIT. (Centinued Lions first Page.) froiiit(le Treaserers. books, is a stale- 111:-I: of tlie receilsis ansi dishlicsesients ole:i-iig tills' 01three yealro: Rleceipts. Disbursemesl. Surplus. 18941 $26-51,015 0) $2,101 45 $3,9t05 1891---- 3:,305 0) -2.130037 1174 63 1496---- 1075 01 28,3 08 2,551 02 In 181Yll Ills' :epilttilelllelinge's fisom a tlosto la.three years' --Osrus;. O"li io; ls e ecessorly oi'a 1:-s--as: Seill tihe ist: :inPm force,. i::-asc 011i1s for the: falziliiioff of lhe surplu5sifor tooat b JIM? 47 A GOOD C.ASEB wins the jury of shoe buyers 1and1 :1 ours by a heavy majority. Footwear should be top quality. TIhe feet cant stunt) anything eloe. Prices shotild be low, no as to heel: thleoboe tax within hounds. You wont feel our shoe prices, but they will inako you fee'' pileased. There are no corn growers- like had shoes. Come to us and get. somuethinug that you can wear yourself.- instaotead of the shoe wearing your fool. L.~ ~ ARNE , nn. la Sibo. 5 A. A.1.Smithi,'5. C. Lull, ir.. 95 5. ceo:'. Put ciih the Iiroosy Its, (:)1silts: f::lly 111 e CA~l, iweloiV :L5.cri 5 I-of:- ly inn rcosisl ll:Qilll (. Iftiih The subscriptio:: price ofthsle 15a:i l yi 0itei :0cassfl-i50I soia A K T feerthe college yeare, :ith: a : ular eiiery-1:1 -cuhe b l ribs6aof if::-i p1a. leeie o ahdy oic omma ns, ansI ollerne::tsri::le I::foor iicbiheucecose:lsde boisesooO I 1t :5tis we 11- o p t.i"'oil ety c)t, an'id 'CAPES lio: must 0be handdon a:t01he D'll:iy office b' - ,, 11 a) ldcl ll tis hs- sb-hart- loesi , oro dy:ildotheditco l0clooso3 I P. i., oh tthe dasy yprevios eto blat 15 onlhchs soocilt will f 111lIittlei' 1 a y shot)' otf they s exepectedl Oabtlelsr0.ltdcl; ,< n nle.s_ o 0oe Gihs. llrcrooe Olli t Te Dasly will: Businsss Ilosesser. Ooieriiers dconl (0 :e : 1: lc :5::':' of tIis tyearl.t1155fill ettaim nooOIlrtnOhn for a taoc:r by repotigpesos::ptly :0tllhis 515 15lm l l-.ius lii i -0:he 20:5 ~~ls o now to provideyotlrself swith a stylish ofeltisy Cfaiure oflcarriers to: deiver pape 1: :9 1:::1151-slne ::f 0.01 or lte- Coat or Cape at so little expense. Ie-ii- f i:- 11:5505e 1 t :a .18 s lsoc 10A, 1ti c o 111 5- 51 caui)Oof "the pressure of ox, if list We lhave now in our Cloak Ross: at111011eeCC theli1i: :15 sisloss lo(s 11ii-ll o o-:iia::o:.l(eth i o-1i::s :9(11 hemany Jackets as elegant in design, eationiNvi:h isllos :1 11iollunil I lu-ho llltos oO Its,11.5:m sake and mates-sal as this coulntry af- dasy, hFel. 21) a f111 Coney, ;Yool, Seal, . Ionks-y the dollae' o.:'ieg ipeolie. ctc ":1: s i-l at 1 0 lzst thee-xoi'"and Eleetrie Seal Largest line of fashiioenablefuir- E li':'5,1 t:. osss f nitolte eos'h'ing Ibetweenl Detco-it 1111' oxiso's ssfatithe differns c 0 c n Gad rz A10 rli idits. o°)n. a01 sib 1. same::o' ills::. I 1 1l e 55 ei at oil 155Ithinl i sswillh1to thesthrees(lol a sse,11:0 yea115 ho' : 011 pr0ovision, 18 is Ob o rst' b oo iloo i t l ro hoist t300. Ste aeIbl t t 11,is 1--- i is ps-os:-) lop o ssi of il l Ii. tat,91tiflt, sliorr('1ie,.,ty scososi:ll h'eb-l 0 DRY GOODS. 56-58-60 S, MAID ST. - FURNITURE. 5 ltl'w iglyo is' 5:1 5 o 111 d -11b MIouk is'Itli 01 1011i isc' old. l1-0-r to sDip} ,ca~lm;'EoJL 7sotyip ile 1 : 11' 10isohsolsC 0IMALI lit111 irs-oosii foot shout onti 11: of lie 5iten :sessi::-in