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February 13, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-13

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U) ni , THE LEGISL.ATORS VISIT. hoineepathie hopitAl i not so crowdjed "LESSONS FROM LINCOLN."
i~rt t 10 this h is 00roi1Ceotwodtono
" for i oisting bad (ct e. The party
'leading Tailor'hat Thley Saw and Heard yIthe driven to tti Jetioiaa A Masterly Address by Luther
About the University. bichotor'- whret D.i a han cx eLafin Mills,
lL IM ORTE , re eont]II tee ron th stae I i helox utinaetinoti f (1100 11wtr erl
(~t aiulS titeltI(tli f 5t h 115
tier sen tVer Iy htity day yeslrd its' Ito ireiiut the Itho atot from o hours' lin th. Lter Lalin
FULL O0 LSS SUITS A SPECIALTY, tivesti, itio, the codition of aft'.s Ioliog the 1D fe for sch ceXtnI- !h seomniienorteal the pertooity
_________________n__tle ipi~~ so talto a ppeli'rances ;naioit 1u10- 1 ic('1l50eyithfor itl d hete'iets of Aheliltuiti ui-
ct lie 5 iloted thaif any(irpto to l 1e1ve 'ani tlilital ipihltl'I ((1(111 toiu 3' ih l -n-~is H
NO, 2 E WASINGTON sT. NEAR MAIN, i 11 i tlli~~ le fse t ,i the x laIiii IIlieC tr111
l' c; tirite tee antluie tli intiih i ieth 1111 I )1(1 l(tker (ipl~lll ticIidelea fC
WHEN YOU BUY A TOOTH BRUSH 0'U ieit u 111111 1'o il l i1:1111511ts. It on101cllsota111
it ittl tp als e yk e ,sli 1hldllit slc l d to tie close.
Wo eati (le. li at oe c aloo- (ete l r a sd nt "i, or :stlt010.'illttril1n Si11 t B l' -W o sitga u e ofte
d it liie7 1tie1old ieircanherbistle,,. iii s( Illtill laiw bilfdewsyie'i ii I CII el t 11111 10a1111~te ' 1 iiit 1(1tC il tl do -o
.d 'fler cost 25a ots.liyondoit l J(e iiit ci ill 01 o f f no 10111101 (f ot I'll i1isin he11110r~n
teie rfsorh o loiscls i d them stisfatory brIin 1 s 1s. 0 1o(111:
1' 'eml haekandOt yolleilloiey 'cttl l law. Ilct el (1 1( (IC \1111h1111c ttt yistd it 1.ItslanTtri.
0 PALMJER'S PHARMJl~A~CY~. Ille lo ese illti ((('5 SitIv1y0r'CI''. t11.1 1 11.11 I(ie ll Is h t try,)htletiig 111ti1t1'111l 1111e1.-i 1y,1as lnearly tony eses i'i'
46 S. STATE ST. 10iot11101,dnnslm dtus it l ( i student1l11.i sAlen frliils
-' + ( 11001 un iit ilea l 1c 1 aysIii IIi'1115111151lll ill slie 111 tl uaiauc uye"oftl
4 11111111aii lillofis11110 ofitiltill '1
soTTuNT. 11taIllk (f Oiblllsh tLc II'laii 'C easlid 111fan e tt Iu. I, inilittCO5,and1
PRIGES OUT DEEPER THAN tlentau acunto f thetill eli p -11100 1<in 11 tii 0 1'. Attl y t ioot. Ie ets (''a ind siliItit. (1 111 o
EVER 1,11' 1111 ilt slf sitt~niihia 11:01 ; t~l'. 1 5 (((l l'51 ttw e t I in ,te Io fli i iIt iotti 111. ( l ll u','I i lCl m eantso 51
W ( AS HI T OND SEPE THitN ,(Cl'111 ll'lttee D t1 Ti' i l1 II.1 il'll5 1((IIIi15IItl'ollCt t o'.tn efotiC e111 riu e i rtis
I~ii111151 ill'.lie t1(ll,' i'tiiont. (i'u((Ill
H it ~ tt 0tIll htie llIb~ly (('1. l~ lilltitiiI11111 11Our1,1lh1 5111 1"tl (ill It'11 lb in j t- sow , orthe b(0 iy I itlti s ofl
It htenonCoil ii T ll BEt T.s teesltitsteek
E iElR Cil iS(ae ti]Ithtte.0 i (C ntiittl o011 rl tund.Poach - 1thoe iN'nl 10 lihe Itien tl ayl~a
]~t S A.E LE EI n10 11 ot onle'se li tlI'i'll ni 1 Ii lCh,, iltiilti it.th
T~~~~~~ iesocN tedo ms o mn 0tii ittt(lt 1101110Vu Is' rtt 1 (Ils ' toInado ' enutono. "li (11 Fl lltl ls i5i
Il l s 1 I 1 ' t t t ' 1 1 i l l y 1 1 0 1 (1:o11 h111 ((till yhi s t a itit i a ce( l n dt.''
UNI e, rt ,tUUL ; it ith ai, wthi ult 111Itl ttil lt'i ilt ~llt mistisititei ;1155 tiuIthtl
O F D A C I N G II gt it 1 1l~i ~ tig ( ii li i' (i i d h~ l lull I 1(i5 11 111 o flijoltti 11st1Is's I111i)111'lI'1'lilg' i fisnelilt tS. " h irt y y e ar
(1111 iei 6l dlo, a i L J iost~n. hii r, ntyir eer t t tt1 pi' l0'3llhelsbidlne-y I as In
tooSHING OONISCTRE. tC yiltat l1 land I illtiti h.t nmrv' 00it i .ill, t i ll 111111 ltitle.l
itf,ofd titelil idepatmuen st t ot l Pk ti Ii. 2 ttt. i thi' s Ii til t he15'- i n'tI lk'. (1,liie. to oispe a e'titus
-Aur T -ilor itied yit Itit'siy reanpettes cid ~~~~I' i 5(1(1 5 ilebt ii 'CIrf. D'Omge.o'
as (hosltu 0 w1oiiu tV i ltmii foi li' t i [tl (ilIlt'1t'ciedliit'all all-dq('ndii1sit'ihat th e is' l ea 11-
Nolistuces.tIht o uy Ie'.o t lO li (mliii u 001 i tt issemi, lid il'lii.uultes t ti ntmi-yet IIA it"yuh
to heli tlo te workit th~ eti e t inui 'f" e i1 xtelt pltin1111 lit'ce piimu':, endfncorense'an It-lic c iatcih
iil -u-rFaI'l 5t cl'rn t :t'l tihte it lemit's rti s'te i' i'i~CI sxsrem'' III~~ll
IItIiisietAigeh-i's fotrilli. sty~t ~: ~-~t3,1,rn~r t.iet!i nri11111igl'tut suce eisad"leau-omtit
. aJ~d al L 40Mae t 55 t .tlt 1 sui Itoe f t I li's cufin l l toe uiil oicyn i '. I~sth esceeiloe .ee,
S '1 1 .~ A .tphti d iute'lici'ein uileelisi ,li lellhlsi. 20 Ii y. ori e sie lX00 ) w'ieb Tc lMit)ts ot a-ers l Cl yurt e; 11
Be Cth es uhly n I theofl istheo s. 'lt i t e" w n t iI't tsot'huO u i - ' ll smtrsuouvuteoe
,, i - polldil ui(' ,.f'lul '[i- 1 tn a e C'u s'jer thofe i'luiate
a th lo etp ce touuuthey riglo ttr'Isptuen in oby pDr. tier o eintoritti I~su of t ne toi ' ae y l au sn. of 0
Bablo ColcsretlES .mTin s t t'liiisfo tl t his' y 11us IAt_ I'5'Crh5' tii , tke tnt, tim blye co ireseltt tml by suc
'8por lg olao ad ys a ler olatt ouuli frt lista cts h o tc. in' -(Continud on ___ 111011 110Soile aie tothGiurI ldri h ner
s .um Spplea peRaty. abt oh r g net tod 15tute d cotsul h t et h e e to . H fo, J d e Rln u o tes
____________.1'o' lr om Lo'cotcutist . - - a'(le begiuugtt'rfaytn ase
W a AH (rBosTOREa'le to at lbsfotrdClue ooaicu tn-mThl ! nDeck Iinh Stanllley Null begeuimertian aly11 f minnan arehtloeiof3
SCouaguopi u teiroyys a whoitu the ecl idBmu revd[us181tencend is lfaith in. Mr.Miod1,'
AUNIVR SITY a oat saneresto ev e uat t ieuls.'flue Nom170m;itally. 1-tucket,.li10:illsraiue

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