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June 04, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-06-04

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Published Dlly (Sunday excepted) drig
the College year, at
OFFICE: Times building N. Main t., oppoite
pot ofice.
J. A. LEROY, '01, Managing Editor.
A. 0W. SMTeH, Special, Asitant.
W. A. SIL, 'S6 L, Assistant.
E. R. SNERLosAND, '0, Asstant.
H. COiesAN, '7, Athletic Editor.
G. B. iixnnSO, '00 L, Bniness Manager.
L. R. iiAnssEN, '00 L. Assistant.
Associate Editors.
H. A. Dances, '55 E. L. Evans, '5 L.
L. A. Pratt, 't. Carrie V. Smith, 'S.
C. A. Houghto, '006JD. G. A. Heath, '00 P.
Minnie Thompon, '7. H1. . Gammon 'no85.
C. H. Farrell, '8. S. E. Knappen, 'O.
.. . Finlay, '0.
The Northlwesternl fols ocer isef ill
its haste to pologze for accussing
P'rof'e'sos'trntuebood, of Mihigan, of
silhlisng 11he (liy irviousistos Cl
Norhern Oatoricl Ieaguecnt't
iiin.elflilthol wilihocejutgen In
tis City. The edlor of tiii Norf.
westerna should have exercised a litti'
mors' judgmient bfore le mad,!Ills
arcull~ionsslad no apoogy would
have herani'eede.-Tiie Vid'teIt -
porer, Iowa (ily.
Northwestern Has a Word to Say.
The exfended commeiuniceationOfroso.
tse teieesiy lt Evas'sto, which
was begus inleStrday's ediiono of
the Daily is contiened today Tie
text of this letter is being sinultaso.
rouly prined in the Norhwoestern
of that uiversity:
To rtursn to the Dily's review of
the debate: Yousay0, "Mihigasn had no
clole hst to accept thess (the jsdges)
on tile spur of the muouent. There
was nio tisue for ivestigatio." W
lave above ipointed out to you .tha,
fortuntfel'y, te meienwhom esew'pro
posed wre of such position asd repu.
ation' that ay "ivestigation" was
estediss. And we have remineded you
tieat Michiganu was efually ueforts-
nate in 094 in sot securing judges
Again you say: "At 4 o'clock on
Friday, Prof. Clak, of Norfhwestern,
cause to our represeentatives, stating
tiat leo had Just reeived a telegrano
fromulMr. Cook to the effect that lie
was illiand could enot deate It wls
afterwards learned that Mr. Cook's
telegram was sot the first news of
hidslienes, aend the squestions arises
why that telegraen was not sent until
4 o'clock, Hiow long had Mr. Cook
b-cenlil?" The facts in the case-and
the facts as related to the Michigan
noon that Friday aftrnon-are as
folowvs: Athough a student in our
law department, at Cicago, Cook lad
spent the week prior to thz debate In
Evanston, in order to e in close toucie
with Benneft and Ward. Sone four
days prior to the debate Cook's chuns
was taken suddenly and seriously ill
with pneumonia, calling Cook to his
bedside, After removing his room-
mate to the Presbyterian General ios.
ptal in Chicago, Cook returned to
Uvaust n In a ve' nervous and di-
turbe condition, It seemd impo.si.-
ble for him to kep tis md Oah'.
deba. -; and, when e left Evanson
on the morning bfoe the day of


the debat, lie saidS to enoett01101
117trd, "Cf anything happens, I will
tlefgrapih." Thoat lwas our "first slew's
of file illness." Ito has been Larilcof
sience the sdebate', tha~t, 010 reachinog tie
hospital '1'hursdaly miornoisig, Coock
fsosundfils chum deand. The shioct: to
10 moaniof Cook's siervouis tempferai-
som somaoy be isilogisici. NuStll lie kett
upl. A omesmber of Northwest re's
F~aeulty, who saw Cook oso State so:.
duissnsgelse smidles'of Saturdal~y for:'.
ilos, observesd that lie swas hardly
ibie to wvalk or talk, yet Cool: as-
outed ii that lie intended itoo go into
theo' de'bate thaot. evessiog. We learns
thaot iProf. Clark was enogaged inis oss-
sutostlg sine of loin regulair recitaitios
froso 2 to '. o'clock ose Fridaoy; 01hat1hli
went, at three, directly to fie lioie'Yoo
of Presidenititog-cre, where foe foundl Bicycl
-tie tefegraso, whiiche11001been receiveod T
but a short timec before; thaot lie is17on th

The society or organizat9
which has its


Ifoesiately went with Presidlent iRogers
to the tationo to soedtlife judgo's, thse
psresidisog officers, o Oc. It wooul hayv'
been useo'ss to go dmticliy to thie' totif
foi' the Miichigansi 510 51werte iamlong
the crosvd at the' station to welcomeo
the enotable's.
Agnin, your reviewer snys: "Fur.
Ches', whecn closely considecred, two
mien Navin;g fle oportunssiiy of aho-
peoring twice+ before thle judges wvouldt
give a de'ded advantage, It woesoil.
mitted by bsothlidies thaot a decision
undefor steel circumistanlcee could slot
toe satisfactory, andt tho ebaefte as a
contest of mer'eit would be a. failure."
We fait to see the "decidediadlvant
age," hut we fal hack on tile foci
that, if the marks given to theo sub-
stitutte sfoee('les are soot cosideredi,
thf iesOriesion the'sfa10n5sioeeches of
boths Mennett and Wlsrd were higtier
thfan thoose given to thien a.fftive.
Neither Prof. Clark nor smyself, whlo
we're botho prese'nt, remuemsber that
hfthler of us fdefitlthOlat the dtebte
"could not be a cositest of icrit;"
we resmemnber afdmitineg Ihe' faiiure
of Cook to appear was very unsfortu-
note; bsut wethsoughtlthfien andsitiilil
siow that the eomisfortunse wis ossouer
sisde. We remoesober that tfie 'M iel-l
gan men noade the fooit tiat, owlsng


by t

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This space is reserved:
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the judes igh be tncn: ioulir f A N A BORandGentlemen).
Oh~cjudes seiget se neoncioshoit A N ABORTuesday, 7:305 p. m., Beginners Clas(Ladhes,
fected by symupathy for us sen our STEAM DYE WORKS. Private lsesP psnmn
lack. We saw somse force lee 5hat Ladies' and Cents' Cflothing Cleaned SCHOOL 46 S. STATE ST
poinst, but we maintasin hat any suc.h or Dyed.
unconoscioums sinene would be fully 3 W. HURON ST.. ANN ,ARBOR.P1a i ot p s
counterbalanced by teforttt Ce very la in ot es
jsudge waS slemsber oflilaCtipoliticol, w .R v , Teltettigi HTGAH
pasrty whlich has practically eonlsnitltsh FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Thaaet thitiPOORiH
itself in favor of thee governent ow-s- Corner of State and Wellhiam eta.,
- rship of tile Nicaragua Canal and bhy W .eeasLsntrance. B E R R''M A N .
til fathe fat tmO ne f te- 6 E. Huron st. Speeial Rates to Seniors.
(the one previously accepted isy Mich- Hae o inomt entel fso HAN-CASTE
igan) haos a son now in Michoigan eisete nteal.H N S EFl[LI, 20 Ei WashIng-
as a student, h odru ubiredtepe
Again, your reviewer says, "MiAclel- ITS HARD TO DO WITH-OUT Cont~~rived TbSrsdteef
gan proposed Clat a third nm'n be suh- CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN.
stituted. Northwestern would not con-
snYet ltu audience rmust not b,} a'sneeessfnhveem leOe' --ss ewelsn e h efeseo m
diapitedl; and so, after every otheer oue eamesnme illstratsesatalogefine. PARKER PEN C5OMPANY, innaer'
plan had faied, it was dunally agreed SHEEHAN & CO. Exclusive Agents for Ann Arbor.
that Ohe progrom should be carred
out by 1lstrs Ward and B~annett F s
equally occupying the time of Cook. h e c rs A nc
They were both graded and the avcer
ee -taken. Northw's0ein,hoever,
send rtanding that Michigan debated EVERETT 0. FISK & CO.
under protest.' This passage is enot
correct -4n fat All theree Michigan 355 Wabash Ave., - - Chicago, Illinois.
debaters will remoemeber that1 afte,
stating the case as to Cook's telegram, Ashurton Place, 70 Fifth Avenue, 80 Twelfth Street, 355,Wabash Avenue
Po.Cakoffered to adopt any fai BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORY, N. Y. WASHINGTON, D. C. CHICAGO, ILL.
method of conducting the debate that 32 Church Street, 420 Century Bld'g, OLYMPIA, 1t0% S. Spring Street!
th Michigan men might suggest. The TORONTO, CAN,.% MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.- WASHINGTON. LOS ANGELES, C AL.-
ichligan mn did not seriously or,
(Contiued on Fourth Page.) Send for A gency Manual and Registration Blanks.'

R .

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