I THE U. OF 11. DAILY. i Published Dlly (Sunday excepted) drig the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Times building N. Main t., oppoite pot ofice. ED ITO RS. J. A. LEROY, '01, Managing Editor. A. 0W. SMTeH, Special, Asitant. W. A. SIL, 'S6 L, Assistant. E. R. SNERLosAND, '0, Asstant. H. COiesAN, '7, Athletic Editor. G. B. iixnnSO, '00 L, Bniness Manager. L. R. iiAnssEN, '00 L. Assistant. Associate Editors. H. A. Dances, '55 E. L. Evans, '5 L. L. A. Pratt, 't. Carrie V. Smith, 'S. C. A. Houghto, '006JD. G. A. Heath, '00 P. Minnie Thompon, '7. H1. . Gammon 'no85. C. H. Farrell, '8. S. E. Knappen, 'O. .. . Finlay, '0. The Northlwesternl fols ocer isef ill its haste to pologze for accussing P'rof'e'sos'trntuebood, of Mihigan, of silhlisng 11he (liy irviousistos Cl Norhern Oatoricl Ieaguecnt't iiin.elflilthol wilihocejutgen In tis City. The edlor of tiii Norf. westerna should have exercised a litti' mors' judgmient bfore le mad,!Ills arcull~ionsslad no apoogy would have herani'eede.-Tiie Vid'teIt - porer, Iowa (ily. Northwestern Has a Word to Say. The exfended commeiuniceationOfroso. tse teieesiy lt Evas'sto, which was begus inleStrday's ediiono of the Daily is contiened today Tie text of this letter is being sinultaso. rouly prined in the Norhwoestern of that uiversity: To rtursn to the Dily's review of the debate: Yousay0, "Mihigasn had no clole hst to accept thess (the jsdges) on tile spur of the muouent. There was nio tisue for ivestigatio." W lave above ipointed out to you .tha, fortuntfel'y, te meienwhom esew'pro posed wre of such position asd repu. ation' that ay "ivestigation" was estediss. And we have remineded you tieat Michiganu was efually ueforts- nate in 094 in sot securing judges earlier Again you say: "At 4 o'clock on Friday, Prof. Clak, of Norfhwestern, cause to our represeentatives, stating tiat leo had Just reeived a telegrano fromulMr. Cook to the effect that lie was illiand could enot deate It wls afterwards learned that Mr. Cook's telegram was sot the first news of hidslienes, aend the squestions arises why that telegraen was not sent until 4 o'clock, Hiow long had Mr. Cook b-cenlil?" The facts in the case-and the facts as related to the Michigan noon that Friday aftrnon-are as folowvs: Athough a student in our law department, at Cicago, Cook lad spent the week prior to thz debate In Evanston, in order to e in close toucie with Benneft and Ward. Sone four days prior to the debate Cook's chuns was taken suddenly and seriously ill with pneumonia, calling Cook to his bedside, After removing his room- mate to the Presbyterian General ios. ptal in Chicago, Cook returned to Uvaust n In a ve' nervous and di- turbe condition, It seemd impo.si.- ble for him to kep tis md Oah'. deba. -; and, when e left Evanson on the morning bfoe the day of r l r s Y the debat, lie saidS to enoett01101 117trd, "Cf anything happens, I will tlefgrapih." Thoat lwas our "first slew's of file illness." Ito has been Larilcof sience the sdebate', tha~t, 010 reachinog tie hospital '1'hursdaly miornoisig, Coock fsosundfils chum deand. The shioct: to 10 moaniof Cook's siervouis tempferai- som somaoy be isilogisici. NuStll lie kett upl. A omesmber of Northwest re's F~aeulty, who saw Cook oso State so:. duissnsgelse smidles'of Saturdal~y for:'. ilos, observesd that lie swas hardly ibie to wvalk or talk, yet Cool: as- outed ii that lie intended itoo go into theo' de'bate thaot. evessiog. We learns thaot iProf. Clark was enogaged inis oss- sutostlg sine of loin regulair recitaitios froso 2 to '. o'clock ose Fridaoy; 01hat1hli went, at three, directly to fie lioie'Yoo of Presidenititog-cre, where foe foundl Bicycl -tie tefegraso, whiiche11001been receiveod T but a short timec before; thaot lie is17on th