TieTbe(Revised) May 191894 If yon ue going to orde r aiiy clothsADQIKSIMNS
P. M. A. M beforeommiiencteimetiit Will priy you AKNC LN
Mal and Es---350 Mall---------83to Cd1l onRose at tie Cok huse TH
N. Y. tx-Specal-.. 5 00 N. Y. S ecial. 7:31
-a-ters0Es N .ELeted---92: Tcoy. Hecngive you pereci STEAMERS.BSM LE
Atlantic E.__.7 47 P. M. :tislattioiialid save you iloiiy on
er. Eapess Nt E 1.~.157 t 7Turst oue. SuPER S AL [
D.N. Ex press-.-0 40 Western Ex _ __200.thig at Dol't wait till
G. R. Es---- - 55 doe lst miomleint, but order n1ow for
. W. RuoetLES, H. W. El-AY lte delivery. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM B y L
G . & T. Agt., Chcago. Agt., Anns Arbor.lte
Taking effect Snday, April 7, 184. will e run froii all sationsl5on the WeaeFvnOnoresRo-Gns
Train s leave Ann Arbor as Cetral Stand- eaeee noresfrGns
ard time. Wabashi Railroad oo. April 30th, MayMAKNCILD, HEOG,
NORTH. SOUTH. 21st and June 11th to the West, North- MACKINACEL, ACHEDA, Special, 21 lbs., Aluminum Finish,
8:7 a.m. .1~:5 am. SuhadSuhet nIal ot ots rtlro anda can promptly sipthem, bu-
*12:5 p.m. 11:05a. m. wt t ndSutwetlAd shipt nuheWstShrlo Lk
4:1 p m :08 P. m For fol particulars, apply to te Huonss. don't ask for Ladies' Wheels or
Going Notlsa Ia --naet ihtaen ftl Wbsao Racers to be shipped same day.
Going Soths at 8:10, n connecting lines or to Rememerc this is the only lie giing pas-
TransaSunday roe between Toledo and c CRN, senges the: opporunity oft sight seeinsg at-sil Order Gents' Wheels and se-
Hlamburg JlosOnlosy. C . s ,N: orts on this poiar outesic.Aloe ii s -
*Trains run betweeo Asn Arbor and Toledo G. P. & T.A. Wabash It. R. seecxmohiso a costinuos tip six ors cure a ready seller,
only. 00 te fooos Mokisac Islod.
All transedaily except Snda. MEALS ON WABASH PALtOR Fare, inclding Scale and ilertlhxnosoter W aea Sl.Ra he
R.S. GREEN WOOD, AgentCAS expenses.W aea 8lb odWel
W HBENNETT 1. P AToledo . CR.Cleelnd 00 Mkina :isanosd ad-sc
Arrangements haye been made to tor, een-:day tIc p__-.... -$1.00 4ain tead.
ANN RBO & PSILNTISTRYTldo to-( achinse tIsl s ad re turn,
AnARO &YPIATSTR.serve meals in tParlor Cars now rut- .six-soy ._-_- ic.0ip its "
____ninrgon train slad 4, between St. etrolttIoa oio so p ielosdasldesn,, PY OT YCEMGC
i..tie-dy rip----------- ----entun,""Louis and To e , and passengers can Tichets good to retournoany:time dringte r
Time Table, May 26, 1895. hereafter gec ipils on thestecars season,
Leave Ypsilanti from Con ress o., 5:0 80 equal to any served at the best hotels, Conecting at aethis::seTlsnd with ll o PLYMOUTH, IND.
and l:0a.mi.; 12:45,2:1, 5:e, :45, 9sl0and te:mrs fo,,c yiogo, sn:,hs I a e tsooey.
Leveo AnAro Jntmn 70 :5a l md erae pics Salt tSMaie, ,:eN1,11pi :n Ikcto GQ ou
1130a.em. ;1nn:1, :4,r50,:15, Jntoa, 19:05 0,and11 d:05 C. S. CRIANE, igos,,L,:lenpeio, findslGsscsIty, and ae
11:3 a. t. Igss ace withls 05.8 Ac AR, f ly l 1point.
p m Ceul1tPas, &skt Vs, Agt. In t.UPpper tesssicoA Aldtot est.0 cCWite 46 E Wilianm St.
SUNDAY TIMIE. e or t,1111 table.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., 1:1,1:0, IIOME-SEERERS ECUIISlON. I P. fIRUM5ONl, Oel Mosager. TECLEEO
700,:50 and :05 p.M. On May 21 and June 11 Agents f U RN KI~OD as g. I T ECLEEO
Leave Ann Arbor Juncthon, 10505, 15:50, U.GRNTGEURGEDONSs. ot
7:05 and 0:50 p. m Ohio Central Lines wilh sell Hoeme- Generl Offices, Detroit, Mics.
CHSCAN N ars ron on chty time Pare: single trip 15 Seekers ExcuI'sioiaTickes 00 points et;rudti ikt 5cns
$2.50 ~~W. F. PARKER, Spt. in Virginia at One Fate for Round flflQuTIUI9 OPCT~EQt OFC IA O
$ 50 CLEVELAND Ti.Lmt3 as lotcesto points Iest and southwest on saint jnaciiipc ILHO. Annual Ssinbglei ehm
TO basis. Linmit 20 days. See 01110 Cen- horer r aand dontiuesseen months
BIF .AL . tral Aginris. ONE THOUSAND MILS OF LAKE RIDE Foryasgdecus.Lbr-
W.A.PETES,1,. . .,AT SMALL EXPENSE. tory, Clinical and Dispensary ad-
VIA ,"C. & B. LINE." W .PREIS.P . vanages exceptionally good.
Alagtfientsidewhel seel teaersDetroit, Mich. Visit this Historical Island, which is the For annal anhouncen~ent and
State of Ohio and State of New York STAMP COLLECTIONS. grandet summer resert on the Grealte nomto drs ors
DAILY TIME TABLE We want 0tsy stamp collections lakes. It only costs about $11 from olerifraoladesCre-
DAIL TIM TA1LF.Detroit; $10 from Toledo;t $10 from ponding Secretary,
UsNAYICLUDED. and will pay cash for tie 5stmelO0 Cleveland, for the round trip, including DR. BAYARD HOLMES
Lv.Cleveland---------------5--- :00 p.m. receipt if price asked is satisfactory. mssala nsd berhs. Avoid the heat ah
Ar. Bffalo---------------- :30 a. m. olcinssol esetb lsst by trsveing on the D. & C. floting 34as iois.gsn St., Cica g.
Lvs. Bafais-------------------esisp. m. rCollestronsThnhattractionsnf aytrip lx lb
Ar.Clnveland--------------7:305a.. m teed mail or express with letter nam- \Ii,dec Te re tionsrefuasurpn edThn&Ef.E E
EN ~ k h'^steadadTme., huen ig price under separate cover. We ileissiitself in a grand romantic spot, isjousershn PPt' es he1nrueTosedsueio ppoalseestor.TITTl ms ivgoain.Tw e
Buffalo, Nigara ails, Tronto, New York, sponIsihe partisa;iApsssenger steamers have js been EW WESEE EW
Bostont, Albany, ,005 islands, or any Esteno ~d.tote e aeroute, custin
or Onaaah pint W.J. LWRECE CO 0500,t1000 each. They are equipped wills T. & . C. Ry. K. & M. Ry.
CHEP ECURSINS WRKLY TO MARRA [ALLS,0 Kalamazoo, Mili. vernmodern convenience, annunciators,
Send 4 postage for turist pamplet. A lady of experiece. desires to act ssatr rosms, etc., illuminated throughou Solid throgh trins between Toledo, Ois
hiosdG~rhctn, W.VY, via Co~umus, te
W. F. HERMAN, T. F. NEWMAN lcrciy0 n r guaranteed t idC
shrGn nydre Pass. Agt. Gensi Maner. as mnssroa for a fraternity or sorority",.egadtlrstndaft fC tems ETou.
Manfcln wseeand,0. for boemauiing year. Rfereiices cii -s-s frs-hbwater. Thee steamers favorably Toledo, .
strnetioss for tlis rote. o ne o- be given if desired. Inquire a1.1 Daily -es~nipsre with thin great ocean liners in con- Fida,.
ofiee., 17 7 I :tctsciind speed. Four trips per week Fida,0
FLOWERS, FLOWERS________ otwee Tsls'do, Detroit, Alpea, Maki- Kenton, .
SfL W R NOTICE Ti) TENNIS PLAYERS. 'ae. t. Ignace Petokey, Chicago, ,Soo," Columbus, .
For Everything and Everybody. All members of the Atisleic aso-xl rlsste sand Duluth. Daily between Athens, .
a265. Univerally aeelain-'eelands and Detroit, and Cleveland and
COUSINS & HALL, Florists, Telephone 115. cito desiring to use the tenis Vii-is-Rasy. This palatial equipmen Mddleport, .
courts must procure badgs of this'- aks traveling on these seamer thor- Pomery, ..
DIETAS & SCHANZ, tennis committee. The bsdges ast sgily eijoyale. Send for ilustraed Pt. Pleasant, W. Va.
Qa OW M.T.&.ZOX~.S b 1srd yIrshli h1lscriptive pamphlet. Address A A. Richmond, Va.
incib rs' ip tickets to any of thiehn5z .P . D C.Dtot ii Petersburg, Va.
Our Spring and Sumnier Woolens foloiongsm,, rsons: E. B. Clkins Old Point Comfort, V'S,
are now on sale. Prices Low. 'VnsMrigl s oue . ilasug a
Call and see us. PasLiaePiUHue t . aw'yers. ilasug a
48.SaeaF enslFer n~be ritz,7 E. Liberty St.; Isdore1011; Newport News, Va
Win. Sate tlngSeandsFlthiAKappaor Psi.WHO WIN THEIR CASES, Norfolk, Va.
. .HgePiKpaPi22 Years in the Busiess - H. ouse. And all southeastern onsis Elegan
NOIET ETIN~E. read the Leal Works by i. tw draisg room cars n :all throuois troiss.
D "v, OTS~v O ItAT~tiTIE. 3 For frterisormaion call ono Joselocal
Th esrbecvllna 4 .Donovan. Ticket Agent or srie,
CITY LAU DRY Then'esilhbl dwllig at47 . __________ OULTON OU, Gel Pass. Aei.
X.X EBLN.4N t v.Fourth ave. is f or sale on very reason- +x7.W A. PETERS, Micisgean Pass. Agentl, O
_______________________________. able terms. t contains all modern "TACT IN COURT." Detrot Mich.
MEC A T TIO IG conveniences and is fist class in es-cy HOp60 s Sheep. 1.0. Fourth
ECHANT PesIngad LRING !respect Its locathion naa!es this resi- Edtiss. 17,0So-t
done natyby deuce es-ry desirabe as a chaper "SKILL IN TRIALS."HER
AUTO. S(JHOENEfWAL5O', 20 E. Washington hues fo a fr'tety. F1ote0rus Law Sheep, i175es, $1.0. New
EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!I call at 47 S. Pourh re and very rmati.v -fY
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods raled for -' ' 705 p atO. Law Seep. Feulth
and delivered. A. F. COERvT. Prep. S dth.0. Combined Trials of
Ann Arbor, Mich. Capital Stock, $15,00., Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUINES aadSNORh
Organzed underlhe General Raking Laws ' o, atedacee;god dsciplnesperiorewweek wel
-O this Stat eReves dosIte,. buys and SRchester, New York. spplied readg room daiy letres Saurdal
oels cheo te pricpa5iie fth evening reeeptos opa theenre ear Enep
snestcane.onratsahedincipalcraofpte 'Sed for er catalogue of Secodhand tinal failities for plaing tdets isapo sits
Iedtfiatesn.eaftysdeasitbedsaporoert.Law ooks. Boad adroom $5:taS2 5 ~per week as pe. ss
ldnleto.Saeydas oxes to rentThes_____e__r____edto_$i,_o__y_____
Osteons: ;Christian Sack, ees W Daiie hearac eoed oSa bsl
Harriman. Vice-rest, Chas. E. laeock; TRz, E KSuscieforth Dil. tdi. For Caalo eP.I5 LFAY r
' ^Cashlers III el. >r Asistant Cashier. +