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November 03, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-03

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Z~W iEI~ T~v 0Sk~io/L

'usewshbiltoo call 'your joa rticola r attention to the feet 1that our
Stock, as usual, incluades a (t'i'oer'it and( conmolcte 1i1ne of llo li rilass

riottong. 'Yo1 1T en's Thin'5 lay', Iridayr S 5t zzI y a t t Iiicswr s~labesof Soft
S- -IS ~ ats; I'edora 0o' Alpoine 1'a, t- in j .,$o.00 "not v=; . ()
111ade nj) 'with all the detail, rare and shill swtnhi ccharacterize s the This is a Benitt tSale for the firea;son xAT LII E I'NS OSAMIS.
best mielrliant tailoring stork. iReetnberfor tinreedays only.
Wa h ms en e y eue HATS--$"1.85, $1.85, f$1.85, $1..85, $1.85.

7- 1 - - .. vV / - . .® _M STAE3L:

Ann Arbor Savings Bank~
Ann Aror Moch. Capitl Stockh,$0(000,C
0rganizedounder the General Banking Lass
at this state. Receives Deposits, buys and
Fells exchange o the principal cities or the,
United States. Drafts cashed upon prpoper
oidentificint. Olicees :
0'. 0). HARRIMAN, Vice PreS..
(O1Sis. 1300 o', Caschier.I
?I. J .'r, Asst'Cshiets


11 W. Washin.gtc
L . Oe11 C'. 01.

Ns-t---Atiol hi ~teicory 5oci(oto-.
Tihe 'Varsity Glee Club is Rapidly 011-.
G ompoletingt Arrananoroents (or Nv ,- S+),er iuty, 5t.AndtteSao.N.:3ihji ~trt5scity
one, Reason. 'oG(c o .l o i.oosry
TO icoie cipsot~e o oi tov-l5Atiooo vs. I'. ofM- tW10(
(Icee ('t1tib is Is oct uneiolteriiitieol oo N oy- - "-ofl:N1. s. lor)erO at 10
Aidiilthe re.ttt to the os'o at ,':a S o\10. Sehootof Music. loocoeri

inittioti %till }co-t i
I100il (Oi .11,1n1-iVI
110.'15 1 'loirk c"11}1Iis
log, toooi 'soler cic
rttary'to be ill l
toob l}1 o lliogt 111

)e i tir ite1 tal-
puttirl ; i:l some
the lli'Si, of Feb-
>.-rlas5 c iai cLitioll
t ;elllelltS. 'jle '

I Tho Dental Journal
S ie loam ofleoi ootors oft
1o. Del o urna11t meit t
dot tor-iii-cie ; 1'. 11. 'Icrr
?0f, tOi t: .W.1itoI

HAVE0, 0 5100 0 0.5 1 llna a*-TI05 (0' l 1 0 t* ('.00101 11 IC: r IiL~tle ' t" i '' ''"'' -" . . cit
IVAL (roooi'oo' 0n. '10 ho''o'torioeoo' 00 toate jozos SindIiS. Ifttssev, So
HIL I-,(liii:5! fl }cto o iloI atltoo tor 00ncolitoor will be olected
0 YORTAE CIrstonrcs it 11;(00 tetetoore been itt .,lioticlsi Aric leIs
E I li te co tolot I or the0 Ito's sto) ioake ii11 'rest M-0's' etcdrol mo
A ~S~yII wil 00001 tri ti ieogtloorologtooo'isthoc oliot Iloactlty, ,iiniiotloo.
S II)ttist e-imi;tonOppco o COs 000000concerts5 'cit .0and000 oir-locot ow"''o'Otlrotoigioottt tO


Em,-- xcelsior Laundry,
aoooldc'loocr'ol. AF.COVET iop.
on St. 21 Years itn the Business.
M. Al. Seabolt, No. 4 N-Fourth St-
Itt. 10. K. BARBER SHOP.
Fine Shower Baths, Ne Porcelain
U 1. 0'.loi1tgtoII 't. ,.. i. I'tOJAOl 0 100 o.
50 s toso o
'too' field. t<listol h'(),U((1 ',00Itot oo~p otifttI( ~t rf $1,0011o.
tii3 . , to so cot okvn . 1)l.O,,o i o'. i a otfet
'op it Itst(-;ct.
tt I It. KEIPrf ' A F t :, :rr Cshcr
1,ml t)Ii 'l~iht (,,Iii'
soorors. TAI17 ... B.
3)1 grll 1 ()I 9 FIt
0, }itohers ors.,
o'1' S. Main.
iooi.'.oi'o'tlS F1 1.. X iIAZ'.
cr, Sr.' io 4 & 111Nil 10's 11i S
istrtotoi, 19 S. Main.
ltolsilk <.Goodspeed &Sons.,
1tt (121.SHFRN SES
rtifid ht. ' ineLino
AN 110 ,v le I 7,l'k ilIts i.
tv prao ti-
atterCaii l15 S. M.ain.


dais; buto theoro' serlls to betto'lnli
doutwloto'l'toe r or iiot tisotill toe
iooe, 11011tlorua01 at1'eo t 1(0. T'ec


1 trip ofoothe ritbi ll ou e o r t''hocsam.111 A' e'.sio to rm v oa
riouiool prac'ti'allyas last.''or , sslio I phys1 ic s t nin toohis 10101
U U IUproats o s10ooo''essfuol.I Oe cengage-bel dl S tol I tov.55,
F 10 1 is loo's een canicelleol, thtat ;Po.Lalrtsy thti
('Chicago), boot oil theotheoor sill Leexnsltrwl o ega
-tlleol.i I'h Ipos11010 ' ttsi
'Ninecty Five Meetin'. I i rot bloos, ooolgooe I olbloo
Speiail Disou oioot 00lLaso' loooko, m l n lrsc n a
'MedcaollDe'ooal ooiool ll t'i i orsI Psirdoe'lt Ly11an010 aill .1 a s ec ia Ic le r l od ooi l oo it anja i 0
'I , lools. ''o' oigom oeetinglto (rolT r yeoteroday ill rolomo ol011'a or 1.0
.l. 'hoccaneis l'tllOitteso as tyres-'jSanooersoon', C'onroladiaod c
k out aitolesloerleol too loue loeti able itoo be oelerled later. Star
~~1iT ~ 0lio~o ow' iosreOsarnlesir, boot uoifor-alotl'oidoio.tre
Noo oo ; utlo hec osuignm1uentl lid ol1)1totorstuls oreCbeing heit.
SIriveOIIItiNeealdDthtteetingwas 1). Bntotc, of alrl
i thel city tor 2.5 eents. Aelut for or re ni audymrig rdaeo h eia
Keluffet & Esoor .Mohinaietil Instrul- it 90,30 at swhirci time the selectiono nieot, class of '90oo hbee rns ~d1iwl emd.I sepce htoe h nvriyfrt
1 dcsoee thn'cays. Ie is surprised and
the cost of ther canle rill noot he very at the advancemt ottadt
Wncht tither sidle of $. Thle medical odepartmuent, the nr
TOREcanes shotwn at the previous meet- ral courses bring especiall
South State Street and Main Street.. tive signs of progress.
(orpceile lcourt Hsose). Itig hadt been voted unsatisfactory. '

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