THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO TRE STUDENTS. $185 T. GAT7W1 Z~W iEI~ T~v 0Sk~io/L 'usewshbiltoo call 'your joa rticola r attention to the feet 1that our Stock, as usual, incluades a (t'i'oer'it and( conmolcte 1i1ne of llo li rilass riottong. 'Yo1 1T en's Thin'5 lay', Iridayr S 5t zzI y a t t Iiicswr s~labesof Soft S- -IS ~ ats; I'edora 0o' Alpoine 1'a, t- in j .,$o.00 "not v=; . () 111ade nj) 'with all the detail, rare and shill swtnhi ccharacterize s the This is a Benitt tSale for the firea;son xAT LII E I'NS OSAMIS. best mielrliant tailoring stork. iReetnberfor tinreedays only. Wa h ms en e y eue HATS--$"1.85, $1.85, f$1.85, $1..85, $1.85. 7- 1 - - .. vV / - . .® _M STAE3L: Ann Arbor Savings Bank~ Ann Aror Moch. Capitl Stockh,$0(000,C Sourplus,$1"-A).0005. 0rganizedounder the General Banking Lass at this state. Receives Deposits, buys and Fells exchange o the principal cities or the, United States. Drafts cashed upon prpoper oidentificint. Olicees : CHRISTss IAN MAC, Pres., 0'. 0). HARRIMAN, Vice PreS.. (O1Sis. 1300 o', Caschier.I ?I. J .'r, Asst'Cshiets FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOOD)S? PATRONIZE OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP ! "-QTHE ARGUS~s- FIl BAT LOI 'liCES. ' GOOD PROGRESS. Coal! 11 W. Washin.gtc L . Oe11 C'. 01. Ns-t---Atiol hi ~teicory 5oci(oto-. Tihe 'Varsity Glee Club is Rapidly 011-. G ompoletingt Arrananoroents (or Nv ,- S+),er iuty, 5t.AndtteSao.N.:3ihji ~trt5scity one, Reason. 'oG(c o .l o i.oosry TO icoie cipsot~e o oi tov-l5Atiooo vs. I'. ofM- tW10( (Icee ('t1tib is Is oct uneiolteriiitieol oo N oy- - "-ofl:N1. s. lor)erO at 10 Aidiilthe re.ttt to the os'o at ,':a S o\10. Sehootof Music. loocoeri inittioti %till }co-t i I100il (Oi .11,1n1-iVI 110.'15 1 'loirk c"11}1Iis log, toooi 'soler cic rttary'to be ill l toob l}1 o lliogt 111 )e i tir ite1 tal- puttirl ; i:l some i the lli'Si, of Feb- >.-rlas5 c iai cLitioll t ;elllelltS. 'jle ' I Tho Dental Journal S ie loam ofleoi ootors oft 1o. Del o urna11t meit t dot tor-iii-cie ; 1'. 11. 'Icrr ?0f, tOi t: .W.1itoI HAVE0, 0 5100 0 0.5 1 llna a*-TI05 (0' l 1 0 t* ('.00101 11 IC: r IiL~tle ' t" i '' ''"'' -" . . cit IVAL (roooi'oo' 0n. '10 ho''o'torioeoo' 00 toate jozos SindIiS. Ifttssev, So HIL I-,(liii:5! fl }cto o iloI atltoo tor 00ncolitoor will be olected 0 YORTAE CIrstonrcs it 11;(00 tetetoore been itt .,lioticlsi Aric leIs E I li te co tolot I or the0 Ito's sto) ioake ii11 'rest M-0's' etcdrol mo A ~S~yII wil 00001 tri ti ieogtloorologtooo'isthoc oliot Iloactlty, ,iiniiotloo. S II)ttist e-imi;tonOppco o COs 000000concerts5 'cit .0and000 oir-locot ow"''o'Otlrotoigioottt tO ,a ES Em,-- xcelsior Laundry, aoooldc'loocr'ol. AF.COVET iop. on St. 21 Years itn the Business. CITYE'LAUNDRY, M. Al. Seabolt, No. 4 N-Fourth St- Itt. 10. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine Shower Baths, Ne Porcelain U 1. 0'.loi1tgtoII 't. ,.. i. I'tOJAOl 0 100 o. 50 s toso o 'too' field. t