Tooth B11,sl1'-(1) S TQ$ NEOKWE RSAE +
And tie Bristles will not Com Strincjed z Instrument,
++ at NOBLE'S,
CHI CE of w(It o w 1110frill of 4-inIi nds, locks and I'aff.,for
34 S. State Street.
]Id he Pices} 34S. Sate tree.,'4S -'-s
artow. 34SSaeSet. o
4S cts.
4S' ots.
11 (.; X';111' 1.I'c1t.-">{{Ti ±9 t iiE 13~< I ();> 111ik'.~' j7ti !, 1 1 1110ks. 51S ll fo Po ' 11ote P ., i I>1h Lo t- Sloo I'. v m o
r i-S to :ill r Complete and our Pric es as Low as the Lowest.
WE Don't Want mucha!
WE 1v 1 110111
th1010 i n;,' o11 011 :!i.1111
111F11 1 'lo 0111 lo-1 . 0111~
1111e 11111
Fi11ie1R01ch0stcr, T1110 P1)al, rind1 le Perfection Stuldent Lampb111l1av11dem-
ollltrateli t1at10tleyNgive tile 111110011rf1c(0lit~it falmstirade)1101101101. 'Whiile tihe
{ pr0 icelay 11ro11 11cellts to $151.3ac0111they 111l500gie 01111e qua~lity 11111 quan-Il
Argand Lamnpl, 011it orclainlls0111110, a0 - . - - - t 05 cents
lied Stile Oil, that 111111 witihout olor, does 1100 01100tile wick,
and01gives a11)ure white light, delivered lat - - - 10 cenlts per gal1
Oil Cans, acc1ording to capacity, from-- - - -----( cents to $6( each.
To see ia to believe. See 0110 stock anld yo ll b e conlvinlced (t1a10 1e sell
tile hest Lamp and1101best Ol tor tile least mocney oft any house 11n ti tiy.
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
Call on Wi. Fulde, tilt-
WiIllam-st., lerst (111r 10010 of State-st.
Shlits t orde1ra01Speclilty. All worlk first.class,
23 UY azAlar= C1001M
(or11ha0v11e0someRpaireing 0011000oIa
M'i. Ariohd, 36 Main Street
illr.Iorrlalnl ePbolted1his11las.0,I
We~ dnesday.
the cI to. yes1e1day, looking111ateteI
f(10100011' 11of I Cl 0 11 l 111511 101 1011-
-I rea11.
The Unity Clob's 1)r015r011 111
Mondlay n115111is 1as followsv: IPaper,
How to lead Paradise Lost5, P110111.1
N.~ Dinosoon illusltrations 1of IeI-
sarb, Aliss AStt1110A. '00111 11 te-
'1' I I J."
0111, Whato.. Ca oun V 1. ~+ I The 1 jun111110aw.010 il10 1 1.19a1 0 e1110 I
1s11t. or1urdo1 1 ( yI 11 ci 1010 and 1a00101115C11100115 for the class
1'l11; ANN AllIOl OR01 "N . 1., clectionl.
______S___th ___Ilain ___street. _____'_:11n1)t 111-one ellic.--hr.IW. fG.
dY cAN EN L Dc, of lalccrville, tat., 1101 re-
tMJHIANned~A t to0011 takc p-. -ark 11) 0]lltil-
E AST. FS111, t 1110111151og.
Day1 00111001y 5 res '01)1<1+ ro. 1(1111111is gettinlg 01011a 1001
'.S Li ie ----6 2 a l __ I'37
Niaga alt s Sp'I~1 111.11l
a1.i1,('110111 1 rs .0 1'1115 11111511011classes. it is expcctced
Ii. N. Fo 11101.. . 115G. I 001001o_ 51 Pb011'fr15011afs oe
10 It xp. s ---- 10 II17 i'alll pr0011,1-0 :71
Ii . 1~~~ . 01 . (l11l1. t~,011AFr: 0 I1110 1. ol t . handoiu01111likelo'1
GP.&T ~-nChcr".A.AAro.FIRST NATIONAL BANK joer froml cornetl, clarinlet, saolO
OF11ANN AIlIBOB. 11pl01ne, o01)00 n01111 soon00000 111.110
01 ttijl1,000. 11100111 P - 1111 8, { i . . Viggios, secrotary3, I I X.
'A~ll ventral Al ankn1 110 1 1111101101000 8f11rstoel
fo tra rocr s1111r1a1.
1. 1111 1 Ilore. TfelIcledicaI odepartmlenlt 15s1wit-
s. 0W. ci. 01 01,(11,111shie.
R k"'G~I Klgby ton, to c lcein11thc
inter-1f 1110class 1league011)0 1110champlliion-
10oth Season, October, '12, to May. '911.?
O1U11NEWO ceentra15 lly loa nd IAt a lmeting Ofth1110senio~r 11101-
evey provliioha beenllmadle to promotlleth I
-oniforlt of our10patrons. There ae011010i00 cal class, ycstcerday, thoe followving
10 mou0111, 1110 0111c10g 00011 110111 110 1h1
g01111011lo00. Officle a01aadllemy, f Maynard-st. officers wcere elected:1 President, R.
Send $1az5$; or $50 for Sam- H-. Wolcott; vice-president, Miso
thIeESll 1CANDISin Amrerico.Anna Clalpp erton " secretary, J.1.
Put10110i0000e0110 110es0a1100ones; treasuroer, «V. IV. lPearson'
prIeai Refe 010 ll1Chica0' historian Misa Cora Stonser. The
Tr it011o011000Addrss,
C. c5GU OUO\ThER, Coofetoereeelection of class poet was oeferred
CH~ICAILLINOI. till some futture meeting.l
1111 1900 s 1001 001 1111cr .ch 1s 0e-f
lorolay' afternoon1, 1wa1101ing111e1 prac-
1icr lam110'on11t11e campus.10 11I 10110 A Inkle('
is P1(101911.a11i001111r15a11 cai. aA10O00a
1111001r cost on 11111rIgl i 019ne 111(1
h11a1 quit1for til easo.II
'TiheC0110001nonoseries, lourIrS h011001111'a first-c ass li11110
0000011, wil l be 0110110(1 onclay,
Nov. 2 1, Pr Theodore Thoonas' Dross anld Binels~ls Suoit11o.
grandl orrcstrao and 0 special soloist Trousrns and11H 1001111110 \'.sfilly
not vet annsounced. TIhe orchlestra
1005 enga0g011 a1 cosiderablle ex-10'll111Wii.
Diecke 11pcla 0150110in10nlis 1001110
piositionl, yesterday afernoon, and 42 South $tate street.
1w111 his u10u101viml. lodccker, of________________________
thle '~90111a, who wa10slstunnedin11
Mondaly's 15010, 1w00 01010 1110deck. (G. H[I 1A ILD,
Several new m11n1 10031 0n0appear-
01nce1 also, 0and a lively gm a T T- l GI T
playedl. m .ll1910T E LEA~T G ikILO u
J. I. Conklill 01101L..S. lollreroy, -
193 engineers, and C. If. Spellcer
0103 lt.C. Baomes, special students,
11000 completed their dties at tihe
"Soo", where thley have P0e11 located
for thoe 1as01six noonths, and havc
retorned to take up college wvork.
M. E. 1Porter and E. St. John, who
were of the party, wvent to thaeir re-
spective homes. A pleasant feature
of the wvork at tile "Son" is that all
in charge of it are sometinme '. of
111. students.
19s 1110 place to 150)for 1111ne11100iorio
lIto111 the most select stocPk1o1
in1 Sllltillgs, Trousertlogs, and INancy
Silk Vestinlgs in tile City, and
coulid be pleasedl to-have youl
call1 and examinele
nuokes a speeeialty of
Fulhl Dress Suits.
No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann ,Arbor.