0fIn ,ie Of all this, the team isT
doinii iia ;I1Icis ile. \ti e havtns-
itiIt rtet rty'av 'l tantswehave cier 'New Firm, Newv Goods, ra.nd Low Prices~ .
1)5' sat. i'ii~t tii~had heto)re. 'thegaiseis tak'siiga
THE U. of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIOS i iiirl~ll i this EUsiversity. Let it'' stttttClwi LMI1.IT i ii titiitoi
isba ie) wr i'en.'5. lucy(deserei'i veM'have hlaid i11 a very Large StOnds of Setisoll bl(oods. We
5 Shc~iUiis'pric $:..50perar i, invi'.',i'i'Iiit' t Ii'_'lt~riiitie rear 1 is Ilgitt ('Ietp. AWe Sell Cheap). I liteFootweair, BUt" ttildSlhocs.
ios ikyissl ieltat. ' eoficeftisi' I )AILY,0 5 1., iare d1w 'is rae'sngthan all else, and "N-\ .A.1-1,F1-1 _R
at staIlt's, ,withi any of laseditos or. iiete znc fthe (fuiversits is 4-s SO T11 A IN \STREET, - ANN'\ARBOY", MIC1II.
Coat aiicsatiors 5shiaould icaell tiC s l-_all, t. Ii. ese sctiffers d h - sisa lisai hyretc perte et tzrt ~ rtl-teCns~u.nCes C A m' A L 1 / " W- o j f ~
=la. .ddrssait lattr i ned forapti'a' t i it ,. te rositei
ion. dti i thetiait'a'iEitor.iill ot'iness _I fl .alhut has Iearid somec pretty comuictins holdbesetAtbIe4.ui'strngexresiostnihi sbjetTR US R!
THE U. ~. DALY. aid it is certain that things hare ~,Ttee
Ann Arabor,. IMich. guisoe fir enoigh. October 22-29. WAGNER &C.,Tlos
~.K AISa.EDITORS. - '~-~ ,~'m Toledo Ann Arbor and North
F.E l Ai i a 'in_9,Maaaagiaao 'adit. Xicall attention to our nesw ae-,E.J0r71 1,I t'4A isat
partrcthecc( f I Caenda.>>-' Michigan Railway.
a.A. DEtsasii, Lrtl 'Si, As'istaa.
Ina ~ a, 'nttthis weshall endeavor ta a- o 'ie ardi fet unda,aAugast ,lt i
a. i. tt'a.aasali. aiiI itaaaai aaaai. po' uniiace sa'eek or sio before hiaii
it1V 5'~asat.aa, Li.«'54Asss'.aai
A. iW. Ja: .ra , aa' 3, Aaaa ist, n. very lalaportanlt I. of ..event. Itaaaiaa t1asltaaa"iaa
.i. i. Aatai:trt.ret ie '9t.caananot fail to lie oftgreat service t0 NH). i. t as a rA iaaa Arbaar Aactiaa1i:!0anoan
a"~i'W. ntcaav ',Lit. 'tat.o..5.'j 2' ' is lata.'iliaai Iastagr..a4a5pana
w'. o Is 's. Law____19-':3i aalNo10 .landaiOiwoasso 'iataa a
r. A A N , i ts . 9. jN .109 oeaai wsssi ~ ud
IN. ouir accotaat of the ' Ia lis'' te LEADING SCHOOL. OFBUSINESS. SMag- N o. i..
I1. 13. G astaa , i t,0'ii a iicea'a bliag; tiaeatach'rs; tlargeattea nc;).. tot9p.n)
ro;diyiene;Saturdaayoevetaag recetpioaat;
a" N. Sot i, 3Mdis . tteha c I optr yeneie au~'aataalenirea r; o' mm'ciaaaa'aial gadatsint gre at o. 2. 'ra'TdoNlaii Ex ssao... l .
:iscA.RLs'a'5'tC. uaaa.A i, '.t tte h t:l .1.A . aieaaaeeaved aia lhoathadgradasa l liecureposiiaons; No, 4. 'rieao ilaiilisxpras ...... S4,s) i
tiig exesstlailC.ta $.tiiperlwa'tiO aarvalte arnai- Na; 9. rToleoaAca'a' moaatiaon.aiaaaa . i .a
isK'MA(~iln:o ,9. 4t o viites on tl'Iast ballot for stile- 'al. . 5115' TAGUCat a ndLias t ia~t aadoaalwia No.1. i. aOaa'osao aa'tai leSia to
1I. . aawaa'9aaa (fiictOriaai. It shsoutldav se read 52. . R.CLEARY e. ~Ni'.1lil. Ots,a'in'oaile doia'inii l ya
l i ( itFSaiilaNU:ci' aii -.-- - M We Advase Students to See ! a htal anaadaiadaaiaa..
A WISEusP MLOHIE 2 T"a.. 'I ta"n .at d iiruais 5 aaauuaa i tAto n
n ~.flSti'iaaiiaiaai, adol, ecesa'nd i.i
The names of all persons whose IThe Lecture Association Chansges I UR:pEa-pS=IQES.. iea.a'ti ai5'odaiaexcet vuidua ii
subscriptions are not paid on or be- theo Metiahotfeserving, Seats. i.I.IINii. It.,-. Slit 0Oa la
f ore November 5th will be stricken TNI HE N-SOK, i i a..,, ' l'va gai
from our list. So iiitia iipressitre hssbeuean lrsai 'lt ,
- - -- againast the ohd stanin-islinue aiethioid Slh3,SAEHL''f0'lTfNYj~hIl
RANK INJUSTICE. ;~' ,' -,~~" --io a)',,," . 1 . a '-. r s ki '' _ ' .1 .:< =~ ~
,oiut Ii' lii'a iii to thiiiseWihl pos-
'sesee ato of'I coii ouaiaiseans'
aunh justice, the aciitons of a.scertaian
grosupiof lstuientsaestierdlay oinithe
footb'all garoiuants wteae idiotic, to soy
the least.Somon iae ielleil fromt
the crwli erisive toie,
"Wathiltattriithi the
'Varsit iai? adthereswere
ciaitli attr'actions sth tt lastthis
badcuofite Associationit i ha eiied iI.ATl?''llE
ti miake a ihiatiga, though ite o T UDENTS' '\/"'TO"\I SCT'ATE ST.
vets' c idlitfercait froam te itol'ethod. T D NT ".a.''..1O1..i\-' 1 a t-aa 1
_Nli those isho si 'hi cuseeseul suts
s ill I lras1v ata eas for positionsins Ccciii. Tii a, Icacls'h. (I nt'tttit d au lil l ileIgs ' 5laxf.Ihiiiul. a ess
the hine cacha time tisthIcfore 1th inl.1Sesotual-hl naiti.
boacils are opetneid. Noa ittisill LA WAT AN MEDJC * I' -DB OKS
gaiti aaaythaintg iyhelaug islineiany iii v
Il'igtht if timte before thea.boards AT WHIOLESALE PltlCl('S.
tharee or fiiurtr s whoenliiwve're ip' oiieni. 1ails personia sill htas'e a ia-- ''a-.
tio stoiptlowhss'notag htanlt.ise,a, chiance' tosgel as positiona.'t'his pl at - c o~'-, C)
'seteiigoh tlaI.1I15is tic sas'etiantefor thsesa'hstaip ss'ish
was not on5thae prouiaad, btut it learns reservs'eals . I. f the schlemae trill :I',theair esiectu tihotutesiitn1Noii.5 8th' GIB O T
thiat seseral studetits coulidscarcelyi'aist sworik the . scsiatioci syll try'thet'T. lA. .. AN. Ma. hy ill ' keC
lie resraanethfroatapilchnin ltiathean iothser. Ih i aly wsistiis Sti satilsf tae f; ct t i'rtilhi' 1 I " )
scoff ers. Indauignatiion cas apparcenttits patroncs. rtilTateh \sisaatiala e 'a'aartes o
on all sides. -Ch'llt offishli'f'11.1'tuuthiaciafifatiaa. NO. 12 W. IHURON T.
'Tle 'Varsity eletanswere playing BUSINESS LOCAL'. A1t tailtheu 'l'Ctt Iatuwhail fiatStsa' GE .A.L'P o11V UiJ
agaianst sixteean aiens, all of svhoaudasu it5tly.t ThIle 'ws iSittis, ciutlienta-ll H ,.
itst.-Ptlaelsleattier satol casa. t,, nn iNous., toi .cht-T'huaarsaya Ftiaya tl tiatuia, i i
pcobablystsinewcery ''Vacsity siganalanhtifailtg aly taints. Pleaise retiarnit ii lya -titi ofitaltenei'5sthi(A nArote vlauyleinrt
and, of cosarse, lcneuev just sherce toi I'. h. RtealAIDtiaaN. soft hiats tFetor tr Alptine shaphesiost- M VONDA.Y", OCTO1 E1 B$
If 14 Muionr o'i$ ; ii, liiit anIu$2 5afo1 ta -. S 'This
gut whseis the 'Voasity hail the till. p~, e.n>Ct5r1 t 'uztathia, s'hcueilhtsat'falhi as . cItt i5 ~i55ia'
AndI the secoanslelevean is better thansfirst cltiss econdiitiont. IGaod lotasautafot!at 111Xtlttelyu."ataa i'taut'ttittie hl that a' TTTHtTW1"l
hhalftailscatle1.5elevens' huetaetaudu-si!MAY hlhI\of Ra0sO
selh3ag. .1. o 0. laai tet. ( or aihayIt trog ch iii huthries.
try. hs t to he eipecteul thatstae NVA's 't'tu.-atuasenttoEncstre for I lti tfita iairssesglgeteaI iiti - M51a'('asiiovc aistt'>.
fo~r coointreit. Iqiea 681 rlaity-
'Varsity swill score every fii' iii elte uuie taruitii-hiat the opera..hoiuase landtMaitiltir even-
uztes ? Let these scoffers considaer lt elegatnt liteof oflties inth-i hag, titah eav usen it itsai ole-CI C I'BL II''1'
te obstacles against whaich otar leam nt td fulrnishtfng goaods for mitt rhbe hotatvehpaidfifthytandtt sevety-five cenats ad ,
a st htowrtatE thte Cook [louse, front Nov.manytiies to see ntiaIeter showaiithiati Admission, 1, 2,ad35Cns
hasi worked: no gyamnasiuam, a thl st to tte t, la C. J. hoiaeis, ta h ut ait rsada the oea
in thae ground"' for baths and dress- swell htatter attd htiahishter of ledo, houste tthis wreek. Thte stlar of the cars- KEN TSCH LEE.,
ing rooms, strict faculty regulatioass, 0. Exehusivettess of tnovelties atd ithpty, May Hletnaersotn, is a very itte _
g r ~~~~moderation of prfees are said tohbeinlt- actress, attalpresetttsIter parts ho 1per- ad bv lfrqetadsrou ojltcaateitc fhslie eto.Seisspotdb fn o og a h r
inuistosm fth weto ell ~t Stnttents awiltlfitnd a ine inte of cati- cotmpraty.Thte :Mesenger (quartettePinuestsoeothbetm deepcalyhcltstC.A ishefetwevrhad-Bkot
ever had. j Maynartt's, thllSuStte street grocer. Dettocrat. COR~NER ,MAIN AND atUstliN ts.