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November 03, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-03

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Von.. III.-No. >S.



IXItheP seminary courses offered, we THE LAWN JOURNAL.
GR\ ld\1 ATL SYSTEMc i gh lt class those in Greek, Latin, r

I 1 .. - - -,1, ~ " 7 i" I- , ., .-, , , " r7 " r n n P I

'The November Number and its in

-reraicrcacicccor terestinugContents--Thve Eric- A
That's What Our Seminary Ie adtetthmcletvl, ?i tors are Hustlers. ~ ~ ItJIV
Work Tend Toward, for they, are conducctedi somewchat li iI '" s
- -ccci ovecilbi' is out. It is one oflthe { I
ciii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CSre iteFec- tet thalccschetarofciscDETROIT, MICH.
of Graduate andi Semi nary woc'k. oieniiocnly to those cwihic havecmace. c1best ciicclce e t issued.l ' t ic i
Growing Populairicy of the Gourses
--M ore Specalization. a cvery tlcociicc''i precitousc studyci cif c c'la Icf tici c is aclcts i h
''lice idesacoi orecinil cc' re ic c i iig ctirc es icuci cci t tc aiff i 111eCiquestioc ine ' "I 'is the.
41e ,oe i iiIci cic i itttc cic ctcitc5i~ [ c i oe rnic eincict theIc c ccc itic-
(leiii;is fast 'cing;hold ofcinicc <11 e cliii c 'Iciici hyc ay 0 o icoincl powieri'to l1vy-clutes oi
iccec'c:it ccII L. f I is tic stulds I pits ececplt f fl e p(ici iccc csc.o
c'ci~ily-t 'niics that cci ciiitie ccccirveuiconvly beinth' te iwirdsi f
'ld s 1c 1 ci oFiccor cii cc ciicina cei 1ii lirckcc uIIrts 11 s onilty i c ii eio li si 1i cciiuuc c ecci ccu ieiie cye
This is the kind off work wlllcsiucce are oftue in EuraietPlao' checarfi' iriss o th ticncrcii
cecciry ccisccii cd lce"i icllc I Iellecnistic ecci etc. Ptcif rcis lice p hIpIonsIsclivorCcciiguCii
n y a 1 c c f 'I s tc c i c a cI In L a tin se mio ary cc ci m s te p ieces, o f I 'c sin e cin d er 11cc c p io ,c c ci is i p c c i. s edF 't " icccc i
lie facilities for ticatikind ccifvwock:. criticaci studs ofCci es'r, Cicccii, iProtectire 'Tccriff, (Constitutiona,
lice saccount 'oqfiraknwlehecwhoichsicrgidetc. In Frenchsscincacryin Itakes live a'irmative of this qucestion.Roi.F Fh Cuen cuieSiihsecure
iictor HItaco In mn ii ciical Jeccle Cachill is one cci lie mus ct ds o,13-18s5' iccis cciA R VE.
isdeedetupnhi dlgec adseiccacies in (ccce 'dcihscuiler, linceusheil juiists in thicsstte.Ike DlNPRO011 - - ICIiICAIN.
desire for knowslecdge.IThe Iroles- ' Iestuiclnt iin these c ouicses is ws ijucidle IHoockcc's most fcomid-
scic merely dircts the student whcerc ( P. J KINNUCA 1N,
ticied in oeticlcudreliceoecabescompeItoiniorchecatinatco
togotofid hedeird nfrmtinpart oflice sritcings of lthcscecauthocrs iccthe scprece coccitIons t1ceiRepub-i
icste'cclof cc i nccccc gciiicclessocns, ccliiilch h y stu yi anccciit cii c rcii- ican tickct. lc istprcscienct ofit11c
ccci~~~ ic1ci oiclclucl ccc c iiivsni'hathey roci vscccw ccir m y ci celicaciSta'te 1I'cc 5ssoi i ticc o ilI 1""AId
talon ccc 'Ihivs sem of studycr ingsiii edicecicnccti c ngageofhe s Bictrknwnbuoys ablycu ibs an iii
ccit tic ciiccta d o inal'ity ftc i lic u rr cvbiy aicc ralccii cisscccc of I istic c oci 11cc sicic i ie cciii °I 'e
'st uen t ''ci' c i'cc ccv'icln'ck clii'cwcciscosofliiorkttii cci1 Ili ThIliici scc c71it I;.'"1'
"ccei ccci c Ie ciIt cclif' tJeccutscicriacdc101c.li c ricicficL
Itimsc'f, ,Iv 'u liccic ac c iic alcgI siccci Ic nci dc r Iccc e cc lcccscto ii
leis wrting, fnallycakimiaii itniu 1ac
ccii his picatlistuds ctehi ss ccclii''" icaccict I cciiicliiimicricici icci cicci
iucic ceccer. oge ci Em lispititeti curcwccciitcva Mr.ie liii tlis cne o cci cioul's
:sicttered through lii' cii cces iii'scio1cccIiic lcisdc iicc c'csci ciic c 'T il~ Tq7'~ct ~ K -
te various hiciles ccfstu iccs ccthe I i si iccacries aceiicSihciiisit rte l asit legislature.,cccviiiscc catch-
Iepartoment of I Liiittire. Sciceccn ci ce, c'n cdactccciie for re electiont. 'lice discuss-
and ccls, cc great miany secic tnac ic1e otlier impiortlait fieldis of i0cc.cmakes interesticvg readicng, colandOT T
courcses tire to be focicni, hiecies al.iscrsnaioioscedtth
seccina ry crk ace history, phcioso-iihcsnatcc oscrdttclc
thce courses thcat call for h'cbor'ctory'Ipieo h a phiypolitical ciconoomychenistry, enterprcise o ie ayJourcnal. Detr oit x~chigan.
wrwihaas thoel htcermed ys eoit ci ioay ' The Amcerican Micticiciviisth
seominarces a hs n(;eko lhscsoodogycalseoccany cctitle cif acnarticle by' Profe'ssor 9 Ie'f1flG Stra''ight Qo4Cl.
'eciciccarieantheandtireica scccciareNo.
history, ills (civics licefields for ciccchccivics- Knowlstocn. It is iveechess to stateET'1~S
liietr} emiar iecsilacl erlly titc ci ice chocsof lIte. IPoliilscience that it is a scholarly prischceto CIGRE T Esl S,
ito tlise studenits cwho tire sceucil' is cccivacid istecresticce cnd affo l lc ritc ddcsfoccrlvsi I2 ciaretSokersco il
v1 i cn e hair th <atic m cii ma'ter ilfor lice ocigcisalistud Ioe can"hec ric
Id(ent. (looihsemcicacites are offered ucecharofdtert-idlsfkndcctraseesieoal,"andctcie deceiceplai.kncci li.
secuuai ieccitP t c iii ch'ciiohftthese suibtects, and the acid live article p sssssconiside Tis ICic ) scuipeicr tc
as te "1 iciersity S'ic,"ef lehers. Scagh
as licestuceheis sled Itc stusdy ito thin aide interest for tlissrceasons if for d cu o cdsictte uccare ccc rn uifromice iright'
chicic lie esseintial featurces dcar e 'ccaning of oin cstiutionucs cmore nccioiliher. 'T'le reguclarcdclpartmcenis s Cc (cciiideldicelflavredciacciihighcestccsc
oi isi acd specialized study cctcccGolrcii cc ciiua y c'i cud ieaf growirncirgiia.cc Tti dcclii Old
orgialan }, sth n ne cu sl syn cccinay l assctii of live journacilire filled 55ithicnicer- Iancigi na l(Bcranid cc ri ghtis C tC c iare e,
fina es1 cxamcinations, cincd a theiss(swoik. All hsoy ad p ltclI cciid wscugh t utu s i n thuc e.Cciye ecIe.
(sitSustipio s acufwaeo itttinsrsdebsrvceotth
otofteeace very lacrgeco - econm t rsntubti i c aea edrwis cacieciryrpcka~ge.
Idecree by secucries,'s eery scar ice heft critichi'. . Bilckii v 9'cvaw.The ALIEl'& N ITicl Brainch i.
ducctedlhy cieaiss of sencciary wcrki. Icrc are reiiuireid to do nciie cohateral --.F.. ----lManufctersci. -ilichcmoncd, Viriniia.
u~ciahssedralvell eqippiledI I reading acid ivestigation, and so JeffercorciansSociety. -OI U C E
l bromwhcarusdstrictly by live with all our sciences ire are searchs- __
seminary and graduate studenuts. cc ing, writing of wrhat ice find, and a lice followring programcilii be OT ServedctHE HS
teeaetbefudalteita-continual original inrestigationins1Seendeed tsts elldiHoursc-
thes ar tobe fundallthe itea-tarried on in thin laboratories. rededtievnn:-T
tore cwhich can be lhadc bearing upon In conclusion, smminary study i eisa Sl-c__.._-.""-.MiiiTresscKeans 45oc c SclEScie,
lice subjects in which thc esincary rapidly taking the place of the old Or ationc-------------------- . M . Liner __________________
student is interested. Ilie uses order of things at the 15. of M. It Paper-", PerionnllReminiscenees of a
them, and no onun else, thus msaking makes thn University umore valuable, Kauk"-__-_.______J. A. LaecoR. E. JOLLY' & CO.,
will attract umore students, and Imuiromiptu Dicsn.----------
his advantages equaled by no ctu esecalyisitvaual-i-tatit Airm., C. B. Blakey; bNeg., Ji.cR. LussSL-
dent in any other course of study. leans toward that great Michigan Deaedcec TATa tegeeaceirTJ ~iiION~~ ~
should own and operate the railroads.
To mention in particular sme of desideratunm, a graduate school. -Afirm. A.W. Jeffeeis; neg., J.D Spitzer. AND ALL STU.DENT'S SUPP1LIES.

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