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April 23, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-23

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Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
tihe Colegn Yar, at
Dentsn: Times building N. Main St., oppoite
post office.
. F. T1O51AS, '7. W. W. tli'0t, '8.
E. 1 Orsnei, '90 it i. M, Leos, '0.
0. 11. iawn, '13. F. S. SBsi)nS,'0-.
i. C. UuN~nwoo, '9.
G. B. iiaasOo, '90 L..
L. C. Wmai,%n,'5.
W. W. Thayer, '91 L. S. I. Smit, '6Li.
S. W. Snie,'7. W. i. Oorrill, '0.
J. L. Walh, '00 0. . B. SilImn, '08 L.
C. 13. Roei, '981D. Louse Dodge,'1).
B. B. eliany, '0. 11. Corwin, 'l.
The sscrition pricof01tie Daily bs
been reduced to Sil00 in adansce for the ret
of the year. Laeenubsciptions atthe
Daily nifc or with P. C. Oeye, U sf M.
News Stand.
Editor of today's papr:
E. L. tlEtSMIEt, 'S L.
The ledritiors of le Wo'en's Inatder
hove menit'twil a dserveds ucess ii
the ae of their ipublictin. Te
irst edition wast quickly exasted
antd lbseceiiiiedition ws a dced 0en
salte yester'day. 'lislcosisst of a
limitetd llilmber of cotie ndas the i-
disiatiosart' that the sdemadiu ill
exhiaiust this ediioin. The nsutr hbsn
attracted icoiisidrabeti eniitin ot-
side of Anni Arir anld it will 1il-
donblidly aceelishliliall that iis cel-
tors hoipled for it. Tlie vereoc li-i-
payiig Air. Smilsl's drawing, ushi
has taisoed much favoratle eiielt'
heeralio of lts literary iiiirit woo con-
tributed by Misa Gertrude Buck.
Society Program.
At the imeeingo eii Alpha Nsi
Society Saiiurday iigt tie folieso lg
pregrami will le givei: Msic, Mise
Leing andiieiurlilled; etlgy on Me.-
Iiily, F. tiisier; eulogy on theed,
Mir. Webster; reading, _Mis Nash;
dream, Mr. Cubb; debate, "tenolve J,
That sll usury laweslhtuld be abol-
isled," afirmative Mr. Engelardi
and Mir. P'au, negative, Mir. Stiisen
and M11r. Shehu; imusie., isses Lo01g
anod Burc'fieild.
'The Jeffersoniain Society lhasn 1110fol-
lowing program aniiounced to be given
at itnseeting tonight: Speeh, r.
Stranaban; biography, Mir. Ketner;
fiye iilte tak, My fist experience
at the U. of Ml., Menr. Kolioute,
Sanders and Itanson;imlupronpt dis-
cussion, affrmative, Mr. Bagley, og.
ative, Mr. Mul; reading, Mir. Cross;
delansition, Mar. Blis; debate, "te-
solved, That the United States nioud
estabisnh reciprocity In place of pro-
tection," affirmative, Mir. Ciadan
and Mir. art, negative, MAr. Mllarg
gad Mr. Ewing.

Relief Asked for by the Uni-
versity Granted.
Tile opinion of the Suremle Court
inl granting the imantamius proceed-
ing asked by the Regents to comipel
au restoration of the rate of interest
on the t'niversity funids to 7 per cent
was written by Justice i-ooker. it is
in piart as fllows:
"It appears to be cneded," says
tie opinion, "tha~t the severl laws
providing for ite piayient of iterest
upon01 the University funt, entemn-
plaltedl its cmlputatin at 7 per cent,
that tbeing the legal rate It is a gen
ersl rule of construction that where
all act is pasisel for it patirlculr pur-
pose, it is not abrogsted by general
legislation, suficienly brsad to in-
elide it, unlessIte its-t beobr-
gate it is clear, This would seiu
iecisive in this cs, tnles we were
to say that tie legisltulre intended
thast Itie lgal ais should be ptaid u1001
the fiiiid, whatever the rate might be.
"It is reasonable tii sppose thst the
framser of the interest 1w 11111 lit in
miinid the questionl of iterest upon
edulcationial fuiids, and if le had, tlicrc
is nthiiig to call aentin to that
subject in the bill or title, and wlie
we tie not say that this would be
fstal to the bill or exclude tie rel-
ter's ententioin, if the intent were
mlanifest the cnsrutioinu hers' giveis
to thils at is in harmony with the
constitution, -whisipresides safe-
guards agsaint concerted or iill-
tended legislation. 'Ihee prinipico
seeii to s cociclsve of the questin,)
anld the writ usill isste as payyed, bet
withsott costs,"
Death of Josephino Hyde
The followiig is takeis from a letter
to oiie of the Anni Arbor gil, and
usill be received uiths rgret by many
of the prestt studetst:
'J esaves loot' their time to fall,
An lo iwers to wiher at the nortli
us-nd's breath.
And starse to set,-but all,-
Then hst sll sasos for tline own-.
Dli Death' "
"very forcitly were the above lins
implressed on Inc a few eveing
since us-len word reached me ef
tie death of Josepihine Hyde
at L~os Angeles. on Tuesday, April 1.
A little over a year and a halt ago se
with her mother left Ann Arbor for
Colorado, hoiing to find in it chage
of limate strength to resist the in-
roads of thne insidious disease which
usa even then casing her frieds
miuch anxiety,'After <t month of grad-
nal decline they again sought change
in California, hoing tie balmy sir
of Los Angeles oight prove beie-
fiial. But though surrounded with
everything beautiful in natre anil the
untiring, devoted care of those near
and dear to her and the tender affe-
tion of the home friends whose ten-
dor interest in her never waned, wt

could not keep hec, And in this bealu- NEW MUSIC,
tiful resurrectionl season of the year The Chat twvo-step, cosnposed by it,
she fell lioleep.lo, sepbine was a grsad- Thosonon, and issued tsy the Chat
t'ublishsing Ce., Bssy City, Mich., ;
note of the Itighi School anIntli elsoe of th1s latest pieces of music. It
her ef the class of '19t, 01115iil health is a very catchy twlo-stepl antdlonaslet
comptelled her to leave collige. IHirNwilli greaot sticcess. 'The coiiposer hasy
clasmite's and the lsemibers of Sor- - dedicated it to 'Chat," Nay City's too-
sssia, tss wihebslit tbelongedl, hsve ular hnmorous and society weeklr It
1 I sells for' 50 cents.

many plleasanit memories of the frieind
wciser pilgrimalge' ws so tirief.
Amnig the tseautiful flossereslind1u1-
d1e- the isnnysoulthiern slits thesy
hive laid hesr to rest. Very harsd it i-s
to rtesliz~e that we shalt seesier iso
moses, lutstom115tinme-
"'Ini the Ftht's maniusioni
Clothseud i eltiligrsas-e
Amid tbeautiful, wsitall sithe soul's cx-
Shsiliveuseliholid her facits,
Lecture on Philanthropy.
RabitLoI~uisosl' u~iiltlseiveredsiIso
lic-vi'es onitihe' usuro:- furnis -lbthil
Siate Boardl of Corrhetions asid ('hiar-
iies ye-sterdasy afte-rnoeion l the subi-
ject, "Scieistific Aspects of t'hilsan-
tchroy." 'T'e speaker leviesrei. at
lenigth tlse wlritin~gs of Iterbiert See-i
s-oer 015 the sutsjtct, tlsagres-issgsithi
himiio015the'potehstthat all csaeilisoarl-
an intolerancse. Souseetffiiliactson
wlt i ecssary lie believed'iifor thes're-
duletionsof paupi~erism is 111(c(rimse, aind
thsat this pihilasnthropety should lie sep-
arated frein all ideas of genserosity;
and sttiilint.
'he lelast lectisrte oisthe eirs' wli
tie 0il-en by Rev-. Smith, of Lassing,
neixt Wcshuesdasy on ltse subsjset, 'Tihe
IE'liihnatiolI ot the Crimiinal."
Mdrs. Jtarleys Waxwvorks Satlllay
night; beniefit of Wuoimens building;
25 cents.

Nt)'l'I CE.
A meetli of inspertance to womuen-
cyclists will be held Thsursdsay, Apsril.
231, 6:30 po. ssi. at the hsonie of Mrs.
Otis C. Johnoni, 52 S. Thasyer st. All
interested are u~rgenstly reqiueste-d to,
be present.
'The Daily wvill be deiv~ered for the
reminlder oh thse yealr for $1.
University Hall.
President Polie -'Cuinissiohii off
News York City, will lecture
~d.ission, 50 Cents
Lecture begins nt 8 o'clock.
Denst fail is read liteltie on page four
in regardi to the anuusl elrctiess.

~ heIves tatis B icycles. .,,.
The hee tha isswifter, stronger arid lighter ...®
~ I' than all others. Skilled workmen inakeit. 'Ihey ko o ocmiete raetsrnt ih "'
' thlb least weight. Toughsened steel, expert work- "
Id" rnanship, scientifie adjustment, carefnlly selected ""
m"' haterial, strength, beanty, lightness and speed are "
1 ! all found in thn Ben-Hur. Sims would he fastid-
.s- ions indeed wvho was nmot pleased with the heauti- "
~' ful outline and fine finish of a Ben-Hur.
Styles 10 and 20 for Women -------- $85 and $100
Styles h5 und 19 for Men-----------------$85 and $100
SThe Ann Arbor organ co.
- sv. 51 S. MAIN ST., ANN ,ARBOR, MICH.. as
SfSendfbr Handsome Illustrated Catalogue-sano

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