the . a
, t . a z,.
We desire to glve notice tat we W
WI pose tmake a big bid fr
k+ bi.ycla busness thi ease. We
SW have secured the ageyfo the
WI lilesr, n0 Itch hsas earned a W
hghrputaton a oaef the 110
bet wheels. msir;prier$100. we IN5I11
IN retain the aoncy for the
S that rxcrllet w tol, which has i
this 'erso ton so greatly i-
odt ht we sall miake it or IW
p ~ lae It is tic, best vale at f555
S and $150 you an fld. We alo ,1
ell tec LI-PER, a fie '~{
S whel at tM to *t. We taoist or gW
prices tat. Terms, cash or easy W
Ice Cream
Soda Water.
Fresh Strawberry Crush
. . . at . . .
Mwrnl's 0DRi Stole~
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
has just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and summer 96, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies Sporting Gfoods of
every description.
ttlerstylooktre, Opposnite ourtHouse
2 S. State 5. 4 N. Male St.
Students Will Counterfeit Wax
.Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works -will be
isresented ina University Bll, Satoir-
day night, for the benefit. of the
Womten's Gyimntasiumiifundi. Tih iisa
beein very sticcessfuil wherever given
andt wvith Miss 'MeCobb, who hastatken
utilhe patitomimte as t ofsessioni, as
contductor, s gooud producetion is as-
sutred. Mist MIIcCobb list presented it
a. ftishiosnable Detroit snutience last MICHIGAN WVINS THlE FIRST.
nitalit at Strassbunrg's lttnoing tread-
tiny ontAudamisaye., a bright, fland- Saginaw Dlefeated byv the Close
Siag ftsiili-urs f mieste- Score of 8S to 7.
e-is. 'Te only difference was that_____
Dicketis' Mrs. Jarley preseiited wax The first of the series ittgaines wsith
figitres that simultatedh the actioti of+ Saginasv was playeds yesterdaiy, and
human titbeings. while Mrs. hiley of ,ftest inigs of fairly gs lulal,
ltast night iessntthittnnbinu;gs tile gamtte u-sgis-en ts Mieltigati by
wotisitmulate'd the wax figtures.
'Wit, 1ttitior, htomtely sayingos,
straight arrowsvd tilts itlittmtnt rail-
ties situ s'selitlphilosopthy, ittekitty
eittitt-iatisn, Sirs. Utittitigtor i ritti-
a score of S to 7.
Flit ittlilt liii'Sligiltswv thu Ititide
off Scott, wits tctttiedthe ilboitx for
Michtigant for the f irst titmet, sas ill
the fouttitinitng Wvhtt-iUIticl gist to
tt mtany itmtportint citiestiking the tittr, btroadi ttlol jokes, miixedl i-it twvo-batggo-r anid fitlisit ci it-tby an-
patrt of Mrs. Jarley and alssays wcithi iittilt esourtesies andtia still mssure otlier its the silxiii. Saginawiss-)itbiei
greaot sticcess. 'rite fit-st reheau-rsl tsit- tqttinit costutime fosrmedl the ottrtas-tion their onty tbtll of Ito' gatite in tilt
tier Miss MecCsbb will be heldi todlay. as fat' as Mrs. Jutiley stas csns'urntt'ol sixth, wtithtety tittetl Scottt oiutsit
'The stage ittanagemnent swil b its lter 'Tir huitntitts mnitatiossnoof swtx igoires the isox, gettitig list'hits slot fist'
the direction of Mr. J. Do F. Itiar-is wvere exo-ellettanit lautghletu." rnts ini this sit'eiiinnigbetfioru'Scott
and he astwil bemad upas ol- New Edition of a French Work. n odnwr rpae yhle
lows: aitd Iolitits.
Hilstorictal Chamtiber-QueeinIstabella, A',itews-editiontiof IssNAs-stures tia *Witihilt' or toeixcepionthsAMi-fit.
Miss Botler; (Coloimbtus,tt. «'. StandiDelit-ryAtoetrage, thethtiirod ever patti tttytiotgiiooairl
tilt; Coetir de Lion, HL. .lrisswotd; pubtlished'o, tils lately tbeenin utrottue-d liatit gliii. clnneittty at stecstitt, toers
Mary Qoueeni of Scotts, Miss IPerrin; toby Instrucetor V. Ct. irtancois. A tio- a nottotlo' excetions, laooiiig tosUIio-
Alexanider the Greaut, E. V. Desans; graphficttl sketc-h of the athtlor, Chit:- biaggors to his credtit boesiodes maitll"n
Bruttus, C. B3. Grttshi; Chatrlotte tot-e- autlritint, lirecetdes the text. sevtrail cleser assists withi lut sit"
sday, Miss Attigail Huobbartd; A ilotn, STe wsork is ini the tormo of a histor-( erroor. lBlooingstoni at seconshtlsitk-
s. IE. Galburtaithi; Josephlinie, SlisAl- il iosel antd the reeits take Iplacei cot tilt positiohntduoring theo e('ite gamtti,
tmarene Orsborii; Diogeneis, J. Draoket; oboist the year 1:-t30. T'eMoiorishi, tillitng forth sevetre- oritio-istt frotmt tit'
Prinices Louise, Mists httei~ret Sptisihi a111 -rencht natitoitsare cti- cotchi.
Knioswlotn; Marquits of homne', It. L.tratt ltinte iction of repre-osntative lhe tieisitio wtic scti~telaim'ed toy
De-sn; Sot-siiByron, H. I. Weinlsteint; younlgminttoifsnoat-I. STe flioor andthit'Stagitnaw- ost temt blufari sitt ltlii
Maid of Attnn, MisBarney,;Ms-nj. ttl-theFrncmai eciioshtomie ('enamioured of tu' sixth, whiesi swithtih111'cor010'8to 7
i'rlohklin, Normanlh Flowvers; 'Minle. Its- the vsitor of She Spiaitrd, with tiesuit Hehulill ot tihird, luliesthtrte'w
laind, Miss Younlg. rtsutlt, howvetr, thaotntithier suces-uThrpetouttot n tl first 15101Mclenzie ru'-
Clttssical (uhamer-Achilles, F1-'.3,in inn5tinsg 1hcr affection slnd te'Mour, Iturned it to the llt'. 'l'hlu ltlirs'
Hl~tl; Slitters-a, Mils E. Walks'r: Atusnceroige, te bust of his rtace, re- decu-lied thiat lItiuitis calt-Htem-tp-
Venuos,SlisIHallack; tRomnitu Maltronturnis tto the dseort to tile. hillthutos rtiritig te Sauginiawos litu-hi
Slists t-i'liersot; Orticcli, Sit, Written in 1826, Soy Chtt'utbtbtlll, altlotughi it seeu'ietu-ihutto'ht- gutto-al
Johnstoin; Jtuno, Sits Snmith; Antdro- thie'book hbetit iit'suteone'iniEmog- ohpiioni of those wos-utsass t'e play
isactie,SlisDoutgltas; Atuchiseos, SMt. ltaidiatid oncet',it Amicbuttt both thalt Hemplhitll wastsafe5aldt Cairtuiutii
h'tsinuyl; tornelia, Slits l'oitltuiits; editors scout tothase ovserlookesd tileGoldibe so Clabitmes.
Miscellatneous Chtaber--Cosv Ito5-, faict tlthat itluty lussugyes ii tile bio;'fTle trows-ti stitthelt'irg O si's-hi it
J. N Quarleo; Oplielia, Slis.Allent; hav-t es-sentSransilatediword for swordi 5110'atthletic tield yet Stthi ts-os~l, ost
Presisienit of Brosw-ning Societ~y, Silts in tie 'Alhiatmbra" andui"Gtranada"ht of fals-t o showssveriy nttu-hi lustiissit
G3. Bacon; One of Te-tnnysn's Lighit Irs-bug, written three or foutr yeatrs 'Test-ore aindisummatlory follos:
Brigaite, Ir. Chester Boonie; Primia latelr. SIt.'.Fticois hiss takentaidsass- Ininsgs------------.. 2 3 4 5 0
Donnas, Siss 'tXetiuore; Inian, C. H. title of this ftact, and inii his anttiia- Sougiucos.e---.1). ....0 1 1 05-7
Slices'; Puritan Slaiden, Sis L. tioni takes must of tilt littertary ntutets -ichiigatns- - 1 1 2 1_ 453-8
Stickney; Old Dantcing Lady, SLisa frosm Irs-bugow-ile le, thiiself enutpilies Batteieis-MIbichgasi, St-otttush tout-
Steinmuetz; Flue Giggler, Slits Duiffy; thie grammtusaticasl totes. Somtocpasts- sdonu, Miller andtH lmeiss; ,Sagintaw,-
Nitio, Sis Meard; Goldens Luc-ks,'- ages are e'xpulaiedi by tratnslatedihFerry anid Heiti, ansi Sprantger.
Slits Gibbes; Topsy, Miss Bevens; A Spaunuisshualladis. Anothier fuature of Struok out-By Io'err, b5,hy Hims 1,
Footbuall Player, H. N. Sentter; Swviut the booko is the dietinuitbis inloll tile by Scott 2. 'Sitte buttehits-MeKisi-
Alice, Mliss Meemn; Ben Bolt, A. L. ipropser nttuies tintS occur in it. 'Ir.i-.sey 2. FTwo-bause hits-Wotoiuis, Ghoin-
C. Atkinson; Dick Swiveler, It, C. Fruancois is indebted to Sir. Btandotut url 2. Donule lalys---Rthe~tsrfotrd to
Bonrlanid; M~me. Mlurray, Sits Bvllhis;- for assistance Ili the preparation of Canzel, Hlsito Mclenite to
SMrs. Jarley,.Sits Mary Selien She- the edition. H-olmues.
Cobb. SMr. Fruancois alto expects to hiao'e it A facnlty concert will be guves tit
Of a recruit production of SMrs. Jaor- French reader issned by Jusie 1. 'huIe - thue School of Sinsie tonight.
hey's ttax Wonks at Detroit, under tile hook is So be edited by Sir. Levi and SMts. Jarhley's Wax Worko commuittee
direction of Sliss McCobib, the Detroit Himnself. It still coctain selectiotns desire to acnowledge the couartesy of
'Sribune gays: front standartd French authtors, stud 'hillips & Purker, of the Inland iPStess,
"SMrs. Jarley and her wax "flggors,",aill bofre fromt the "fairy tales't of studSMr. Sid Millaord, whuthlier of-
the average French reader'.
quaint acid instructive, ridiculous and Teetv ok tl rbbyiofered to print thue lrogratia acid ick-
askward, yet surrounded by an atuit us ied extecasbvely in lice French courses eta for the entertainmuent Iin uiver-
phere of homiely pathos stepped before of the U~nversity next year. sity Hall, Saturday, Apuril 26.