MIGIOAiNG NL Good Tailoring New
ime Table (Revised) March 1, 196.EATWS.--
M.Y callndE-5 0 Mal-N9 No lottery schemes. You pay for what you get and
N. Y.SpeciL... 50 . Y. special.--. 7 30 c
Eastern Ex....10 12 N. S. imited.... 25 CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitted
Atlantic Ex_-7 10 M Pacific Ex.-i2 M. anti guaranteed. Thousands of students are amongst ou
D.NEspress.-- 5 40 Western Na-___255q
. W. IleocnS, n. W. HAES, from. Full line of samples at the Cook House eveiy s.,JJj
G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Ag. Ass Arbor Tuesday. It will will pay you1 to see the line
S If your bicycle neds ceuig or i:: rrive
RAILROAD. repairing Tucker & Co., 1S N. F'ourtli
Ti er Table, Jan. 12, 1e96. live., is the place to get goal1 work
NOTH. SOUTH. done 01161 a1 pricecothai will sut .lli.
7:20 . m. ( '70a.
4:15 p.m. :ip. m. ful line Of rip-io-da:te sundiies. Ourp
All raise daily except fSnday mcotto is "Live and let lt.. A-A'
a. alas ran betveecsAnn Arborand Toledo uonly. 4
W. 11. BENNETT . P. A. Toledo 0.
All candidates for '97 hoteball tesa ; '-
ANN{ ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, BY evrferoon for cais teclorWashington Bloc.
Time Table, Oct. 27. 1895. W'. hti!LES'TlIIN't:, aptainH h n
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St.,7:108.0: TUl1 ILCOE-& 'OS anan i.)d OperaVUI.) se
and 11:00 a. i.; 12:45,2:15,5:00,6:41,9:1ad
10:45 p. m. Liiie of Bitycles at prices fronit40 to
Leave Ann Arbor Jonction, 3,:,7:40,9:15 aed Ar0e. O 7Coaerroct:e.Weretin Sae
11130"nvm.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, :45 adn a nd Cri1:1,-t-at.WeretP.m adrepair ~wheels. Ar orc hp, MONDAY, APRIL 27TH.
SUNDAY TIMIE._______ Best in Quality,
Leave Ypsilanti from Congrsst.,l:30,3:30, is Cuttt ) tw , o-lTe ply yes ae witn to sc. E-
:00 :30 and 9:00 p. m. sCalteO.Soegn l Reasonable 1in Price gtsmct of Sidney711E1lis Co,pe
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00,5.30, pialist and accoillllalit. 1Itne plrty ooseatingtegeat meohdrmi,
7:00 and 9:0 p. m. stifatoil flld.Adc rso AGLEtT
Cars run on city time Fare: singe tripl15 engllgelOntt Daifcoiyfle.A-ark7 est Ru -
cents; round trip tickets 25 cents dress No. 40 S. Untiversity avie. W.FPAKRSptGPO.1J C. S H I RTS,9 By[ GratainneCy fosuperb
Seiorin:o ay liil]Ite lasstreasrelceilroutin 1eey fet1e a
STI T ENTSep.estduand cs-ry sen i-dcecdlas
S'U EN'SI in the stew:rlsfice :11:-:t.I~y, Wed- 89 S. STATE ST adverted. lDontlail 1:oe te 'ihiilist.
If youwant ood rliabl lifeinsurnee~cal Re~ay an Fridy lhomil-'rossm9 sodedtzeos Exilehe Eil tioationonthe
o y resgd TreliabefieleaNo- l no 1,ndFila lo5lu.frm L. A. W. Bicycle Shoes. ret Siberian od.
o Fre iortaer lc o.1 . to 9:30 o'loc. PRICES-lBoxs $;Paruet, 75c; Prqet
Forhe __________ ______________________ Cirle, 50 Gallry 7D.
Tlhere is :u decidledt prospict of an
Bicycle .Repairing. ioterlnity baeballu league con-~lLIE ~ ESTRGFS
Bicycles Enameled and mll kinds liisu ind iol fraiternitie. o Isonoily one kinld Perhaps a " U. of
of machine work. deinite' arranlgemen'1ts halvi yet beeln of a race.IFiiid- M." spoon or pin?
made b'uhot each te'oin~ will poaly ly XOslIIIO the A hindoone line
HU T R w aresaie iihlthect whichl will of suiale noelies.
N. 9 East iberly St. ther. W ~ I1flJ ELRf STeORE
RENTSCHLER, csmm e fewLetures, tniv-. of Vtrginia. - EIE B nA[ LL RACES RfIUU L0LySOE
Juyrto i-pt. 1, li(. i:'r sudents ,and 111 LAffTErnErrn CATFF,
1 T O 'R lcrittor. 27thi year. F:r cataloge, ad- l oi oe of Itherirr 20 E. sohng-
dr~( ahn- a)z"IANN ARBOR. MICR,. R. C. lIlNOit,Secrectry 1 lthis xs of110 d Se e tr
Just Received a Lrg~e nd6ElegantOdstee
Lin~o of 'eow Pipes! IBestd $101 Ditile for $7111 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING
Hot unchs, hocoatosandn't frilo cia-llsd Opposite LAW building.
Ho Buceocoae nd = Btrucfrhei onns. -/f o ~Remeomer w rcltheonly exelusive licy- TERMS $2FOR THE REST OF TIE YEAR,
M7 T Pr c ol(crlnteicounty. $ l
R.E LL &CO E i Do't haveo :anythngo else 0o do ht by,
20 S. State St., Sagr Blohk.-r e Se1ll entRcpai or rae iBicycesc. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL
lone 4Y 9Don'toCorel the'p'nee. RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS
R ND LL -,. Tudker &Co I's G "e e E [:Silwq
P h~iot1o g ra p h e r OCnoxoss t' Enre Ann Arbor, Mich. Whroelale Cigr, Tobccsand Cigretts
15 Washington Block. 10. - , . c5 . C H E ES 1 - m . b1
Th n lepn Cr iec.H YeEwen Tolo"sing "Out~
2ES. STATE eds nd Columbs.
OP& C. STREET. f +ThneO Cull;nleping or Drawing Room lar S E EE We have left a fair etock of
Call on them for MintweTla doumu ad PIN:-II. of M.© . A. H. S.l orso
Fine Luncisee, The Onlg Drawng lRnem ar Line beuween The fiest in the city. Come and see--TflTC
Fine Chocolates, Tledo, Colmbssand Charlsto, __________________ W IIG I1LI
and Baked Goods. W. V.
Try Our Lunchs. Pullman Sleepers between Columbus and which can be closed out as
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chicago. ANN ARBOR follows:
THE ONLY e LINE wTh 4 trains ech wayudallyMAOT20PGEABT, 5
CTEL&LOADbetween T~edo and Colmbus. MMOH TBE, 5
TONLY LINE ,with 5 traa nsehwag n 20}AG
ISnady beween Toedo and Colsmus..GO
Albany, N. Y,, binren Toledo, Goia rsn and -l
Makers of vmsEE"OLY LIN wi tealasehwnrdaill7GO RTNGTBE, -
Makers Of betwee Toledo nd Chareton, W. v. CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C
$ ixyand the viasi. ln -
T131PPUA LINES between T'oledd o Folo.T i-w dry WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB.
UtO ranec.wall eeenrflelve 10ratehdlbmsaof , This stock will cot be replaced.
forYale '0,Harvard Agenolihe OhIo enrl Lno. Come quick for first choice.
96, Princeton'98 sod MOULTON HO0UK . P. A. orhA e
we add with pleasure Michigan '96 TOLEDO, OH4I0 No. 23 S.FuthAe rgus Printing House.