THE UNIVERS~ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during tihe Colegn Yar, at THE UNNERSITY OF MICHIGAN Dentsn: Times building N. Main St., oppoite post office. EiDITORIS . F. T1O51AS, '7. W. W. tli'0t, '8. E. 1 Orsnei, '90 it i. M, Leos, '0. 0. 11. iawn, '13. F. S. SBsi)nS,'0-. i. C. UuN~nwoo, '9. tIAGIND SEDITORt G. B. iiaasOo, '90 L.. BUSIN1ESS MA1NACOEPO L. C. Wmai,%n,'5. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Thayer, '91 L. S. I. Smit, '6Li. S. W. Snie,'7. W. i. Oorrill, '0. J. L. Walh, '00 0. . B. SilImn, '08 L. C. 13. Roei, '981D. Louse Dodge,'1). B. B. eliany, '0. 11. Corwin, 'l. The sscrition pricof01tie Daily bs been reduced to Sil00 in adansce for the ret of the year. Laeenubsciptions atthe Daily nifc or with P. C. Oeye, U sf M. News Stand. Editor of today's papr: E. L. tlEtSMIEt, 'S L. The ledritiors of le Wo'en's Inatder hove menit'twil a dserveds ucess ii the ae of their ipublictin. Te irst edition wast quickly exasted antd lbseceiiiiedition ws a dced 0en salte yester'day. 'lislcosisst of a limitetd llilmber of cotie ndas the i- disiatiosart' that the sdemadiu ill exhiaiust this ediioin. The nsutr hbsn attracted icoiisidrabeti eniitin ot- side of Anni Arir anld it will 1il- donblidly aceelishliliall that iis cel- tors hoipled for it. Tlie vereoc li-i- payiig Air. Smilsl's drawing, ushi has taisoed much favoratle eiielt' heeralio of lts literary iiiirit woo con- tributed by Misa Gertrude Buck. Society Program. At the imeeingo eii Alpha Nsi Society Saiiurday iigt tie folieso lg pregrami will le givei: Msic, Mise Leing andiieiurlilled; etlgy on Me.- Iiily, F. tiisier; eulogy on theed, Mir. Webster; reading, _Mis Nash; dream, Mr. Cubb; debate, "tenolve J, That sll usury laweslhtuld be abol- isled," afirmative Mr. Engelardi and Mir. P'au, negative, Mir. Stiisen and M11r. Shehu; imusie., isses Lo01g anod Burc'fieild. 'The Jeffersoniain Society lhasn 1110fol- lowing program aniiounced to be given at itnseeting tonight: Speeh, r. Stranaban; biography, Mir. Ketner; fiye iilte tak, My fist experience at the U. of Ml., Menr. Kolioute, Sanders and Itanson;imlupronpt dis- cussion, affrmative, Mr. Bagley, og. ative, Mr. Mul; reading, Mir. Cross; delansition, Mar. Blis; debate, "te- solved, That the United States nioud estabisnh reciprocity In place of pro- tection," affirmative, Mir. Ciadan and Mir. art, negative, MAr. Mllarg gad Mr. Ewing. DECISION Or TILE COURT. Relief Asked for by the Uni- versity Granted. Tile opinion of the Suremle Court inl granting the imantamius proceed- ing asked by the Regents to comipel au restoration of the rate of interest on the t'niversity funids to 7 per cent was written by Justice i-ooker. it is in piart as fllows: "It appears to be cneded," says tie opinion, "tha~t the severl laws providing for ite piayient of iterest upon01 the University funt, entemn- plaltedl its cmlputatin at 7 per cent, that tbeing the legal rate It is a gen ersl rule of construction that where all act is pasisel for it patirlculr pur- pose, it is not abrogsted by general legislation, suficienly brsad to in- elide it, unlessIte its-t beobr- gate it is clear, This would seiu iecisive in this cs, tnles we were to say that tie legisltulre intended thast Itie lgal ais should be ptaid u1001 the fiiiid, whatever the rate might be. "It is reasonable tii sppose thst the framser of the interest 1w 11111 lit in miinid the questionl of iterest upon edulcationial fuiids, and if le had, tlicrc is nthiiig to call aentin to that subject in the bill or title, and wlie we tie not say that this would be fstal to the bill or exclude tie rel- ter's ententioin, if the intent were mlanifest the cnsrutioinu hers' giveis to thils at is in harmony with the constitution, -whisipresides safe- guards agsaint concerted or iill- tended legislation. 'Ihee prinipico seeii to s cociclsve of the questin,) anld the writ usill isste as payyed, bet withsott costs," Death of Josephino Hyde The followiig is takeis from a letter to oiie of the Anni Arbor gil, and usill be received uiths rgret by many of the prestt studetst: 'J esaves loot' their time to fall, An lo iwers to wiher at the nortli us-nd's breath. And starse to set,-but all,- Then hst sll sasos for tline own-. Dli Death' " "very forcitly were the above lins implressed on Inc a few eveing since us-len word reached me ef tie death of Josepihine Hyde at L~os Angeles. on Tuesday, April 1. A little over a year and a halt ago se with her mother left Ann Arbor for Colorado, hoiing to find in it chage of limate strength to resist the in- roads of thne insidious disease which usa even then casing her frieds miuch anxiety,'After