M f& +A t* is workling oevere injury to the sclloi4. Obey Caspar Whitney. CALENDAR.
-1''cnehee( M liii' (0ev~e11 on., Jan. 13, at 4:30, Room
~f'~t+ ~ (iiJ.. of(sotudrient ame herelwo1fr1aw h-ed s01110anxiety oil tile Pacitic Coast. 24-Meeting of Freshman Banjo Club.
Pubhshe Dal Sna rcpe)doig(g bneptiicecolleges idarinig the if the tollow in ig holalch frmoSail Fri., tan. 17, S p. in., Unhversily
0'acltioll with a viewv to etrigtlisIac Hall.-Choral Union in oratorio of
the ollee yer, a ellerin Fralcico-, 0(111to vcsterihiy'o patiers,
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. s ,ia. 'tn iciiglo, " e. an 2-eensiet
OFFICE: Times buildiing N. Bale at., opposite lelirill lthat ililitels -werestil un l- Wieecdi mturAhei As. To., lan. 22-96 nscialet.Ca
past office.ThPaicAmtu tllteAs-Tu.'a.3-9SoiltGrn
____________________________________setthliiiiididecllditto remalinin ll('li- cia loll has sulspenlded SlailfordIni- grsAaey
C. 1. Ror, C. L. 3. F loos, ersiliy Athletic Assaciaitliil and thie Iri., J1a11. 24-tRea'. T. DeWitt Tab-
S. E. KcAnsi'r, '9. G. tR. Si1i,. 'the attention of theisup~erinten'ldent Acme Atletic club of tOaklanid for (r-
We. . . FAciozs, '55 51. Weid., Jan. 2l), Cranger's Acadeimy,
- lf it riiiiiiIis callilt to the tact tht lillilli 1(0111iiies. It has alisii 551- -97 social.
14, WAGINGSIOR th111'sma(11 toy iseiel'iy too 1muclhirpnildeicvery auileur at(lecee who Fri.. Feti. 14--le'st Seimeater closes,.
C. B.IIlAiiiIsai1v, X93 L. eihnc iitieci1iil 11ca is takin lpiit in lly1(a(thlicc -cte, t Oton., Feb. if-Secinnt Semester tie.
e1111 1,11 1ioililthhercorimioisdoni'days~
BUSINES S 3ANAGEII -whicll affordi iopportuitiy for snlowbal-sneJ,1utl h4rcodcne egi'i' F
L.C9w 1i,'t..tiioioi h i 110es iiniti'd (an111 hliii' ., Fb. 14, S p. in., IUiversity
L.111rl~x 'f. ig. Knoclkin~giioff'lie hats of tlaI Hatltl.-Hton. Henry Watterson in S. L.
ASSOCIATE EDITORIS and inarilcal stuidenits is perhaips li-eso rfosoeas uieb A. course.
L. A. Pratt, '06. C. 0. Beath, 'I6IP. laudabl'e enterprie for 1111111boys, bt Caspar.1Winey dispirov(ed. 'fhe tPa- Fri., Feb. 14, Wateriman Cymnas-
C. A. iloutghton, '51 D. Susan nah tll(11d501,9 c1111Aiiiteiurl Athletic Associathioin- um-Twsentieth Animal Ball of th'
W. WI. (Inches, 'li. E. L. Gtisre,'9A L. tin 'psort is carrieil rather lois farcduide ~ 1( ii lli l vrliPallaiumiifrateritiies.
R. C. Bnod, '57ii. II. It. Camnon, '5001. whun it is directedl aa,dst the womenI sSot Feb. 2(1-Icosion Templee(hear
F. A. Minere 'i6H. R. B. tReily, '99. P1ciic C' 1s151and1i(, ltself <a nilier St. F' ,
G. . Shrma,'9. whoilan' obligecd to use' (liecaiiis tetten'ill S. L. A. course.
The subiscripioneiprice o1 the Daily lias rltol apt Aliny1,',ha
hers reduced to 01.111(1 odvance for (tic ret occurr'ene 01111 shioulil be 'ttiiiic'(. 'ir'EICprf htly(i lag TIe '6 FOe Ie sHta1oIdoffr
of (lie year. trace soliscristiorss attsr _____the____iili tilnalu ue la-lea T'l pi"esf($15ifor hoardt soilrta
Dully office or with I'. C. OMeyer, U. o' ci is 51 utt find f h Ui isrec~ciuilin ('alifernia, andl uhat the1111rieo$1futlebssht
ItisgrwiyiigISftan(]of.ii'li.story on a legall subject. Contribii-
__________________________________ isily to 111t11'that tliiincreaiseill oelii lllteiC l~~ii~i tioras froiiialldeelartmielots are incoited
Sioted I-iar-'eliy t oifuwn w cr-\e lot a0111the tioaeul res ervefthe r"it to use
Sio far this yearite iisual( cltulilaiilt the aiD ildaice is id'ciididcin spte ' of
thiat liii' eastern ithlic cities haven'iihieli siftinlg abouit ill several if the 01117'recoguied a10prlie scionitls. Otii1i1manuscript submitteud. nti ua.yatnint h an ie~rnet hsya.Tesois eekoi ob fdsettap OIE
inth es r~ aiedt mk issettoa esaina )(11 bot 0 , crriceli' _The Castalian mwill offier either a
1lpalliale( .Inlillical dcptiniiit were -w iidely cir- Prof. Volucy 1I. Spioliling alndiMiss caish prise of (lot less thlan tell (lolars
i'illlli('(, espiecially 'ill the Xi ist, hlt Ettie Southmsurlh, of F~oriestillie, N. Y or a series of bookzs of eiqual mvahie
ill (rl~c' furcsim' (in illathfeir the best ipoemo submititeidoil or
It is i rdrfriiu oein'101 'hy apipear t iii111'hail 1(0offet s weri' llllrrii'i on New' Year's iday7. bfieJ ,'iy1. om c'aiig
ority' to rise 10 ('OlililllA0117'tliii'far is l~ttclillelie is iinviilveid. It was 'l'ey' oillire'siidi'at oil '1'iliilipsal st. 10 college life preferred.
()1 1GL.trofessor Hillsdale hats just entered
nihty urngth t:1a~i moc nt ald blicotialiuiiinfeiienioliiiintlill All ithisiefeaotball 1payes'i'l'5 111re- (uponThhis annullal series of lectures 011'
lighitieihduringthie ciiliegi'e er. liih1e0doiii'lcriinli'il ciii'of its zmost ci'is'cd Rercv'e welliers th1is fall a1ri'e tee,"h Iiuiceo«hisini
anilglillec sp(iiir'tci laliig liii' iiital reilli'l'it i'a lhinA'akcUpim Ailcient andilMedhiaval Eilica-
'RlwOes tricll Asaciatiola isi' '.liirttendac('fur this ear(It Ill iotiigrlhi galleiry a111he1o'icliiockl;shap, tiol.' Tile lectures rouse '1iesday,
lmilO eeslgi i'i' ~lllliiO ,,Saturiday. January 15, dressed inlfool- WiiedyadThmrsday, ? at 2 o'clockttr a1I1cla 11n ~n _.~f l ~ n,,nli lqt ensdyad1h1'dy a 'lc
__ .
11 t0- nt n _rni 11-14 it'IAr+n rn llrtI III-r 1 11 tlr
tionlthanlit receiveid ill (lie attendianice ille~olleIwl ic )0)
at mte. eyeiaiorfh ', lictirei'tuirday ________ _____
eveninag. 'I lzeeuvrii 51' «00hli res ulls 'lheire'has been marked lil'0s''-i
in securinig leetilr('r- of such icceei mai-i' cllg ubiato: sue
shou(lid iri-time ,lt itill ii uplplort,.dhr li'e4etiill of eliulcitis luriing liii
'rie facunlies -wi-ri'we00111 ritecd liast few y eiars. Ill i(aidy c('sis tis
at the uecture, but 11t'einuberrof tu-is-1in11tile faieeof tleiiinidiffercie' of
dents hresient 00110 muchilelss 111h11i ithi'e'ollegi'auhohritii's, o paehhi-
Shoeiuldel1100ie ee. 110o1 demands sllchi a eerou tens oi
- 1as tile ediig <and pulinbshing of a
Reigenat Farr 1is1a111(011 0hol0lh111' new0spapier 01' literary joiurnal, (alid
Un1iveritymcall countllup1o11fur i oeous most of ithis wrorh ilt colige' or (lii
stshppsrt. W'hile his satire, a gift in 'ersii7- is carriedil 11adduiltoin ii
Osiliel he is sahid to pose couletrabtle the eiitor'c regular studiew. hlomes-r.
powser, lasrinaturally' mattie' many 07'('lB'crane of the collegi' publcatiiins, riot-
ihiies for 1him1,lile hasl it ipipulalrity ill altihie tharsard Admucate. I1110-(r-
lits district wiliell is a lestioiia~l to sits' of tPennsy7laila. Courier, ('055111-
his public spirit. tHc is eminlently' cat)- lbla, Siectatol' anrd Unisversity- of ti-
able for the piositlin anid hts abiltty crisis Weelj-, soill ziot suffer at (hC
and pus1h cii iirilidoutely stanid ithe hanuds of colipletelnt critics.
YI'nivc'sty ill giioid sted durng the-
niext eight years. Fourteen Hundred Seats In Sell.
hail costumle.f at Tappana Hall. v
.A11 studient lis0ho intueniitho take Gulitar for Sale-A Grand Concert
Lainli (The111'Itali'cIDialets) inexti asbuntuitar forsle heap.For
semste ar reuesed o ntif measfurther particullars apply at tile Itoh,
euill (is possitile, 11s tile1100110 foreir113 and 5 E. Washinglton st.
nur-se 111(st tie implortieiifromii (er-
1(11117. JOhN\ C. RIOLFE. Advertise in the Daily.
Tile editors of the Daily desire to call special attention
to the fact that the paper will he issued up to commence-
ment this year. Subscribers who leave immediately after
the examinations of the second semester can have the
Daily mailed to them without extra cost, This arrange-
ment enables them to keep fully informed on University
affairs during commencement week.
The Daily is not a class publication; it is devoted to
the whlole University and gives the news of every depart-
ment. It is the only medium devoted to University affairs
covering everything of news interest relating to this insti-
tution and happenings in the college world.
The Daily wiii be delivered at your door or mailed to your
home address for the remainder of the year (until June 25,
1896) for $1. 501. Leave your subscription ,at the Daily office,
at Mey er's News Stand, 46 E. William, or with any memsber
of the Editorial Board.
It is to beliohiedI hhat.11aiiimlatle
and hit ei1'u7'sel'tiiehlt caiiit (oihi' of
departntel.Is alffrs a((indi'ucte1'd
at priesent iin eahinnec owhichll iiiin-
sure' liosperity' 1o tile'selunolif 1u1dis1-
lurbudl. A rem~ova~l to Detroit would
fail to allio' 11e5'sellool to gain the
1(1-igae it suhul have utill lsslloule
could be made 115 to is ability to oiler
a thoroughl cource. '1115secoul(lot be
done for 50111 years, as an appropia-
tion for laboratories would hore to be
asked from the legslature. At any
rate, the present condition of th ings
'fie rushl for reserved seuts fthe11
Mauy t'u'utival ms-os more, thuana olwhi
was expec ted. Tihere are 3,10)0 siets
to be sold for' 1111 occasion of ovill
'111 renmaineder mill be sold today,
thue othece being011011 for tile sale of
tiekets at 10 o'elock.
All catndidate. for 'V'arsity Baseball
Teala ms n111 in thleir naime, 1osi-
tion thley are tr'ying for, and depart-
in University. Hand manes to 1E. V.
Deane, 44 E. Ann st., or Ed. C. Shlelds,
35 S. Thayer st, ihuinedialely.