Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895.
Malland Ex-0__350 Mall-_.__ _8 5
N. Y. Special---. 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 300
Eastern Na-i- 1H12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25
A M. P. M.
Atlaetic Exn-__7 3? Pacific Ex.---12 10i
D. N. Eapress....- 5 40 Western Na-___2 0
G. R. Eapreos ...ii 05 Chi. Nt. Ex--.-10 28
G.RExs . 1--- 57
G. P. & T. Act., Clhicage. Agt., Ace Arbor
Bavingcpurchesdlherfulllinecof.-ccp,l sates, isnives and razorsfro en lery
Sac , on ae t a500, 1 ut f5 el c nsct, wecoolsoffe scthem tlohesame discount,
A clod paire of skc(actesor7c now 35o A nice pocket knife at from 8c to 35c.
Aood raor t 50eothers'cc7i5, sad $L25
LCACM & COO~PANY, Furniture.
56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. 'Phone 164.
F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailor
I U rTihat we cveryouefrom $3to $10 on everybSt osOvecoat, bought of cs?OWe doc.
"hh W~e r rloght p inebuccsness, and know wherofcesfcpeakl 'Twill pay yoato look at
RAILROAD. our sample~s bcfore baying;elsewhcere.
Timer Table, Jan. 12, teen. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR.
7:2 a. m. '7:400a. mn E contlributions),. (hose whch, as the 'prol-
*12:20 P. M. 11:4 am. A FEW LITERARY NOTES. eols ias,"aematrou bt
4:05 p. m. 9:21lp. M.1011 ((R sis olioill, 001
All trains daily except Sanday slow to 1(11d0 a5 lialket 00 110 o(c
'Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo .,ts togfellro f(lctOr-ei
only. Itrsi faueo h urn
R. S. GREENWOOD, Acent Ieis flicesoCO ites 1 onservative, sltendeies of Ofls' ohler
W. H. HENNETT G. P. A. ToledoeO. lliiOiel'/of s'c'." (Ils'aof tlcsa(r(iileroii
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, this'world's wairs 1a1d1riots (If 101(3, C(ritbli b. 1-d11eI llis, «-oc woo grad
t r~t l ra°tIli mlalls;,an11111 0 rlr,s-er
1111 Issifrooc lircliosllicilli 'l9b L. It
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. sksetrc of Aid lucl ili~l, sulitlili f Toe.
loec (is- I1ls'slilis'Can sil i 101tlil 110 11(-11 2l
Leave Ypsilanti from Concress st., 7:10,8:45 ley, iby X\N-. ."cSealso )r Albert Sisow
and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:153ad ta o o' I:' ier rssdtfil ltsrds ll ie L.x ' lltl5'llls' Ilelle r,
10:41 p. m. dsussten~ osiuino
Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 7:40,9015 and etfl(aoilt vlihi n noefc ulse ytesm iil osi
11:30 a. im.; 1:11, 2:00, 1:30, 7:15, :40 aicd 11:15 itl 'ioilo ii-i0-slt(~)ef s f111i1'ld (IV UN~ s 0, ilskltromalssbse(a
p. M. ( lcke''111. s
SUNDAY TIME, 1111 jill1.r, 0.,it 11°slecu~
Leave Ypsilasnti from Congress st.,1:30, 3:30, rc c c . o~'sololl~rsbispopcu
:00,06:30 and 0:00 p. m.t e(,1 o-mnthBahlro ,(IstoidcItettitsnjbslel
Lea-re Ann Arbar Janction, 1:00, 4:00,0:30, We (11eincll(s'H lsor If -sil to l(Isls'lsiItiss bllil
7:00 anld 9:0-0p. m. solely il ein'reusio ieS~~ge
Car ran on city time 1'are: single trip 15 lArt4s Is lorooglliy illp-lo-l(:ce-(111eitslo iheSr~ls
centscauned trip tickets 25 cets. (s, elog 'olrs~sodisce Srlcosl (If .1ill-
WM F A RK 'aiERi, Saps. r pu-bleo: lll) l(ii0'or 5 i i551751-
THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL fziie ile, fiteraryj matterlin(i a112
forully of arisco Suaelly, andlitss(ll
" WHiOL.E SALE (JIG-ARBS ll.rrlllboobss )11 lcliicerciSw1t000, illdl'l
TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. r::llepgists'atlticIs, et'., sare'condcteareilc'52 N1(Itmd tCnal filr
Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Isy silisuch lI-loisnli criters a (,11:11: 01/l 111sls 1sc''o-i
Moniey to Iloan on personail property. w01Si.':l lsrtll+,illd11 slls'ar ('Cmp. 0 s -:it 1 l is 11,1:111
Pill llsl-l'llll'hisjus1t1elite1151 is sc
bolob by (tcin authollr, '"Al's-itl~s o5f
R A N II L and11e111 bu17i11) 115 hisslll-:111517e faite; or, Ste s toSorressan51101 s::s'i.'
photo raph r .1 1 .1 0 llildilcg Series' by 11011i111101, _ltlfllD
Trill lill sane 1 ' s 1f8323 cf tresidlent & ('0. It is i il e (s salv111 vsillcas
15 Waslhington Block. _Stoliroe, e<siil~g11 sil-teSaemoent.(If tliiic(I(sl-ol":111sa
'1 (:1'''Solioc 1o5-l-iis'" isic lesi (111- o sli- r'li fllr te 'r ol111 and(is l
0 S. STATE vrlyrifrenltt l.soo
lv u r &, uU1 STREET. + f fishe lc'l nfull(1y ths' direc-tors' (Ifi011' 111ileisnrco-y:11ldl'(l'rlii~ll:11111 wci-b
Call on them for 1(1d Sosithiworkasc No. 35i of llceir se2r- h11e111 Il,seat g men1111 sre ldesc-ribed'lin
Fine Lunches, ies ssb"Ol(d1:1 51111Leaslests.'' 'lic'ean iii ~lirinb 00:17, while t(liellotio (s11
Finn Chocolates, i-lat fc:1sistofhelllllicbsbe(Ii:' s'ii and110e'111of es-is-l i s -siis
and Baked Goods., cait omtsii filo ai
iislocea lsduilisslts, s'saell Iannio:tsted1 tsr 1:11 beeii s-src'fulo sly se sl d. Ihr.
Try Our Lunches. Slsic'sel his sree ivsedl mail)-ilicli 10111-
001111 rsfseirsnees, to t(liebst lite'rsature
- jsicsles'ilccegti-1inihis flrst boo1k. :and
C haifinig ED is Iies 1111t(lie subjset ?ig(0I I 'ilisy 1117 s-eo i'pred' iicthn".5.llit(5cts sof' isil"'
o b(:n'll i'frso te(ii:' drs 'sorssf tics'OldI xwill blos' A elli resesivesds. $1.50. 1Foi
f 5 O'cloc0k Tea KettleS SouthiAWork, ((lsiSolli Meetiglice-11551,5 sc h Urg Vfu
I l Bo.U. OF . PINS. Ho1l.'111170110 flINIll N 11100-AG17
ft Tics'S '.1h Allc'r s':l Oioirsty SligicI f yoil travel on-' tlsllsolil:1limiles
Jewelry Stoer. fori'I)s''s'liile~r gos lrli lilroi du-I 3ring teCur y~I ~sosill 55105' IllO('y
H A N~e GS E R F E , C AT E E R ('111 si(tntion, i a sllea i g rilelsb e ii g by 'p urb entin 1gsin t ae t l os~iik~ d e il e tic k( set.
A G ERE 20 N. Washint, SXhletecs at th' limyvsrsity o;f tonist, suced by Ihydoto of Ohio Central Lieso.
T.o. & C.By. K. &M. Rya
Sellid1throughs trasiss bilers:nToledos, Ohio,
and( Cha:rleston1, W.V. , viia Clubus, the
nsort sand only direct rease.
Toledo, 0.
Kenton, 0.
Columbus, 0.
Athens, 0.
Middleport, 0.
Pomery, O0.
Pt. Pleanant, W. Va.
Richmond. Va.
Peternburg, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Williamsburg, Va.
Newport News, Var.
Norfork, Va.
AnsOal sout:eastern pcihts. Elecant tIiroc trains.
l'or farthe~r infssremcticosnccll on ycur lccl
Wicksrt Arentorwte
MlOULTON 110CR, Ces:'l Pas-o. Ace.,
Tolbedo, O:
WT. A. PETERIS, Michicas Pass. Arenst,
seritl. Mich.
The modern stand-
12ard Family 'Medi-
cine : Cures th
w omon every-day
This space is reserved.
for the Grand Opera.
If you wa~ntlccodlablbe lif 'e isuranse call
en Fred T McOmbser, oci cc Nc 1, S.
Skates Conclaved.
Experimental Work.
Benders of the Daily will con-
fer a favor on the Editors by men-
tioning thin paper when dealing
with advertisers.
Lowney's Chocolates.
Hot Lunches.
TUjjTL 'S,,43 S. State St.
scliitsllhie:I1b' hlf'tonehl' (1118(r:tiossySstemlDSiclsli h e115entire 13. & O.8)
Isf tilt'Wateriiiiiig'ilihaisn~l, tics' system 0west fof kPitltsuig, theis'.Ol _
Four, etc. Sea ;tlnts of Ohio C(entral _
'X'uhoit elc-n (f (s'55301 ofISLin~es before 1101cihig.Price 1;20;
l is'hetiraik tesihilo of '194 clnd '93O. ,sosld005eyear.
Th'e frontispiece (f (hits etumbel' shiows/e
lie lilibutilding7of till' Oit-ic'l -(y.t0
M1r. tcs'loy hi,-, ('iilrge of th~e deissilt- We
311' he ni 150110of its irguhiur contrilt- Me
5 ntedistribute
"Viii' lVaste HTissel" Idis aicZaif,hc izycle. nwh ens e nd enem en approenl.cNo'[[
esnet deer until the ticycln arrives and proves
cehlici ovwill be issed by the ('tilecEOIl satisfactory.
tebisiin C., IfDetrofthehiot Young L d es ee erms Skating at te Athletic Fi eld afl~er.
1lilliitt'r of w0hiichiowill aisi'sr bhi omgs doVriirspthey uinstbe weillrecnm- ,noons and evenings until further tic-
hionthi. As its iiame applies, it it ill- ACME CYCLE COr'IPANY, tice. Admission 10 cents, ciidten un-
eidda arcpal fo reetdELKHIRT, IND. -;j ter 10 years, 5 cents; season Pickett $2-
tendd, as a recptace fr' rjectEdI". C.WEINBERG.