THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GENT1A Time Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. EAST. WEST. Malland Ex-0__350 Mall-_.__ _8 5 N. Y. Special---. 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 300 Eastern Na-i- 1H12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 A M. P. M. Atlaetic Exn-__7 3? Pacific Ex.---12 10i D. N. Eapress....- 5 40 Western Na-___2 0 G. R. Eapreos ...ii 05 Chi. Nt. Ex--.-10 28 G.RExs . 1--- 57 0. W. RUGGLESn, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Act., Clhicage. Agt., Ace Arbor SKATES, KNIVES AND RAZORS Bavingcpurchesdlherfulllinecof.-ccp,l sates, isnives and razorsfro en lery Sac , on ae t a500, 1 ut f5 el c nsct, wecoolsoffe scthem tlohesame discount, A clod paire of skc(actesor7c now 35o A nice pocket knife at from 8c to 35c. Aood raor t 50eothers'cc7i5, sad $L25 LCACM & COO~PANY, Furniture. 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. 'Phone 164. F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailor DO YOU KNOW? I U rTihat we cveryouefrom $3to $10 on everybSt osOvecoat, bought of cs?OWe doc. "hh W~e r rloght p inebuccsness, and know wherofcesfcpeakl 'Twill pay yoato look at RAILROAD. our sample~s bcfore baying;elsewhcere. Timer Table, Jan. 12, teen. 20 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. NORTH. SOUvH. 7:2 a. m. '7:400a. mn E contlributions),. (hose whch, as the 'prol- *12:20 P. M. 11:4 am. A FEW LITERARY NOTES. eols ias,"aematrou bt 4:05 p. m. 9:21lp. M.1011 ((R sis olioill, 001 All trains daily except Sanday slow to 1(11d0 a5 lialket 00 110 o(c 'Trains ran between Ann Arbor and Toledo .,ts togfellro f(lctOr-ei only. Itrsi faueo h urn R. S. GREENWOOD, Acent Ieis flicesoCO ites 1 onservative, sltendeies of Ofls' ohler W. H. HENNETT G. P. A. ToledoeO. lliiOiel'/of s'c'." (Ils'aof tlcsa(r(iileroii ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, this'world's wairs 1a1d1riots (If 101(3, C(ritbli b. 1-d11eI llis, «-oc woo grad t r~t l ra°tIli mlalls;,an11111 0 rlr,s-er 1111 Issifrooc lircliosllicilli 'l9b L. It Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. sksetrc of Aid lucl ili~l, sulitlili f Toe. loec (is- I1ls'slilis'Can sil i 101tlil 110 11(-11 2l Leave Ypsilanti from Concress st., 7:10,8:45 ley, iby X\N-. ."cSealso )r Albert Sisow and 11:00 a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 6:45, 9:153ad ta o o' I:' ier rssdtfil ltsrds ll ie L.x ' lltl5'llls' Ilelle r, 10:41 p. m. dsussten~ osiuino Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 7:40,9015 and etfl(aoilt vlihi n noefc ulse ytesm iil osi 11:30 a. im.; 1:11, 2:00, 1:30, 7:15, :40 aicd 11:15 itl 'ioilo ii-i0-slt(~)ef s f111i1'ld (IV UN~ s 0, ilskltromalssbse(a p. M. ( lcke''111. s SUNDAY TIME, 1111 jill1.r, 0.,it 11°slecu~ Leave Ypsilasnti from Congress st.,1:30, 3:30, rc c c . o~'sololl~rsbispopcu :00,06:30 and 0:00 p. m.t e(,1 o-mnthBahlro ,(IstoidcItettitsnjbslel Lea-re Ann Arbar Janction, 1:00, 4:00,0:30, We (11eincll(s'H lsor If -sil to l(Isls'lsiItiss bllil 7:00 anld 9:0-0p. m. solely il ein'reusio ieS~~ge Car ran on city time 1'are: single trip 15 lArt4s Is lorooglliy illp-lo-l(:ce-(111eitslo iheSr~ls centscauned trip tickets 25 cets. (s, elog 'olrs~sodisce Srlcosl (If .1ill- WM F A RK 'aiERi, Saps. r pu-bleo: lll) l(ii0'or 5 i i551751- THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL fziie ile, fiteraryj matterlin(i a112 forully of arisco Suaelly, andlitss(ll " WHiOL.E SALE (JIG-ARBS ll.rrlllboobss )11 lcliicerciSw1t000, illdl'l TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES. r::llepgists'atlticIs, et'., sare'condcteareilc'52 N1(Itmd tCnal filr Railroad + Ticket + Brokers. Isy silisuch lI-loisnli criters a (,11:11: 01/l 111sls 1sc''o-i Moniey to Iloan on personail property. w01Si.':l lsrtll+,illd11 slls'ar ('Cmp. 0 s -:it 1 l is 11,1:111 Pill llsl-l'llll'hisjus1t1elite1151 is sc bolob by (tcin authollr, '"Al's-itl~s o5f R A N II L and11e111 bu17i11) 115 hisslll-:111517e faite; or, Ste s toSorressan51101 s::s'i.' photo raph r .1 1 .1 0 llildilcg Series' by 11011i111101, _ltlfllD Trill lill sane 1 ' s 1f8323 cf tresidlent & ('0. It is i il e (s salv111 vsillcas 15 Waslhington Block. _Stoliroe, e