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January 12, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-01-12

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~It~.of l.Wasp

Is enough for one person to LAESACHCERDLIE
playonaontieOn t He Tells or the Cruel Treatment of
j~guitar is not eniough, how-1 Russian Soldiers--His Life in Exile
Mi ever, to supply 3,000 stu- i11 -How Released by Abraham Lin-
~ dents. That's why we have coin.
:N constaiitly in stock sewsravrermalaliec ta
dozens of guitars of variousN Itwsrheasmlauineha
ine adpics assembled in TUniversity Hall Satuzr-
RETE LOOK AT OUR day nighst, yet of those who did at-
BETTER neutioneiCwere disaisypointeti as they
SU. OF M. GUITAR, iii listenedt to oise of Poland's greatest
It's good as its name. ttIl patriots and one ef the niost bitter
STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,, opponents, of the late Czar Alexander
~ tits lerture was mingled with wit,
_____________________________ earnes - tesi.andipatthos. Titoeerp
SPAIDI NC ! tion of hischildhood,is entertig the
tj 2- u GSPoad rebellion at the early age of
Educational -t foiiiteem without a father'siblessing,
T cILT~ H~RS \ hiscopture tiy the tRussian troops, his
S Souvenirs of the loingandt weasry jonrney to his
exile house iii Itie widernsess of Si-
TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS beriai attracted lie closest. attention of
A complete set. comprisingiBa'sebaill, F-at- hits asudiencee for nearly two hours.
wili beo sentato d5anddeiessa isl tierP sited 1Mr. Meyemisorlf was apopropriately
States or Otanada upoOnthe reeelptsint
CE~siiitiroducedt hy-PresidentfAiigell alliS
A. G. SPALIDING & BROS., ini substance its reiiarks began wyiths
Newe York. Chicago, Phlisde~plia. an explanatioin of hits boyhood.clays ini
Laemest Mnsacts'rems of Bicycies asd Ails-
leisc Goodsi. ilihe wotl. Is native Polanis.
At the early sst't of fourteein le joiii-
IIOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS i'd the I oiisls forces in ii sretil
Chocolates and Candles s.-iinst Russia. Itis ohdest brtr ti
ws-iniiioiimand of ttiise torn's;slitle'
TO0 L ^(T1', 00,,8 Iis fattier was5fall officer il the ocr-
.J 20 S. State St., Sag.er tBetc. Tice of his umijesty, thle roar.
Large iie of Fli.. Pipe's. Tobaccssandsi te had teeii ins the armsy bust a stiort
cigars. rime when hei becaume sepiarated. fronii
1 * ~the iiains body of isis colniand aisi
T ak e N otice. was c.ittii t'y a detacimseint of lbs-
sian soldiers, cruelly treated anid ca;i:t
In trder to reduce mGy stock of into prison to await lila trial befor
Fall Woolens, I willoffet' all Fancy thii court-miartial. iroin this couit lay
Stiting, at cost for c ish and mike wamgve o hecoiisane-incie
room for Spring Importations, of the Itussian forces who i'('loiti'i
Ana early call willpirofit you. At
hit not lit for, the Russiusn irmiy aiid
G .IN-H , W I L D, made his sentenoce to iii exiles for life
The Leading T3alor, tence was adfirmsed and signYled by the
-2 E. -VAmblntoms Si.. Near -31ain sme tmperial haud of the czar whlichi
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, had aByearprevious patted Li1dome


was traniiporteid further iioitb to a
place imo-re (desolate anti umiomifort-
aide-the placee that was to be Isis
home instil death should makei h imi

To Fill the Vacancy Made' by Chas.

Intiite meantimie a half-brother of H. Hackley-He is a Graduate of
Mr. Meycudorf had emsigrated to the M. A. C. of the Class of '70.
the city of New' York amid had be'comiit' Gtov. Sich apploinitedi Geor'ge A. Fair,
a wealthy umerchiant and a soldier iii a prouminceif lawyer of GransdtHaven,
stir Isis'war. Tiiis hoalf-bterlarn-ili as a miember of the Board of Regenats
tug, of the exile ttf Am .Mcyendorff to Satiirdaiy. Mr. F-arc tikes the pl11cc
siluemi~apatpliedi to the chief executive imatde vacan~t by the resignastion of
of this natitn to iinterv-ene iii Iis be- I-on. CliarlisIH. tiackley aaadis
half andl if piossible to secuire the cc- term is for eighir yeis. His atstoiumt-
leasie of Mtr. lteyendiirff if lie woultd ienit gives the western tutt of thie
coiie Is America soil foriver quit thit'state represcentation on the tBoard. -
domisn of Itussaa Mr. F'arr ss-iblorn in Niagara'
liton heariing - this tenider appt-eal county, N. Y., in 1842. Ie caine to
thme kindthanid affeetionsate heart of the Michigan is 15:51, Isis parents settltigl
greait Lineolin was agauinmsosvedhad i55in Monroe county iiitha~t year. Do"-
a fesv mionthss Michael A. lSteycustoult, insg the wvar tie servedh with the 'oumrt~i
st'e cushyexile s'v-r releasetd by theUt'tnitedt Stats's srtillery timd wssssdis-
request of this gto-t'mentscstsvas5oil chiargesh with the msirk of first seu-
hits wasy to Aimsericsa to enjouy tiiat for geant. tHe ws grsaduated frois thse
which lie ihad so bras-ely fought--lib- M\ichaigaus Agricultusralh ('olege in 1870,
euty. and.stsice thsat timse has pra'lcticed la-t
AT THE WEBSTER BANQUET. asf Grand H-avens.tie lsas beemsto-ice
Good Speakers Respond to ModernelcestesnaoadisneOth
Subjects. umiost ac'ti'. politiciasssinihits distirict.
- ~Ini asts-octrtimig :h.Ir. Irr's ainth~it-
Recshttusets were msasde to toasts at sseust us Ithegenit thsetGraondHa1ivenTi-
hss baniq~ut. ofttf e A s'e'bsters'rotiety bunsasid o ittIis:
Fridasy nighst us follow's: Iittosurely assWeotems Mithsaigami
"t'ami-Anucricss," by .. ft. ays-; isis; biihanit, bs'ighsit, sablt', snis
"Uiche Sasis" 1.A. (.lMciaughials; "Tlhet brsainy, biing a grasduiate of ii Michs-
'hT'iendsn-y to Amseriica-uus utittiiois,'' gals cotllegseandthsumsbeinsg thsorumghly
M. F.. Cmii's; "tOuir I sgrs'ss,"..-tpotedli' n timrhewaists ttf sur tolhgs
Sauer; "Outr SRevenues andth Yextit'ti- ansdhuivei-rsity. Ile woulindeedhs't he a
turea," D. A. Sfshs-urshs; "Our I iiiset' vauable minsoss this' toaumtt. Ie is am
anth Monistary Systems," F.". II. hum- tositive, utggre svo ep(huiblican. You
tssiisitr; "'fhleStodierns Iawvyer," P. Y. cliialsways:t'll sthere tto indstirerili m
Albrighut; "Otis'ahtpetitt's,"(G. SI. Stes- th olitltt' qtuestiomis oftfhue day. lie
enss; "'Thse iodernMshams," Miss Ou'tauiu stanmds todauy one of hesohfiug lawvyers
Baltes; "Th u tishume of liii' East;' oF. -i inlIirigaim mistSlie is theretby Isis
Wi. Me-iis; "Tue Nc-tvWtomsan!" ii. SE. osw-n peirseverinig -os-r mSlutabor. Ile
Nothisus; "Our Shomoram- it-ushmers," is cisc of cisc best ctfizemis, alwvays
H1. 1I. Slcisslmims; "'fhie Freshumn," slts-c to uumyithsimgthatsitlsltadv'uance
P. II. Rlysan; "ihe Seuior's," T.11 the intri'st", of out sfate thuS counmty
'Brooks; "Webster Society," E. 1'. amit we -rusty tnd sincterehy telitve
t)'Leary-; "tUniversity of Sticlaus," Glovernor hitch misy look thestate over
D. . Slimier; "Michilgan's Orators:,"caeul an abter ai fo th
IB. I. Numssttmouiss; "Athlietics of the
VUiversity," G. 'W. .'Mc(' ssrin; "On is Oittiona nnot lie fioundt.
rtseSRepiublic of the 1-ttmie,'(. . V
Donsovans; "The Spirit of the West," C. Unity Club Tonight.


Selected by Prof. Levi T.
Griffin, of the Lawy Depart-
tp Tows, Pewn Tows.
University Bookstore, Opposite Gouriniouse
200S. Stang St. 4 N. Mil St.

Btiddiing a loug fareellhifrom mfaiftle",
imotthet'r, stis's, brothers snub swvect-
heart, lie beganm that loahusomeu tnt]
shesohute sevenma ionthus' massrchs to his
exile home en the barrens steplpes oh
Upions the susmmit of the Ural msosun-
tains hue turned timd took thle last fare-
wvell gaze upons Russia and turned liis
eyes for the first tine upon the hsomni
of the exile-tile destiny of bums who
frowns upon the uIperial decree.
Hfere in Gino city of Tobolsk lise found
occupation as a private tutor for whirl
be obtained his bed and board. Dis
obeying an ordinance of that city I


Microscope Stolen.
Laust Junue just before (li eculiege
cussed a $300 Nets miicrossope wsvu
stolen fromsorie of the laboratories
and a rewvard of $13)hills becen otfered
by the authsorities for its return aso
a row'ard of $225xvi lie rewvarded for
the tirrest and conviction of the thief.
Fictures to Be Token.
A picture of the tReserve eleven will
ibe made at Gibson & Clark's gallery
mext Saturday at ]. o'clock. All. who
received "it" sweaters are repiesfed
to be there in football costume.

lust esstertiimimuemfs tlis evciimi. 'lThe
hecture wiii be givens by Mlrs,. Loisc
HialliWsalketr, wvho still give anm sc-
commit itt her hung ;jeiney sade a to-t
mossnhs ago frotsh('uiro to Damatasetis
across the Holy Latimd.
Strs.A.aslker ilustmatits lier hechmir's
buy yotingLiahes dressed in the i',os.
timses of the orient.
Sir. Joseipsh. Hiller, '9)211, spent Sun-
diay with friends here.
Prof. Kirchner wiii lecture to the
senior lawvs monriate International
Sting the first three daysg of tisswxeek.

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